March 26, 2001



Resident Fish Committee (RFC)


Joe Maroney, Vice Chair


Draft Action Notes for March 21, 2001, RFC Meeting (Phone Conference)

If there are no objections within five days, these actions will be considered final.

Resident Fish Committee Meeting

March 21, 2001

9:00 a.m.

Draft Action Notes


by phone:

Robert Walker (NWPPC), Brian Marotz (MFWP), Joe Maroney (KT), Keith Underwood (STOI), Dave Statler (NPT), Allen Wood (MFWP), Ron Morinaka (BPA), Carol Perugini (SOT, and Neil Ward (CBFWA)

Time Allocation:

Objective 2. Rolling Province Review and Subbasin Summaries




Review Agenda


Item 3 was added to the agenda.


Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks (MFWP) Request for Resident Fish Unallocated Funds Placeholder (RFUFP) for Project Proposal 24023 (Purchase Conservation Easement form Plum Creek Timber Company Along Fisher River ) and 24017 (Restoring Bull Trout Habitat in the Black Foot River�s North Fork)

The MFWP requested that the RFC approve a request for $500,000 and $317,128 from the RFUFP for allocation to Project Proposal 24023 and 24017, respectively. Upon reviewing the request, the RFC agreed that it was not appropriate to fund these requests through the RFUFP. The RFC indicated that these two project proposals as well as the rest of the resident fish proposals that were submitted for review in the Mountain Columbia Province should continue to be reviewed and considered for funding through the Rolling Provincial Review.


No action was taken.


Clarification of Preliminary Estimates Regarding the Unallocated Placeholder Balance Identified during the MMG Meeting on Monday, March 19, 2001

During the March 19, 2001, MMG Meeting, information was presented that suggested that after funding projects in the Columbia Gorge and Inter-Mountain provinces, the RFUFP would be at -$2.5 million. The budget table that was presented to the MMG included base-level funding when in fact that portion of the ongoing projects should not have been included. As a result, the ongoing and "new start" projects in the Columbia Gorge and Inter-Mountain province can be started. By funding these projects, the RFUFP will be reduced from $3 million to $20,000.

Included in the funding schedule with the Columbia Gorge and Inter-mountain projects were two additional projects (i.e., a resident fish innovative project ($230,000) and a NWPPC data management project ($135,000).


Neil Ward will contact Doug Marker for a clarification regarding the use of the RFUFP to fund the innovative and NWPPC projects.