FY07-09 proposal 199401500

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleIdaho Fish Screening and Passage Improvements
Proposal ID199401500
OrganizationIdaho Department of Fish & Game
Short descriptionThe project protects anadromous fish and improves fish passage in Idaho’s anadromous fish corridors by consolidation and elimination of irrigation diversions, conservation of water, and screening fish from gravity and pump water withdrawal systems.
Information transferData generated by this program is uploaded into the Idaho Statewide Stream Database. Reports on work completed are available from the Idaho Department of Fish & Game, Bonneville Power Administration, and the Columbia River Fisheries Development Program (NOAA). Flow measurements are used by the Idaho Department of Water Resources and other agencies. Engineered drawings of fish screens are made available to other agencies working on fish screening projects. A website is maintained with basic fish screen data at http://www.fishandgame.idaho.gov/.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Lynn Stratton Idaho Department of Fish & Game [email protected]
All assigned contacts
Conan Chiu Idaho Department of Fish and Game [email protected]
Bill Hutchinson Idaho Department of Fish & Game [email protected]
Patrick Murphy Idaho Department of Fish & Game [email protected]
Lynn Stratton Idaho Department of Fish & Game [email protected]
Lynn Stratton Idaho Department of Fish & Game [email protected]
Randall Thomas Idaho Department of Fish & Game [email protected]

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Mountain Snake / Salmon

Salmon River Subbasin

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Anadromous Salmonids
secondary: Westslope Cutthroat
secondary: Bull Trout
secondary: Interior Redband Trout
secondary: Mountain Whitefish

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Installed 11 fish screens. One pump diversion dam was removed from the Salmon River and replaced with a well. One measuring flume was installed on a large canal. A new control structure was constructed as part of a sprinkler installation project.
2004 Three modular fish screens were installed on previously unscreened diversions. A consolidation of two ditches included removal of one diversion. A diversion was eliminated by a sprinkler system. The largest unscreened canal on Challis Creek was screened.
2003 Five fish screens were eliminated, four screens were replaced. One screen was installed on an unscreened diversion. Two diversion dams were eliminated, one diversion dam was improved for fish passage. Installed 86 pump screens.
2002 Three fish screens were eliminated. Four screens were installed on unscreened diversions. Five diversion dams were eliminated, eight diversion dams were improved for fish passage. Installed 45 pump screens. Contracted engineering services.
2001 Two fish screens were eliminated, seven screens were replaced. Sixteen screens were installed on unscreened diversions. Six diversion dam was improved for fish passage, 5 were eliminated. Installed 86 pump screens. Contracted engineering services.
2000 Four fish screens were eliminated, seven screens were replaced. Four screens were installed on unscreened diversions. One diversion dam was improved for fish passage. Installed 61 pump screens. Contracted engineering services.
1999 Six fish screens were eliminated, twelve screens were replaced. Four screens were installed on unscreened diversions. Three diversion dams were eliminated. Installed 35 pump screens. Contracted engineering services.
1998 Four fish screens were eliminated, twelve screens were replaced. One screen was installed on an unscreened diversion. Six diversion dams were eliminated, one was improved for fish passage. Installed 27 pump screens. Contracted engineering services.
1997 Eight fish screens were eliminated, eighteen screens were replaced. Four screens were installed on unscreened diversions. Ten diversion dams were eliminated, two were improved for fish passage. Installed 22 pump screens. Contracted engineering services.
1996 Ten screens were eliminated, twenty seven screens were replaced. Seven screens were installed on unscreened diversions. Six diversion dams were eliminated and two were improved for fish passage. Installed 4 pump screens. Contracted engineering services.
1995 Twenty nine screens were replaced with criteria units. Six screens were installed on unscreened diversions. Seven screens and diversion dams were eliminated. One diversion dam was improved for fish passage. Contracted engineering services.
1994 New industrial and specialized fabrication shop tooling was acquired. Fifteen old fish screens were replaced, one diversion and old screen was eliminated, three screens were installed on previously unscreened diversions. Contracted engineering services.
1993 BPA provided $500,000 for a cost share with CRFDP on the new Idaho Anadromous Fish Screen Shop in Salmon, Idaho. The new 8,500 square foot facility was completed in December 1993.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 199401700 Idaho Model Watershed Habitat The Idaho Fish Screen Program coordinates projects with Model Watershed. This program constructs the fish screens associated with Model Watershed projects.
PCSRF - Idaho 017 05 LS Improve passage at the Shingle The Idaho Fish Screen Program will fabricate and install the fish screen and fish passage diversion for this project. Additionally, project technical review was provided and landowner coordination for construction was provided.
PCSRF - Idaho 019 04 SA Iron Creek Reconnection The Idaho Fish Screen Program will assist with planning and coordination, produce engineering drawings for the pump intake screen, and provide fisheries data for the project.
PCSRF - Idaho 015 05 LS Little Salmon and Squaw Creek The Idaho Fish Screen Program provided documentation on the existing fish screen design, topographical point files to the USBR engineers, and provided project review.
Other: NRCS WHIP Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program The Idaho Fish Screen Program provides cultural survey documentation as needed, fisheries data and project fish salvage services, project technical review, and fabrication and installation of fish screens on jointly funded projects.
Other: USBR WCFSP Water Conservation Field Services Program The Idaho Fish Screen Program fabricates and installs fish screens and fish passage facilities that have been coordinated and engineered by USBR. Additionally, ESA specific projects addressing USBR responsibility under the FCRPS BiOp are coordinated and implemented.
Other: Multi-Agency LCA Lemhi Conservation Agreement The Lemhi Conservation Agreement is a multi- agency and water user endeavor. The Idaho Fish Screen Program provides fisheries data, technical review, and engages in a fast track approach to implement stream re-connections, fish passage improvements, and fish screen projects in Lemhi River tributaries identified by the group.
Other: NOAA-MA CRFDP Columbia River Fisheries Development Program Many fish screens, fishways, and control structures funded by Bonneville Power Administration meeting NMFS screening criteria and that are located in anadromous waters are operated and maintained under this program.
Other: IDFG R7 Regional Fisheries Management Data collected by the Idaho Fish Screen Program is shared with regional staff. Minor fisheries enhancement projects are jointly implemented.
BPA 198909800 Salmon Studies Id Rvrs IDFC The Idaho Fish Screen Program utilizes ISS PIT- tagged fish to document fish entrainment in the Lemhi River.
BPA 199107300 Idaho Natural Production Monit This program utilize data collected for biological justification for installing fish screens and ESA consultation requirements.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Aquatic Objective 12A Rehabilitate connectivity where it will benefit native fish populations, with an emphasis on bull trout. Salmon 12A1, 12A2
Aquatic Objective 12B Implement fish screening in tributaries after de-watering and passage issues are resolved. Salmon 12B1, 12B2
Aquatic Objective 14A Reduce potential losses of fishes that enter irrigation complexes. Salmon 14A1, 14A2, 14A3, 14A4, 14A5, 14A6,
Aquatic Objective 14B Improve connectivity of tributaries that are currently intercepted by irrigation complexes. Salmon 14B1, 14B2, 14B3, 14B4
Aquatic Objective 29B Reconnect main stem tributaries and modify diversion structures as needed to provide for Chinook Salmon and steelhead migration. Salmon 12A1, 12A2
Aquatic Objective 2A By 4th field hydrologic unit, carry out focused activities designed to improve our understanding and definition of small populations, while protecting the genetic integrity of wild populations that are below historical levels. Salmon 2A4, 2A7
Aquatic Objective 32A Reconnect main stem tributaries and modify diversion structures as needed to provide for Chinook and steelhead migration. Salmon 12A1, 12A2
Aquatic Objective 33B Reconnect main stem tributaries and modify diversion structures as needed to provide for Chinook and steelhead migration. Salmon 12A1, 12A2
Aquatic Objective 35B Provided there is adequate funding, personnel, and landowner participation, reconnect a minimum of one tributary every three years that are currently defined as partially or seasonally inaccessible to anadromous and/or resident focal species. Salmon 12A1, 12A2, 12B1, 12B2
Aquatic Objective 40A Reconnect main stem tributaries and modify diversion structures as needed to provide for Chinook and steelhead migration. Salmon 12A1, 12A2, 12B1, 12B2
Aquatic Objective 41B Improve connectivity and access to habitat currently blocked by man made barriers. Salmon 12A1, 12A2

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Identify and Select Projects Develop prelim plans, projects and proposals Select and plan projects, coordinate with stakeholders, tribes, other agencies. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $58,000
Biological objectives
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Perform fisheries investigations on five designated tributary streams. Perform fisheries investigations on streams to identify species absence or presence, distributions, densities, and habitat inventory. This work includes determination of landowner willingness to participate in future year fisheries improvement projects, mapping irrigation systems, and documentation of seasonal in stream flows, fish passage, and identifying water conservation potential. 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $54,800
Biological objectives
Primary R, M, and E Type: Data collection
Primary R, M, and E Type: Project Implementation/Compliance Monitoring
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Perform fisheries investigations on six designated streams. Perform fisheries investigations on streams to identify species absence or presence, distributions, densities, and habitat inventory. This work includes determination of landowner willingness to participate in future year fisheries improvement projects, mapping irrigation systems, and documentation of seasonal in stream flows, fish passage, and identifying water conservation potential. 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $57,000
Biological objectives
Primary R, M, and E Type: Project Implementation/ Compliance Monitoring
Focal Area: Tributaries
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Perform fisheries investigations on six designated streams. Perform fisheries investigations on streams to identify species absence or presence, distributions, densities, and habitat inventory. This work includes determination of landowner willingness to participate in future year fisheries improvement projects, mapping irrigation systems, and documentation of seasonal in stream flows, fish passage, and identifying water conservation potential. 10/1/2008 9/30/2009 $62,000
Biological objectives
Primary R, M, and E Type: Project Implementation/ Compliance Monitoring
Manage and Administer Projects Perform contract and project management. Manage personnel resources, administer contracts, verify and document, process invoices, administer records. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $166,712
Biological objectives
Other Maintain Office/Shop Operations Maintain office/shop communications, building maintenance, utilities, preparation of blueprints, newspaper notices, miscellaneous supplies. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $110,000
Biological objectives
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Perform cultural surveys, biological assessments, NEPA checklists, etc. Complete cultural surveys, consult on ESA issues, perform permitting actions, comply with state and Federal regulations, complete NEPA checklists. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $196,272
Biological objectives
Produce Design and/or Specifications Survey project sites and produce designs. Perform topographical surveys and produce site plans. Complete CAD drawings, contract specification manuals, and Public Works documents. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $249,000
Biological objectives
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage Perform Fish Screen and Passageway O&M Make adjustments to projects following M&E findings of deficiency. Some new projects, especially fish passage projects at diversions, may need to be modified following high water events. Occasionally, vegetation growth following project completion is insufficient. Fish screens require some annual maintenance. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $150,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Produce Status Report Produce quarterly reports Update Pisces quarterly with current status of project and completed milestones. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $5,000
Biological objectives
Produce Annual Report Produce annual report Prepare, edit, and submit annual reports. 7/1/2007 8/30/2009 $18,000
Biological objectives
Other Approved Contract Government Overhead Funding allocated for government overhead as approved by the cognizant audit agency. 10/1/2007 9/30/2010 $251,173
Biological objectives
Install Fish Screen Thompson Creek Fish Screen Project A fish screen will be installed on the Thompson Creek-01 diversion. 10/1/2006 4/1/2007 $16,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Install Fish Screen Knapp Creek-01 and 02 Fish Screening Project This project will install a fish screen on the Knapp Creek-01 and the Knapp Creek-02 diversions. 10/1/2006 6/30/2007 $97,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: Replacement
Install Fish Screen Challis Creek-04 Fish Screen Project A fish screen will be installed on the unscreened diversion at SChaC-04 on Challis Creek. 10/1/2006 12/30/2006 $37,500
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Install Fish Passage Structure S-39 and S-39A Fish Passage Barrier Project Install upstream structures on irrigation waste water channels at S-39 and S-39A to preclude fish from back-dooring the irrigation systrem. 10/1/2006 12/30/2006 $6,500
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 14A
* Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier?: No
Install Fish Screen Wimpey Creek-02 Fish Screen & Passage Project A fish screen will be installed on the LWC-02 diversion. 10/1/2006 11/30/2006 $22,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Install Fish Screen East Fork-13 Fish Screen Project A fish screen will be installed on the SEF-13 diversion on the main East Fork Salmon River. 3/15/2007 6/30/2007 $44,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Install Fish Screen SVCGC-03 Fish Screen and Passage Project Install new control structure, improve diversion, and install fish screen. 10/1/2006 12/30/2006 $18,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Install Fish Screen SEF-14 Fish Screen Project A fish screen will be installed on the SEF-13 diversion on the main East Fork Salmon River. 3/15/2007 6/30/2007 $47,500
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: Replacement
Install Fish Screen SSmC-01 Fish Screen & Passage Project Install control structure, improve passage, and install new fish screen at Smiley Creek-01. 10/1/2007 12/30/2007 $23,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Install Fish Screen Big Casino Creek Screen Project Install a fish screen on Big Casino Creek-01 diversion. 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $16,800
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Install Fish Screen Wimpey Creek Fish Screening Project Phase I Install a fish screen on the LWC-03, LWC-04, LWC-05, LWC-06, LWC-07, and LWC-08 diversions as part of an overall tributary reconnection project on the Lemhi River. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $232,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Aquatic Objective 35B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Remove/Install Diversion Wimpey Creek Diversion Improvement Project Phase I Improve fish passage at the LWC-04, LWC-05, LWC-06, LWC-07, and LWC-08 diversions by installing semi-permanent fish passable diversion weirs. This project is part of a complete tributary improvement effort to reconnect tributaries to the Lemhi River. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $56,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Aquatic Objective 35B
Install Fish Screen PBSC-09 Fish Screen Project Install a fish screen on the PBSC-09 diversion. 10/1/2006 12/30/2006 $28,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Install Fish Screen Beaver Creek-03 Screen Project Install fish screen and improve passage at Beaver Creek-03. 10/1/2006 12/30/2006 $19,500
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Flow rate at the screen diversion allowed by the water right: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Install Fish Screen SEF-16/16A Consolidation Project Complete East Fork 16/16A Consolidation Project, Install new Fish Screen. 3/15/2008 6/30/2008 $68,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: Replacement
Install Pipeline Carmen Creek Water Conservation Project Install water conservation pipeline to reduce conveyance losses in irrigation canals. 10/1/2008 9/30/2009 $55,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 41B
* Amount of unprotected water flow returned to the stream by conservation in cfs: 3 cfs
Install Sprinkler Upper Carmen Creek Improvement Project Three diversions are targeted for conversion from gravity flood irrigation to sprinkler systems. 10/1/2008 9/30/2009 $280,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 41B
* Amount of unprotected water flow returned to the stream by conservation in cfs: 5cfs
Install Fish Screen Freeman Creek-02 & 03 Fish Screening Project Install a fish screen on the SCCFC-02 and the SCCFC-03 diversions. 10/1/2008 5/30/2009 $34,300
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Aquatic Objective 41B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: Replacement
Remove/Install Diversion Freeman Creek Fish Passaage Project Improve fish passage at Freeman Creek diversions by installing semi-permanent fish friendly diversion weirs. 10/1/2008 5/30/2009 $28,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 14B
Aquatic Objective 41B
* # of miles of habitat accessed: 1.0
Install Fish Screen P-13 Fish Screen Project This is a substitution project that would be ready for implementation in the event some other scheduled project became stalled. Install a fish screen on the P-13 diversion following water conservation and fish passage projects. 10/1/2008 9/30/2009 $0
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Aquatic Objective 33B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: Replacement
Install Pipeline Big Timber-02 Pipeline Install a pipeline in the Big Timber-02 ditch to reduce conveyance losses. 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $270,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Aquatic Objective 40A
* Amount of unprotected water flow returned to the stream by conservation in cfs: 5cfs
* Estimated # of miles of primary stream reach improvement: 1.0 miles
Remove/Install Diversion Big Springs Creek Fish Passage Project Improve fish passage by installing better diversion weirs at three sites on Pahsimeroi Big Springs Creek. 10/1/2006 4/30/2007 $45,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Aquatic Objective 32A
* # of miles of habitat accessed: 3 miles
Install Fish Screen S-23A Fish Screen Project Replace the S-23A fish screen with a NOAA/FSOC approved screen. 6/1/2008 8/30/2008 $54,227
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: Replacement
Install Fish Screen Big Timber-02 Screen Project Install fish screen on the Big Timber-02 diversion following passage and water conservation work. 3/15/2009 6/30/2009 $50,000
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Aquatic Objective 40A
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Other Vehicle & Equipment Rentals Funding pays for vehicles, heavy equipment, trucks, and specialized equipment rented to complete projects. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $63,280
Biological objectives
Install Fish Screen Panther Creek Consolidation Project This is a substitution project ready for completion in the event others become stalled. Project will consolidate five ditches on upper Panther Creek. Two fish screens will be installed. 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $0
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
Aquatic Objective 14B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New
Install Fish Screen Upper Iron Creek Screen Project This is a substitution project ready for implementation should other projects become stalled. Project involves installing new screens on three small diversions. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $0
Biological objectives
Aquatic Objective 12B
* Does the screen meet NOAA/FSOC specs?: Yes
* Is the screen New or a Replacement?: New

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel Four permanent employees 1/2 time. Five temporary employees 8 months each performing biological work. Two temporary employees performing O&M five months time each. Assumes an annual inflation rate of 3%. $150,076 $154,578 $159,215
Travel Per deim, lodging, field camp meals. $15,300 $15,500 $15,800
Supplies Minor tools, office supplies, minor equipment, lubricants, fish screen parts, field clothing, waders, PIT antennas, utilities, plants and seedlings for rehab of construction sites. $65,000 $65,000 $65,000
Other Vehicle and equipment rentals. $20,580 $21,200 $21,500
Other Archaeological surveys, cultural monitoring, engineering services, certified inspections on equipment. $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Capital Equipment Fish screens,fish passageways, pipelines, sprinkler systems.. $501,133 $533,559 $507,634
Overhead Approved overhead rate by cognizant audit agency. Current rate is 21%. Rate is calculated and established annually. $82,196 $83,726 $85,251
Fringe Benefits Fringe varies by job type. This calculation is an average of all positions. Assumes an inflation rate of 3% annually. $65,455 $67,419 $69,442
Totals $974,740 $1,015,982 $998,842
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $2,989,564
Total work element budget: $2,989,564
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Totals $0 $0 $0

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $1,000,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $1,000,000
Comments: Estimate only. Actual funding need may vary.

Future O&M costs: To date, all O&M costs associated with BPA funded projects has been borne by CRFDP. That funding source has limited ability to continue to fund these items. Beginning in FY07, a line item for O&M will be submitted at a beginning amount of $50,000 per fiscal year. This funding will be used to make adjustments to projects following M&E findings of deficiency. Some new projects, especially fish passage projects at diversions, may need to be modified following high water events. Occasionally, vegetation growth following project completion is insufficient. Fish screens require some annual maintenance.

Termination date: None
Comments: This ongoing project has an abundance of work available into the future. Most future work areas have never been screened. Prior to installing fish screens all effort is made to provide for in-stream flow, eliminate diversions, consolidate diversions, and apply water conservation measures. Fewer diversions mean less downstream entrainment and better upstream passage for all species. Screens can be of smaller size, cost less, and future maintenance costs can be limited by reducing the number of diversions needing screened. These actions are time consuming and all require extensive permitting. Most diverters in future work areas have never been involved or associated with resource work. Many are hesitant to become involved. Water conservation measures, the most important aspect of fisheries recovery, is very expensive. In some drainages, costs per cfs of water conserved have exceeded $100,000. Many diversions are upon lands administered by Federal land management agencies. Negotiation and coordination with these agencies can be extensive. Much of the preliminary work ongoing this year will not be completed for five years into the future. Installing fish screens before the problem of tributary de-watering has been addressed, will not achieve quality resource recovery.

Final deliverables: An annual report will be submitted at the end of every fiscal year. All fisheries data collected will be submitted and made available to interested parties. Easements and agreements concluded under this propoasal will be available for review. Deliverables include fish screens, fish passageways, water conservation systems, and other capital installations. Tecnical reports, engineered drawings, stream survey reports, and cultural survey reports will be made available to other interested parties and submitted as deliverables.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Response to the ISRP Jul 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$834,740 $834,740 $834,740 $2,504,220 Capital ProvinceCapital Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$834,740 $834,740 $834,740 $0 ProvinceCapital


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: In most regards this is a very nicely prepared proposal that includes an excellent overview of project history. Responses are needed on two items. The ISRP wonders where the agency currently stands in the process of completing the needed fish screens. In 2003 they made the statement: "Idaho is approximately 75% complete with the screening effort of known diversions in anadromous waters. Consistent funding could assist completing the known work by 2005." Where are they now after three additional years of funding? From the current proposal, it now appears the screening can go on indefinitely. The second issue: Is water saved due to these projects being returned to the streams and remaining in-channel? A response is needed on the benefit of irrigation improvement (sprinkler conversion, etc.) to instream flows.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This was a very nicely prepared proposal that included an excellent overview of project history and results to date. Very clear and detailed responses were provided to reviewers' questions. Responses were requested on two items. First, the ISRP asked where the agency currently stands in the process of completing the needed fish screens. The response indicated that 75% of all the known main stem river corridor diversions, including those on the Lemhi River, Little Salmon River, Pahsimeroi River, East Fork Salmon River, North Fork Salmon River, and main stem Salmon River, have had fish screens installed. At present there is one Salmon River diversion with an antiquated fish screen in need of replacement. There is one diversion on the Lemhi River that also is in need of a better fish screen. The North Fork Salmon River has two unscreened diversions. The East Fork Salmon River has three diversions in need of NOAA Criteria screens. One is currently under contract, and the other two are in design phase. In addition, "there are many years of future work to screen tributaries that are in occupied anadromous habitat. These diversions number several hundred in occupied anadromous waters of the upper Salmon River Basin. Unlike the main stem river diversions which generally do not involve dewatered reaches and water–savings projects, almost all tributaries have potential water-savings projects due to seasonally dewatered reaches and unscreened diversions. This makes fish screening that much more complicated in tributaries as there are generally multiple water conservation projects that are needed to complement a fish screen project in order to make a fish screen effort effective. These primarily include improving fish passage with fish passable diversions and fish screens, and increasing instream flow by water-savings projects and installation or improvement of water control structures." The second issue was whether water saved due to these projects was being returned to the streams and remaining in the stream channel. The response indicated, "The purpose for installing sprinkler systems and installing pipelines is to keep water instream. These systems are only installed if there can be some assurances the water will remain instream. The Idaho Screen Program works on a tributary wide approach in order to provide the best possible results. Unless the saved water can be shepparded (sic) through the tributary and allow fish passage in lower stream flow conditions, then the project is not considered." While in general this is a beneficial approach for fish, the statement "if there can be some assurances the water will remain instream" is not as concrete as it might be. Whether such projects include any legal provision for instream flow was unclear. Reviewers encourage the sponsors to continue to strengthen this emphasis to the greatest extent possible. Reviewers appreciate the detail provided in the response regarding how the risk of passage blockage and diversion entrainment varies over an irrigation season by fish species and life stage. Certainly the number of smolting fish diverted and killed in these projects represents an important loss that can only be compensated via factors outside-the-basin, perhaps an unlikely scenario. Because the loss of smolting fish would be the most important loss in freshwater apart from the death of an adult fish, the sponsors might (if not already done) assign higher priority to screening needs at sites where smolting fish predominate than for sites typically entraining younger fish. It would be helpful in the future to see more details regarding this issue and its relative importance at various sites.