Testimony of Nancy Hirsh
Policy Director, NW Energy Coalition
Before the U.S. House of
Representatives Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Committee on
Resources Oversight field hearing on “Electricity Costs and
Salmon: Finding the Balance.”
July 7, 2006
Pasco , Washington
Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the subcommittee, thank you
for the opportunity to testify before you today. My name is Nancy Hirsh
and I am the policy director of the NW Energy Coalition. The NW Energy
Coalition is an alliance of more than one hundred consumer, environmental,
faith-based and low-income groups, unions and progressive utilities from
the four Northwest states and British Columbia, working toward a clean and
affordable energy future. I am testifying today on an issue that goes to
the very identity of the Pacific Northwest: affordable electricity and
wild salmon.
The Pacific Northwest has been blessed with something that no other
region can call its own: the Federal Columbia River Power System. This
system of 31 dams throughout the Columbia River Basin has helped make the
Pacific Northwest what it is today, providing low cost hydroelectricity, a
river highway for transporting goods, irrigation, recreational
opportunities, and more. Since the construction of the very first federal
dam on the Columbia, we as a region have attempted to balance the benefits
of that system. It is a “multiple use” system and inherent in that
definition is managing trade-offs on both benefits and impacts.
But the bounty of the federal system does not come to us for free. No
one would argue that the construction and operation of dams along the
Columbia and Snake rivers hasn’t had a profound effect on our cherished
wild salmon and steelhead runs. My testimony today asserts that we can and
should find a better balance between hydroelectric operations and salmon
recovery than we have to date. But unlike many on today’s panel, I believe
it is on the salmon side where more, not less, should be done to balance
the scales. I also believe we can achieve salmon recovery without losing
our competitive edge in the electricity industry. This is our obligation,
and our burden, as stewards of the Federal Columbia River Power System
Salmon are a linchpin of the Pacific Northwest economy
Energy vs. salmon is a false and unnecessary choice
Clean energy investments can help us achieve both
Higher-than-normal BPA rates are not the fault of salmon
The Energy Coalition supports BPA cost transparency, but H.R.
4857 is the wrong approach
The Economic Importance of Salmon Recovery
We all know the economic significance of affordable electricity rates
for everyday consumers, businesses, and others. But a “working river,” as
the Columbia is often called, does more than just provide affordable
energy. I’d like to focus briefly on something that is not as well known
and less well understood: the economic significance of salmon
According to the Northwest Sportfishing Industry Association,
sportfishing alone is a multi-billion dollar industry and currently
supports about 36,000 family wage jobs in the Pacific Northwest. Stretching far beyond tackle and fishing license sales,
recreational fishing involves both direct spending on rods, reels, boats,
tackle, etc., and significant indirect spending, such as travel expenses
in and around river and coastal communities. This economic input ripples
through local communities, helping to foster jobs, economic stability and
Commercial fishing is another important economic outgrowth of salmon
recovery. According to the independent economic arm of the Northwest Power
and Conservation Council, commercial fishing contributes about $84 million
per year in personal income alone to economically strapped ocean
communities in the Northwest. And all this comes at a time when fishing opportunities
are severely constrained by low salmon returns. These benefits will
multiply exponentially when, and if, salmon are recovered to
self-sustaining, harvestable populations.
That’s why the NW Energy Coalition strongly believes that smart
investments in salmon recovery simply make economic sense for the Pacific
The False Choice Between Salmon and Low-Cost Energy
Too often, balancing salmon and low-cost energy is portrayed to the
public as a dichotomy. The perception is that we cannot have our cake and
eat it too. However, the Pacific Northwest need not make that difficult
choice. We can have both salmon and low-cost energy, and we hope everyone
in the room today agrees with that point.
In fact, taking a step back and looking at this issue from a national
perspective, one can make a strong argument that the scales are currently
heavily tipped in favor of low-cost energy. If true balance is to be
achieved, perhaps it’s time to do more, not less, for our imperiled salmon
The fact of the matter is that the Pacific Northwest currently enjoys
among the lowest electricity rates in the country, thanks in large part to
the benefits of the FCRPS. The Bonneville Power Administration’s (BPA)
wholesale preference rates are currently 59 percent below the market rates
that BPA has assumed for FY 2006 in the current BPA rate case. On average,
Bonneville would be 41 percent below the lower market rates it projects
during the rate period. BPA just established firm wholesale power rates at
$27.50 per megawatthour for FY07-09 rate period. Market based wholesale
firm power contracts are $45-55 per megawatthour.
It is critical to point out that these comparisons include all of the
current fish and wildlife costs and impacts on BPA power operations.
Clearly, our energy rates are higher now than in the past, and the
Coalition supports BPA’s efforts to find cost savings that do not
jeopardize the long-term stability of the agency. We hope our rates will
remain under market rates. But even with fish and wildlife costs included,
BPA power is significantly below market rates, and is, in truth, the envy
of other parts of the country. That’s something to be proud of. Business
leaders and farmers from California or New York, where energy prices are
through the roof, might wonder what all the fuss is about.
We have reasonable electricity prices. What we do not have is healthy,
self-sustaining wild salmon, and we have a long way to go before reaching
that goal.
Clean Energy Can Help Bridge the Gap
I share the concerns about rising energy costs and their effects on our
region's economy in general and on financially constrained low- and
moderate-income families in particular. Fortunately, I believe that
there is a solution that can help keep rates low while at the same time
providing more flexibility for salmon recovery: investments in
cost-effective energy efficiency and non-hydro renewable power.
Investments in energy conservation programs may increase rates
slightly, but would reduce consumers' actual bills immediately and
everyone's bills over time. The Northwest Power and Conservation
Council's Fifth Power and Conservation Plan identifies 2,500 average
megawatts of energy conservation potential in the region at an average
cost of 2.4 cents per kWh. The Council also says that if the region does not
capture these energy savings, we will lose $2.4 billion in economic
benefit over the next 20 years.
Likewise, renewable energy not only protects consumers against the
easily seen volatility of fossil-fuel resources and inevitably recurring
water shortages, but also against the coming penalties/fees on carbon
dioxide emissions. To protect consumers from the financial impacts of
these uncertainties, BPA needs to facilitate and support renewable energy
The NW Energy Coalition thanks BPA for proposing to meet the Council’s
energy efficiency targets, but we believe BPA’s energy efficiency goals
should be higher and remain concerned about whether the needed investments
will be made. This is an opportunity that the region cannot afford to pass
Again, looking at this issue from a broad perspective, it becomes
abundantly clear that higher than normal electricity rates in the
Northwest are not in any way due to increased fish and wildlife
investments. Obviously, salmon recovery has an impact on rates, but not
nearly to an extent that is beyond the burden we must bear to maintain the
benefits of the FCPRS in the Pacific Northwest.
In a report to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and
Water, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the
major cause of BPA’s recent cost increases was the agency’s “open-ended
obligation to be the net provider of wholesale power to the region” at a
time when the 2001 west coast energy crisis and a serious drought was
about to hit. This obligation, along with significantly increased
customer demand, “led to BPA’s overcommitment to provide power to its
customers in the current rate period—from fiscal years 2002 to 2006—and
consequently, to BPA’s cost increases as it purchased large amounts of
power at average prices much higher than the costs of the federal power
system.” As a result, BPA spent approximately $900 million in
fiscal year (FY) 2002 and $760 million in FY 2003, necessitating a rate
increase of more than 40 percent for the majority of BPA’s customers.
The effects of 2001 are still lingering, though BPA should be commended
for the steps the agency has taken to get us out of the red. The agency’s
mid-year forecast this year shows revenues about $250 million over the
start of the year projections, bringing BPA close to breaking even for the
mistakes of the past.
Would we be able to make up more ground faster if not for salmon
recovery obligations? Without a doubt. We could also eliminate the
residential exchange program for customers of investor-owned utilities or
eliminate all sales to the aluminum industry. Those cost savings would
certainly lower rates faster. But these are not choices within our power
to make, nor are they choices that would aid the Pacific Northwest economy
as a whole.
The point is that we are moving in the right direction. It is good
news, and a credit to our ability to balance salmon and energy, that even
with increased salmon recovery measures like “spill,” BPA has still been
able to keep electricity rates affordable and competitive. In fact, in
2005, only eight days after the end of the court-ordered summer spill
period, BPA announced that it would be reducing its 2006 wholesale power
rates by nearly 2 percent.
Despite all the rhetoric and political
jockeying, salmon recovery obligations are not the most significant driver
of BPA’s fiscal health. These obligations, which we are required to meet
by federal law, represent just a small fraction of BPA’s overall $3.3
billion budget.
Nevertheless, I take rising electricity costs seriously, and I am not
here today to argue that all is fine and dandy in the world of Northwest
energy. Higher-than-normal electricity and natural gas rates have a real
impact on consumers, particularly on low-income families. The NW Energy
Coalition has long supported increased investments in low-income
weatherization and we thank BPA for increasing its commitment to this
program to $5 million. We urge you to support the full $5.1 billion annual
authorization in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 for the Low Income Home
Energy Assistance Program for 2007 and 2008.
H.R. 4857 is Not the Answer
Finally, I’d like to say a word about H.R. 4857, the Endangered Species
Compliance and Transparency Act of 2006. Sara Patton, executive director
of the Coalition, appeared before the Committee on Resources in March of
this year to outline our concerns with this legislation. I will briefly restate portions of her testimony
In general, the Energy Coalition believes that transparency of BPA’s
costs is a laudable goal, but there must be a full and honest accounting
to inform the public properly. H.R. 4857 raises a number of concerns
because we do not believe it would ensure that fair accounting for the
following reasons:
BPA’s fish and wildlife funding is required by a number of federal
laws and treaties; separating out Endangered Species Act (ESA) costs
would be difficult or impossible.
Proposals to include foregone revenue in these costs imply that BPA
can claim savings for violating federal laws, and that BPA owns the
Columbia and Snake Rivers.
Meaningful economic transparency should address both costs and
benefits. H.R. 4857 only examines perceived costs.
The definition of the firm customers’ share of BPA’s ESA costs can be
interpreted in different ways, leading to starkly different conclusions.
If not done correctly, such accounting fosters more confusion than
I’d like to focus specifically on one aspect of this legislation: the
requirement that BPA and other Power Marketing Agencies include “foregone
generation” as indirect costs in their Endangered Species Act-compliance
calculation (Section 2(c)).
“Foregone revenue” in this context refers to the cost of foregone
generation; that is, the money BPA speculates it could have made if it did
not have to operate the river to assist salmon migration. Requiring that
BPA consider as a “cost” the revenues or profits that a business or agency
could have made if it had violated federal laws, regulations, or court
orders is a curious accounting concept, to say the least, and H.R. 4857
would set a dangerous precedent by codifying it in federal law.
BPA already readily reports its foregone revenue due to fish and
wildlife obligations. Unfortunately, doing so grossly distorts the actual
monetary contribution BPA expends on salmon recovery, amounting to over 50
percent of the agency’s fish and wildlife investments (if foregone revenue
can properly be deemed an investment). BPA does not, however, report any
of the other various revenues that the agency foregoes, such as those
associated with meeting other legal constraints on power generation like
providing irrigation water, flood control, maintaining minimum flow depths
for river transportation, limiting rapid variations (“ramping”—which can
damage streambeds and banks) in flow rates, or recreation. All of these
other federally mandated purposes limit the FCRPS’s ability to generate
electricity and reduce BPA’s potential revenue. Hence, to be consistent,
BPA would need to count them as “costs” as well.
In fact, it is difficult to draw a clear line between what does and
does not constitute “foregone revenue,” if one looks beyond the uses of
Columbia Basin water. For example, BPA currently makes annual payments
totaling hundreds of millions of dollars for failed nuclear plants that
were never constructed. Using BPA’s logic, shouldn’t these payments be
considered “foregone revenue” because every penny spent is a penny that
cannot be applied to a reduction in rates?
The truth is that BPA does not “own” the water used for spilling salmon
past the dams. BPA shares the river with all other uses, including fish
and wildlife. BPA is not entitled to all of the possible revenue it can
squeeze out of the river, only its share. Including foregone revenue in
the calculation would open a Pandora’s box that would be better left
closed. The NW Energy Coalition recommends that Sec. 2(c) be deleted from
the bill.
In conclusion, I hope that the Pacific Northwest as a region will take
a step back and start approaching the question of balance between low-cost
energy and salmon recovery from a broader perspective. We are blessed in
this region as the sole beneficiaries of the FCRPS. As the stewards of
this federal system, we have a moral and legal obligation to keep healthy,
wild salmon in our rivers for future generations of Northwest families,
and for the nation as a whole. Salmon recovery is a part of that
responsibility, but it is also a tremendous benefit. Salmon recovery
obligations do not now, and will not in the future, pose a threat to
affordable electricity.
Testimony of Liz Hamilton, Executive Director, Northwest
Sportfishing Industry Association, before the U.S. House of
Representatives, Subcommittee on Water and Power, Field Hearing,
Clarkston, WA, June 6, 2005.
Independent Economic Analysis Board, Economic Effect
from Columbia River Basin Anadromous Salmonid Fish Production,
January 2005. (Document IEAB 2005-1)
Declaration of Roger Schiewe of BPA, in National Wildlife
Fed’n, et al, v. NMFS, et al., spreadsheet entitled “River Ops, Genesys,”
November, 2005.
Northwest Power and Conservation Council, The Fifth
Northwest Electric Power and Conservation Plan, May 2005. (Council
Doc. 2005-7)
United States Government Accountability Office, Report to
the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Committee on
Appropriations, House of Representatives, Bonneville Power
Administration: Better Management of BPA’s Obligation to Provide Power Is
Needed to Control Future Costs, July 2004. (GAO-04-694)
Bonneville Power Administration, News Release: BPA
mid-year forecast shows higher revenues; Agency regaining financial
strength, May 1, 2006.
Bonneville Power Administration, News Release: BPA
announces wholesale power rate decrease, September 8, 2005.
Testimony of Sara Patton, Executive Director, NW Energy
Coalition, before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on
Resources, Regarding H.R. 4857, the Endangered Species Compliance and
Transparency Act of 2006, March 16,
2006. |