Year | Accomplishment |
1993 |
High levels of genetic variability documented within and among Snake River chinook salmon and steelhead populations. This variability shown to be stable through time. |
1993 |
Allozyme data supported distinctiveness of Dworshak Hatchery steelhead. Distinctiveness appeared to be ancestral. Provided an improved understanding of the genetic relationship between resident fish in the NF Clearwater and the hatchery population. |
1993 |
Estimation of Nm and the critical ratio of Nb/N. Results from this study provide the most comprehensive data available for salmon for these important parameter estimates (updated periodically). |
1995 |
Interagency memorandum for USFW and IDFG summarizing genetic relationships among Snake River steelhead populations. |
1996 |
Allozyme data played a critical role in the US v. Oregon dispute resolution. Data were provided to the Independent Scientific Review Panel for their own analyses. |
1996 |
DNA markers (nonlethally analyzed) provided information on the relative distinctiveness of NE Oregon spring chinook salmon captive brood stock collections as compared to the Rapid River stock spawned at Lookingglass hatchery. |
1996 |
Summary of DNA data was requested by ODFW at the outset of the NE Oregon chinook salmon captive brood program to help evaluate the genetic distinctiveness of the populations putatively identified for induction into captivity. |
1997 |
Multiplex sets used to collect data for multiple studies related to genetic monitoring. Substantial reductions in time effort and expense associated with genotyping. Multiplex sets are continually expanded and improved. |
1997 |
Technological developments in the rapid assay of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Results published in peer-reviewed literature (two papers, one republished as a book chapter, a third study nearing completion). Continued efforts ongoing. |
1998 |
Developed an analytical solution for the Phelps/Allendorf effect, a common sampling problem associated with the collection of juveniles when population sizes are small. Published in peer-reviewed literature. |
1998 |
>95 PCR primer pairs have been made for marker development in introns, 3' & 5' untranslated regions, random clones, and other noncoding sequences (microsatellite primers not included, see below). |
1998 |
Markers and genetic results published in peer-reviewed literature (4 papers). Continued efforts ongoing. Primers distributed to other laboratories, including other researchers funded by BPA (e.g., Matt Powell's group at U of Idaho) |
1998 |
Collection of microsatellite and RFLP data (five and five loci, respectively) for over 800 individual chinook salmon from nine populations in NE Oregon across 2 years (1994 and 1995). |
1998 |
The geographic distribution of genetic variation revealed in this study was used extensively in the status reviews for both of these species (Busby et al. 1996, NOAA Tech Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-27; Myers et al. 1998, NOAA Tech Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-35). |
1998 |
DNA data helped evaluate potential genetic distinctiveness of marked and unmarked fish returning to the trap at the Rapid River Hatchery. Interagency memo provided to Sharon Kiefer and Rick Lowell, IDFG with copies distributed to other comanagers. |
1999 |
Periodically updated allozyme data shared widely among comanagers (e.g., CRITFC, Nez Perce, USFWS, Warm Springs, ISRP). |
1999 |
Groups of six to twelve microsatellite markers (multiplex sets) developed and implemented in both chinook salmon and steelhead, permitting rapid and efficient genotyping. >90 microsatellite primer pairs made. |
1999 |
Non-lethal allozyme genotyping of frozen adult fin clips (peer-reviewed publication) |
1999 |
New restriction site markers developed for nuclear DNA loci. Used to describe genetic structure of selected Snake River populations. |
1999 |
Collection, DNA extraction, and genotyping (nine loci) of 80 adult steelhead passed over the Little Sheep Creek weir. |
1999 |
Collection of 300 juvenile steelhead from dispersed sites above the Little Sheep Creek weir. DNA extraction and genotyping of 24 juvenile steelhead (smaller sized fish likely to be age 0+) for nine loci. |
1999 |
Little Sheep microsatellite data used for preliminary power analyses for parentage identification and evaluation of reproductive success. A second multiplex set of eight loci is being added in FY2000. |
1999 |
Development of DNA extraction and genotyping of historic scale samples. Methodological experiments completed. Manuscript submitted. |
2000 |
Collection of microsatellite and RFLP data (17 and 8 loci, respectively) for over 800 individual chinook salmon from nine populations in NE Oregon across 2 additional years (1992 and 1993). |
2000 |
Collection, DNA extraction, and genotyping of microsatellite and RFLP loci (nine and five, respectively) for ~48 steelhead individuals from each of 13 Snake River populations representing four major river drainages. |
2000 |
Tissue samples taken for genetic monitoring since 1989 and logged into the archive at NWFSC represent a major component of the largest tissue repository available for Pacific salmon (>20,000 samples). |
2000 |
Essentially all samples collected through 1998 have been analyzed for allozyme variation. Over 6500 samples have been DNA-extracted and genotyped, and a variety of tissue samples have been made available to collaborators and comanaging agencies. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Collect samples |
a. Consult comanagers and conduct preseason evaluations of previous year escapements to identify optimal sampling strategy |
Annually ongoing |
$2,200 |
b. Obtain appropriate collection permits and complete collection reports |
Annually ongoing |
$7,300 |
c. Coordinate sampling efforts to maximum extent possible with other ongoing projects |
Annually ongoing |
$2,100 |
d. Collect samples from hatchery, natural, wild, and captive populations |
Annually ongoing |
$12,400 |
2. Conduct genetic analyses |
a. Perform allozyme and DNA genotyping |
Annually ongoing |
$114,000 |
b. Perform quality control tests on preliminary data |
Annually ongoing |
$8,300 |
c. Cooperate with other laboratories in data set standardization |
Ongoing |
$5,800 |
3. Measure levels of genetic variation in each population |
a. Quantify percent polymorphic loci, heterozygosity, number of alleles per locus |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
b. Compare values in hatchery, natural, and wild populations |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
c. Evaluate pattern of change in genetic variability over time |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
4. Estimate effective population size (Ne) and the ratio Ne/N for each population |
a. Compute F, a measure of temporal change in allele frequency |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
b. Compute r2, a measure of gametic disequilibrium |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
c. Use temporal and disequilibrium methods to obtain a combined estimate of Ne for each population |
Ongoing |
$4,200 |
d. Estimate total population size (N) based on redd counts, spawner surveys, or population enumeration |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
e. Compute ratio Ne/N |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
5. Describe population genetic structure of natural and wild populations |
a. Compute indices of genetic differentiation among natural and wild populations |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
b. Perform hierarchical gene diversity analyses to partition genetic differences into various components (e.g., spatial and temporal) |
Ongoing |
$4,350 |
c. Estimate levels of gene flow among populations based on genetic data |
Ongoing |
$2,800 |
6. Quantify relative reproductive success of naturally-spawning hatchery and wild steelhead |
a. Identify parents of juvenile steelhead collected above the Little Sheep Cr. weir (Imnaha R.) from the pool of potential parents passed over the weir in the 1999 and 2000 |
Annually ongoing |
$36,200 |
b. Compare results with theoretical expectations derived using both probabilistic and deterministic models |
Annually ongoing |
$2,000 |
c. Estimate the relative reproductive success of hatchery and wild fish |
Annually ongoing |
$2,640 |
7. Document genetic effects of supplementation on target and non-target populations |
a. Compare indices of genetic differentiation between hatchery, natural, and wild populations |
Ongoing |
$2,100 |
b. Compare patterns of genetic change over time in hatchery populations with those in natural and wild populations |
Ongoing |
$2,200 |
c. Prepare and submit results for distribution/publication and presentation at national and international scientific meetings |
Periodic ongoing |
$9,300 |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Evaluate effectiveness of genetic monitoring |
a. Describe genetic differences between hatchery, natural, and wild populations |
Ongoing |
$2,300 |
b. Quantify sources of noise in analysis (sampling error, genetic drift) |
Ongoing |
$2,430 |
c. In light of a) and b), evaluate combined power of genetic markers (allozymes + DNA) to provide monitoring and evaluation information that is useful for an adaptive management approach to supplementation. |
Periodic ongoing |
$4,650 |
2. Evaluate power and utility of reproductive success studies as they pertain to characterizing genetic change through time |
a. Describe strengths and limitations of deterministic and probabilistic approaches to parentage assignment |
Periodic ongoing |
$2,500 |
b. Explore sources of variation and establish confidence limits on parentage assignment (e.g., number of loci, level of polymorphism, genotyping error rates, percentage of missing parents, etc.) |
Periodic ongoing |
$2,630 |
3. Generate specific guidelines for effective genetic monitoring research with consideration of statistical power and capability to provide practical management information |
a. Publish characterization of spatial and temporal genetic differences between hatchery and natural populations, including consideration of accuracy and precision |
Ongoing |
$0 |
d. Provide recommendations (in peer-reviewed literature) regarding alternative analytical methods for the measurement of geneflow/detection of migrants |
Ongoing |
$0 |
b. Final presentation of information obtained framed in the context of specific recovery and management issues |
0.2 |
$0 |
This project has been funded at $250K in the past but was reduced in FY2000 by 30%. Major budget reductions at this point are a significant concern for two reasons. First, in order to maintain the continuity of this unique and powerful data set it essential to continue the regular collection and genotyping of samples using the same genetic markers that comprise this very large data set (i.e., 23K fish genotyped for >70 allozyme loci). In spite of significant strides in the development and implementation of nonlethal DNA markers, these new markers simply can not replace the large body of existing allozyme data. Second, the interrelated nature of research objectives makes it impossible to simply omit specific tasks. Without complete funding, this study is at risk of significant compromise.
The central objective of this study, the characterization of genetic change through time, has remained unchanged since its inception in 1989. Workplan changes reflect a natural evolution toward nonlethal sampling and the implementation of new technologies. Continued allozyme analysis provides continuity with previous data while DNA markers permit nonlethal sampling and access to historic scale samples. Further, highly polymorphic microsatellite markers are now used to establish parentage and quantify reproductive success of hatchery and wild fish providing a powerful new tool for monitoring genetic change in real time in natural populations.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
The central objective of this study, the characterization of genetic change through time, has remained unchanged since its inception in 1989. The workplan changes reflect a natural evolution toward nonlethal sampling and the implementation of new technologies. Continued allozyme analysis provides continuity with previous data while DNA markers permit nonlethal sampling and access to historic scale samples. Further, highly polymorphic microsatellite markers are now used to establish parentage and quantify reproductive success of hatchery and wild fish providing a powerful new tool for monitoring genetic change in real time in natural populations.
The NEOSEW SRT commented that aspects of this project are not well coordinated with the local managers and results are not being reported in a manner that can be easily accessed by the local managers.