FY 2003 Mainstem/Systemwide proposal 199008000

Additional documents

199008000 Narrative Narrative
199008000 Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
199008000 Sponsor Response to the ISRP Response

Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleColumbia Basin Pit Tag Information System
Proposal ID199008000
OrganizationPacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameCarter Stein
Mailing address45 SE 82nd Ave. Gladstone, OR 97027-2522
Phone / email5036505400 / [email protected]
Manager authorizing this projectRandy Fisher
Review cycleMainstem/Systemwide
Province / SubbasinMainstem/Systemwide /
Short descriptionProvides basic infrastructure for all PIT tag related projects in Columbia River Basin. Operates and maintains long-term data repository for PIT tag information,.Operates and maintains permanent PIT tag interrogation sites. Supports other PIT research.
Target speciesAnadromous Salmonids, Lamprey, Bulltrout, Cutthroat trout, others.
Project location
System Wide
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)


87, 94, 193, 87, 97

Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription
NMFS/BPA Action 198 NMFS The Action Agencies, in coordination with NMFS, USFWS, and other Federal agencies, NWPPC, states, and Tribes, shall develop a common data management system for fish populations, water quality, and habitat data.
NMFS Action 193 NMFS The Action Agencies shall investigate state-of-the-art, novel fish detection and tagging techniques for use, if warranted, in long-term research, monitoring, and evaluation efforts.
NMFS/BPA Action 50 NMFS BPA and the Corps shall install necessary adult PIT-tag detectors at appropriate FCRPS projects before the expected return of adult salmon from the 2001 juvenile outmigration.
NMFS/BPA Action 185 NMFS The Action Agencies shall continue to fund and expand, as appropriate, fish marking and recapturing programs aimed at defining juvenile migrant survival for both transported and nontransported migrants and adult returns for both groups. These studies shall also compare the SARs of transported and nontransported fish to calculate the differential delayed mortality (D), if any, of transported fish.
NMFS/BPA Action 192 NMFS As set out in Action 50 (Section, BPA and the Corps shall install necessary adult PIT-tag detectors at appropriate FCRPS projects before the expected return of adult salmon from the 2001 juvenile outmigration. These adult PIT-tag detectors shall be used as needed for calculating transport benefits, conversion rates, and SARs for listed salmon and steelhead.

Section 2. Past accomplishments

1990 105,000 PIT Tags Used by NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging Projects
1991 117,500 PIT Tags Used by NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging Projects
1992 118,500 PIT Tags Used by NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging Projects
1990-2002 Training and Coordination for NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging Projects. Update PIT Tag Specifications Document, Marking Procedures Document, PTAGIS User Manuals
1990-2002 Operation and Maintenance of Columbia Basin PIT Tag Information System
1990-1992 Transferred PTAGIS system from NMFS Sandpoint computers to PSMFC.
1990-1992 Implemented prototype centralized PIT tag data collection and distribution system.
1993 Assumed installation, operations and maintenance responsiblities from NMFS.
1993 Automated data collection from remote interrogation sites.
1993 Assisted NMFS installation of PIT system at Lower Monumental.
1993 Intitiated implementation of more robust data validatation and auditing.
1993 Conducted PIT Tag Workshop
1993 200,450 PIT Tags Used by NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging Projects
1994 Purchase Sun S1000 server and prepared processes to port to new machine
1994 Installed new McNary Juvenile interrogation system.
1994 Constructed new interrogation data loading (IDL) processes to support record load anticipated for 1995.
1994 389,400 PIT Tags Used by NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging Projects
1995 Implememented client-side (personal computer based) validation utilities for PIT tag marking data providers.
1995 Intiated development of ISO Transition Project Planning.
1995 Deployed unix-based interrogation data collection platform prototype at Lower Granite Experimental location to support NMFS Separation by Code research and development (FWP 198331900)
1995 Conducted PIT Tag Workshop.
1995 Installed prototype separation by code interrogation system components at Lower Granite Dam in support of NMFS Research and Development (FWP 198331900).
1995 567,100 PIT Tags Used by NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging Projects
1996 Deployed new, unix based, interrogation data collection platform in production, system-wide.
1996 Installed CRC firmware rev 645-0002-Rev. RB1 cksum: 127a to reduce mis-read tags at all interrogation sites.
1996 Coordinated development of ISO Transition. Developed ISO Portable Transceiver Requirements Draft.
1996 Conducted PIT Tag Workshop
1996 Provided funding and assistance for CRITFC PIT tag recovery at pisciverous bird colony at Rice Island in Columbia River Estuary.
1996 Coordinated ISO Stationary transceiver evaluations.
1996 435,325 PIT Tags Used by NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging Projects.
1997 Deployed 'alpha' release of new windows based PIT tagging software that supports ISO tag codes (PITTAG2.EXE).
1997 Deployed Cumulative Efficiency Report Tool to determince PIT tag interrogation system coil reading efficiencies.
1997 Deployed High Speed Interrogation Data Collection Bus at all interrogation sites (400x Upgrade)
1997 Increased PTAGIS data storage system on S1000 server to 60GB.
1997 Coordinated ISO stationary and portable transciever design, development and testing evaluations.
1997 618,923 PIT Tags Used by any PIT Tagging Projects in CRB.
1998 Modified DBMS data structures to accommodate ISO data in production mode.
1998 Deployed 'beta' release of PITTAG2.EXE for use on Windows 95/98 Operating Systems.
1998 Coordinated ISO field tests and ISO transition system planning
1998 950,560 PIT Tags Used by any PIT Tagging Projects in CRB.
1998 Separated PIT tag procurement costs from PTAGIS to 199008001.
1998 Initiated procurement and distribution of 250 portable PIT tag readers to all NWPPC FWP PIT tagging projects.
1998 Installed and tested new 400kHz interrogation system at John Day dam.
1998 Installed and tested new ISO interrogation system at John Day dam in support of ISO Stationary Transceiver Tests.
1998 Assisted NMFS (FWP 198331900) in installation of ISO transceiver equipment at Bonneville Adult Lab Ladder.
1998 Coordinated 1998 fish marking and field testing of ISO Stationary Transceivers at McNary and John Day dams.
1998 Provided comparative Survival Study (FWP 199602000) technical and project management support for PIT tag interrogation system prototype deployed at Rapid River fish hatchery.
1998 Assisted U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla and Portland District, in design of infrastructure requirements to support designs required to install new ISO PIT tag interrogation systems at dams in winter 1999/2000.
1999 Installed new ISO systems at all mainstem juvenile bypass facilities.
1999 1,509,691 PIT Tags Used by any PIT Tagging Projects in CRB.
1999 Deployed Field Data Validation and Loading (FDVL) Software for loading PIT tag, tagging and release information to PTAGIS.
1999 Deployed Tag Distribution and Inventory (TDI) application used to manage procurment and distribution of PIT tag to all NWPPC FWP projects.
1999 Deployed first production release of PITTAG2.EXE.
1999 Assumed responsibility for coordination and implementaion of Separation by Code projects.
1999 De-Installed all 400kHz interrogation systems at juvenile passage facilities at dams on Columbia and Snake rivers.
1999 Assisted U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in managing ISO infrastructure installation at Columbia and Snake River dams.
1999 Installed new ISO PIT Interrogation systems at juvenile passage facilities at Columbia and Snake River dams.
1999 Procured and distributed 250 ISO FDX-B Portable PIT Tag Readers to over 50 NWPPC FWP projects.
1999 Increased PTAGIS data storage capacity to 200GB.
2000 Produced 2000 PIT Tag Workshop.
2000 Produced PIT tag Training Video.
2000 Deployed next generation, windows based, interrogation platform prototype.
2000 Provided consultation and support for Adult PIT Tag Oversight Committee.
2000 1,288,000 PIT Tags Used by any PIT Tagging Projects in CRB.
2000 Performed research, development and testing on underwater orifice antennas in support of Adult PIT Tag Oversight Committee (APTOC).
2001 Developed Adult Detection Efficiency (ADE) analysis reports.
2001 Installed PIT tag interrogation systems at adult fish ladders at Bonneville & McNary dams.
2001 1,114,000 PIT Tags Used by any PIT Tagging Projects in CRB.

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription
198331900 New Markinand Monitoring Techniques for Fish Products delivered from this R&D project to PTAGIS for O&M
198335000 Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery PIT Tagging project 13,500 tags.
198335003 Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Monitoring And Evaluation PIT Tagging project 18,200 tags.
198605000 White Sturgeon Mitigation And Restoration In The Columbia And Snake Rivers PIT Tagging project. 4,300 tags.
198712700 Smolt Monitoring by Federal and Non-Federal Agencies PIT Tagging project. 54,100 tags.
8712703 Imnaha River Smolt Monitoring Program Project PIT Tagging project 4,600 tags
8712702 Comparative Survival Rate Study (CSS) of Hatchery Pit Tagged Chinook PIT Tagging project 221,500 tags.
198806400 Kootenai River White Sturgeon Studies and Conservation Aquaculture PIT Tagging project
198902401 Evaluate Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival in the Lower Umatilla River Basin PIT Tagging Project 8,600 tags. PIT interrogation data collection project.
198909800 Idaho Supplementation Studies PIT Tagging Project. 24,000 tags.
198909801 Evaluate Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers (ISS) PIT Tagging Project. 3,000 tags
198909802 Evaluate Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers- Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tagging Project 12,000 tags
198909803 Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho- Shoshone-Bannock Tribes PIT Tagging Project 2,500 tags
199000500 Umatilla Fish Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation PIT Tagging Project 8,600 tags
199000501 Umatilla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Project PIT Tagging Project 6,000 tags
199005200 Performance/Stock Productivity Impacts of Hatchery Supplementation. PIT Tagging Project 2,000 tags
199005500 Steelhead Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers PIT Tagging Project 28,000 tags
199102800 Monitoring smolt migrations of wild Snake River sp/sum chinook salmon PIT Tagging Project 16,000 tags
199102900 Understanding the effects of summer flow augmentation on the migratory behavior and survival of fall chinook salmon migrating through L. Granite Res. PIT Tagging Project 13,500 tags
199105500 NATURES [Formerly Supplementation Fish Quality (Yakima)] PIT Tagging Project 6,000 tags
199107100 Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Research Utilizes PIT tag data for research
199107200 Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Program PIT Tagging Project 6,000 tags
199107300 Idaho Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation PIT Tagging Project 12,500 tags
199202604 Investigate Life History of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the Grande Ronde River Basin and Monitor Salmonid Populations and Habitat PIT Tagging Project 18,900 tags
199302900 Survival Estimates for the Passage of Juvenile Salmonids Through Snake and Columbia River Dams and Reservoirs PIT Tagging Project 100,000 tags
199305600 Assessment of Captive Broodstock Technology PIT Tagging Project 4,000 tags
199403400 Assessing Summer And Fall Chinook Restoration In The Snake River Basin PIT Tagging Project 28,000 tags
199506300 Yakima/Klickitat Monitoring and Evaluation Program PIT Tagging Project 37,092 tags
199602000 Comparative Survival Rate Study (CSS) of Hatchery Pit Tagged Chinook & Comparative Survival Study Oversight Committee PIT Tagging Project 220,000 tags
9603201 Begin Implementation of Year 1 of the K Pool Master Plan Program PIT Tagging Project 500 tags
9604000 Evaluate The Feasibility And Risks Of Coho Reintroduction In Mid-Columbia PIT Tagging Project 40,000 tags
199604300 Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement Project PIT Tagging Project 24,500 tags
199700100 Captive Rearing Project for Salmon River Chinook Salmon PIT Tagging Project 1,000 tags
199701501 Imnaha Smolt Survival and Smolt to Adult Return Rate Quantification PIT Tagging Project 11,300 tags
199701901 Evaluation of the Life History of Native Salmonids in the Malheur Basin (2) PIT Tag recaputure project
199800702 Grande Ronde Supplementation: Lostine River O&M and M&E PIT Tagging Project 8,000 tags
199800703 Facility O&M And Program M&E For Grande Ronde Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead PIT Tag data analysis project
199801001 Grande Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program PIT Tagging Project 1,600 tags
9801002 Captive Rearing Initiative for Salmon River Chinook Salmon - M & E PIT Tagging coordination with other NWPPC FWP projects
199801004 Monitor and EvaluateYearling Snake River Fall Chinook Released Upstream Of Lower Granite Dam PIT Tagging Project 27,500 tags
199801006 Captive Broodstock Artificial Propagation PIT Tagging Project 8,000 tags
199801600 Monitor Natural Escapement & Productivity of John Day Basin Spring Chinook PIT Tagging Project 8,000 tags
199801900 Wind River Watershed Restoration PIT Tagging Project 1,000 tags
199901800 Characterize and quantify residual steelhead in the Clearwater River, Idaho PIT Tagging Project 6,000 tags
199902400 Bull trout population assessment in the Columbia River Gorge, WA. PIT Tag data analysis project
200001700 Recondition Wild Steelhead Kelts PIT Tagging Project 600 tags
9105100 Run Timing Predictions for the Columbia River Basin Including Individual ESA Demes and Analysis of Tagging Data Utilizes PIT Tag Data for Basic Research
8910800 CRISP Modelling Utilizes PIT Tag Data for basic research
5500100 Analysis of Smolt Migration Rate & Survival Based on Pit-Tag Recoveries Utilizes PIT Tag Data for basic research
199008001 PIT Tag Purchase and Distribution This is the placeholder account for the purchase and distribution of PIT tags. Contact John Rowan @ BPA.
199007700 Northern Pikeminnow Management Program Recaputure of PIT tags from smolt ingested by Norther Pike Minnow. Require PTAGIS training, software and data management services.
999999999 USACE task 4 tpe-w-00-1 MCN Transportation Study w/ Leavenworth Fish
999999999 USACE ADS-02-06 Kelt Study at LGR
999999999 USACE TPE-W-001 McNary Mid-Columbia Transport Study Leavenworth Fish
999999999 USACE no-code-provided by usace NMFS Hammond Columbia River Estuary Tagging
999999999 USACE no-code-provided by usace USFWS tagging at Winthrop and Entiat for NMFS transportation Study at McNary Dam
999999999 USACE BPS-00-9, 10 USFWS CSS supplementation for Congletons' physiological work from Dworshak Hatchery
999999999 USACE BPS-00-9,10 NMFS Delayed mortality study at Bonneville tagged at Rapid River and McCall, ID by IDFG.
999999999 USACE no-code-provided NMFS Full Flow Bypass Tests at McNary Dam
999999999 Others Other projects that depend upon the PTAGIS data repository, PTAGIS consultation, training, software, support and coordination assets that are not otherwise regionally coordinated with NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging projects via Columbia Basin PIT Tag Steering Com.

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
1. Operate and maintain the centralized Columbia River Basin-wide database for PIT Tagged Fish a. DBMS Administration and Maintenance All tasks on-going unless otherwise identified. $122,246
1 DBMS Server Software Process Support and Maintenance $287,040 Yes
1 c. DBMS Server New Software Process Development $28,704 Yes
1 d. Web Application Software Development and Maintenance $71,760 Yes
1 e. Client Tools Software Support and Maintenance $200,793
1 f. Data Center Operations and Systems Management $115,575 Yes
1 $0
2. Install, operate and maintain permanent interrogation systems and provide the interrogation data to PTAGIS in near-real time. a. Provide pre-season equipment installation, tuning and startup for PTAGIS supported interrogation systems. All tasks on-going unless otherwise identified. $404,885
2 Contract Services for 2.a above $41,860 Yes
2 b. Provide in-season operations and maintenance for PTAGIS supported interrogation systems $292,062
2 c. Provide post-season equipment shut-down of PTAGIS supported interrogation systems. $36,508
2 d. Update "PTAGIS Field Operations Standard Operating Procedures" Documentation $16,744
2 e. Replace Adult PIT tag, underwater orifice antennas as required. $71,797
2 f. Develop standard, in-stream, interrogation platform. $35,169
2 g. Integrate “Full Flow Bypass” PIT tag electronics into PTAGIS standard data collection platforms at Ice Harbor and John Day. $51,269
2 $0
3.Research, develop and support hardware and software tools required by FWP projects that depend upon PIT tags for research, management or operations. a. Update "Separation by By Code" Project Operation and Coordination Documentation. All tasks on-going unless otherwise identified. $12,169
3 b. Build Web based Separation by Code Project Request, Coordination and Reporting application $12,169
3 c. Integrate new DBMS Server Software Process Automation into PTAGIS Production System. $40,873 Yes
3 d. Provide day to day management, coordination and operations of SxC projects for all PTAGIS supported SxC sites. $121,693
3 e. Design, build and test second generation SxC software based upon requirements defined by Multimon software (developed by NMFS under FWP 198331900) for beta-deployment in 2003 and production deployment in 2004. $85,185
3 $0
4. Provide training, system information, coordination, consultation and support for all Columbia Basin PIT tag research projects through the development of user manuals, newsletters, workshops, videos, etc. a. Update "Columbia Basin PIT Tag Information System Source Data Input Specifications" (PIT Tag Spec Doc). All tasks on-going unless otherwise identified. $24,339
4 b. Produce monthly "PTAGIS Newsletter" $20,930
4 c. Develop Technical Application Notes for Web publication $30,423
4 d. Conduct Training sessions for PTAGIS software users. $12,169
4 e. Produce bi-annual PIT Tag Workshop to provide continuity to PTAGIS system users. $33,488 Yes
4 $0
5. Manage the purchase and distribution of PIT tags and PIT tag detection equipment for all NWPPC FWP projects. a. Develop Tag Forecasts for NWPPC FWP Projects. All tasks on-going unless otherwise identified. $12,169
5 b. Purchase PIT Tags based upon Forecast and receive into inventory upon delivery. $12,169
5 c. Coordinate PIT Tag Distribution Requests with NWPPC FWP Projects and BPA. $12,169
5 d. Distribute PIT Tags to NWPPC FWP Projects $12,169
5 e. Audit Inventory to assure TDI System information is consistent with physical inventory. $24,339
5 f. Produce Real-Time Forecast and Distribution Reports. $35,880 Yes
5 g. Develop Web Base PIT Tag Forecast Process. $35,880 Yes
5 h. Develop Web Based PIT Tag Distribution Request process. $35,880 Yes
5 i. Manage centralized procurement, distribution, returns of PIT tag interrogation equipment for NWPPC FWP projects funded by BPA $18,253
6. Additional support actions related to PIT tag data recovery, System-wide Planning and Coordination and Public Outreach a. Provide liaison with general public All tasks on-going unless otherwise identified. $17,919
6 b. Provide liaison with Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authorities, Fish Passage Advisory Committee's, PIT Tag Steering Committee (PTSC). $12,169
6 c. Provide liaison with NWPPC FWP PIT Tagging projects that fall outside the scope of the PTSC. $12,169
6 d. Provide liaison with other federal agencies PIT Tagging project that utilize the NWPPC's FWP PIT Tag Information System infrastructure. $12,169
6 e. Provide liaison with other, non-profit, institutions. $12,169
6 $0
7. Project Administration and Management a. Manage project personnel, and resources to implement project objectives. All tasks on-going unless otherwise identified. $12,169
7 b. Develop overall project architecture and strategic plans to support NWPPC FWP PIT Tag program for long-term operations and project support. $12,169
7 c. Develop disaster recovery plans for data systems operations, field systems operations. $12,169
7 d. Develop annual Statements of Work and Budgets for BPA funding requests. $12,169
7 e. Write PTAGIS Annual Progress Reports. $12,169
7 f. Develop NWPPC FWP Rolling Province Review Project Proposals. $12,169
7 g. Develop statements of work for sub-contracts. $12,172
7 i. Manage sub-contractors. $12,172
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Operate and maintain the centralized Columbia River Basin-wide database for PIT-tagged Fish (at Gladstone, OR) 2004 2007 $3,304,472
2. Install, operate and maintain permanent interrogation systems and provide the interrogation data to PTAGIS in near-real time (at Kennewick, WA) 2004 2007 $3,801,176
3. Provide coordination and support for research projects that depend upon selective segregation of fish by code (SxC) at Columbia Basin fish collection facilities. 2004 2007 $1,088,356
4. Provide training, system information, coordination, consultation and support for all Columbia Basin PIT tag research projects through the development of user manuals, newsletters, workshops, videos, etc. 2004 2007 $485,395
5. Manage the purchase and distribution of PIT tags and PIT tag detection equipment for all NWPPC FWP projects. 2004 2007 $795,637
6. Additional support actions related to PIT tag data recovery, System-wide Planning and Coordination and Public Outreach 2004 2007 $266,385
7. Project Administration and Management 2004 2007 $389,416
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2003 cost
Personnel FTE: 11.75 $901,000
Fringe at 38% $342,380
Supplies $187,000
Travel $34,850
Indirect at 15% $323,179
Capital $55,002
PIT tags # of tags: 0 $0
Subcontractor $689,300
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2003 cost$2,532,711
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 2003 budget request$2,532,711
FY 2003 forecast from 2002$1,755,810
% change from forecast44.2%
Reason for change in estimated budget

1. Addition of new adult interrogation sites. 2. Addition of new in-stream interrogation sites. 3. Addition of full management responsibility for Separation by Code user coordination, project implementation and software support. 4. Additional process development, database management system software, client software tools to support 1, 2 and 3 above.

Reason for change in scope

1. Addition of new adult interrogation sites. 2. Addition of new in-stream interrogation sites. 3. Addition of full management responsibility for Separation by Code user coordination, project implementation and software support. 4. Additional process development, database management system software, client software tools to support 1, 2 and 3 above.

Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind
Other budget explanation

See "Within Year Budget Modification Request" proposal for 199008000 submitted to CBFWA on May 23, 2002.

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Fundable only if response is adequate
Aug 2, 2002


The programmatic need for operations and maintenance support for collection of PIT tag information is clear. The relationship to many high priority programs is documented. The objectives and activities are clearly listed. Three aspects of the proposal should be clarified in the response. First, what is the process for obtaining metadata on data in PTAGIS and is the process adequate to ensure long-term usefulness of the data. Second, methods were attached to specific tasks, but are too brief to allow scientific review. The methods should include references to written protocols or details should be provided in the proposal to ensure consistent operations in the future. Third, quality assurance goals are specified but monitoring and evaluation of success should be given. A monitoring and evaluation plan must be given in this proposal. It is not appropriate for one of the most quantitative projects to not have a quantitative monitoring and evaluation plan for itself.
Core Program
Oct 24, 2002


PTAGIS provides support to all PIT tag projects in the Fish and Wildlife Program. CBFWA and PSMFC need to modify the memorandum of agreement to develop non-salmon fish species codes and support non-salmon applications. CBFWA also needs to support PTAGIS's involvement and support of all PIT tag projects occurring in the basin (i.e., USFWS studies). This project meets RPAs 189 and 193.
Core Program
Oct 24, 2002


I caution decision makers to consider resource and budget impacts to the PTAGIS project prior to approving any new PIT tagging related projects. I further suggest that the CBFWA request that the Action Agencies provide better coordination new PIT tag related initiatives that affect PTAGIS. I have made an effort to identify some savings at the risk of 1) causing continued unpaid overtime work for project staff; 2) deferring project activities related to Corps of Engineers initiatives; 3) reducing 2004-2005 out year cost increases from 4% to 2%. New PIT tag related projects may cause additional increases to the PTAGIS budget as identified by the coordination process suggested above. The 2003 PTAGIS budget is reduced by 1) eliminating one new hire for Database Administration and replacing partial function with consulting services (saves $50,000); 2) removal of Task 2.g, "Integrate Full Flow Bypass PIT tag electronics into PTAGIS standard data collection platforms at Ice Harbor and John Day" (saves $51,269). This activity is required by the Corps of Engineers Columbia Basin Studies program, and it may be funded there already.
Nov 5, 2002


Fundable (qualified). Agree with CBFWA that this is a Corp Program. However, the project should not be funded until the sponsor and the Columbia Basin PIT Tag Steering Committee develop and implement required procedures for storage and retrieval of full metadata on PIT tagged fish before records are stored in PTAGIS. Given the urgent need for the project to include metadata, the budget should not be reduced and may need to be increased.

The ISRP acknowledges that some metadata are available in the record stored in PTAGIS for a given PIT tagged fish. However, the metadata are insufficient due to the fact that much of it is optional and the fields are too small to include full information concerning how a given fish has been treated prior to release (e.g., the treatment history of fish reared under a NATURES program or genetic background in a captive breeding program). There should be a requirement to:

Tie the record (tagging and detections) for each PIT tagged fish to the verified migration path of the fish and to a published or electronic permanent document that describes the capture or rearing history and treatment of the fish.
At the present time, it is our understanding that the initials of the principal investigator responsible for tagging a fish are stored in the record and one must contact that person to obtain required metadata on a tagged fish. This procedure may have been adequate given the short time that PIT tags have been in use, but in the not too distant future the principal investigators are going to retire or die and the required metadata will be lost.

The ISRP recognizes that this lack of adequate metadata is not the full responsibility of the sponsor and that ownership of data is a concern. However, the verified migration path of a PIT tagged fish and the published documents (or hatchery reports, progress reports, etc.) are absolutely required to ensure maximum long-term scientific value of the information in the database. Perhaps the required documents could be stored in the StreamNet library and then be made available to the public within a limited amount of time. This problem has been pointed out in previous ISRP and ISAB reviews and it appears that little if any progress has been made in resolving the issues.

If funded, this project should be coordinated with other monitoring projects to ensure compatibility of objectives, common methods and protocols. This coordination could be accomplished under the favorably reviewed CBFWA proposal #35033.

Jan 21, 2003


Statement of Potential Biological Benefit
Indirect. The Columbia Basin Pit Tag system provides fish passage and survival data.

Increasing use of PIT tags and installation of additional detectors has placed a greater burden on the infrastructure necessary to manage the PIT tag data. This proposal helps respond to this need.

Already ESA Required?


Fund (Tier 1)
Jun 11, 2003


1. Council Staff preferred projects that fit province allocation

Address ISRP concerns regarding metadata.

Aug 4, 2003


This project is largely involved with operation and maintenance of the PIT tag data base and electronic components of PIT detection facilities at dams. As such, it is appropriately designated as an expense project. Budget consistent with NPCC recommendation.
Sep 20, 2003


NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$2,431,442 $2,431,442 $2,431,442

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website