FY07-09 proposal 198812035

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleYKFP Klickitat Management, Data, and Habitat
Proposal ID198812035
OrganizationYakama Confederated Tribes
Short descriptionProposal provides for all YN management functions associated with the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project including project planning, O&M, research, data management, and habitat improvement and acquisition actions in the Klickitat Subbasin.
Information transferStatus, quarterly, and annual reporting will be via the BPA project reporting process. Project information is posted to the ykfp.org and BPA web sites. The project will produce peer-reviewed technical publications.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Bill Sharp Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation [email protected]
All assigned contacts
melvin sampson yakama nation [email protected]
Bill Sharp Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation [email protected]
Adrienne Wilson Yakama Nation Fisheries - YKFP [email protected]

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Gorge / Klickitat

stream Klickitat subbasin from origin to confluence with Columbia

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Anadromous Salmonids

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Completed Castile Falls Fishway Improvements opening 45 miles of spawning and rearing habitat for spring chinook and 65 miles for steelhead; design for Lyle Falls Fishway Enhancements; Wahkiacus Hatchery and Acclimation Facility Design Report
2004 Completed and submitted Klickitat Subbasin anadromous fishery Master Plan; completed Klickitat Subbasin Plan and Management Plan Supplement
2003 YKFP Data Manager for the Klickitat was hired; existing data systems were inventoried and documented; habitat survey, stream temperature, and screw trap monitoring databases were developed; began review and adaptation of CESRF hatchery software and DBs.
2002 Yakama Nation coordinated with BPA to ensure continued Project compliance with ESA, NEPA, and all other applicable law and regulations
2001 YKFP personnel coordinated the development and submittal of the Columbia Gorge Subbasin Summary for the Klickitat Subbasin.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 198811535 Klickitat Fishery YKFP Design This proposal supports YKFP design and construction projects/activities in the Klickitat Subbasin.
BPA 199506335 Klickitat Fishery YKFP M & E Umbrella proposal for monitoring and evaluation of natural production, harvest, ecological and genetic impacts for spring chinook, fall chinook, coho, and steelhead fisheries enhancement projects in the Klickitat Basin. M&E results guide adaptive management decisions.
BPA 199701335 Klickitat Fishery YKFP O & M This proposal will support O & M of YKFP fish production facilities in the Klickitat Subbasin.
BPA 198812025 YKFP Management, Data, Habitat Proposal provides for all YN management functions associated with the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project including project planning, O&M, research, data management, and habitat improvement and acquisition actions in the Yakima Subbasin.
BPA 199506425 YKFP Policy/Plan/Technical WDFW policy and technical oversight of the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project via the project's Policy Group and Scientific and Technical Advisory Group as dilineated in the agreed-upon project management structure.
BPA 199506325 YKFP - Monitoring And Evaluati Umbrella proposal for monitoring and evaluation of natural production, harvest, ecological and genetic impacts for spring chinook, fall chinook, and coho fisheries enhancement projects in the Yakima Basin. M&E results guide adaptive management decisions.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2000-4-02 Castile Falls Passage Improvem Construct a new safety walkway to safely access the Castile Fall 4/5 Fishway. Conduct Geotechnical inspection of Castile Fall Fishways 4/5 and 10/11 to ensure worker safety prior to NOAA reconstruction.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2000-4-03 Swale Creek Acclimation Site D Purchased 5.75 acres of low-bank river frontage on the Klickitat River (RM 17.0) for future development of the Wahkiacus Hatchery & Acclimation Facility. Engineering design and site evaluation has been completed using NOAA Flood Restoration funds. Currently facility functions as the YKFP regional field office.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2000-4-04 Klickitat Rearing Troughs [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - CRITFC 2000-4-05 Washougal Coho Production (Mit [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - CRITFC 2002-4-10 Klickitat Hatchery Fish Cultur [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - CRITFC 2003-4-09 Construction of Castille Falls Constructed an in-channel sill at the Castile Falls 4/5 fishway. The Castile Falls 4/5 fishway consists of 22 weirs and 21 pools through a 260 foot long tunnel. The collective drop at these falls is 22 feet. Initial construction of the Falls Number 4&5 fishway began in 1962 and was completed in 1963. Original construction did not include in-channel sill, therefore improper hydraulic conditions existed that severely diminished proper fishway hydraulics.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2003-4-13 White Creek Road Rehabilitiati [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - CRITFC 2003-4-14 Central and Eastern Klickitat [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - CRITFC 2004-4-08 Klickitat Hatchery Fish Pump [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - WSRFB 00-1208 Klickitat Mill Restoration 2 [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - WSRFB 01-1316 Trout Creek Fish Passage Impro Replacment of two culverts in the Trout Creek watershed that have been identified as barriers. Replacment will restore unimpeded access to about 9 miles of perennial habitat for rearing and spawning
PCSRF - WSRFB 01-1353 Logging Camp Canyon - Phase 1 State parks department replaced trestle, which was a fish passage obstruction, with box culvert. Project involves planting trees in riparian area and livestock fencing from the mouth of Logging Camp Creek to the railroad bed.
PCSRF - WSRFB 04-1716 Tepee Creek Fish Passage Resto [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - WSRFB 04-1715 Klickitat R. Conservation & Re [Relationship field left blank]
PCSRF - WSRFB 04-1711 Lower Klickitat Riparian Re-Ve [Relationship field left blank]
Other: BIA [no entry] White Creek Road Assessment [Relationship field left blank]
Other: BIA [no entry] Klickitat Hatchery Equipment [Relationship field left blank]
Other: NOAA [no entry] Castile fishway & coho acclimation Reconstruction of improperly functioning fishways at Castile Falls opened 65 miles of spawning and rearing habitat into the upper Klickitat Subbasin. Developed design and site evaluation for the Wahkiacus hatchery and acclimation facility.
BPA 199705600 Klickitat Watershed Enhance Provide monitoring info for enhancement/restoration projects (for project identification and planning and for effectiveness monitoring). Receive data management assistance. This proposal references multiple habitat projects which are working to improve natural productivity throughout the Klickitat Subbasin.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
YKFP Management YKFP management responsibilities generally include: 1. Project planning activities, including those pertaining to facility construction; 2. Operation and maintenance activities at all YKFP facilities; 3. Project research activities; 4. Design and development of a centralized database for Project use and dissemination to others; 5. Guide habitat restoration and acquisition projects intended to improve habitat conditions within the target ecosystem; and 6. Dissemination of accumulated project information through the Project Review and project web site (ykfp.org), numerous technical reports and other means. Klickitat Section 4.9 Fish Key Findings for Subbasin Watershed and Ecosystem Processes. Within Table 26, multiple Key Findings with corresponding strategies to reduce/eliminate or improve/maintain are provided.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Participate in ESA/NEPA Compliance for Yakima Basin Monitoring, Evaluation and Fisheries Management Prepare documentation in support of ESA/NEPA compliance regarding fisheries monitoring and evaluation activities in consultation and coordination with BPA environmental staff. This work element acknowledges that all activities regarding ESA/NEPA compliance will be coordinated with BPA environmental staff to ensure adequate compliance is in place prior to actions occurring. ESA/NEPA coordination is an on-going activity under this project and this WE documents the contractor's responsibility for supporting BPA's ESA/NEPA compliance for all activities under this contract. (This WE is intended to cover new activities and annual permit reporting requirements - there are a series of existing ESA and NEPA compliance documents in place that cover all current activities under the Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project, of which this project (and this contract) are a part.) 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $0
Biological objectives
Coordination Yakama Nation YKFP Habitat, Water and Passage Coordination Coordinate with Federal, state and local government and non-governmental organizations with respect to anadromous fish, stream flows and related matters to promote fish and riparian habitat and streamflow (passage) protection and restoration; monitor reco Additional Notes: NOTE: Some technical habitat, water and passage matters arising within the Klickitat sub basin will be handled by the Klickitat sub basin's YKFP Habitat Specialist, who is covered by the YKFP's Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project (Project # 1997-056-00) contract for the Klickitat sub basin. Specific Tasks are identified in that separate contract. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $180,626
Biological objectives
Coordination YN/YKFP Klickitat Policy Coordination and Analysis Coordination of YKFP management and policy development with other government agencies and decision-making bodies; including implementation of lead agency responsibilities and cooperative planning and policy development with WDFW, Bonneville, NPCC, NOAA Fisheries, CBFWA, and other federal, state and local government agencies, as well as coordination of lead agency activities with appropriate Tribal officials and personnel when necessary. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $200,027
Biological objectives
Identify and Select Projects YN/YKFP Habitat, Water and Passage Project Development, Selection and Funding - Klickitat Subbasin Identify and seek funding for habitat, passage and instream flow restoration and protection projects within the Klickitat subbasin. Such projects will be coordinated with other pertinent Yakama Nation programs. Projects will be developed pursuant to the NPCC's ongoing planning effort for the Columbia Gorge Province, and will be consistent with the existing subbasin plan for the Klickitat subbasin. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $62,304
Biological objectives
Manage and Administer Projects YN/YKFP Klickitat Project Management and Implementation Coordinate and oversee implementation of all YKFP activities in the Klickitat Sub basin, including development of statements of work, development of YKFP-sponsored project and contract budgets, compliance with all applicable laws and environmental review requirements, subcontractor procurement and management, fiscal management, financial reporting, annual operating plan development, performance of YKFP research, monitoring/evaluation and operation/maintenance contracts, master plan development, and attendance at training, conferences and meetings. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $205,523
Biological objectives
Outreach and Education Yakama Nation YKFP Klickitat Subbasin Project Outreach and Education Expansion of the YKFP in the Klickitat Subbasin affords the opportunity to assist in ongoing educational outreach into the local community. Project staff will partner with the USFWS- Columbia Gorge Information and Education Office (http://gorgefish.fws.gov/springcreek/springeducation.htm) to provide outreach activities that are informative, relevant to the local community, promote involvement, and improve stewardship of our natural resources. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $42,630
Biological objectives
Produce Plan Maintain Yakama Nation YKFP Klickitat Information System Management Planning Maintain an up-to-date Information System Management Plan (ISMP) by identifying the YKFP's near and long term data and information management needs within the Klickitat basin. Develop methods to standardize, consolidate and centralize all data and information that is generated within the basin. Design an information management and transmission system (hardware and software) capable of handling existing and future generated data, providing for quality control, standardization, and proper storage procedures. Identify mechanisms where by various end users may be identified and provided adequate access to appropriate data and or information. Periodic modifications in the ISMP will reflect changes in project scope and developments in data design. Management strategies may evolve based on recommendations and feedback received from peer review and/or hardware and software demands. Additional Notes: The ISMP can not, by nature, be a static document. It provides a snap shot of the state of the body of YKFP Data collected on the Klickitat basin at a certain point in time along with short and long term strategies for managing that body of data. Interaction with all the data will be ongoing. The plan will evolve as progress is made. Different aspects of the data will take the focus at different points in time. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $160,678
Biological objectives
Produce Annual Report Yakama Nation YKFP - Klickitat Project Annual Report Produce an annual report detailing the accomplishments for each work element of the Klickitat Management, Data & Habitat Contract Additional Notes: A comprehensive progress report will be prepared each Federal FY quarter that will describe accomplishments and report generally on the progress to date on each WE in the Scope of Work. A financial statement will be prepared as part of the report to reflect budget vs actual expenses (year-to-date), including expenses per WE. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $42,629
Biological objectives
Produce Status Report Yakama Nation YKFP - Klickitat Project Status Report Produce an annual report detailing the accomplishments for each work element of the Klickitat Management, Data & Habitat Contract 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $29,513
Biological objectives
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report Yakama Nation YKFP Project Annual Review Project & Provincial Reviews are a vital part of the annual review and planning cycle that contributes to the research considerations for Klickitat activities within the YKFP. These reviews afford an opportunity for project personnel to interact with scientists who have a viable interest in supplementation and the resource, and also an external presentation to inform the Columbia Basin mangers of the current status of activities within the Project. The Project & Provincial Reviews will be recorded, and a document will be produced that provides an accurate and complete record of the proceedings. Project & Provincial Reviews records will assist the YKFP in Project planning and management activities, and will be made available to regional scientists. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $26,233
Biological objectives
Create/Manage/Maintain Database YN/YKFP Data and Information Management Implement the ISMP by monitoring the data collection systems of the YKFP, supervising the input of all data into a standardized system and coordinating any necessary reformatting of existing data. verify that proper dat validation proceedures are followed. Assure that appropriate hardware and software are used to provide timely data and/or information accessibility to appropriate researchers. Additional Notes: This is ongoing network/database administration and technical support provided along with application design and development. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $167,236
Biological objectives
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results YN/YKFP Klickitat Data and Information Dissemination Identify the appropriate data and/or information to be shared with various entities. For a given entity make data available at a useable resolution through appropriate media. This could include electronic file transfers for specific data requests or web pages to disseminate more general information and/or data. Additional Notes: Information is disseminated from the Klickitat field office on a case by case basis when authorized by the manager of this project. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $108,212
Biological objectives
Submit/Acquire Data Yakama Nation YKFP Klickitat Data Acquisition Acquire appropriate Klickitat basin data from collection activities performed by YKFP and other relevant entities. Ensure quality control, standardization, and proper storage procedures for all data and information acquired. Upon transition of the Klickitat Hatchery to YKFP operation, hatchery data management will transfer to the YN under the YKFP. The YN Assistant Hatchery Manger (AHM) will assist Klickitat Data Management to compile, synthesize and present hatchery data within YKFP formats. Additional Notes: On-going, continuing task for project. 5/1/2007 4/30/2010 $150,840
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel [blank] $251,363 $258,904 $266,671
Fringe Benefits [blank] $83,788 $86,301 $88,890
Supplies [blank] $17,563 $18,090 $18,632
Travel [blank] $4,410 $4,542 $4,678
Capital Equipment [blank] $6,000 $6,150 $6,334
Overhead [blank] $57,328 $59,048 $60,820
Other Consulting Services $24,892 $25,639 $26,408
Totals $445,344 $458,674 $472,433
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,376,451
Total work element budget: $1,376,451
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
NOAA Mitchell Act Hatchery & Fishway O&M $538,341 $538,341 $538,341 In-Kind Confirmed
Totals $538,341 $538,341 $538,341

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $486,606
FY 2011 estimated budget: $486,606
Comments: Outyear costs assume 3% increase for inflation.

Future O&M costs:

Termination date: none
Comments: Continuing project to meet YKFP objectives and/or the Klickitat Subbasin Management and Recovery Plans.

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

198812035 Klick MDH ISRP Response final.doc Jul 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$461,666 $461,666 $461,666 $1,384,998 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$461,666 $461,666 $461,666 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: The project sponsors should develop a coordinated response addressing the general comments provided under proposal 198811535 - Klickitat Fishery YKFP Design and specific comments provided with each proposal. Comments specific to this proposal: This proposal provides management and administrative support for YKFP activities in the Klickitat Subbasin, and coordination with the 1) Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project 199705600; 2) Klickitat Design and Construction Projects 198811535 and 198811525; 3) Klickitat Monitoring and Evaluation 199506335; and 4) Klickitat Monitoring and Evaluation 199506325; and 5) Klickitat - Operations and Maintenance Projects 199701335 and 199701325. The proposal primarily describes tasks and responsibilities of personnel charged with financial and accounting responsibilities (payroll, budget tracking) and with key scientific personnel and their administrative duties in a broad brush presentation, rather than a detailed presentation. The rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs is well described and linked into regional activities within the Columbia Gorge and with the Yakima projects, as well as other related Klickitat projects. The objective of this proposal is to provide efficient and effective policy, management and administrative support for all YFKP operations in the Klickitat Subbasin as well as coordination with Yakima Subbasin activities. Funds are requested to cover administrative and operational costs of the management structure. The objectives seem logical and appropriate, and are primarily administrative in nature. The project’s long history is documented here and in the Master Plan. No results (data) are provided, but this is an administrative project. Nonetheless, some evidence of adequate management of data and results would be a benefit.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: The sponsors address the questions from the ISRP specifically identified for this proposal, which provides administrative and management of the collective Klickitat subbasin projects in the Fish and Wildlife Program. They provided additional descriptions of Information System Management Planning, Data and Information Management, Data Acquisition, and Data and Information Dissemination.