Biological Risk Assessment Team documents

Action Notes
Action notes for the 5/28/2003 BRAT meeting5/29/2003
8/24/05 BRAT Agenda Draft8/24/2005
Agenda for the 9/3/2004 BRAT Meeting8/19/2004
Agenda for the 2/11/2004 BRAT meeting2/3/2004
Nez Perce Tribe White Sturgeon Management Plan Draft11/3/2005
Memo Nez Perce Tribe White Sturgeon Management Plan Draft11/3/2005
Powerpoint Presentation
Powerpoint Presentation: Benefit-Risk Analysis of White Sturgeon in the Lower Snake River, by CRITFC and OSU2/11/2004
Powerpoint Presentation: Benefit-Risk Analysis of White Sturgeon in the Lower Snake River, by CRITFC and OSU2/11/2004
Zip File containing White Sturgeon Modelling Tool8/19/2004
White Sturgeon Model Sample Output and Explanation8/19/2004
Snake River White Sturgeon Model, v. 1.6 by Selina Heppell, OSU8/15/2004
Strategy Paper
Benefit-Risk Analysis of White Sturgeon in the Lower Snake River, CRITFC and OSU, Proposal to the Nez Perce Tribe2/11/2004