FY 2003 Mainstem/Systemwide proposal 198331900

Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleNew Marking and Monitoring Techniques for Fish
Proposal ID198331900
OrganizationNational Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameSandra L. Downing
Mailing address2725 Montlake Blvd. East Seattle, WA 98112
Phone / email2065264652 / [email protected]
Manager authorizing this projectDouglas B. Dey
Review cycleMainstem/Systemwide
Province / SubbasinMainstem/Systemwide /
Short descriptionDevelop, install, and evaluate PIT-tag interrogation systems and ancillary equipment to expand the capabilities of the Columbia River Basin (CRB) PIT-tag technology to meet fishery resource stakeholders needs
Target speciesnone
Project location
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)


50, 192
193. development of small-stream detection systems

Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription
NMFS Action 85 NMFS The Corps shall continue to develop and evaluate improved fish-tracking technologies and computational fluid dynamics (numerical modeling). The ability to integrate these technologies and fluid dynamics shall be assessed as a potentially improved means of determining fish responses to forebay hydraulic conditions.
NMFS Action 87 NMFS The Corps and BPA shall assess less-intrusive, PIT-tag interrogation methods at FCRPS juvenile bypass systems with interrogation sites, including McNary, John Day, and Bonneville dams. The Corps and BPA shall also assess providing a similar detection capability for the Ice Harbor juvenile bypass system.
NMFS Action 50 NMFS BPA and the Corps shall install necessary adult PIT-tag detectors at appropriate FCRPS projects before the expected return of adult salmon from the 2001 juvenile outmigration.
NMFS/BPA Action 193 NMFS The Action Agencies shall investigate state-of-the-art, novel fish detection and tagging techniques for use, if warranted, in long-term research, monitoring, and evaluation efforts.

Section 2. Past accomplishments

0 Note: In most cases multiple years were required to accomplish a task and thus the year of accomplishment is misleading
1985 Developed tagging techniques for PIT tags
1986 Developed tagging equipment
1987 Completed first phase development of an automated data entry station for tagging fish
1987 Installed and evaluated first prototype PIT-tag interrogation system for juvenile salmon at McNary Dam
1987 Began planning for and installing PIT-tag interrogation systems for juvenile salmon throughout the CRB
1987 Installed and evaluated first prototype PIT-tag interrogation system for adult salmon at Lower Granite Dam using juvenile PIT-tag interrogation equipment
1987 Completed first phase development of a prototype PIT-tag database for the CRB
1988 Completed initial determination of the effects of PIT-tagging on juvenile salmonids
1988 Completed development of the first fish diversion gates (slide gates)
1992 Completed initial evaluation of technical feasability of developing a passive acoustic miniature PIT tag
1993 Compared overwinter survival of PIT-tagged and CW-tagged hatchery coho in a stream
1994 Completed predator avoidance testing of PIT tagged vs other tag types
1995 Conducted study to compare hatchery return rate of PIT-tagged and CW-tagged coho salmon
1995 Installed and evaluated the first Separation-by-Code system at Lower Granite Dam
1995 Installed and evaluated the first 2-way and 3-way fish diversion gates at Lower Granite Dam
1996 Completed study to determine effects of electromagnetic fields on fish reproduction and behavior
1996 Completed second phase of determining the effects of PIT tags on growth, behavior, and survival of different species of juvenile salmonids
1996 Installed and evaluated the first prototype 400-kHz flat-plate interrogaton system at Bonneville Dam
1996 Installed and evaluated Separation-by-Code system at Little Goose Dam
1996 Developed first prototype underwater towed PIT-tag interrogation system
1997 Participated in the evaluation of the ISO-based prototype transceiver systems
1997 Installed and evaluated a 400-kHz PIT-tag interrogation system for juvenile salmon in the Second Powerhouse at Bonneville Dam
1997 Installed the first version of the computer program MULTIMON at CRB Dams
1998 Installed and evaluated a 400-kHz PIT-tag interrogation system for adult salmon in the Adult Fish Facility at Bonneville Dam
1998 Developed prototype 3-way side-to-side fish diversion gate
1998 Directed fish tests for ISO-based PIT-tag systems for juvenile salmon and participated in ISO transition related planning and technical teams
1998 Formed the multi-agency team for overseeing the development of the extended-range PIT-tag interrogation system for adult salmonids
1999 Designed three styles of antenna housings for orifices.
1999 Installed and evaluated the different orfice antenna housings in Cascades Island Fish Ladder and the exit ladder of the Adult Fish Facility at Bonneville Dam
1999 Developed evaluation techniques and procedures for determining tag-reading efficiencies of extended-range interrogation systems in orifices
1999 Obtained video documentation of fish response to PIT-tag antenna housings (no effect) and some preliminary results on proportion of fish using weir overflow vs weir orifice passage routes
1999 Determined a suitable design and material for weir orifice PIT-tag antenna housing construction
1999 Started field evaluation of the transceiver systems in fish ladders at Bonneville Dam
1999 Finished development of the prototype ISO-based flat-plate system at Bonneville Dam. Began evaluation of system.
2000 Formalize the Adult PIT-Tag Oversight Committee (APTOC)
2000 Started development work to combine technology from different transceiver systems
2000 Drafted the requirements document for transceiver systems to detect fish in orifices
2000 Conducted evaluations of the prototype transceiver systems with fish and in the laboratory
2001 Procured equipment for installation of the prototype installation (antennas,transceivers, shields)
2001 Review planning and construction drawings by COE for the prototype interrogation system into Washington Shore Ladder at Bonneville Dam
2001 Oversaw installation by COE contractors of the prototype interrogation system into Washington Shore Ladder
2001 Evaluated prototype interrogation system with tagged adult salmonids
2001 Monitored EMI levels at Bradford A&B Branch, Cascades Island, and both ladders at McNary Dam
2001 Led multi-agency team investigating leaking antenna problem
2002 Procured equipment for installations at Bonneville and McNary Dams
2002 Review planning and construction drawings by COE for installations at Bonneville and McNary Dams
2002 Technical advisors to installations into fish ladders at Bonneville and McNary Dams
2002 Installed and evaluated full-flow interrogation system at McNary Dam
2002 Evaluation of the performance of the installed interrogation systems for adult salmonids at Bonneville and McNary Dams
2002 Gave technical assistance to Digital Angel's development of auto-tuning and multiplexing components
2002 Developed hybrid antenna design for in-stream interrogation units

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription
200100300 Adult PIT-tag Detector Installation Work This project depends on the technology developed by this project for its production installations
199008000 Columbia River Basin PIT-Tag Information Systems This project provides the web-based data needed by this project to conduct its analyses tags and
199008001 PIT-tag purchase and distribution This project provides our tags
199602000 CSS of hatchery PIT-tagged chinook
199302900 Survival estimates of transported and non-transported salmonids These two studies are examples of systemwide research, monitoring, and evaluation projects that use the technology developed by this project

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
1. Develop annual plan a. refine and develop annual project plan ongoing $10,500
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Develop annual plan 2004 2007 $45,100
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
1. Upgrade transceivers to permit multplexing of antennas, auto-tune, improved processing to give transceiver the flexibility to work with small-stream, high-flow, and future interrogation systems. a. Develop requirements for DSP, hardware (CPU and analog boards), software, power supply, packaging, and communication. FY03 $70,800 Yes
b. Hardware/software design FY03-FY04 $264,800 Yes
c. Prototyping and system integrations including producibility review of components FY03-FY04 $74,700 Yes
d. Participate on technical team. Review and write requirements document. Participate in reviewing design plans and monitoring implementation progress. FY03-FY05 $57,800
2.In-stream interrogation system a. Testing at Pasco in FY03 on the auto-tuning and switching components being developed. FY03 $24,500
b. Finish development on remote power systems and antenna systems FY03-04 $50,200 Yes
3. High-flow interrogation system a. Participate on technical team - attend meetings, prepare and give presentations. Review requirements document, antenna, receiver, biological and statistical plans for prototype. Monitor implementation progress. FY03-05 $82,200 Yes
b. Design, fabricate, and verify performance of the prototype antenna system. FY03-05 $77,900 Yes
c. Make modifications to transceiver to accommodate statistical needs. FY03-04 $15,000 Yes
e. Develop and prepare test plan for biological evaluation of high-flow system installed into Bonneville Dam. Obtain necessary permits. Conduct the biological evaluation. Write summary report FY03-05 $6,700
4. Adapt state-of-the-art technology to tagging fish a. Adapt video technology to make length measurements during tagging. Adapt touch-screen technology for data entry. ongoing $50,400 Yes
b. Investigate the technical feasibility of adapting alternative tagging technologies to fisheries applications. Interface with vendors and evaluate prototypes. ongoing $11,100
5. Project administration a. Attend planning and budgetary meetings on the project. Write and monitor subcontracts. Monitor progress to ensure that milestones are met. Write progress reports and annual reports. Provide technical assistance to users of PIT-tag technology. FY03-05 $39,500
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Hardware/software design 2004 2004 $104,000
2. Prototyping and system integrations including producibility review of components 2004 2004 $158,500
3. Participate on technical team for upgraded transceiver 2004 2005 $120,800
4. Test upgraded transceiver prototype at Pasco and Abernathy 2004 2005 $73,700
5. Manufacturing of 4 production units of the upgraded transceiver 2005 2005 $46,300
6. Design, fabricate, and verify the performance of a backpack-sized portable transceiver 2005 2007 $268,000
7. Participate on technical team for high-flow system 2004 2006 $121,800
8. Design, fabricate, and verify performance of the prototype antenna system for high-flow system 2004 2006 $108,900
9. Make modifications to transceiver to accommodate statistical needs for high-flow system. 2004 2006 $16,000
10. Manufacture 9 transceivers and final production antenna system for high-flow program 2004 2006 $254,000
11. Assist with high-flow system installation 2004 2006 $22,400
12. Develop and prepare test plan for electronic evaluation of high-flow system. Conduct the electronic evaluation. Write summary report. 2004 2006 $27,800
13.Conduct biological evaluation of high-flow system. Write summary report 2004 2006 $173,100
14. Adapt state-of-the art technology to tagging fish 2004 2007 $468,500
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
1. Flat-plate interrogation system for juvenile salmon at Bonneville Dam a. Modify sample box and install the new box. FY03 $26,300
b. Assist Digital Angel in evaluating the converted system in-situ in Fall 2002 FY03 $3,400
c. Evaluate the installed converted system to ensure that it meets or exceeds the performance of the ISO-based system using the Patten-Engineering transceivers. This will be done with electronic and fish tests. FY03 $12,200
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2003 cost
Personnel FTE: 1.65 $135,900
Fringe $32,400
Supplies $23,900
Travel $20,300
Indirect $103,600
PIT tags # of tags: 450 $1,000
Subcontractor $560,900
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2003 cost$878,000
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 2003 budget request$878,000
FY 2003 forecast from 2002$900,000
% change from forecast-2.4%
Reason for change in estimated budget

When the budget was forecased in FY03, it was unknown what the costs of upgrading the transceiver system would be, nor how much in-kind support Digital Angel would give to the effort.

Reason for change in scope

The high value of in-kind support that Digital Angel is giving to the upgraded-transceiver effort.

Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind
Digital Angel in-kind support of development efforts for the upgraded transceiver $235,800 in-kind
Other budget explanation

Digital Angel will be giving in-kind support for the development efforts of the upgraded transceiver for FY03-05. Estimated worth of the support is $164,700 in FY04 and $55,100 in FY05.

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Fundable only if response is adequate
Aug 2, 2002


Generally fundable, but a response is needed. Investigators should prioritize the subprojects and split out the budget into components. Each of the subprojects should include a plan for monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness of each task.

Action Agency/NMFS RME Group Comments:

HYDRO SUBGROUP -- The proposal sponsors indicate this project addresses RPA Actions 50, 87, 192, and 193. The RME subgroup sees direct and critical association with 50, 87, and 192. However, we question the extent that this project contributes to 193 (RPA Action 193 includes discriminating hatchery and wild fish, tracking fish in oceanic environs, and determining growth and survival for specific wild stocks.

This project provides PIT tag detection infrastructure support, specifically development/refinement of transceivers, antenna, and associated hardware/software used at dams and in small streams. Its current focus is on the expansion of current PIT-tag interrogation technologies for adult PIT detection in fish ladders (RPA Actions 50 and 192) and juvenile PIT detection through high flow systems (e.g., Bonneville second powerhouse corner collector, full-flow surface bypass facilities, and small streams; RPA Action 87). These developments include transceiver upgrades for multiplexing and auto-tuning, and alternative antenna design (e.g., arrays, flat plate).

Juvenile and adult PIT tag detection facilities at dams are critical to estimating reach survival, assessing progress toward hydrosystem performance standards, evaluation of transportation, and addressing critical uncertainties such as delayed transportation mortality, extra mortality, passage through multiple bypasses, and adult return rates.

For purposes of hydrosystem RME and performance standard tracking, objectives 1, 2, and 4 are very relevant. The RME subgroup wants to emphasize the continued importance of development of high flow juvenile PIT detection at the Bonneville second powerhouse corner collector - this is imperative for sustaining sufficient detection rates in the lower Columbia River. We also want to emphasize the continued support of developing adequate adult detection capability in fish ladders. Each is imperative to assessing progress toward hydrosystem performance standards. The Status Monitoring subgroup should assess the priority and adequacy of objective 3, development of in-stream PIT tag interrogation systems. Objective 5, adaptation of state-of-the-art technology to tagging fish (e.g., video technology, spectral analysis) does not appear to be associated with any RPA Action.

ISRP Remarks on RME Group Comments:

The RME comments are primarily descriptive of the proposal. There is no conflict between ISRP and RME comments. We agree the proposal deserves high priority.

Oct 24, 2002


This is a basic research and development project to support fish marking and monitoring for the Fish and Wildlife Program. It is imperative that as technology is developed, information transfer occurs quickly and efficiently to insure that duplicate development efforts are not initiated by others due to lack of communication. This project addresses RPAs 85 and 87. In the project sponsor response to the ISRP, Objective 3 appears to be redundant to a USFWS study that was originally funded through the Innovative funding category and continues under non-BPA funding. Objective 5 has been offered as a lower priority task by the project sponsor and should be considered for elimination or reduction under a limited funding scenario. CBFWA supports elimination of Objective 5 from the proposal and the budget has been adjusted to reflect these changes.
Oct 24, 2002


The budgets for the submitted BPA Mainstem proposals have been reviewed. The budgets are appropriate for the proposed research. Therefore, reductions in the funding requests without a corresponding reduction in the scope of work would be inappropriate. In our response to the ISRP in August, as asked we prioritized the project's objectives - hopefully that effort will assist you in any future discussions; however, at this time we believe all of the tasks originally submitted are important to the fisheries community. The AFC recommended reducing FY2003 by $61,500 and FY2004 by $234,000 to eliminate Objective 5 from this proposal in concert with the project sponsors response to the ISRP.
Nov 5, 2002


Fundable, agree with CBFWA that this is of Urgent priority. An adequate response was provided prioritizing subprojects and providing budget information by components. The ISRP emphasizes, as does the RME Group, the importance of task 2 to develop and evaluate a high-flow interrogation system for the corner collector at Bonneville Dam. This information would help the region answer longstanding questions concerning SARs for in-river and transported fish. If funded, this project should be coordinated with other monitoring projects to ensure compatibility of objectives, common methods and protocols. This coordination could be accomplished under the favorably reviewed CBFWA proposal #35033.
Jan 21, 2003


Statement of Potential Biological Benefit
Indirect biological benefits to listed stocks. This project is the development portion of the PIT tag system. It provides PIT tag detection infrastructure support, specifically development and refinement of transceivers, antenna, and associated hardware/software used at dams and in small streams. Juvenile and adult PIT tag detection.

NMFS proposal. Inappropriate to comment

Already ESA Required?


Jun 2, 2003


Most of project is research and development, not capital construction. NPCC staff recommends designation as capital, inconsistent with historic
Fund (Tier 1)
Jun 11, 2003


1. Council Staff preferred projects that fit province allocation

Project is R&D for capital project 2001-003-00, planning and design should be capital, total reflects only expense portion

Fund (Capital Project)
Jun 11, 2003


Capital Projects recommended by staff

Project is R&D for capital project 200100300, planning and design should be capital

Sep 20, 2003


Although we appreciate the difficulties that arose this year in deciding on an overall FY03 budget plan for all of the mainstem projects, the current solution of using FY03 levels of funding for FY04 does not work for Project 198331900 (development of PIT-tag technology), which is an R&D-based project whose budget depends on what is being developed. We discovered a budget problem last December and consequently submitted a formal request to the Council requesting a change in budget. This problem got lost in the negotiation shuffle that occurred during January - June. In February and in May, we expressed to Council and NMFS staff that the budget levels being used for discussion were inadequate. We really need a budget closer to $1100K for FY04 than $878K to get the high priority tasks done for this project. The original estimate in May 2002 for FY04 was $1032K and in December 2002, it was $1254K. If we must live within the $878k, we would need to delay some actions and/or reduce scope. We certainly would not recommend a delay to the Corner Collector work, given all of the effort it took to get that project moving. The idea to try to capitalize this project was also raised this spring. I immediately followed up on this approach and learned that it would not satisfy BPA's definition of a capital project (contract of >$1M and having some worth after 10 years). I then wrote to various Council and NMFS staff to provide them with this information. Since it seems to still be on the table, I thought I would add it to this statement. We know that BPA is aware of these aspects for this project.
Oct 2, 2003


Development of PIT detection capability for the Boneville Dam second powerhouse corner collector is a high priority. NPCC recommended capitalizing most all costs associated with this project. This project does not meet criteria for capitalization; project does not provide a future benefit to BPA that would last for 15 years or more. FY04 budget results in deferral of the development of small stream detection capability.
NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$770,000 $508,600 $508,600

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website