Year | Accomplishment |
1991 |
Identified study areas, brood stocks, facilities to be used. |
1992 |
Released supplementation fish into control streams, conducted spawning ground surveys, juvenile emigrant surveys and snorkeling surveys. Juvenile hatchery and naturally produced fish were tagged for survival analysis. |
1993 |
An annual report was written. Continued to release parr and smolts into treatment streams. Continued to collect spawning ground data, snorkeling data, genetic data, juvenile emigrant data and survival data. |
1994 |
An annual report was written. Continued to collect spawning ground data, snorkeling data, genetic data, juvenile emigrant data and survival data. |
1995 |
Continued to collect spawning ground data, snorkeling data, genetic data, juvenile emigrant data and survival data. |
1996 |
Continued to collect spawning ground data, snorkeling data, genetic data, juvenile emigrant data and survival data. |
1997 |
First generation returns, a known broodstock for supplementation is established. Continued to collect spawning ground data, snorkeling data, genetic data, juvenile emigrant data and survival data. |
1998 |
Released hatchery parr and smolts into treatment streams. Continued to collect spawning ground data, snorkeling data, genetic data, juvenile emigrant data and survival data. |
1999 |
Released hatchery parr and smolts into treatment streams. Continued to collect spawning ground data, snorkeling data, genetic data, juvenile emigrant data and survival data. |
2000 |
Idaho Supplementation Studies 5 Year Report (1992-1996), in progress. An annual report was written. Continued to collect spawning ground data, snorkeling data, genetic data, juvenile emigrant data and survival data. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Monitor and evaluate the effects of supplementation on presmolt and smolt numbers and spawning escapements of naturally produced fish. |
a. Cooperate with IDFG to mark and tag supplementation fish. |
2 |
$4,800 |
1. |
b. Operate screw traps on the Secesh River and Lake Creek, analyze-report trap data from Lolo Creek, Newsome Creek and Johnson Creek to determine life history characteristics and estimate presmolt and smolt populations. |
6 |
$153,100 |
1. |
c. PIT-tag a portion trapped juvenile chinook salmon to estimate survival. |
6 |
$28,800 |
1. |
d. PIT-tag a minimum of 700 naturally produced parr from Papoose Creek and Squaw Creek. Analyze parr tagging data from Lake Creek, the Secesh River, Johnson Creek, Lolo Creek and Newsome Creek. |
6 |
$10,800 |
1. |
e. Refine methods for comparisons of natural production in supplemented versus unsupplemented streams. Begin data comparisons. |
6 |
$8,463 |
1. |
f. Refine methods for developing smolt-to-adult survival relationships. |
2 |
$7,000 |
2. Monitor and evaluate changes in natural productivity and genetic composition of target and adjacent populations following supplementation. |
a. Monitor survival and life history characteristic indices from supplemented populations and compare to baseline and control streams. |
6 |
$14,100 |
2. |
b. Monitor straying and adult escapement of hatchery supplementation fish into adjacent streams, treatment streams and control streams using redd and carcass surveys and - or weirs. |
6 |
$6,000 |
2. |
c. Report adult data collected from underwater video counting stations. |
6 |
$500 |
2. |
d. Collect scales, fin rays, genetic samples, length and sex data of carcasses collected during redd surveys. |
6 |
$6,000 |
2. |
e. Collect coded wire tags and PIT-tags from carcasses and analyze data. |
6 |
$500 |
2. |
f. Estimate pre-spawning mortality and spawning success from redd surveys and carcass samples. |
6 |
$500 |
2. |
g. Estimate fecundity of naturally produced and hatchery produced adult chinook salmon at weirs. |
6 |
$500 |
2. |
h. Assist IDFG in refining methods for analysis of adult return information and data. |
6 |
$2,000 |
3. Determine which supplementation strategies (brood stock and release stage) provide the quickest and highest response in natural production without adverse effects on productivity. |
a. Monitor and evaluate natural production (parr, presmolt, smolt and adult numbers) and productivity (survival, life stage characteristics and straying) of supplemented populations and compare to baseline data and control streams. |
6 |
$23,000 |
3. |
b. Assist the IDFG in developing and comparing natural production and productivity indices among supplemented populations with parr, presmolt and smolt release strategies. |
6 |
$2,000 |
4. Develop supplementation recommendations. |
a. Coordinate supplementation research planning and field evaluation program activities with ISS cooperators and associated Nez Perce Tribe projects. |
6 |
$6,928 |
4. |
b. Develop and provide annual proposals and statements of work, contract administration, support services and personnel management. |
6 |
$90,932 |
4. |
c. Analyze data from Objectives 1-3 and provide annual and cooperative reports. |
6 |
$33,429 |
PIT-tag costs were not included in the FY 2001 forecast, indirect costs increased 3.7%, and additional support staff were added for FY 2001.
There was no change in project scope.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
The PIT-tag costs were not included in the FY 2001 forecast and additional support staff was added for FY 2001. There was no change in project scope.