FY07-09 proposal 200105300

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleReintroduction of Chum Salmon into Duncan Creek
Proposal ID200105300
OrganizationPacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC)
Short descriptionMonitor and evaluate the reintroduction of chum salmon to Duncan Creek. Three different reintroduction strategies are being evaluated: recolonization via straying, direct adult supplementation to spawning channels and hatchery reared fed-fry releases.
Information transferResults will be presented in quarterly and annual reports. Annual reports will be available via the BPA website under the Environmental, Fish & Wildlife reports, documents, & technical publications page.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Todd Hillson Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife [email protected]
All assigned contacts
Todd Hillson Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife [email protected]

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Lower Columbia / Columbia Lower

45.6532 -122.1692 Washougal Hatchery, location of artificial spawning and rearing of supplementaion fish.
[none] Breaks seining area for collection of broodstock and marking for population estimation.
[none] Hamilton slough and bay seining area for collection of broodstock and marking for population estimation.
[none] Horsetail seining area for collection of broodstock and marking for population estimation.
[none] Multnomah seining area for collection of broodstock and marking for population estimation.
[none] St Cloud seining area for collection of broodstock and marking for population estimation.
[none] River Shore seining area for collection of broodstock and marking for population estimation.
[none] Woods seining area for collection of broodstock and marking for population estimation.
[none] Woodward Creek seining area for collection of broodstock and marking for population estimation.
Duncan Creek Location of rejuvenated spawning channels and adult trapping facility.

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Chum Columbia River ESU

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 27% egg-to-fry survival in spawning channels, 21,162 fry produced. All naturally produced fry strontium marked prior to release. Adult returns estimated using mark/recapture methods. Completed Councils 3-step review process.
2004 60% egg-to-fry survival in spawning channels, 45,450 fry produced. All naturally produced fry strontium marked prior to release. 89% survival at hatchery, 75,952 thermally marked fed-fry released. Adult returns estimated using mark/recapture methods.
2003 38% egg-to-fry survival in spawning channels, 25,478 fry produced. 90% survival at hatchery, 217,436 thermally marked fed-fry released. Adult returns estimated using mark/recapture methods.
2002 spawning channel construction, 17-56% egg-to-fry survival in spawning channels, a minimum estimate of 7,4000 fry produced. 78% survival at hatchery, 45,046 thermally marked fed-fry produced.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 199900301 Salmon Spawning Below Lower Co Biological sampling data obtained during the seining for brood stock under the Duncan project complements and adds data to what is collected by this project on chum salmon. Jolly-Seber model population estimates derived from Duncan project tagging during seining provide independent, model assumptions tested, population estimates with 95% CI for important spawning areas. Recovery of otoliths during sampling by this project provide data needed by the Duncan project to determine returning numbers of supplementation origin adults. This information is critical for determining fry-to-adult survival rates and percent contribution to spawning areas for the supplementation methods being evaluated.
BPA 200001200 Eval Factors Limiting Col R Ch Biological sampling data obtained during the seining for brood stock complements and adds data to what is collected by this project on chum salmon. This project and Duncan projects have, and still do, work cooperatively on estimating the overall adult spawning population in Hamilton Creek. Recovery of Duncan project tagged adults provides additional data on adult chum salmon movement between major spawning areas. Data collected by this project on habitat parameters and smolt production (egg-to-fry survival rates) complement and provide a comparison to data collected at the Duncan Creek spawning channels. Recovery of otoliths during sampling by this project provide data needed by the Duncan project to determine returning numbers of supplementation origin adults. This information is critical for determining fry-to-adult survival rates and percent contribution to spawning areas for the supplementation methods being evaluated.
Other: WDFW [no entry] Grays River Chum Salmon Supplementation Program Results of the WDFW chum salmon fed-fry supplementation program on the Grays River complement and provide a comparison to the Duncan projects fed-fry program. Technical expertise on several shared activities (artificial propagation of chum salmon, thermal marking of chum fry, recovery of otoliths) has been freely exchanged between projects resulting in improvements to both.
BPA 200301300 Grays River Watersed Assess Data collected on preferred spawning area physical characteristics from this project could be compared to the conditions in the Duncan Creek spawning channels. Notable differences could lead to recommendations for changes to improve the physical characteristics of the spawning channels at Duncan Creek. Recovery of otoliths and biological sampling during spawning ground surveys provides data needed to monitor the effects and success of the fed-fry supplementation program on the Grays River.
BPA 198810804 Streamnet (CIS/NED) Biological data collected and population estimates from tagging under the Duncan project can be incorporated into the StreamNet database.
BPA 198201301 Coded Wire Tag - PSMFC Project personnel will provide recovery of CWT marked (ad or vent clipped) adults encountered while conducting spawning ground surveys. The CWT project provides CWT detection wands.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Habitat Status Monitoring Monitor water quality and quantity, stream habitat, and effects of protection and restoration Lower Columbia Monitor dissolved oxygen, temperature, hydraulic gradient, gravel composition, and percent fines in spawning gravel
Hatchery Status Monitoring Monitor in basin stray rates of hatchery fish in wild spawning areas relative to hatchery practices. Monitor numbers and performance of hatchery fish returning to hatcheries Lower Columbia Estimate proportions of hatchery and wild fish on the spawning grounds or in adult traps. Monitor release numbers, size at release, return numbers, survival rates, size, fecundity, spawning & migration timing.
Population/Biological Status Monitoring Estimate viable salmonid population parameters including abundance, productivity, diversity, spatial structure, along with juvenile production and freshwater productivity Lower Columbia Monitor adult & smolt abundance; Monitor spatial structure; Use adult and juvenile monitoring to estimate growth rate (Lambda) and spawner-recuit parameters

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Coordination Duncan Creek project planning and coordination Duncan Creek project planning and coordination. This includes things such as annually updating broodstock collection curves and goals, population estimation marking protocols, annual work plans, scheduling, attending coordination meetings with other researchers conducting work in the same areas at the same times of the year. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $17,500
Biological objectives
Manage and Administer Projects Duncan Creek project management and administration Complete all BPA, PSMFC and WDFW administrative requirements. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $17,500
Biological objectives
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation NOAA 4d permit compliance Annually apply for renewal of NOAA 4d permit. Renewal requires an annual report of take associated with current permit be submitted to NOAA via an online form. 10/31/2006 1/31/2009 $3,200
Biological objectives
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment Install/remove adult trap Annually install and remove adult trap at mouth of Duncan Creek. 11/1/2006 1/15/2009 $9,500
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Evaluate natural re-colonization of Duncan Creek by chum salmon, adult trap monitoring Check trap daily for fish presence. Enumerate, collect and record biological information (sex, fork length, marks/clips, condition, collect scales for aging) on all salmonid adults. Tag (double Floy tag) and release all adult salmonids, except chum salmon, above the trap in Duncan Creek. All chum salmon recovered in the trap will be sampled, Floy tagged and released into the spawning channels. Trap will be operated annually during periods of adult chum salmon presence, November 1 through January 15. 11/1/2006 1/15/2009 $26,500
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Focal Area: Tributaries
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels Temperature loggers will be employed to record intra-gravel and surface water temperatures, mini-piezometers will be placed in the spawning areas to measure vertical hydraulic gradients (VHG) and intra-gravel dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. A digital flow meter will be used to document water velocities in the spawning areas. These activities will take place annually from November 1 to May 30. In addition, gravel samples will be removed and analyzed annually to document the gravel composition in the spawning channels to track any significant invasion of fines into these areas. 11/1/2006 8/30/2009 $18,900
Biological objectives
Habitat Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery Seining activities for adult broodstock collection Seine mainstem Columbia River spawning locations to collect broodstock for adult supplementation into the spawning channels and for artificial propagation at Washougal Hatchery. Mainstem spawning locations suitable for broodstock collection will be seined using a beach seine set from a boat. All adults captured will be enumerated and examined for suitability to be used as broodstock. Female suitable for use in the hatchery program will show no signs of spawning/redd digging activities; they will have a "soft" full/round abdomen and when examined and the belly area around the ovidepositor will not "suck" in noticeably. Females suitable for supplementation at the channels will show no signs of spawning/redd digging activity; they will have a full/round abdomen (green). Male adults need to produce normal looking milt when checked in the field to be suitable for the hatchery or channels. This activity will occur annually beginning in early November and ending in early to mid-January. 11/1/2006 1/15/2009 $268,000
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
* Purpose of production program: Supplementation
* # of non-clip (natural origin) adults: 1,200 - 6,000
* Purpose of production program: Research
Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery Transport supplementation adults Transport supplementation adults to Duncan Creek spawning channels. 11/1/2006 1/15/2009 $3,200
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
* Purpose of production program: Supplementation
* # of non-clip (natural origin) adults: 120 - 400
Produce Hatchery Fish Produce chum salmon fed-fry Transport, spawn, incubate, rear and release all chum salmon fry needed for supplementation releases at Duncan Creek and any “salvage” plan implementation. 11/1/2006 5/31/2009 $66,000
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
* Purpose of production program: Supplementation
* Purpose of production program: Research
* Broodstock collection: # of non-clip (natural origin) fish: 60-400
* Production: # smolts released from program: 85,000 - 490,000
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation Collect biological data on adults used for artificial propagation at Washougal Hatchery. Biological data needed for formulation of predictive regression formulas used to estimate fecundity of females that spawned naturally in the spawning channels. Tissue samples for DNA analysis and otoliths will also be recovered 11/1/2006 1/15/2009 $12,300
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Hydrosystem
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Sampling of spawners placed into spawning channels Collect biological data on adults placed into spawning channels. Egg retention values will be obtained from each female. At death, each adults lengths (fork and mid-eye-to-hypural plate) will be recorded, scale, tissue samples for DNA analysis and otoliths will be collected. 11/1/2006 1/15/2009 $12,300
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Focal Area: Tributaries
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Adult sampling and marking for spawning population estimation Collect and record biological data on adults seined but not used for supplementation and mark adults for population estimation. Data collected includes, but is not limited to, sex, fork length, tags/marks, scales, DNA tissue samples, condition and spawn condition for females. Place unique primary and batch secondary tags/marks on all adults seined but not used for supplementation prior to release. Recaptures will have the tag number and their condition recorded prior to release. Conduct a carcass tagging program on Hamilton Creek. Data collected includes, but is not limited to, sex, fork length, tags/marks, scales, DNA tissue samples, condition and spawn success for females. Place two unique primary tags on all chum salmon adults recovered and release for redistribution. Recaptures will have tag numbers recorded then the carcass will be marked to prevent multiple tagging/sampling. 11/1/2006 1/15/2009 $268,000
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Hydrosystem
Focal Area: Tributaries
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity Sampling to determine fecundity of females spawned at Washougal Hatchery. For each female individually spawned and incubated, when those eggs are shocked and picked, the number of dead eggs and a total weight for all viable eyed-eggs will be recorded. Five sub-samples of viable eyed-eggs will be weighed and hand counted to calculate estimates of the total number of eyed eggs for each female. These estimates will be used to calculate a mean number of eyed eggs, with 95% CI. The mean number of eyed eggs plus the number of non-viable eggs removed equals that female’s fecundity. This information, along with phenotypic data collected at spawning, completes the data needed for formulation of predictive regression formulas for fecundity estimates of females that spawned in the spawning channels. 1/1/2007 2/15/2009 $6,100
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Mark/Tag Animals Thermally mark embryonic chum salmon fry Thermally mark embryonic chum salmon at Washougal Hatchery. Two (a pre- and post-hatching) bar codes (thermal marks) will be placed to identify the fry's origin and release location. Thermal marks are created by manipulating temperatures during the stages between eyed and yolk absorption. Each time the water temperature is dropped by 2-4 degrees C a distinctive black band is deposited in the microstructure of a developing otolith. Exposure to chilled water for periods of 8 to 48 hours will essentially create bar codes on the otoliths that can be read. The bar codes will be determined by personnel in the WDFW's Otolith Lab. The Otolith Lab will provided a schedule for chilled water applications. Each years thermal mark will be unique. Unique thermal marks will also be used to identify releases at areas other than Duncan Creek if they occur. 1/1/2007 2/15/2009 $6,250
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Hydrosystem
Focal Area: Tributraries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Sampling of chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry Each Heath incubation tray will need to be sampled prior to ponding to ensure the fry are ready to be ponded. If the Heath tray contains the fry from an individually spawned and incubated female, it needs to be sampled at ponding to determine egg-to-fry survival rates. Trays that contain fry from multiple females will be sampled only for mortalities and abnormalities. Voucher fry from each thermally marked group will be collected to check for mark presence, validation and clarity. 3/15/2007 4/30/2009 $16,000
Biological objectives
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Rear Fish Rear chum salmon fry Rearing of strontium marked voucher fry during the “growing-out” period needed for mark analysis. 2/15/2007 5/31/2009 $1,600
Biological objectives
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
* Purpose of production program: Research
# of smolts into program: 60
Analyze/Interpret Data Analysis of hatchery data Calculate green and eyed-egg stage fecundity estimates for each individual female chum salmon spawned. Calculate green-egg to eyed-egg and green-egg to fry survival rates for each individually spawned female, and an overall green-egg to release survival rate. Mean weights, lengths, K values and coefficient of variation statistics for each of these parameters and frequency distributions of lengths and weights for fry at release. These estimates and survival rates will need to be generated each brood year. 11/1/2006 6/30/2009 $16,000
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment Install fry traps at monitoring weirs Annually install and remove fence panel weirs and live boxes at spawning channel monitoring weirs. 2/10/2007 5/31/2009 $3,200
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry Collect and record biological data from out-migrating salmonid fry caught in fry traps installed on the two monitoring weirs at the spawning channels. 2/10/2007 5/15/2009 $82,000
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Mark/Tag Animals Strontium mark naturally produced fry Place strontium mark on naturally produced fry via six hour immersion in a 2000ppm bath of strontium chloride hexa-6-hydrate. Remove, decode and archive voucher fry otoliths 2/10/2007 8/31/2009 $16,000
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Focal Area: Hydrosystem
Analyze/Interpret Data Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in spawning channels Predictive regression formulas will be developed using phenotypic measurements and fecundity data collected from females spawned at Washougal Hatchery. These formulas will be used in conjunction with phenotypic data collected from females placed in the spawning channels to generate a potential egg deposition (PED) value, with 95% CI, for each individual female that spawned in the channels. Each female was sampled soon after death (within 24 hours) to document any retained eggs. This number of retained eggs is then subtracted from the females PED to generate an actual egg deposition (AED) value, with 95% CI. Egg-to-fry survival rates, with 95% CI, are calculated by dividing the number fry trapped by the summed AED values for all females that spawned in each channel. 5/1/2007 6/30/2009 $16,500
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Analyze/Interpret Data Analysis of adult sampling and marking for population estimates Population estimates, with 95% CI, will be calculated annually for each seining location using the live mark/recapture data that will be generated in conjunction with seining for broodstock collection. Statistical test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, chi-square test and Goodness of Fit test) will be used to test assumptions. Jolly-Seber population software will be used to estimate spawning population size; Akiake Information Criteria will be used to select the most parsimonious model at each area sampled. A population estimate, with 95% CI, will be calculated annually for Hamilton Creek using carcass mark/recapture data. Statistical test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, chi-square test and Goodness of Fit test) will be used to test assumptions. Jolly-Seber population software will be used to estimate spawning population size; Akiake Information Criteria will be used to select the most parsimonious model. Maximum Likelihood Equations will be used to determine apparent residence time. 1/15/2007 7/31/2009 $17,250
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Hydrosystem
Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Analyze/Interpret Data Analysis to determine project origin adult returns Using the population estimates generated by this, and other projects, and the results of otolith decoding, estimate the contribution of project origin adults to spawning populations. These estimates will be generated annually. 6/1/2007 7/31/2009 $17,250
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Tributaries
Focal Area: Hydrosystem
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Decode otoliths collected from fall 2006-08 spawners Process and decode otoliths for thermal and strontium marks 3/15/2007 8/30/2009 $33,358
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Focal Area: Hydrosystem
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results Ad hoc in-season reports Produce and distribute to interested parties short in-season memos on project activities 1/15/2007 8/31/2009 $3,200
Biological objectives
Habitat Status Monitoring
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Produce Annual Report Generate annual reports Generate annual reports for the Duncan Creek project covering activities in FY07, 08 and 09 6/1/2007 9/30/2009 $52,000
Biological objectives
Produce Status Report Pisces status reporting Complete Pisces status reporting 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $3,200
Biological objectives
Develop RM&E Methods and Designs Explore the use of carcass weirs Explore the feasibility of using carcass weirs at mainstem spawning locations to increase recovery rates of carcasses, install one carcass weir. Increasing carcass recovery rates will benefit both population estimation and recovery of otoliths for origin determination work elements 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $6,500
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment Install/remove carcass weir Install/remove carcass weir at one additional mainstem spawning location to evaluate. 10/15/2007 12/31/2007 $12,800
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment Install/remove carcass weirs Implement the use of carcass weirs at all suitable mainstem spawning locations. 10/15/2008 1/15/2009 $19,300
Biological objectives
Hatchery Status Monitoring
Population/Biological Status Monitoring

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel .05 FTE Research Scientist II, 0.33 FTE F&W Bio 4, 1.0 FTE F&W Bio 3, 0.16 FTE F&W Bio 2, 0.41 FTE SciTech 2, 0.58 FTE Fish Culturist 2, 0.64 FTE SciTech 2 GS-6, 0.71 FTE Fish Tech 2 GS-5. $159,328 $167,295 $175,659
Fringe Benefits [blank] $53,363 $56,032 $58,834
Supplies [blank] $44,258 $52,421 $60,668
Overhead [blank] $66,164 $71,368 $76,561
Other Crestline Construction, adult trap install and removal $3,000 $3,150 $3,307
Totals $326,113 $350,266 $375,029
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,051,408
Total work element budget: $1,051,408
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
WDFW Non BPA funded population monitoring in Region 5 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 In-Kind Confirmed
Totals $400,000 $400,000 $400,000

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $466,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $466,000
Comments: By FY2010 we anticipate having approximately 1,600 DNA samples from adults collected for brood stock, collected for direct adult supplementation and adult volunteers to Duncan Creek. An additional $73,000 was added to the FY2010 anticipated budget to co

Future O&M costs:

Termination date:
Comments: A timeline was set for this project at inception, establish a self-sustaining population of chum salmon in Duncan Creek within 3 generations (approximately 12 years), three generations would be FY2013. However, if recent reductions in chum salmon returns continue, sufficient brood stock may not be collected in future years extending this timeline. Monitoring of adult returns and collection of otoliths will need to continue for several years after supplementation ends to fully document the effects of this program.

Final deliverables: A project summary report will be produced. Data will be made available to interested parties.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$158,333 $158,333 $158,333 $474,999 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$158,333 $158,333 $158,333 $0 ProvinceExpense
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Multi-province
Comments: MSRT recommends $.0


Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This project meets the ISRP review criteria. This project would benefit by being framed in the context of providing information beyond the project itself. This project has a reasonable likelihood of success. However, benefits are unknown at this time. Whether chum will use the reconstructed Duncan creek is not yet clear. If the reconstructed creek is not suitable this will benefit management for the species by reducing uncertainty about one restoration strategy. It might also indicate some major changes with the ecosystem have resulted in reduced habitat quality for chum. The proposal provides a good history of spending and results, highlighting major accomplishments, which is appreciated. To date, the success with returning hatchery fish looks poor. The population estimates in table 5 and table 6 have some numbers that need to be reconciled. Returns to the Duncan creek trap (2) is not encouraging. Equally of concern is the lack of any recovered adults from releases of hatchery juveniles. This project is justified in terms of its duration for about 12 years. A mid-term results review, however, will be needed to justify ongoing funding.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This project meets the ISRP review criteria. This project would benefit by being framed in the context of providing information beyond the project itself. This project has a reasonable likelihood of success. However, benefits are unknown at this time. Whether chum will use the reconstructed Duncan creek is not yet clear. If the reconstructed creek is not suitable this will benefit management for the species by reducing uncertainty about one restoration strategy. It might also indicate some major changes with the ecosystem have resulted in reduced habitat quality for chum. The proposal provides a good history of spending and results, highlighting major accomplishments, which is appreciated. To date, the success with returning hatchery fish looks poor. The population estimates in table 5 and table 6 have some numbers that need to be reconciled. Returns to the Duncan creek trap (2) is not encouraging. Equally of concern is the lack of any recovered adults from releases of hatchery juveniles. This project is justified in terms of its duration for about 12 years. A mid-term results review, however, will be needed to justify ongoing funding.