FY07-09 proposal 199000501
Jump to Reviews and Recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Umatilla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Project |
Proposal ID | 199000501 |
Organization | Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation |
Short description | Salmonid Monitoring and Evaluation: Provide ecological information and technical services to decision makers in support of adaptive management for sustainable restoration, conservation, and preservation of salmonid and aquatic resources. |
Information transfer | 1) BPA Quarterly Status Reports (online) 2) BPA Annual Reports (online) 3) CTUIR Fisheries web-page (data and reports) 4) Manuscripts submitted to peer reviewed scientific journals 5) Presentations at local and regional fisheries conferences, seminars and symposia 6) Technical review of proposed management plans and actions on county, state and federal lands that may affect salmonid and aquatic resources in the Umatilla River Subbasin. |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Contact | Organization | |
Form submitter | ||
Craig Contor | Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation | [email protected] |
All assigned contacts | ||
Craig Contor | Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation | [email protected] |
Section 2. Locations
Province / subbasin: Columbia Plateau / Umatilla
Latitude | Longitude | Waterbody | Description |
45.45 | 119 | Umatilla River | Entire Umatilla River Subbasin |
Section 3. Focal species
primary: All Anadromous Fishprimary: Coho Unspecified Population
primary: Steelhead Middle Columbia River ESU
secondary: All Resident Fish
secondary: Bull Trout
secondary: Interior Redband Trout
secondary: Mountain Whitefish
Section 4. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishments |
2005 | Continued spawning surveys, temperature monitoring, tribal harvest surveys, age and growth evaluations and steelhead genetic sampling. Finalized the collaborative RM&E plan and comprehensive RM&E report. |
2004 | Continued spawning surveys, temperature monitoring, tribal harvest surveys, age and growth evaluations and steelhead genetic sampling. Completed Subbasin Plans. Submitted collaborative RM&E plan and comprehensive RM&E report to BPA and ISRP for review. |
2003 | Hired project leader, continued spawning surveys, temperature monitoring, tribal harvest surveys, age and growth, and steelhead genetic sampling. Continued with second round of Subbasin Plans, collaborative RM&E planning and comprehensive RM&E report. |
2002 | Continued monitoring fish abundance, carcasses, redds, water temps., tribal harvest, age and growth, and STS genetics. Umatilla Phase III flow enhancemet planning, M&E planing, McKay Creek recovery planning, hatchery master plans, and ESA recovery plans. |
2001 | Continued monitoring fish abundance, carcasses, redds, water temps., tribal harvest, STS genetics, and smolts. Processes included: Subbasin Plans, M&E plan development, McKay Creek recovery planning, hatchery master plans, HGMPs, and ESA recovery plans. |
2000 | Continued monitoring fish abundance, carcasses, redds, water temps., tribal harvest, STS genetics, and smolts. Processes included: Subbasin Plans, M&E plan development, McKay Creek sampling, hatchery master plans, HGMPs, and ESA recovery plans. |
1999 | Walla Walla project separated from the Umatilla project. Monitoring of fish abundance, carcasses, redds, water temps., tribal harvest, STS genetics, and smolts continued in the Umatilla. Staff was consumed by Subbasin Plans and ESA recovery plans. |
1998 | Continued monitoring fish abundance, adult carcasses, redds, water temps., tribal harvest and out-migrating smolts in Umatilla; same began same in Walla Walla. M&E planning continued with collaborators. PIT tagging and steelhead genetics sampling began. |
1997 | Project expanded into the Walla Walla Basin. We began developing basin wide monitoring plans with collaborators. Continued monitoring fish abundance, adult carcasses, redds, water temperatures, tribal harvest and out-migrating smolts. |
1996 | Completed habitat surveys. Continued monitoring fish abundance, adult carcasses, redds, water temperatures, tribal harvest and out-migrating smolts. Experimented with visible tags but recommended waiting for the PIT tag detector installation in the Col. |
1995 | Completed passage study; surveyed habitat, rearing abundance, carcasses, and redds; monitored water temperatures, tribal harvest and out-migrating smolts. Branded smolts and recommended waiting for the PIT tag detector installation in the Columbia. |
1994 | We surveyed habitat, rearing abundance, carcasses, and redds. We monitored water temperatures and smolts. The adult passage evaluations using radio telemetry was added to the project. Telemetry documented fish delays at Feed Canal Dam. Completed report. |
1993 | We continued surveys of stream habitat, salmonid rearing abundance, carcasses, and salmon and steelhead spawning. We expanded temperature monitoring and smolt monitoring, and completed the first annual report. |
1992 | Hired personnel, completed survey training, began habitat surveys, installed and operated smolt traps, initiated salmonid abundance monitoring, conducted spawning surveys, initiated temperature monitoring, and collected genetic samples. |
Section 5. Relationships to other projects
Funding source | Related ID | Related title | Relationship |
BPA | 199506001 | Iskuulpa Watershed Project | Collaborative habitat restoration effectiveness monitoring. |
BPA | 199000500 | Umatilla Hatchery - M&E | Collaborative M&E planning, field work, analysis and reporting. |
BPA | 198710001 | Umatilla Anad Fish Hab - CTUIR | Collaborative habitat restoration effectiveness monitoring |
BPA | 198710002 | Umatilla Anad. Fish Hab - ODFW | Collaborative habitat restoration effectiveness monitoring |
BPA | 198343500 | Umatilla Hatchery O&M - CTUIR | We evaluate the effectiveness of the hatchery program in terms of restoring and enhancing the natural production of salmonids in the Umatilla Basin. |
BPA | 198903500 | Umatilla Hatchery O&M - ODFW | We evaluate the effectiveness of the hatchery program in terms of restoring and enhancing the natural production of salmonids in the Umatilla Basin. |
BPA | 198802200 | Umatilla Fish Passage Ops | We evaluate the effectiveness of the passage project in terms of restoring and enhancing the natural production of salmonids in the Umatilla Basin. |
BPA | 198902401 | Eval Um Juvenile Sal Out Migra | Collaborative M&E planning, field work, analysis and reporting. We also depend on this project to install PIT tag detectors in TMD for our natural smolt survival studies |
BPA | 199008000 | Columbia Basin Pit-Tag Informa | Our PIT tagging objectives for wild smolt survival and for our collaborative project with BOR require the coordination of tagging, mortality and detections of PIT tags system wide. |
BPA | 199402600 | Pacific Lamprey Population Sta | Collaborative M&E planning, field data (radio telemetry recievers), ecosystem function evaluation and reporting. |
Other: USFWS | [no entry] | Bull Trout Population Assessment and Lifehistory Characteristics in Association with Habitat Quality and Landuse in N.E. Oregon: A Template for Recovery Planning | We assist this USFWS and USGS study by conducting bull trout spawning surveys and recording and reporting all bull trout found during our other field activities. Collaboration also includes bull trout recovery planning and ecosystem function evaluation. Without this USFWS project in place, we would be conducting similar tasks to resolve bull trout related critical uncertainties. |
Other: BOR | [no entry] | Umatilla Basin Project Monitoring and Evaluation Prog | This collaborative project with BOR and ODFW addresses management information needs identified in the National Marine Fisheries Service Biological Opinion on the BOR's Umatilla Basin Project. This collaborative effort is complementary and additive to the this project and ODFW M&E projects by PIT tagging smolts for survival and life-history studies. |
BPA | 200203700 | Freshwater Mussels In River | Collaborative M&E planning, field data, ecosystem function evaluation and reporting. |
BPA | 198902700 | Power Repay Umatilla Basin Pro | We evaluate the effectiveness of the flow augmentation project in terms of adult passage, smolt survival, and restoring and enhancing the natural production of salmonids in the Umatilla Basin. |
Other: OSU-USDA | 0524-0039 | Impacts of Irrigation Diversions on River Ecosystems | This is a cost share project for evaluating the affects of water withdrawal and flow augmentation strategies on fish and other aquatic species in the lower Umatilla and Walla Walla Rivers. |
Other: EPA et al. | [no entry] | Meacham Creek Restoration Project Effectiveness Monitoring | Multiple funding sources have provided funds to restore Meacham Creek riparian and floodplain function. This suite of projects includes effectiveness monitoring activities. We use the resultant data for salmonid population and distribution evaluations, and ecosystem and population modeling. |
Other: EPA | [no entry] | Umatilla Basin Fish Contaminant Studies | Contaminants are suspected to be a important factor limiting natural production of salmonids in the Umatilla Basin. This collaborative project addresses critical uncertainties about the contaminants and fish restoration efforts in the Umatilla River Basin. |
Other: NOAA | [no entry] | Systemwide STS Genetics | Get from Paul Moran |
BPA | 200003900 | Walla Walla River Basin Monito | We share equipment, staff, expertise, protocols, and strategies, with this project for mutual enhancement and cost benefit. |
BPA | 200203000 | Salmonid Progeny Markers | This project will conduct hatchery and natural reproductive success evaluations on steelhead eliminating the need for this project to evaluate that critical uncertainty. Results will be used for our population and ecosystem modeling. |
BPA | 199800703 | Grande Ronde Supp. O&M/M&E | We share equipment, personnel, protocols, expertise, and strategies with this project. |
BPA | 200301700 | Integrated Status/Effect Progr | This is the pilot project for the development of a Columbia Basin-wide RM&E program. |
Section 6. Biological objectives
Biological objectives | Full description | Associated subbasin plan | Strategy |
1. Assess salmonid abundance and spatial structure | Assess and detect changes in status and trends in abundance and spatial structure of salmonids in the Umatilla River Subbasin throughout their life history. | Umatilla | Section 5.3.2 Aquatic Objectives and Strategies: 1 through 5. |
2. Assess salmonid productivity | Assess and detect changes in productivity for all life histories of salmonids in the Umatilla River Subbasin during 2007-2009. | Umatilla | Section 5.3.2. Aquatic Objectives and Strategies: 1 through 3 |
3. Assess salmonid diversity | Assess and detect changes in status and trends in diversity for all life histories of salmonids in the Umatilla River Subbasin during 2007 -2009 | Umatilla | Section 5.3.2 Aquatic Objectives and Strategies: 1 through 5 |
4. Evaluate program effectiveness in space & time | Quantify the benefits of habitat actions, flow augmentation, hatchery releases, and mainstem facility operations on adults returns, natural production and juvenile rearing. | Umatilla | Section 5.3.2 Aquatic Objectives and Strategies: 1-16 |
5. Coordinate and administer the project | Coordinate data collection, analysis and reporting with collaborators, and administer and manage the project | Umatilla | Section 5.3.2 Aquatic Objectives and Strategy 1 |
6. Report and disseminate findings | Work with collaborators to report and disseminate data, findings and associated management implications from the historical and current salmonid research, monitoring and evaluation in the Umatilla River Subbasin. | Umatilla | Section 5.3.2 Aquatic Objectives and Strategies: 14 through 16 |
Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)
Work element name | Work element title | Description | Start date | End date | Est budget |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 1.1 Fish ladder counts | Collaborate with CTUIR and ODFW Fish Passage Projects and CTUIR Progeny Marker Project to enumerate adult returns to fish ladders and weirs for run timing, abundance, composition and spawner escapement. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $8,342 |
Biological objectives 1. Assess salmonid abundance and spatial structure |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Number and age of adult returns |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 1.2 Steelhead Spawning Surveys | Conduct spawning surveys with EMAP sampling design collaboratively with ODFW to assess abundance, distribution, composition and escapement of summer steelhead. | 3/2/2007 | 6/10/2009 | $176,680 |
Biological objectives 1. Assess salmonid abundance and spatial structure |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Number of steelhead redds |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 1.3 Bull Trout Surveys | Conduct bull trout spawning surveys with ODFW and USFWS. | 9/15/2007 | 1/31/2009 | $23,473 |
Biological objectives 1. Assess salmonid abundance and spatial structure |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Number of bull trout redds |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 1.4 Chinook and Coho Spawning Surveys | Conduct spawning surveys for spring Chinook, fall Chinook and coho salmon using three pass census methods. | 8/1/2007 | 12/22/2009 | $169,282 |
Biological objectives 1. Assess salmonid abundance and spatial structure |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Number of spring Chinook redds Primary R, M, and E Type: Spring Chinook carcass demographics Primary R, M, and E Type: Number of fall Chinook redds Primary R, M, and E Type: Fall Chinook carcass demographics Primary R, M, and E Type: Number of coho redds Primary R, M, and E Type: Coho carcass demographics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 1.5 Fish and Habitat Surveys | Conduct EMAP surveys of juvenile and resident fish and their habitat throughout the Umatilla River Basin. | 6/15/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $383,546 |
Biological objectives 1. Assess salmonid abundance and spatial structure |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Fish numbers and demographics Primary R, M, and E Type: Stream and riparian habitat condition |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 1.6 Salmonid Migration, Holding and Spawning | In collaboration with ODFW, radio tag and monitor adult spring Chinook and steelhead to assess spatial and temporal patterns of migration, holding, pre-spawn loss and spawning. | 2/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $486,288 |
Biological objectives 1. Assess salmonid abundance and spatial structure |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Adult salmonid migration timing and distribution. Primary R, M, and E Type: Adult salmonid survival to spawning Primary R, M, and E Type: Adult salmonid pre-spawn mortality |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 1.7 Salmonid Status and Trend Assessment | Use associative analysis to assess the distribution, correlation, and covariance among abundance and distribution performance metrics. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $11,916 |
Biological objectives 1. Assess salmonid abundance and spatial structure |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Number and distribution of adult returns |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 2.1 Quantify Out-of-Basin Harvest | In collaboration with ODFW, CRITFC, PSMFC and other CTUIR projects, quantify out-of basin harvest of Umatilla Chinook and steelhead. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $24,097 |
Biological objectives 2. Assess salmonid productivity |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: No. of Umatilla adult fish harvested out of basin |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 2.2 Quantify In-Basin Harvest | In collaboration with ODFW, CRITFC, PSMFC and other CTUIR projects, quantify in-basin harvest of Umatilla Chinook and steelhead for tribal and non-tribal fisheries. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $108,492 |
Biological objectives 2. Assess salmonid productivity |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: No. of Umatilla adult fish harvested in basin |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 2.3 Analyze Outmigrant Data | In collaboration with ODFW, annual quantify the timing and abundance of parr and smolts migrating from the Umatilla Basin. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $413,252 |
Biological objectives 2. Assess salmonid productivity |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Annual number of outmigrants |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 2.4 Salmonid Age, Growth and Life History Studies | Quantify age, growth and cohort diversity of Umatilla Basin salmonids in collaboration with ODFW. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $105,515 |
Biological objectives 2. Assess salmonid productivity |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Salmon and steelhead brood year demographics |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 2.5 Run and Cohort Reconstruction | Determine year class abundance and assess cohort strength. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $15,745 |
Biological objectives 2. Assess salmonid productivity |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Adult salmon and steelhead year class abundance |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 2.6 Run Estimation and Time Series Analysis | Develop predictive models of population performance in time. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $19,575 |
Biological objectives 2. Assess salmonid productivity |
Metrics Secondary R, M, and E Type: Estimate future salmon and steelhead returns |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 3.1 Analyze Age and Cohort Diversity | Analyze Age and Cohort Diversity | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $19,575 |
Biological objectives 3. Assess salmonid diversity |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Quantify salmonid age and brood year diversity |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 3.2 Analyze Run Timing Diversity | Assess outmigration, adult return, and spawn timing diversity. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $19,575 |
Biological objectives 3. Assess salmonid diversity |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Quantify return timing diversity |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 3.3 Genetic Material Collection | Collect and archive 60-100 genetic material samples from each anadromous salmonid stock each year to assist in the quantification of salmonid population status, allelic diversity and reproductive success. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $18,978 |
Biological objectives 3. Assess salmonid diversity |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Collect 60-100 samples from adult steelhead/year Primary R, M, and E Type: Collect 60-100 samples from adult Sp. Chinook/year Primary R, M, and E Type: Collect 60-100 samples from adult fall Chinook/yr Primary R, M, and E Type: Collect 60-100 samples from adult Coho/year |
Create/Manage/Maintain Database | 4.1 Inventory Umatilla Basin Fish and Habitat Restoration Actions | In addition to fish and habitat restoration actions recorded via PISCES, we will inventory and catalog all the other habitat actions occurring in the Umatilla Basin. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $8,418 |
Biological objectives 4. Evaluate program effectiveness in space & time |
Metrics |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 4.2 Analyze Fish and Habitat Restoration Actions | Use associative, spatial, and time series analysis to compare population performance in space and time as it relates to fish and habitat actions in the Umatilla Basin. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $19,575 |
Biological objectives 4. Evaluate program effectiveness in space & time |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Completed spatial and time series analysis |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 4.3 Evaluate Umatilla Flow Augmentation Projects | Assess the benefits to spawning and rearing populations of Phase I and II flow exchange projects in the lower Umatilla River . | 1/2/2007 | 4/30/2010 | $19,575 |
Biological objectives 4. Evaluate program effectiveness in space & time |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Completed flow augmentation analysis |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 4.4 Assess Effects of Hatchery Releases on Natural Production | We will use associative, spatial, and time series analysis to compare juvenile, adult, and spawner performance across watersheds within the Umatilla Basin and among subbasins in the Columbia Plateau. | 4/10/2007 | 1/10/2010 | $19,575 |
Biological objectives 4. Evaluate program effectiveness in space & time |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Analysis of hatchery effects on natural production |
Analyze/Interpret Data | 4.5 Assess the Effects of Mainstem Harvest and Passage Operations | Evaluate the effects of mainstem fisheries and passage facilities on spawner escapement in the Umatilla Basin. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $23,583 |
Biological objectives 4. Evaluate program effectiveness in space & time |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Mainstem harvest and hydro effects on Umat returns |
Coordination | 5.1 Coordinate and Plan | Plan and coordinate collaborative analysis and field work with USFS, USFWS, NOAA, ODFW, PNAMP, CSMEP, TMDL, and the Federal Caucus. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $29,720 |
Biological objectives 5. Coordinate and administer the project |
Metrics |
Manage and Administer Projects | 5.2 Manage and Administer the Project | Meet the required administrative processes dictated by BPA, BIA, CTUIR, GSA, ESA, USFWS, NMFS, CRITFC, CBFWA, ISRP, NPPC, ODFW, ODEQ, BOR, TMDL, watershed assessment and review teams, master plans, subbasin planning, UMMEOC, and the basin AOP. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $40,380 |
Biological objectives 5. Coordinate and administer the project |
Metrics |
Create/Manage/Maintain Database | 6.1 Manage Data | Complete centralization of data management, and develop node and portal to Streamnet/NED data management and server systems. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $72,771 |
Biological objectives 6. Report and disseminate findings |
Metrics |
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report | 6.2 Produce PISCES Quarterly Report | Produce PISCES Quarterly Report | 4/10/2007 | 1/10/2010 | $4,078 |
Biological objectives 6. Report and disseminate findings |
Metrics |
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report | 6.3 Produce Annual Report | Produce and annual report of activities, and bi-annual summaries of findings. | 9/15/2007 | 4/30/2010 | $104,927 |
Biological objectives 6. Report and disseminate findings |
Metrics |
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report | 6.4 Produce Scientific Manuscripts | Produce and present peer-reviewed reports via direct submissions and participation in local and regional technical conferences and workshops. | 1/2/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $59,742 |
Biological objectives 6. Report and disseminate findings |
Metrics |
Section 8. Budgets
Itemized estimated budget
Item | Note | FY07 | FY08 | FY09 |
Personnel | [blank] | $287,439 | $301,811 | $316,902 |
Fringe Benefits | [blank] | $77,609 | $81,489 | $85,563 |
Travel | [blank] | $28,536 | $29,962 | $31,460 |
Supplies | [blank] | $50,865 | $53,408 | $56,078 |
Capital Equipment | [blank] | $19,000 | $0 | $0 |
Overhead | Indirect @ 39% | $173,335 | $182,002 | $191,102 |
Other | 30,000 PIT Tags/Year | $67,500 | $67,500 | $67,500 |
Other | Subcontract for ODFW collaboration on WE 1.1-1.6 & 2.3 | $75,373 | $79,142 | $83,099 |
Totals | $779,657 | $795,314 | $831,704 |
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: | $2,406,675 |
Total work element budget: | $2,406,675 |
Cost sharing
Funding source/org | Item or service provided | FY 07 est value ($) | FY 08 est value ($) | FY 09 est value ($) | Cash or in-kind? | Status |
BOR Umatilla juvenile STS passage study | PIT Tags hatchery steelhead smolts to compliment our wild smolt tagging | $12,000 | $12,000 | $12,000 | Cash | Under Review |
BPA | CTUIR Lamprey Project: collaborative radio telemetry monitoring at passage facilities | $120,000 | $30,000 | $30,000 | Cash | Under Review |
BPA | ODFW Smolt Monitoring Project: PIT tag detection at Three Mile Falls Dam | $210,000 | $75,000 | $75,000 | Cash | Under Review |
BPA | CTUIR Fish Passage Ops: Collaborative enumeration of salmon and steelhead returns | $120,000 | $120,000 | $120,000 | Cash | Under Review |
BPA | ODFW Anadromous Fish Habitat Project: Provide treatment for our treatment and control studies | $120,000 | $120,000 | $120,000 | Cash | Under Review |
BPA | CTUIR Fish Habitat Project: provides treatment sites for our restoration action effectiveness study | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | Cash | Under Review |
BPA | CTUIR: Iskuulpa Watershed Project: provides treatment for our restoration action effectiveness study | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | Cash | Under Review |
BPA | CTUIR Salmonid Marker Project: determine relative reproductive success of hatchery spawners | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | Cash | Under Review |
EPA | Fish Toxin Study | $25,000 | $25,000 | $25,000 | Cash | Confirmed |
EPA | Meacham Creek restoration effective monitoring project | $30,000 | $30,000 | $30,000 | Cash | Confirmed |
NOAA | This is the regional pilot project for the development of a Columbia Basin-Wide RM&E program | $200,000 | $210,000 | $225,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
OSU-USDA | Impacts of irrigation diversions on river ecosystems; collaborative ecological evaluations | $50,000 | $50,000 | $50,000 | Cash | Confirmed |
USFWS | Collaborative bull trout studies | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | Cash | Confirmed |
Totals | $1,487,000 | $1,272,000 | $1,287,000 |
Section 9. Project future
FY 2010 estimated budget: $868,000 FY 2011 estimated budget: $868,000 |
Comments: This is the long-term monitoring and evaluation project for the Umatilla FWP |
Future O&M costs: This is the long-term monitoring and evaluation project for the Umatilla FWP
Termination date: None
Final deliverables:
Section 10. Narrative and other documents
2007 Umatilla M&E Response to ISRP | Jul 2006 |
Reviews and recommendations
FY07 budget | FY08 budget | FY09 budget | Total budget | Type | Category | Recommendation |
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$395,129 | $395,129 | $395,129 | $1,185,387 | Expense | ProvinceExpense | Fund |
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$395,129 | $395,129 | $395,129 | $0 | ProvinceExpense | ||
Comments: See decision memo comment |
Recommendation: Response requested
NPCC comments: This project has numerous objectives and multiple tasks. There are well-defined relationships with the subbasin plan and Fish and Wildlife Program, as well as mention of the roles of ODFW and CTUIR. A response should better justify all the various data to be collected and then relate these studies to the evaluation of program goals and the roles and management actions of the agencies. A clear linkage must be demonstrated. The ISRP had reviewed the Umatilla RM&E plan previously (2004) and were pleased with the many improvements therein, but some recommendations and prioritization of RM&E activities still apply. Clear indication of the response to the 2004 ISRP review would benefit the proposal. Project history is explained but past actions are not presented fully, although results have been distributed and communicated at least within the basin. The large amount of information already collected and only partially presented (redds, radio tagging, etc.) has undoubtedly led to adaptive management improvements, but these are not tabled here. The response should indicate more clearly where management decisions have benefited from these data collections. Stock-recruit analysis presented here should be discussed as to its potential significance to the Umatilla program and others in the Fish and Wildlife Program. Steelhead recruitment is below replacement except for two data points, may have been derived from different regimes of productivity, and does not appear to be well-estimated or explained from the figure presented. Some results presented argue for a different approach to salmon recovery (outside the subbasin) then what is proposed here. For example, variation in adult abundance (Fig 13) could be explained by out-of-basin effects, indicating little effect from recent subbasin actions. Please refer to comments related to the statistical design and evaluation of observational data as described in project 200708300 (Grande Ronde RM&E) and the ISRP's programmatic comments on this topic, which apply here. Historical information and background is provided in the same manner but with much more (and questionably necessary detail) as in the ODFW proposal, 198902401, with which this is closely related. The ODFW and CTUIR collaboration remains a major requirement. The presentation of this proposal is lengthy, with rather confusing objective(s) that may include 25 of 44 loosely related objectives of several projects. The connection is not well defined, and a clear design is lacking. The purpose, to "support adaptive management of Umatilla salmonid natural production through pro-active monitoring and evaluation of those resources" is vague. What if only 198902401 were supported (or vice versa), would the monitoring be adequate? A clear definition of the experiment at hand and the evaluation of key response variable(s), of which there should be only a few (e.g., smolts per spawner as a function of spawner density), is required. What is the experiment? What feature of "salmonid population performance" is to be monitored, and why? There is a very long explanation of the relationship with other projects, but rationale that this will be useful is weak. There are several management actions outlined in Table 3, but one is unconvinced that the design will sort these actions, nor control for many other confounding factors. There are too many relationships here. Table 4 lists many monitoring actions but the purpose is not clear, nor coordinated. There are multiple objectives but a clearer explanation of purpose and linkages is necessary. The work should be subdivided according to task. For a project that began six years ago, with the goal of monitoring natural production of salmonids in the basin in detail, very little data to that effect is presented. In the response, indicate how information from this work will be used to evaluate achievement of the vision, goals, and objectives of the subbasin plan.
ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)
Recommendation: Not fundable (Qualified)
NPCC comments: The key question of the proposal evaluation remains: given past and future efforts will this work provide useful and science-based M&E results? In general, the answer seems positive, if correctly focused, but despite a somewhat detailed response, the impression is that tasks are confused. No progress reports were included, although some additional data were provided. Nonetheless, the key recruitment analyses and required basic evaluations of life-stage limiting factors remain unreported, at least in the response. Such analysis would point to the key elements of fisheries science and management, where actions may be derived based on stock status and trends. For example, Chilcote (2003) suggested wild steelhead in the Umatilla had recruits per spawner values that were lowered in the presence of hatchery steelhead. Do results of this project refute or agree with his relationships? The sponsors agreed it is essential that the Council facilitate a targeted review of the Umatilla programs within two years. The investments in this watershed, particularly in flow augmentation, but also hatchery and habitat work, demand a prioritization that this response seems to largely dismiss. The management domains, critical uncertainties, and life history phase relationships presented in Figure 1 all relate to the same subbasin vision and goals, and represent a reasonable starting point for M&E, and from which clear testable hypotheses should be developed. It is difficult to suggest whether there is too much or not enough M&E present here until such review, and until available results are analyzed effectively, and in relation to the good work of the subbasin planning exercise. The ISRP needs to see specific objectives with measurable endpoints to provide a science review. See also related comments on the suite of proposals from this subbasin: 198343600, 198802200, 198902700, 19871001, and 19871002. In summary, there is a need for a Umatilla program review, and within that, a need to define clearly the role of this project in directing management activities within the subbasin. Funding should be qualified on the ability to make that tie. This work is central to the whole effort of fisheries and habitat management in the subbasin. It needs to provide data and inform when to release water, when to truck, etc.