FY 1999 proposal 199701900

Additional documents

199701900 Narrative Narrative

Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleStinkingwater Salmonid Project
Proposal ID199701900
OrganizationBurns Paiute Tribe (BPT)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameDyan Straughan/Daniel Gonzalez
Mailing addressHC 71 - 100 Pasigo St Burns, OR 97720
Phone / email5415732420 / [email protected]
Manager authorizing this project
Review cycleFY 1999
Province / SubbasinUpper Snake / Malheur
Short descriptionDevelop strategies based upon base line habitat surveys and life history traits to enhance and protect resident fish in the Middle Fork Malheur River and mitigate for resident and anandromous fish losses due to loss of habitat and other factors.
Target speciesBull trout redband trout
Project location
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)



Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription

Section 2. Past accomplishments


Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 1999 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 1999 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 1999 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 1999 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 1999 cost
Personnel Dyan Straughan and Daniel Gonzalez (2080hrs @$14) and 2 field assistants (1080 hr @$8.10) $75,736
Fringe 25% $18,934
Supplies Waders, Dry suits, Snorke gear, HOBO's etc. Genetic supplies $24,500
Capital Tribal lease of two Ford F-150's, Building insurance, upkeep, ect. $22,000
Travel 130 mi/day, 2 veh/day, 170 days/yr @.31/mi $13,702
Indirect 29% $44,913
Subcontractor $0
Total estimated budget
Total FY 1999 cost$199,785
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 1999 budget request$199,785
FY 1999 forecast from 1998$0
% change from forecast0.0%
Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind
Other budget explanation

Schedule Constraints: Identifing schedule constraints is very difficult due to the stochastic events that can occur

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

May 13, 1998


Presentation: The Tribe is currently using state-approved protocols and methods (FLIR Flights, water temperature monitoring, snorkeling, etc.) to conduct habitat and presence/absence surveys on the Middle Fork of the Malheur River. The goal is to identify the overall habitat conditions and quantify the population structure of bull trout and redband trout. In addition to the habitat work, the Tribe will do some genetic analysis of redband trout (for which there are no current genetics analyses). Cost-sharing comes from the USFS ($32,000/year), BOR ($47,000/year), BLM, and others. The funding is tight so it is important to have both projects (9701900 and 9107). In order to develop management strategies , it is important that both projects - the North Fork bull trout study (9701) and the Stinkingwater - be implemented at the same time.


Are the bull trout in the North Fork migratory? Answer: We don't know. This is what we want to find out. We have no information.

Screening Criteria: Yes

Technical Criteria: Yes

Programmatic Criteria: Yes

General Comment: Do you need 3 biologists and 3 technicians for this project?

May 13, 1998


Jun 18, 1998


This proposal is for good baseline assessment work, to provide data for decision-making that will precede further management activities. The goals are protection and enhancement of resident fishes in an area that contains naturalized brook trout from previous stocking. The project history and methods are well written.
NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$333,542 $333,542 $333,542

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website