FY07-09 proposal 198710002

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleUmatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project
Proposal ID198710002
OrganizationOregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW)
Short descriptionThe ongoing Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project (19871-100-02) is aimed at protecting (where possible) and enhancing/rehabilitating (where required), degraded fish habitat on private lands using passive and active restoration techniques.
Information transferProject information will be included in annual project summary reports submitted to BPA, as well as in monthly status reports submitted to BPA through its on-line PISCES system. Through the Project's adaptive management strategy, information obtained during the O&M and M&E phases of individual projects will be used to refine future project implementation plans and designs, as well as modify operation and maintenance plans to maximize the potential for project success.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Danny St. Hilaire Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife [email protected]
All assigned contacts
Danny St. Hilaire Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife [email protected]

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Plateau / Umatilla

N 45 29' 6.57" W 118 50' 3.39 East Birch Creek Lower limit of East Birch Creek at confluence with Birch Creek
N 45 30' 47.91" W 118 25' 16.99" Meacham Creek Confluence of Upper Meacham Creek/Twomile Creek
N 45 31' 36.14" W 118 17' 26.25" N. Fork Meacham Creek North Fork Meacham Creek at confluence with Meacham Creek
N 45 42' 9.95" W 118 21' 43.29" Umatilla River Upper mainstem Umatilla River at confluence with Meacham Creek
N 45 29' 6.57" W 118 50' 3.39" West Birch Creek Lower limit of West Birch Creek at confluence with Birch Creek
N 45 30' 28.72" W 118 52' 56.47" Birch Creek Lower limit of Birch Creek at confluence with Umatilla River

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Chinook Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU
primary: Steelhead Middle Columbia River ESU
secondary: Anadromous Fish

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 21 instream structures (j-hooks/cross-vanes) maintained. Channel reshaped, toe-rock placed, and vegetated geogrid installed (5,000 willow cuttings), along 300 ft of stream. 2 fixed gauge stations installed. 1 lease renewed. Fish pop. sampling (2.53 mi.)
2004 8 instream structures maintained. Maintenance surveys/plans: 1.0 stream mi. Install willow trench 22,400 cuttings. Supplemental planting (1,000 rooted stock). Final report fish habitat utilization on E&W Birch Ck. Photo-point photos. Continued O&M, M&E
2003 Instream structures surveyed. Spawning ground surveys. 0.16 mi. new fence. 0.35 mi. instream maintenance. Supplemental planting (3,400 rooted stock). 16.32 mi. fence inspected. 3 water devel. maintained. FLIR flights completed. Weed control: 319.8 ac.
2002 1.0 mi. stable channel design project implemented. Supplemental riparian plantings (willows/rooted stock). Continued landowner coordination, lease/project development, O&M, M&E on existing projects (weed control/fencing, etc.).
2001 0.15 mi. stable channel design project implemented. 1 bridge replaced. 1 off-site water development installed. Riparian plantings. Continued landowner coordination, lease/project development, O&M, M&E on existing projects (weed control/fencing, etc.).
2000 Stable channel project designed: 1.15 mi. 0.84 fence miles re-located. 1 off-site water development installed. Irrigated plantings. Continued landowner coordination, lease/project development, O&M, M&E on existing projects (weed control/fencing, etc.).
1999 1 lease agreement renewed. 2.5 miles riparian fence constructed. Irrigated plantings. 0.45 fence miles re-located. Continued landowner coordination, lease/project development, O&M and M&E on existing projects (weed control/fencing, etc.).
1998 2.5 mi. channel construction/root-wad revetment projects – implemented. 39 instream structures installed. Continued landowner coordination, lease/project development, O&M and M&E on existing projects (weed control/fencing, etc.).
1997 2.5 mi. channel construction/root-wad revetment projects – designed. 3 off-site water developments installed. Continued landowner coord, lease/project devel. O&M and M&E.
1996 Lease acquired. Bioengineering (0.3 stream miles). Fencing (0.4 fence miles). Informational kiosk installed. Bioengineering and erosion control along 1.0 stream mile. Continued landowner coord, lease/project devel. 2.5 stream mi. surveyed.
1995 Flood damage assess: 0.75 fence miles re-built (14.8 mi inspected). 2 bioengineering projects: 55,000 stems collected/21,600 planted. 30 root-wad structures installed. 1 diversion dam removed. Continued landowner coord, lease/project devel. O&M and M&E.
1994 Flood damage assessment. 1.25 fence miles re-built (14.8 mi inspected). 3 bioengineering projects (6,600 stems planted). Organized/held stream bank stabilization workshop. Continued landowner coord. & lease/project devel. O&M and M&E.
1993 3.36 mi. instream structure maintenance. 15.1 fence miles inspected. 1 easement procured. Revegetation along 3.36 mi. of stream. Physical/biol. surveys. Inter-agency coordination. Outreach/education: activities with students. Coordination & development.
1992 1.90 mi. fenced on Birch/Meacham Cr. 1.40 mi. instream maintenance on Birch Cr. (13.5 fence miles inspected). 43 Photo-point photos taken. Thermograph data collected: 6 sites. 30 Habitat monitoring transects established. Spawning ground surveys: 2.6 mi.
1991 0.5 mi. fenced on Meacham Cr. 7.22 mi. instream work (post-flood maintenance). Continued landowner coordination & lease/project development. Meacham Cr. tributary reconnaissance surveys. Continued landowner coord. & lease/project devel.
1990 5.48 mi. instream improvement Birch/Meacham Cr. 2.89 mi. of fence Birch Cr. Continued landowner coordination & lease/project development.
1989 Instream work on 2.66 mi. of Birch & E. Birch. 9.48 miles fenced. Continued landowner coordination & lease/project development.
1988 Instream habitat improvement on 1.13 miles of East Birch Creek. Continued landowner coordination & lease/project development.
1987 Initial landowner contacts, lease preparation, project planning/design.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 198710001 Umatilla Anad Fish Hab - CTUIR Counterpart to the Umatilla Habitat Improvement Project (198710002), addresses identical parameters within different portions of the subbasin
BPA 198802200 Umatilla Fish Passage Ops Addresses fish passage issues around Umatilla River water diversions and dams
BPA 199000501 Umatilla Basin Nat Prod M&E Assesses natural fish production within the Umatilla River basin. Will collaborate with Project 199000501 in the completion of effectiveness Monitoring and Evaluation of Habitat Improvement Projects at the subbasin-level.
BPA 198902401 Eval Um Juvenile Sal Out Migra Assesses the migration success, abundance and survival of hatchery and natural juvenile salmonids to evaluate the overall effectiveness of fisheries restoration efforts in the Umatilla Subbasin

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Communication and Coordination ADMINISTRATIVE OBJECTIVE - Ensure maximum communication, education and coordination of habitat enhancement activities, by actively pursuing opportunities to work with, educate and learn from personnel involved with other agencies, organizations, and programs. Umatilla All
Conduct project operation and maintenance Conduct operation and maintenance activities on all existing riparian exclosure fences, plantings and instream structures, to ensure maximum program benefits within leased areas. Umatilla Consistent with Subbasin Plan Management Strategies 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13. Related to Aquatic Objective 2.
Create naturally stable stream channels Create naturally stable channels along streams that have been destabilized by anthropogenic impacts. Establish conditions that will perpetuate and maintain normative ecological and physical processes. Umatilla Consistent with Subbasin Plan Management Strategies 5, 7, 8, and 12. Related to Aquatic Objective 2.
Enhance instream habitat conditions Enhance instream habitat conditions through structure placement and the modification of detrimental land and water use practices. Umatilla Consistent with Subbasin Plan Management Strategies 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12. Related to Aquatic Objectives 2, 4 and 11.
Improve passage efficiency Improve passage efficiency for all species and life stages of salmonids within the Subbasin. Design and implement projects aimed at removing or modifying structures (diversion dams, culverts, bridges, etc.) to allow unimpeded access to usable habitat. Umatilla Consistent with Subbasin Plan Management Strategies 5, 8 and 13. Related to Aquatic Objectives 2, 4 and 12.
Monitor and Evaluate fish habitat projects Monitor and Evaluate Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project completion and effectiveness to determine if goals and objectives are being met at the project, reach, watershed and Subbasin levels. Umatilla Consistent with Subbasin Plan Management Strategies 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13. Related to Aquatic Objectives 1, 2 and 14.
Project management ADMINISTRATIVE OBJECTIVE - Ensure the effective and efficient management and implementation of Fish Habitat Improvement Projects. Umatilla All
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat Protect and restore riparian vegetation, species diversity and community structure to promote positive interactions between the stream, riparian zone and floodplain. Establish stable conditions that will perpetuate and maintain normative ecological and physical processes. Umatilla Consistent with Management Strategies No. 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12. Related to Aquatic Objective No. 2.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Identify and Select Projects Initiate Landowner Contacts/Identify and Select Projects Initiate landowner contacts and develop working relationships throughout the Subbasin, within areas identified as priority by the Subbasin Plan. Identify potential Habitat Improvement Projects. Evaluate and prioritize Habitat Improvement Projects for implementation and re-schedule projects as needed should financial, manpower and/or logistical constraints not allow the completion of all projects. Adjust implementation schedule, as needed, to accommodate unexpected project opportunities that may arise during the Fiscal Year (i.e., landowner initiated projects). 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $20,000
Biological objectives
Project management
Coordination Landowner Coordination Work cooperatively with private landowners to promote sound habitat enhancement and management practices on lands within, and adjacent to, BPA habitat improvement projects. Work cooperatively with willing landowners to develop project implementation plans and specifications, following the identification and selection of Habitat Improvement Projects. Maintain landowner contacts spreadsheet. Assist willing landowners with CREP enrollment, where feasible. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Communication and Coordination
Produce Plan Produce Project-Specific Plans Work cooperatively with private landowners to identify projects and develop plans for the implementation of natural channel designs, livestock exclusion fencing, instream structure placement, bank stabilization treatments, road deactivation in riparian areas and barrier remediation projects. Describe measurable, site-specific project objectives and M&E requirements as part of all project plans. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $20,000
Biological objectives
Project management
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Reconnaisance and Pre-Work Channel/Habitat Surveys Conduct reach assessments and detailed site surveys needed to determine the most probable state of the channel and opportunities for treatment using stable channel design methods. Collect reference reach data (per Rosgen 1998) for use in stable channel designs. Conduct pre-treatment habitat and/or fish population surveys to determine Habitat Improvement treatment options and establish baseline for post-treatment comparison. Complete surveys at passage barrier sites (diversions, culverts, bridges), as well as along stream channel sections upstream and downstream of the barriers. Determine proper treatment options (i.e., removal vs. modification) and identify necessary channel modifications upstream and downstream of the barrier which may be required as part of the treatment. Collect data on channel dimension, pattern and profile necessary to complete project designs (i.e., cross-sections, long profiles, etc.). 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $35,000
Biological objectives
Create naturally stable stream channels
Enhance instream habitat conditions
Improve passage efficiency
Focal Area: tributaries
Lease Land Develop and Prepare Coop Agreements/Leases/Easements Work cooperatively with private landowners to procure long-term riparian lease agreements, cooperative agreements or conservation easements that protect functional and/or stable habitats. Coordinate with landowners in the development of mutually acceptable agreements that ensure the required level of protection/restoration required for a given site, while addressing landowner concerns and minimizing land use disturbance. Develop projects aimed at protecting functional, stable riparian and stream habitat from disturbance, and/or reversing the effects of anthropogenic disturbances by modifying land use practices. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Create naturally stable stream channels
Enhance instream habitat conditions
Improve passage efficiency
Project management
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat
* # of acres of new lease: 48.0
Produce Design and/or Specifications Develop and Prepare Project Designs Develop project implementation plans and prepare designs, as required, for stable channel design, bridge replacement, instream habitat improvement, and barrier remediation projects within priority areas of the Subbasin (based on reference reach, channel morphological, flow data, etc.). Obtain assistance and/or sub-contract project designs, as required, to address specialized projects or complex site conditions. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $40,000
Biological objectives
Create naturally stable stream channels
Enhance instream habitat conditions
Improve passage efficiency
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Prepare Environmental Compliance Documentation Complete necessary NEPA checklists/reports and submit to BPA. Prepare environmental reports (Biological Assessments, etc.) as required, to implement Habitat Improvement Projects. Complete annual herbicide use reports. Complete annual NOAA Fisheries scientific take permit reporting. Prepare and submit permit applications for instream work to the appropriate agencies (ex: Fill/Removal or General Authorization applications to DSL and or USACE) as required. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $24,000
Biological objectives
Project management
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Environmental Surveys Plan and complete (contract) necessary environmental surveys (ex: cultural resources surveys), required for new projects. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $20,000
Biological objectives
Project management
Manage and Administer Projects Contract Preparation/Review Prepare and review technical specifications for various construction and maintenance subcontracts, prior to submission for competitive bids. Prepare Invitation to Bid (ITB) and Request for Quote (RFQ) documents for delivery to prospective contractors. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $25,000
Biological objectives
Project management
Develop and Negotiate Water Right Transaction Purchase Water Rights From Willing Sellers Where feasible, incorporate as a sub-component of larger projects, the purchase of instream water rights from willing sellers with the intent of leaving flows instream to improve fish habitat conditions through enhanced flow and decreased water temperatures. Strive to implement these projects where chronic channel dewatering occurs during the summer months. Funding for the purchase of water rights will be sought from outside funding sources (example: Oregon Water Trust), in the form of cost-share projects. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $25,000
Biological objectives
Enhance instream habitat conditions
Install Fence Construct Livestock Exclusion Fence Seek project opportunities and construct livestock exclosure fences and associated stream crossings along steam reaches affected, or at risk of being affected, by grazing activities. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $95,000
Biological objectives
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat
* # of miles of fence: 12.0
Develop Alternative Water Source Construct Off-Site Livestock Water Developments In conjunction with livestock exclusion fencing projects, install off-site water developments to encourage livestock utilization of uplands and divert grazing pressure away from the streams and riparian areas. Developments may include gravity fed systems, electric pump and trough configurations (solar or A/C), shallow water wells, infiltration galleries, etc. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $20,000
Biological objectives
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat
Plant Vegetation Implement Riparian Planting Projects Plant native vegetation within protected riparian areas to increase habitat complexity, provide shade, control erosion, stabilize stream banks, provide habitat for terrestrial and aquatic species, and help control exotic weed species. Implement projects aimed at restoring degraded riparian vegetation and function through the planting of native shrubs and trees, as well as seeding grasses and legumes. Employ bioengineering techniques and aggressive revegetation, where necessary, to restore riparian zone form and function. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $35,000
Biological objectives
Create naturally stable stream channels
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat
* # of riparian miles treated: 4.0
Remove/Modify Dam Implement Barrier Remediation Projects Implement barrier remediation projects, as required, to improve passage efficiency. Address problem irrigation diversions (abandoned and active), impassible culverts and dysfunctional bridge crossings, according to priorities ranked in the Subbasin Plan (Table 45) and Target Areas for restoration/protection defined in the Five-Year Plan. Actions may also be carried out under WE#184 "Install Fish Passage Structure" or WE#84 "Remove/Install Diversions". 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $55,000
Biological objectives
Improve passage efficiency
* # of miles of habitat accessed: 20.0
Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel Implement Stable Channel Design Projects Implement projects aimed at achieving channel stability through the establishment of correct dimension, pattern and profile. Includes pre-implementation field activities such as layout and marking of specific work sites. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Create naturally stable stream channels
* # of stream miles treated, including off-channels, after realignment: 2.0
Improve/Relocate Road Implement Projects to Improve/Relocate/Decommission Roads Implement projects aimed at addressing road related issues including improvement, relocation and deactivation, as beneficial and feasible. Projects may also fall under WE#33 Decommission Roads 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Enhance instream habitat conditions
* # of road miles improved, upgraded, or restored: 2.0
Increase Instream Habitat Complexity Implement Habitat Improvement/Bank Stabilization Projects Implement projects aimed at improving habitat complexity and quality through the addition of instream structure. Stream stability, form and function, and instream habitat diversity will be improved by: installing large wood and/or boulders in stream channels to increase habitat diversity; installing other site-specific instream structures or modifications of existing site conditions to address factors limiting salmonid production or floodplain function. Implement and bank stabilization projects using bioengineering treatments. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $55,000
Biological objectives
Enhance instream habitat conditions
* # of stream miles treated: 4.0
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Project O&M Inspections Conduct routine inspections of all stable channel designs, instream structure placement projects, and bank stabilization treatments. Collect all necessary information and complete surveys required to complete maintenance activities. (Note: it may be determined that some instream structures should not be maintained if they are not achieving desired results). Conduct routine inspections of all fences, crossings, water gaps and water developments associated with livestock exclusion projects. Take necessary measurements and determine requirements for maintenance. Conduct routine inspections of all riparian planting projects. Document areas of reduced planting success relative to project objectives and determine requirements for supplementation or replanting. In order to protect program investments, inspections and maintenance will be completed at least once annually on all active project lease areas. Additional maintenance will occur following any catastrophic natural events (e.g. floods, wind storms, ice flows etc.). 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Conduct project operation and maintenance
Focal Area: Tributaries
Remove vegetation Invasive Weed Control Inspect all project areas under Lease/Cooperative Agreement for the presence of noxious weeds and work cooperatively with individual landowners to control invasive species. Weed control may include various treatment methods including, hand pulling, mechanical removal, and/or chemical herbicide applications. Sub-contract weed control (herbicide) treatments on larger project areas within the Birch Creek Watershed. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $33,000
Biological objectives
Conduct project operation and maintenance
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat
* # of acres treated: 150
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage Maintain Livestock Exclusion Fences Conduct bi-annual, routine maintenance of livestock exclusion fences and associated structures (gates, water gaps, stream cross fences, etc.), as required, on all projects under long-term agreement within the Subbasin. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $30,000
Biological objectives
Conduct project operation and maintenance
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat
Maintain Vegetation Conduct Planting Project Maintenance Inspect and maintain riparian planting sites within project areas under Lease/Cooperative Agreement, to ensure optimal plant survival and project effectiveness. Maintenance activities may include, irrigation of plants, weed trimming to control competing grasses, re-installation of sod mats and/or browse protection cones, and/or fencing off mature trees to protect against beaver damage. Re-planting as required. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $22,000
Biological objectives
Conduct project operation and maintenance
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat
Maintain Vegetation Maintain CREP Planting Projects Maintenance of riparian planting projects (sub-contract) carried out under the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). CREP maintenance will be carried out as BPA cost-share projects, on the properties of willing landowners (CREP enrolled) within those areas of the Umatilla Subbasin identified as priorities in the Subbasin Plan. Completion of Work Element subject to enrollment of landowners in CREP, and implementation of CREP planting projects. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Conduct project operation and maintenance
Protect and restore riparian vegetation/habitat
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage Maintain Stable Channel Designs/Instream Structures/Bank Stability Structures Complete maintenance of stable channel design, instream structure and bank stabilization projects based on results of routine inspections and M&E surveys. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Conduct project operation and maintenance
Create naturally stable stream channels
Enhance instream habitat conditions
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Operate Birch Creek Stream Flow Gauges Collect stream flow data at 2 fixed gauge station sites installed on East and West Birch creeks. Work cooperatively with the OWRD and BOR to compile data, and calibrate cross sectional areas. Use data collected in the development of stable channel design, barrier remediation, and/or instream habitat modification projects, as applicable. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $30,000
Biological objectives
Conduct project operation and maintenance
Focal Area: Tributaries
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Collect & Summarize Stream Temperature Data Collect and summarize data from 11 permanent, temperature monitoring sites in Birch, East Birch, West Birch, and Meacham creeks. Oregon Department of Environmental (DEQ) Quality Assessment/Quality Control Standards for Temperature Monitoring will be used as a guideline for thermograph operation and data summary procedures. Preliminary analysis of temperature data will be completed and results will be presented in the Program's annual progress/completion reports. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate fish habitat projects
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Collect M&E Data Collaborate with the CTUIR Natural Production (199000501) and Habitat (198710001) Projects to implement RM&E strategies aimed at evaluating cause and effect relationships between habitat improvement efforts and fish production at the reach, watershed and Subbasin level. Contribute to data collection, synthesis and analysis tasks, as required, for the purpose of contributing to the collaborative, inter-agency subbasin-wide monitoring and evaluation efforts aimed at determining correlations between habitat improvement efforts an fish production at the reach and Subbasin level. Complete project-level evaluations of all project sites including the collection of post-treatment habitat and channel morphology data. Assess stream channel and vegetative responses to habitat restoration projects and evaluate effectiveness of project treatments relative to desired, site-specific objectives at the project-level. Use results of project-level M&E efforts to refine and/or modify operation and maintenance plans as required. Apply M&E results to the development/implementation of future projects as part of the Project’s adaptive management strategy. Take project photographs from active photo point sites to document changes in vegetation and channel morphology attributable to habitat treatments. Photos will be taken on an annual basis during the first 5 years following project implementation and then, every 3 to 5 years depending on site conditions observed. Conduct biological surveys (spawning ground counts, fish population estimates) in selected study areas to assess changes in fish utilization following habitat improvement efforts. Present relevant results of project-level M&E activities in annual Project reports and special reports, identifying potential adaptive management implications. Submit to BPA and distribute to other districts and interested parties. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $25,000
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate fish habitat projects
Primary R, M, and E Type: Project Implementation/Compliance Monitoring
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Produce Pisces Status Report Produce Monthly Pisces Status Reports Prepare monthly progress status reports using BPA's on-line Pisces system. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $8,744
Biological objectives
Project management
Produce Annual Report Annual Summary Report Preparation/Submission Prepare annual Project summary reports, describing accomplishments and results for all previously stated objectives and tasks. Prepare special reports as needed. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $23,000
Biological objectives
Communication and Coordination
Monitor and Evaluate fish habitat projects
Project management
Manage and Administer Projects Manage and Administer Projects Conduct Program oversight and related administrative tasks. Complete Project Review/Management/Administration.Liaison with BPA and agency personnel, prepare annual work plans, hire personnel, complete metrics reports, udtate project inventories, complete financial summaries, budgets and Statement of Work documents. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $17,500
Biological objectives
Project management
Coordination Interagency Communicatin/Coordination Communicate with various agencies (ex. US Fish and Wildlife Service - USF&WS, US Forest Service - USFS, Natural Resource Conservation Service - NRCS, Depertment of Forestry - DOF), organizations (ex. Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation - CTUIR, Umatilla Basin Watershed Council - UBWC, Umatilla County Soil and Water Conservation District - SWCD, The Nature Concervancy - TNC, Oregon Trout - OT, Oregon Water Trust - OWT), and programs (e.g. Concervation Reserve Enhancement Program - CREP, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board - OWEB, ODFW Restoration and Enhancement - R&E, Stewardship Incentive Program - SIP), to promote program consistency and coordination. Work cooperatively with the CTUIR Fish Habitat Program to ensure efficient coverage of Habitat Improvement efforts throughout the Umatilla Subbasin based on priorities outlined in the Subbasin Plan. Continue participation in, and coordination with, the multi-agency Meacham Creek Planning Team. Attend regular Umatilla Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Oversight Comittee (UMMEOC) meetings, and other meetings associated with fish habitat in the Umatilla Subbasin. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Communication and Coordination
Outreach and Education Program Presentations/Information Sessions/Inquires Develop and prepare MS PowerPoint presentation documents and/or slide presentations. Prepare displays and hand-out materials for distribution at presentations and/or information sessions. Give presentations to agencies, private organizations, school/youth groups, as opportunities arise. Respond to information inquiries and provide information regarding BPA funded, ODFW sponsored, habitat improvement efforts within the Umatilla Subbasin. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Communication and Coordination
* # of general public reached: 50
* # of students reached: 30
* # of teachers reached: 3
Provide Technical Review Provide input and technical review Provide input and technical review of habitat improvement projects being proposed by separate entities (tribes, agencies or individual landowners), as requested. Review and/or technical support may be provided through a collaborative project effort (i.e., consultation with CTUIR Project on design/implementation), or may be the limit of involvement permitted by this Project (i.e., technical direction provided for projects outside of designated high priority geographic areas per the Subbasin Plan). 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Project management
Provide Public Access/Information Maintain Informational Kiosk/Signs Maintain information signs and kiosk associated with habitat Improvement projects, particularly, bioengineering project site on lower Birch Creek. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $3,200
Biological objectives
Communication and Coordination

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel Based on annual merit increase of 5% $91,680 $96,264 $101,077
Fringe Benefits OPE Estimated @ 55% $50,424 $52,945 $55,593
Supplies Based on annual increase of 3% $49,626 $50,910 $52,240
Travel Training and workshops $1,500 $1,750 $2,000
Overhead Calculated at 35.87% $69,312 $72,411 $75,653
Other Contractual Services (no overhead applied) $59,225 $61,002 $62,832
Totals $321,767 $335,282 $349,395
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,006,444
Total work element budget: $1,006,444
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Totals $0 $0 $0

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $364,134
FY 2011 estimated budget: $364,134
Comments: Based on 2009 level of funding plus 5% annual merit increase for personnel services, and 3% annual increases for supplies/services and contractual services. OPE constant at 55%, based on an average of recent costs. Overhead constant at 35.87%

Future O&M costs: Contingent on, and proportional to, the type and extent of projects developed and implemented during the 2007-2009 period.

Termination date:

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Contractor Response to ISRP Comments on Project Proposal 198710002 Jul 2006
Supplimental Info. (Final 5-Year Action Plan) for Proposal 198700002 Mar 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$280,264 $280,264 $280,264 $840,792 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$280,264 $280,264 $280,264 $0 ProvinceExpense
Comments: See decision memo comment


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: This and the CTUIR proposal 198710001 should be presented as a unified proposal, as requested in previous reviews. At the very least, this proposal should better demonstrate its link to the CTUIR habitat project. The proposal should better prioritize among the various habitat restoration strategies proposed. See the ISRP’s programmatic comments on active restoration in Part 1 of this report. Given results to date (declining survival rates), the sponsors need to provide convincing evidence that the project is providing enough fishery/ecosystem benefit that it is worth continuing. The text does reflect considerable study and thought by the participants regarding the need for restoration of dynamic stream processes. Actions should be limited to fencing, overcoming passage problems, restoration of the original hydrograph, and reduction of human-induced fine sediment introduction. Choice of activities should be limited to locations where there is high probability for regaining significant productivity for salmonids, and this must be clearly demonstrated by priority. After just under 20 years of work, i.e., since 1987, reviewers note that no results are presented. Furthermore, there is no clear identification of the key high priority habitat work as identified in the subbasin plan, nor demonstration of some benefit to fish. Given alteration of stream characteristics in the Umatilla Basin, it is logical to assume that productivity of the system for salmonids is less than it once was. This project puts together actions and agreements in an attempt to recover some of that lost productivity. The approach, however, is always subject to questions regarding whether or not the "right" thing is being done from the perspective of the fish. The results of this work as found and described in project 198902401 show declining survival from egg to smolt over the past decade (Figs. 3-5). In light of these results, the sponsors of this work need to provide a convincing case for continuing this work as presently outlined. The comments on 198710001 also apply here.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Not fundable (Qualified)

NPCC comments: See comments under 198343600 and 198710001, and in particular, 199000501, as well as others from this subbasin. The Umatilla ecosystem and the human intervention within it remains complex, and the ability to comprehend the interactions of habitat work, as proposed, and flow augmentation, power repay, adult and smolt migration, etc. remains confusing. One concludes that it is adult and smolt migration within the Umatilla as the key limiting factor (particularly, in this case, from Birch Creek to the Three Mile Falls Dam site). Nonetheless, habitat husbandry is a requirement, and the response has clarified several areas of the proposal. There remains the need to develop an adaptive management experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of habitat improvement techniques, ultimately to the smolt yield stage. ISRP has recommended to Council that some assistance to subbasins may be required to standardize and establish this process within the basin, and we remain hopeful that Umatilla projects will form part of that exercise. Success should be measured in terms of increased smolt production in the system. Sponsors should by now be able to defend their work on the basis of similar treatments by others or results of their own. Absent these results there is no scientific basis for continuing the work. They incorrectly reject the idea that smolt production is the best measure of habitat productivity for anadromous fish. They seem to believe that EDT is the final answer to habitat quality and not merely a basis from which to develop a testable hypothesis. There has been no test of such hypotheses and therefore no basis in science to support continuation of these projects. This project and others like it are individual parts of what the Council has referred to as the “Umatilla Initiative.” As such, none of them is a stand-alone project that can be subjected to scientific peer review on its own merits, but the projects need to be reviewed in the larger context of a plan for restoration of anadromous fishes in the Umatilla Basin. The ISRP’s recommendation of “Not Fundable (Qualified)” for the set of projects that constitute the Umatilla Initiative is explained under project 198343600, Umatilla Passage O&M.