Year | Accomplishment |
2000 |
Publication: Tiffan, K.F., D.W. Rondorf, and P.G. Wagner. 2000. Physiological development and migratory behavior of subyearling fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:28-40. |
2000 |
Publication: Venditti, D.A., D.W. Rondorf, and J.M. Kraut. 2000. Migratory behavior and forebay delay of radio-tagged juvenile fall chinook salmon in a lower Snake River impoundment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:41-52. |
2000 |
Publication: Marshall, A.R., H.L. Blankenship, and W.P. Connor. 2000. Genetic characterization of naturally spawned Snake River fall-run chinook salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:680-698. |
2000 |
Publication: Connor, W.P., R.K. Steinhorst, and H.L. Burge. In press. Forecasting survival and passage of migratory juvenile salmonids. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. |
2000 |
Publication: Tiffan, K.F., D.W. Rondorf, R.D. Garland, and P.A. Verhey. In Review. Morphological differences between juvenile fall and spring chinook salmon migrating through the lower Snake River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. |
1999 |
Publication: Dauble, D.D., R.L. Johnson, and A.P. Garcia. 1999. Fall chinook salmon spawning in the tailraces of lower Snake River hydroelectric projects. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128:672-679. |
1999 |
Report: Tiffan, K.F., D.W. Rondorf, W.P. Connor, and H.L. Burge, editors. 1999. Post-release attributes and survival of hatchery and natural fall chinook salmon in the Snake River. 1998 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland |
1999 |
Report: Tiffan, K.F., D.W. Rondorf, W.P. Connor, and H.L. Burge, editors. 1999. Identification of the spawning, rearing, and migratory requirements of fall chinook salmon. 1996-97 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland |
1999 |
Report: Sheer, M., R. Garland, M. Parsely, K. Tiffan, D. Rondorf. 1999. Chapter 3 in Assessment of the impacts of the Columbia River Hydroelectric System on mainstem salmon habitats. Draft Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR. |
1999 |
Report: Provided data, analyses, and co-authored the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Coordination Act Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on drawing down the lower Snake River. |
1999 |
Report: Connor, W.P. (coauthor). 1999. PATH Decision Analysis Report for Snake River Fall Chinook. Prepared by Essa Technologies Ltd., Vancouver, BC, 332 pp. |
1999 |
Presentation: Venditti, D.A. 1999. Use of temperature-sensing radio transmitters to estimate thermal exposure in emigrating fall chinook salmon. 15th International Symposium on Biotelemetry, Juneau, Alaska. |
1999 |
Presentation: Connor, W.P. 1999. Detection of PIT-tagged subyearling chinook salmon at a Snake River dam; Implications for summer flow augmentation. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Moscow, Idaho. |
1999 |
Presentation: Connor, W.P. 1999. Early life history and survival of subyearling chinook salmon. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Moscow, Idaho. |
1999 |
Provided in-season data on forecasted juvenile fall chinook salmon passage timing at Lower Granite Dam to the Fish Passage Advisory Committee for use in planning flow augmentation. |
1998 |
Publication: Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, and D.H. Bennett. 1998. Detection of PIT-tagged subyearling chinook salmon at a Snake River dam: Implications for summer flow augmentation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:530-536. |
1998 |
Publication: Groves, P.A., and A.P. Garcia. 1998. Two carriers used to suspend an underwater video camera from a boat. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:1004-1007. |
1998 |
Provided in-season data on forecasted juvenile fall chinook salmon passage timing at Lower Granite Dam to the Fish Passage Advisory Committee for use in planning flow augmentation. |
1998 |
Presentation: Tiffan, K.F. 1998. Water temperature and fall chinook salmon life history. 2nd Annual Columbia River Water Temperature Workshop, Portland, Oregon. |
1997 |
Report: Rondorf, D.W., and K.F. Tiffan, editors. 1997. Identification of the spawning, rearing, and migratory requirements of fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. 1995 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon. |
1997 |
Provided in-season data on forecasted juvenile fall chinook salmon passage timing at Lower Granite Dam to the Fish Passage Advisory Committee for use in planning flow augmentation. |
1996 |
Report: Rondorf, D.W., and K.F. Tiffan, editors. 1996. Identification of the spawning, rearing, and migratory requirements of fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. 1994 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon. |
1996 |
Presentation: Tiffan, K.F. 1996. Osmoregulatory and ATPase development in subyearling fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River. 1996 International Congress on the Biology of Fishes, San Francisco, California. |
1996 |
Presentation: Venditti, D.A. 1996. Use of radio telemetry to describe migratory behavior of juvenile fall chinook salmon through a lower Snake River reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Eugene, Oregon. |
1996 |
Presentation: Connor, W.P. 1996. Use of separation by code for fall chinook salmon research. 1996 PIT-tag Workshop, Stevenson, Washington. |
1996 |
Presentation: Connor, W.P. 1996. To tag or not to tag?. 1996 PIT-tag Workshop, Stevenson, Washington. |
1996 |
Provided in-season data on forecasted juvenile fall chinook salmon passage timing at Lower Granite Dam to the Fish Passage Advisory Committee for use in planning flow augmentation. |
1995 |
Presentation: Connor, W.P. 1995. Stock and race identification of subyearling Snake River chinook salmon. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho. |
1994 |
Report: Rondorf, D.W., and K.F. Tiffan, editors. 1994. Identification of the spawning, rearing, and migratory requirements of fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. 1993 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon. |
1994 |
Report: Rondorf, D.W., and W.H. Miller, editors. 1994. Identification of the spawning, rearing, and migratory requirements of fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. 1992 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon. |
1994 |
Presentation: Connor, W.P. 1994. Estimating fall chinook salmon spawning habitat availability and seeding level in the lower Clearwater River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, McCall, Idaho. |
1993 |
Report: Rondorf, D.W., and W.H. Miller, editors. 1993. Identification of the spawning, rearing, and migratory requirements of fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. 1991 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon. |
1993 |
Presentation: Connor, W.P. 1993. Application of passive integrated transponders for describing subyearling Snake River fall chinook salmon rearing, emigration, and survival in the Snake River. 1993 PIT-tag Workshop, Portland, Oregon. |
1993 |
Presentation: McCann, J.A. 1993. Evaluation of PIT tagging subyearling fall chinook salmon. 1993 PIT-tag Workshop, Portland, Oregon. |
1993 |
Presentation: McCann, J.A. 1993. Using an acoustic Doppler current profiler in fisheries research in the Columbia River basin. Annual Meeting of Pacific Fishery Biologists, Vancouver, British Columiba. |
1992 |
Presentation: Connor, W.P. 1992. Migration timing of hatchery and wild Snake River fall chinook salmon: Implications for smolt survival. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Moscow, Idaho. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Provide in-season life history data and forecasts of subyearling chinook salmon passage at Lower Granite Dam to the Fish Passage Advisory Committee. |
a. Capture and PIT tag natural fall chinook salmon rearing in different areas of Hells Canyon. |
5 |
$214,400 |
1. |
b. Estimate fry emergence and rearing timing, and provide forecasts of smolt passage timing at Lower Granite Dam to the Fish Passage Advisory Committee. |
5 |
$33,900 |
2. Compare the survival of subyearling fall chinook migrating from the Hells Canyon and Hanford reaches. |
a. Capture and PIT tag natural fall chinook salmon rearing in different areas of Hells Canyon (Task 1.a.) and the Hanford Reach. |
5 |
$183,000 |
2. |
b. Test for differences in survival of four Hanford Reach release groups to the tailraces of McNary and John Day dams using ANOVA. |
5 |
$13,400 |
2. |
c. Test for differences in survival of fish released in the up and downstream reaches of Hells Canyon to Lower Granite Dam using ANOVA. |
5 |
$13,400 |
2. |
d. Determine the relations between flow and temperature and survival of fish released in the Hells Canyon and Hanford reaches using multiple regression analysis. |
5 |
$13,400 |
2. |
e. Compare differences in early life history (i.e., emergence timing, growth, and migration timing) and survival between the Snake and Columbia rivers. |
5 |
$13,500 |
3. Determine the effects of flow fluctuations on the quantity and quality of juvenile fall chinook rearing habitat in the Hanford and Hells Canyon reaches to determine if rearing habitat is potentially limiting the Snake River population. |
a. Obtain bathymetric and water velocity data for the Hells Canyon Reach from the Idaho Power Company. Conduct additional 2-dimensional hydraulic modeling to fill in data gaps. |
1 |
$30,000 |
3. |
b. Construct GIS coverages of habitat variables important to rearing fall chinook such as velocity, gradient, depth, and substrate. |
2 |
$62,000 |
3. |
c. Modify an existing predictive model of juvenile fall chinook rearing habitat developed by USGS to estimate the amount of available habitat in the Hells Canyon Reach at different flows using data from Task 3.b. |
2 |
$62,000 |
3. |
d. Compare results of the completed Hanford Reach habitat analysis with those from the Hells Canyon Reach to determine if rearing habitat is limited in the Snake River and what the production potential of existing habitat is. |
2 |
$45,000 |
4. Disseminate research results in peer-reviewed journal articles. |
a. Prepare and submit article for publication that summarizes the effect of flow fluctuations on Hanford Reach fall chinook salmon rearing habitat. |
1 |
$2,500 |
4. |
b. Prepare and submit an article for publication that describes fall chinook salmon use of rip-rap habitat for rearing. |
1 |
$2,500 |
4. |
c. Prepare and submit and article for publication that describes the thermal history of fall chinook salmon smolts migrating through Little Goose Reservoir. |
2 |
$2,500 |
4. |
d. Prepare and submit an article for publication that describes the run composition and early life history attributes of subyearling fall chinook in the Snake River. |
1 |
$2,500 |
4. |
e. Prepare and submit an article for publication that summarizes the early life history and growth of juvenile Snake River fall chinook salmon. |
1 |
$2,500 |
4. |
f. Prepare and submit an article for publication that describes factors affecting the seaward migration of subyearling chinook salmon in the Snake River. |
2 |
$2,500 |
Portions of some study tasks have been completed ahead of schedule.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.