If there are no objections within five days, these actions will be
considered final.
Attendees: |
Pete Hassemer, IDFG; Tony Nigro, Ron Boyce, Susan Barnes, ODFW;
John Palensky, NMFS; Maureen Smith, USFWS; Dave Statler, NPT; Amos
First-Raised III, BPT; Brian Allee, Tana Klum, Frank Young, Tom Giese,
By Phone: |
Carl Scheeler, CTUIR; Mary Verner, STI; Sue Ireland, KTI; Jann
Eckman, CBFWA. |
Time Allocation: |
Objective 1. FY 2002 Renewal Process
Objective 2. Rolling Province Review and Subbasin Summaries
Objective 3. FY 2001 Adjustments |
ITEM 1: |
FY02 Work Plan Discussion |
ITEM 2: |
FY 03-05 Work Plan Discussion |
Discussion: |
Items 1 and 2 were discussed concurrently.
The MMG established the CBFWA Statement of Work (SOW) ad hoc Work
Group which includes Tony Nigro, Dave Statler, Pete Hassemer, Mary
Verner, Susan Barnes and John Palensky. The Work Group will meet
December 19, 2001 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
to develop language for additional tasks to be included in the FY 2002
Discussion: |
It is contemplated that the workgroup will focus on tasks necessary
to develop the process for preparing an annual implementation
assessment of the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. A
description of this process would be the deliverable for the FY 2002
Contract. The first annual report from the implementation of this
process would be the deliverable for the FY 2003 Contract. A detailed
list of the ideas generated at this meeting including the announcement
for the ad hoc work group meeting was sent to the MMG December 14.
ITEM 3: |
ODFW Request for Blue Mountain Project Reconsideration
Project #199405400 Characterize the Migratory Patterns,
Population Structure, Food Habits, Abundance of Bull Trout from
Subbasins in the Blue Mountain Province |
Action: |
The MMG agreed that this project should not have been excluded from
the original project solicitation. At the time it was thought to have
been redundant. The MMG directed staff to forward the request to the
Members for Consent Mail approval. |
ITEM 4: |
Recap of the NWPPC 12/11-12 Meeting (added item) |
Discussion: |
- $186M budget cap
- In general, the MMG thought the CBFWA
Members presentation regarding BPA�s $186 million budget cap went
well. This issue will continue to be discussed among CBFWA, NWPPC
and BPA. There was concern that Steve Wright from BPA was not
present at the "round table" discussion. A memo
highlighting the discussion is attached.
Action: |
The MMG directed staff to draft a follow up letter to the NWPPC for
their January meeting that reiterates the Council�s agreement to
provide "next steps" in addressing this issue. |
FPC Board of Directors (BOD) � Tony recommended a
response to the Council with respect to the existing CBFWA FPC BOD,
and requested this be on the next MMG agenda. |
Action: |
The discussion of a response to the Council regarding the NWPPC�s
FPC BOD Oversight Committee will be on the next MMG agenda. |
- Kalispel Ponds
� approved
- Moses Lake
� Revisit by the ISRP
- NPT Cryopreservation
� approved
- Arrowleaf
� Revisit by the ISRP
ITEM 5: |
January CBFWA Members Meeting (added item) |
Action: |
The MMG agreed to hold the next CBFWA Members Meeting on January
29-30, 2002. Location to be announced. |