August 22, 2001
MEMBERS MANAGEMENT GROUP CONFERENCE CALL Thursday, August 23, 2001 9:00 a.m. � 12:00 noon CBFWA Office, Portland, OR Conference Call Number 1-312-470-0116 passcode 34009 Attached is the FY 2002 CBFWA Members draft budget and statement of work. The budget given to us by Doug Marker is in the "Exception" category and is subject to change. The current budget allocation was calculated using historical travel expense information and then dividing the remaining funds equally amongst the Members. The draft statement of work is also enclosed for your review and recommendation. We will be discussing the budget allocation and the statement of work at this meeting. The CBFWA Members future funding is dependent upon this discussion so please plan on participating. Again, the meeting is Thursday, August 23 from 9 am � 12 pm (pacific time), with the conference line of 1-312-470-0116 passcode 34009. |