FY07-09 proposal 200704300
Jump to Reviews and Recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group Community-Based Multi-Sub-Basin Habitat Restoration Program |
Proposal ID | 200704300 |
Organization | Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group |
Short description | The Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group seeks program-level support to continue community-based salmon and steelhead habitat restoration program and activities directly linked to implementation of Sub-Basin and Recovery Plan Priorities. |
Information transfer | Information will be transferred by the Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group (LCFEG) through our widespread landowner, agency, business, corporation, research, academic, and political partnerships in each each Sub-Basin region. LCFEG will continue to work closely with our Lead Entity (the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board), Watershed Planning Units, Conservation Districts, and community stakeholders analyze project results and to effectively monitor Sub-Basin and Recovery Plan Habitat Implementation throughout our various watersheds. |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Contact | Organization | |
Form submitter | ||
Sheila North | Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group | [email protected] |
All assigned contacts | ||
Tony Meyer | Lower Columbia Regional Fish Enhancement Group | [email protected] |
Sheila North | Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group | [email protected] |
Section 2. Locations
Province / subbasin: Lower Columbia / None Selected
Latitude | Longitude | Waterbody | Description |
Section 3. Focal species
primary: Chinook Lower Columbia River ESUprimary: Coho Lower Columbia River ESU
primary: Steelhead Lower Columbia River ESU
secondary: Chum Columbia River ESU
Section 4. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishments |
Section 5. Relationships to other projects
Funding source | Related ID | Related title | Relationship |
PCSRF - WSRFB | 01-1220 | Larson Creek Fish Passage Proj | This LCFEG fish passage project began in 1999 with the replacement of a private culvert with a bridge funded by BPA and LCFEG. The creek has multiple beaver ponds and approximately 1/2 mile of good stream channel habitat utilized primarily by coho salmon and cutthroat trout. LCFEG worked with two private landowners to enhance LWD and spawning conditions in the stream and replace the County road crossing. In 2003 LCFEG: 1) replaced the existing 3’ diameter culvert with a 8’ culvert with a fish ladder inside to allow juvenile access from the nearby Little Washougal River, and 2) built six log grade controls upstream of the new culvert to maintain access up to the first beaver dam. Approximately ten pairs of adult coho were observed spawning in the new culvert and stream channel below the first beaver dam and adult steelhead are spawning in the culvert as of 2-5-04. No adult fish were observed passing upstream above the beaver dams, rendering the high quality rearing habitat in the beaver ponds useless. The 2004 phase of this project constructed a modified “Telkwa design” taken from the Fish Habitat Rehabilitation Procedures manual published by BC Fisheries. This design allows volitional adult salmon access upstream of the beaver dams/ ponds and reduces the water levels in the adjacent roadside ditch. Smolt trap monitoring documented over 1,000 juveniles using this site during the spring of 2004. Project partners included Clark County, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and two private local landowners (George Chinakos and Carl Larson). |
PCSRF - WSRFB | 01-1221 | Wood's Landing Chum Spawning S | This project will acquire site-specific data needed to design three off-channel spawning and rearing habitat restoration projects identified by the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Boards’ Salmon Recovery & Sub-Basin Plans. The sites are located in WRIA 26 Upper Cowlitz & WRIA 28 Salmon-Washougal, each of which contain multiple ESA listed salmon and steelhead populations. All of the proposed locations are adjacent to donor populations of high priority listed species which are the targets of this restoration project. Project partners for the Cispus River/ Yellow Jacket Creek assessment include the USFS & North Gifford Pinchot Resource Advisory Committee; partners at Columbia Springs include Columbia Springs Environmental Education Center, Evergreen School District, Clark Public Utilities, WDFW, and landowner Donna Eagan. Project partners for the Washougal project will include WDFW & Skamania County. Each of these project locations and types were selected for implementation based on the known physical site conditions at each location, the presence of a high priority donor stock, the existing ownership and the long-term value of providing a public outreach forum where local citizens can visit and interact in close proximity with adult spawning salmon. |
PCSRF - WSRFB | 02-1518 | Regional Culvert Inventory | The Regional Culvert Assessment Project is a collaborative effort between multiple private landowners, Clark Conservation District (CCD) , Cowlitz/Wahkiakum Conservation District (CWCD), Clark County, WDFW, and LCFEG. The inventory effort will review previous culvert assessments, identify data gaps, assess habitat, and provide preliminary designs and cost estimates for the highest priority sites. The project is supported by the Limiting Factors Analysis (LFA) for the Grays, Elocohman, Cowlitz, Lewis, and Washougal River watersheds. The Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board (our Lead Entity) will use this data to prioritize future barrier replacement projects in the region. The data will be made available to local and state governments, tribes, conservation districts, and local non-profit groups interested in sponsoring a fish habitat restoration project. |
PCSRF - WSRFB | 04-1573 | Lower Washougal Restoration-Ph | The lower Washougal River restoration project addressed degraded floodplain conditions and functions identified by the LE and WDFW as limiting salmon production in the lower one mile of the watershed. The project directly benefitted a primary population of ESA listed chum salmon and a contributing population of ESA listed chinook salmon. Other species frequenting the treatment reach at various times in their life history include coho salmon, sea-run cutthroat trout, and ESA listed summer and winter steelhead. Project partners included the City of Camas, Georgia-Pacific, Burlington Northern-Santa Fe, Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, Concrete Products, Inc. and several private property owners. Phase I conducted in 2005 had three primary objectives: 1) Construct two riffles just downstream of the old in-stream gravel quarries, allowing natural watershed processes to eventually fill the holes in the floodplain created by past mining activities. 2) Restore rearing complexity in the mainstem and abandoned quarries by adding LWD and boulder clusters, and 3) Rehabilitate three abandoned gravel quarries as ten acres of off-channel rearing habitat. The low cost of this project was made possible by incorporating into the project the abundant natural materials (boulders) left over from the gravel mining that ended in the mid 1970’s. The property is owned by the City of Camas and Georgia-Pacific. |
PCSRF - WSRFB | 04-1575 | Upper Washougal River LWD Plac | The Upper Washougal River Restoration project addressed degraded floodplain conditions and functions identified by the LE and WDFW as limiting salmon and steelhead production in the upper watershed. This project treated specific reaches of the mainstem Washougal River from RM 15 to approximately RM 22 that have become deeply incised in a bedrock channel due to log drives and catastrophic forest fires in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The project directly benefitted a primary population of ESA listed summer steelhead, as well as contributing populations of ESA listed chinook and winter steelhead. Other species present in the treatment reaches include coho salmon, resident cutthroat and rainbow trout, and mountain whitefish. The objectives of the project were to increase in-stream cover, increase spawning and rearing areas, increase pool depth, decrease channel width, and increase sub-surface flows. Meeting these objectives also resulted in increased macro-invertebrate populations, a reduction in water temperatures, and greater retention of organic material necessary for increasing watershed productivity. Objectives were accomplished by constructing engineered log jams (ELJ’s) and log/ boulder complexes capable of withstanding peak flows. These structures were designed by a team of engineers and biologists to ensure long-term stability and function as fish habitat. Project partners included DNR, Longview Fiber, WDFW, and Skamania County. |
PCSRF - WSRFB | 04-1576 | Influence of Carcass Analogs f | This LCFEG project illustrates the importance of food in the freshwater aquatic ecosystem that ultimately determines the rearing density of wild juvenile salmon. This project placed carcass analogs in stream sections within the Lewis and Wind River watersheds previously identified by USGS as being nutrient (Nitrogen and/or Phosphorus) deficient. The analogs are pasteurized, nutrient-rich, low cost, easy to handle and transport, and are formulated to mimic the rate of decay of actual salmon carcasses. Following the 2005 placement of carcass analogs, USGS will monitor the responses of algae, aquatic insects, anadromous fish, and water chemistry over the growing season and compare the responses to those from nearby streams that receive no nutrient enhancement. Successful completion of this project allows the region to reach its salmon recovery goals in a timely and cost-effective manner by providing scientific support to the concept of implementing a programmatic approach to distributing carcass analogs throughout the lower Columbia River basin using existing non-native biomass (shad) and salmon carcasses from local hatcheries as the source of protein for the carcass analogs. The results of this project will be shared with the tribes, NOAA Fisheries, USFS, USFWS, WDFW, BPA and the local Lead Entities responsible for salmon recovery. Project partners include USGS, USFS, WDFW, Dr. Ken Ashley and several local conservation groups. |
Section 6. Biological objectives
Biological objectives | Full description | Associated subbasin plan | Strategy |
Increase habitat complexity. | Lack of large pools with overhead cover and adequate depth reduce protection of both adult and juvenile fish. This is especially limiting near vital spawning and rearing areas, and is primarily attributed to the lack of LWD or other in-stream complexity. | Lower Columbia | Increase habitat complexity and cover by increasing LWD or boulder concentrations, especially near spawning sites. |
Increase rearing, off-channel, & refuge habitat. | Side channels, off-channel habitat, connected floodplains, and complex braided channels in proximity to spawning sites are severely lacking due to diking, channel incision, loss of large woody debris (LWD), and reduced beaver populations. | Lower Columbia | Reduce passage obstructions; increase levels of key off-channel and rearing habitat availability; increase woody debris; increase channel stability; improve riparian conditions. |
Increase spawning sites & egg incubation success | Spawning, egg incubation, and early rearing of salmon are dependent on cold, clean water and available spawning gravels. Substrate and sediment are delivered to spawning and rearing areas during natural disturbance events and are mediated by LWD and habitat complexity (Bisson et al 1997). | Lower Columbia | Increase water quality and key spawning habitat availability; increase sediment and substrate supply; increase channel stability; increase woody debris. |
Reduce elevated water temperatures. | The water temperature in many streams have been reduced by reductions in mature canopy cover, riparian vegetation, impoundments, bedrock channel incision, and municipal water withdrawals. | Lower Columbia | Increase riparian vegetation and decrease channel widths by creating LWD, rock/boulder, and deep pool stream habitats. |
Restore lost aquatic productivity. | The lack of in-stream nutrient levels once present at historic salmon carcass and terrestrial organic debris input levels have resulted in a lost retention capability in many watersheds throughout our region. Many streams now lack the nutrients necessary for restoring fish productivity levels to previously documented in-stream levels. | Lower Columbia | Increase nutrients from salmon carcasses or other alternative means and increase retention capacity of organic materials. |
Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)
Work element name | Work element title | Description | Start date | End date | Est budget |
Identify and Select Projects | Project Identification | Conceptualize restoration project and ommunicate concept to Lead Entity & resource agencies. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Coordination | Conceptual Project Coordination & Community Stakeholder Support | Develop concept by gaining site access from landowners, hiring consultants, and/or using volunteers to collect physical and biological data supporting conceptual design; Coordinate with Lead Entity, Watershed/Sub-Basin Planning Units, Regulatory/Permitting Staff, LCFEG Board of Directors, Partner Organizations, Research Scientists and/or Academics/Advisors, and community stakeholders. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Produce Plan | Apply for & Secure Appropriate Funding Sources | Firm up conceptual design, prepare and submit funding proposal based on appropriate funding sources. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Produce Design and/or Specifications | Preliminary and Final Design | Develop concept to develop preliminary design for grant submittal and use grant funds to complete final design. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Provide Technical Review | Technical Review and Permit Assistance | Use grant funds to complete final design, obtain permits, and construct project. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Manage and Administer Projects | Project Implementation: Design, Permitting, & Construction Management | Use grant funds to complete final design; obtain permits, and construct project through the following steps: 1) Prepare final design and cost estimates; 2) Hire consultants and/or construction firms as necessary; 3) Apply for an secure necessary permits; 4) Revise design based on budget or permitting constraints; 5) Provide on-site project management during all construction phases; 6) Solicit volunteer assistance from volunteers, school groups, and/or interns; and 7) Conduct public hearings, legislative, or media outreach as necessary or required. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $450,000 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Enhance Floodplain | Increase floodplain connectivity | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase rearing, off-channel, & refuge habitat. Reduce elevated water temperatures. |
Metrics |
Increase Instream Habitat Complexity | Placement of Large Woody Debris and Engineered Rock Structures | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase habitat complexity. |
Metrics |
Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel | Re-connect, enhance, and/or create off-channel spawning and rearing habitat | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase rearing, off-channel, & refuge habitat. |
Metrics |
Improve/Relocate Road | Roadside Bridge, Culvert, and Bank Stabilization Improvements | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase habitat complexity. Increase rearing, off-channel, & refuge habitat. |
Metrics |
Install Fence | Fencing | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase spawning sites & egg incubation success Reduce elevated water temperatures. |
Metrics |
Enhance Nutrients Instream | Nutrient Enhancement (Carcass Placement) Program | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Restore lost aquatic productivity. |
Metrics |
Remove vegetation | Non-native Riparian Vegetation Removal | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Reduce elevated water temperatures. |
Metrics |
Upland Erosion and Sedimentation Control | Bank Stabilization | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase spawning sites & egg incubation success Reduce elevated water temperatures. |
Metrics |
Plant Vegetation | Restoration/Enhancement of Native Riparian Species | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Reduce elevated water temperatures. Restore lost aquatic productivity. |
Metrics |
Install Fish Passage Structure | Non-roadside Fish Passage Projects (Fish ladders, culverts, and bridges) | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase rearing, off-channel, & refuge habitat. |
Metrics |
Remove/Install Diversion | Remove In-Stream Channel Modifications | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase rearing, off-channel, & refuge habitat. Reduce elevated water temperatures. |
Metrics |
Remove/Modify Dam | Remove key tributary dams | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase spawning sites & egg incubation success Reduce elevated water temperatures. Restore lost aquatic productivity. |
Metrics |
Maintain Vegetation | Maintenance of Riparian Vegetation Sites | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Reduce elevated water temperatures. Restore lost aquatic productivity. |
Metrics |
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage | Fish Passage | Operate and maintain all aspects of fish passage restoration, including tracking and assessment of spawning adults and out-migrating juveniles at each restoration site. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Remove Debris | Debris Removal for Fish Passage Maintenance | See Narrative | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives Increase rearing, off-channel, & refuge habitat. |
Metrics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Baseline Monitoring | Conduct or acquire site-specific pre- and post-construction baseline monitoring and habitat assessments using LCFEG staff, interns, volunteers, and/or permitting agency staff to evaluate project effectiveness. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Create/Manage/Maintain Database | Baseline Monitoring and Online Database Forum | [Work Element Description Not Entered] | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Adaptive Management | Design future project phases according to pre- and post-baseline data comparisons and resulting habitat features. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results | Data Dissemination via Monitoring, Reports, and Presentations | Transmit all pre- and post-project baseline data collection and monitoring activities to our Lead Entity, regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and communities through website, newsletter, press releases, media articles, and various grant documentation requirements. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Provide Public Access/Information | Outreach/Education Program | Strengthen LCFEG’s Outreach and Education Program on a regional scale to develop Sub-Basin specific volunteer opportunities, school programs, internships, adult education programs, and community events yielding increased community awareness, understanding, and support of local Sub-Basin salmon recovery efforts. Tangible outputs to include regular in-school and field-based student activities, community project tours, website, quarterly newsletters, press releases, educational brochures and materials, a and regular LCFEG participation at local, community-based festivals and events. | 7/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $0 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Section 8. Budgets
Itemized estimated budget
Item | Note | FY07 | FY08 | FY09 |
Personnel | 3 Project Managers at $20.00/hour (including state/local taxes, Washington Labor & Industries Fees, and Medical Coverage for each) | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 |
Totals | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 |
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: | $450,000 |
Total work element budget: | $450,000 |
Cost sharing
Funding source/org | Item or service provided | FY 07 est value ($) | FY 08 est value ($) | FY 09 est value ($) | Cash or in-kind? | Status |
Landowner Incentive Program | Project Funds | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | Cash | Under Development |
LCFEG match | DOC Crew & Other Volunteer Labor, Donated Materials | $170,000 | $170,000 | $170,000 | In-Kind | Under Development |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Project Funds (includes % for for current staff positions) | $120,200 | $120,200 | $120,200 | Cash | Under Development |
SRFB | Project Funds (includes % for current staff positions) | $1,025,339 | $1,025,339 | $1,025,339 | Cash | Under Development |
USFWS | Appropriation (Annual) | $94,000 | $94,000 | $94,000 | Cash | Under Review |
WDFW | RFEG Fish License Fee Allotment | $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 | Cash | Under Review |
WDFW Co-Op Program | Project Funds | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | Cash | Under Development |
Totals | $1,462,539 | $1,462,539 | $1,462,539 |
Section 9. Project future
FY 2010 estimated budget: $150,000 FY 2011 estimated budget: $150,000 |
Comments: Ongoing Staff Costs (per Section 8 Budget Request) |
Future O&M costs:
Termination date:
Final deliverables:
Section 10. Narrative and other documents
ISRP Comment Response LCFEG | Jul 2006 |
Murray Cantwell Support Letter | Jul 2006 |
Reviews and recommendations
FY07 budget | FY08 budget | FY09 budget | Total budget | Type | Category | Recommendation |
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Expense | ProvinceExpense | Do Not Fund |
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | ProvinceExpense |
Recommendation: Not fundable
NPCC comments: This proposal would fund three LCFEG program managers to promote and develop an unspecified number of habitat restoration projects in the lower Columbia River subbasins. The specific subbasins are unspecified. The proposal raises a number of concerns which are summarized by proposal section. Technical and scientific background: This proposal is to expand the organizational capacity in the lower Columbia River to take on habitat restoration projects in the Cowlitz, Elocoman, Grays and Estuary Subbasins. Ten limiting factors that cross subbasins are the focus of activities to restore habitat for four listed species (the focal species). The group will be working from several habitat assessments already performed. Building on these assessments, they now want to develop, fund, permit, construct and monitor habitat restoration projects. Other than the general intent to address habitat issues, the section provides very little detail regarding what the LCFEG will actually do. The subbasin plans give general guidance on limiting factors, and link habitat condition with fish population, but there is no process to justify exactly how what should be done where at the reach scale. The examples provided suggest that river engineering has directed what should be done where. This may possibly be justified where streams have been scoured to bedrock. But the cause may dictate differing designs; causes include splash-dams, channel simplification and/or straightening, headward incision or positive feedback between successive flood flow and bed/bank erosion resulting from disconnection between channel and floodplain. Even if the problem is well defined, its solution may yet depend on further analysis to determine the reach dynamics. The dominant morphological processes must be understood if restoration money is to be invested wisely. Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: The focus of this section is on the LCFEG's capabilities and interest in expanding their area of habitat restoration in the lower Columbia River. They present a rationale for their work based on their identification as a habitat project sponsor in the recovery plans and subbasin plans. Emphasis is placed on how they are increasing their organizational capacity in order to increase their presence in additional WRIAs (Water Resource Inventory Areas). They note their success in leveraging project funds. They receive funding form WDFW and WRF, and seek BPA funding to hire additional project managers to increase organizational capacity. These are general statements about the LCFEG’s capacity rather than a rationale for a proposed project. The section lists a number of plans that provide a strategic framework for LFEG. However, none of these addresses the issue of upland sediment source management, which is taken as an important issue earlier in the proposal. Relationships to other projects: This section does not develop a narrative explanation of this proposal in the context of other regional projects, but rather includes a list of Salmon Recovery Funding Board funded projects in which they are involved in. The section demonstrates minimal linkage to other projects. Objectives: This section includes five biological objectives that derive from the collection of Lower Columbia River Subbasin Plans. Objectives not specific to any particular subbasin but instead are general descriptions of various habitat restoration protocols. Timelines are not specific. Tasks (work elements) and methods: The work elements and methods include a lot of very active engineering approaches to restoration (bank stabilization, gravel reintroduction, introduction of large woody debris, engineered structures, etc.) rather than being based in sound science reflecting the context of watershed dynamics. Methods are described quite generally and consist of basic methodologies used in habitat restoration, rather than anything specific to be done in this project. No time lines or specific measurable outcomes are included. Monitoring and evaluation: No provisions are made for monitoring and evaluation of results, which is notable given the degree of active intervention proposed to fix specific problems. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: No explanation is provided other than an indication that cost-share with other funding will apply to facilities and personnel. Early sections of the proposal describe the location of personnel. Information transfer: Information transfer will be done by LCFEG through partners: landowners, agencies, businesses, academic and political entities, watershed councils, SWCDs, community stakeholders, and through the lead entity (the LCRFRB). No specific information is provided as to how information will be distributed and used. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: The benefits to focal species are indeterminate. It is unclear how the active restoration projects described will affect non-focal species.
ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)
Recommendation: Not fundable
NPCC comments: The response provides additional general information on types of M&E conducted by other LCFEG projects enabled through the addition of project managers, as well as more detail on information transfer methods. However, several responses repeat assertions made in the original proposal (such as cost-effectiveness), and the original ISRP review comments remain valid. This proposal is inadequate in detail and scientific justification. The ISRP maintains its original recommendation of "Not fundable." ISRP comments (June 2006): Not fundable. This proposal would fund three LCFEG program managers to promote and develop an unspecified number of habitat restoration projects in the lower Columbia River subbasins. The specific subbasins are unspecified. The proposal raises a number of concerns, which are summarized by proposal section. Technical and scientific background: This proposal is to expand the organizational capacity in the lower Columbia River to take on habitat restoration projects in the Cowlitz, Elocoman, Grays and Estuary Subbasins. Ten limiting factors that cross subbasins are the focus of activities to restore habitat for four listed species (the focal species). The group will be working from several habitat assessments already performed. Building on these assessments, they now want to develop, fund, permit, construct and monitor habitat restoration projects. Other than the general intent to address habitat issues, the section provides very little detail regarding what the LCFEG will actually do. The subbasin plans give general guidance on limiting factors, and link habitat condition with fish population, but there is no process to justify exactly how what should be done where at the reach scale. The examples provided suggest that river engineering has directed what should be done where. This may possibly be justified where streams have been scoured to bedrock. But the cause may dictate differing designs. Causes include splash-dams, channel simplification and/or straightening, headward incision or positive feedback between successive flood flow and bed/bank erosion resulting from disconnection between channel and floodplain. Even if the problem is well defined, its solution may yet depend on further analysis to determine the reach dynamics. The dominant morphological processes must be understood if restoration money is to be invested wisely. Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: The focus of this section is on the LCFEG's capabilities and interest in expanding their area of habitat restoration in the lower Columbia River. They present a rationale for their work based on their identification as a habitat project sponsor in the recovery plans and subbasin plans. Emphasis is placed on how they are increasing their organizational capacity in order to increase their presence in additional WRIAs (Water Resource Inventory Areas). They note their success in leveraging project funds. They receive funding form WDFW and WRF, and seek BPA funding to hire additional project managers to increase organizational capacity. These are general statements about the LCFEG’s capacity rather than a rationale for a proposed project. The section lists a number of plans that provide a strategic framework for LCFEG. However, none of these addresses the issue of upland sediment source management, which is taken as an important issue earlier in the proposal. Relationships to other projects: This section does not develop a narrative explanation of this proposal in the context of other regional projects, but rather includes a list of Salmon Recovery Funding Board funded projects in which they are involved in. The section demonstrates minimal linkage to other projects. Objectives: This section includes five biological objectives that derive from the collection of Lower Columbia River Subbasin Plans. Objectives not specific to any particular subbasin but instead are general descriptions of various habitat restoration protocols. Timelines are not specific. Tasks (work elements) and methods: The work elements and methods include a lot of very active engineering approaches to restoration (bank stabilization, gravel reintroduction, introduction of large woody debris, engineered structures, etc.) rather than being based in sound science reflecting the context of watershed dynamics. Methods are described quite generally and consist of basic methodologies used in habitat restoration, rather than anything specific to be done in this project. No time lines or specific measurable outcomes are included. Monitoring and evaluation: No provisions are made for monitoring and evaluation of results, which is notable given the degree of active intervention proposed to fix specific problems. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: No explanation is provided other than an indication that cost-share with other funding will apply to facilities and personnel. Early sections of the proposal describe the location of personnel. Information transfer: Information transfer will be done by LCFEG through partners: landowners, agencies, businesses, academic and political entities, watershed councils, SWCDs, community stakeholders, and through the lead entity (the LCRFRB). No specific information is provided as to how information will be distributed and used. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: The benefits to focal species are indeterminate. It is unclear how the active restoration projects described will affect non-focal species.