FY 2001 Ongoing proposal 199401805

Additional documents


Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleContinued Implementation of Asotin Creek Watershed Habitat Projects
Proposal ID199401805
OrganizationAsotin County Conservation District (ACCD)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameBradley J. Johnson
Mailing address720 Sixth St., Ste B Clarkston, WA 99403
Phone / email5097588012 / [email protected]
Manager authorizing this projectBradley J. Johnson
Review cycleFY 2001 Ongoing
Province / SubbasinBlue Mountain / Asotin
Short descriptionCoordinate, assess, implement and monitor holistically based fish habitat cost-share programs in Asotin Creek watershed. Continue to improve on "grass roots" public and agency cooperation and collaboration for identified high priority habitat projects.
Target species
Project location
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)



Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription

Section 2. Past accomplishments

1991 Initiated Asotin Creek Water Quality Monitoring Project
1993 Began collaborating with citizens and agencies on fish and wildlife resource issues on Asotin Creek
1993 Tree planting projects on Asotin Creek with local schools, boy and girl scouts, and volunteers
1994 Completed watershed analysis for Asotin Creek watershed with help from NRCS Stream Team and WDFW
1994 Continued tree planting projects on Asotin Creek and major tributaries funded by both BPA and WCC
1995 Deployed ISCO Water Samplers & HOBO Temperature Meters throughout Asotin Creek watershed
1995 Bonneville Early Action Projects completed. Demonstration projects on winter feeding areas with alternative water developments and animal exclusion fencing
1995 Asotin Creek Model Watershed Plan completed and printed. Serves as a guide for resource issues and used as an example of a collaborative approach to watershed restoration, funded in cooperation with BPA, DNR, WDFW and WCC
1995 WCC Grant Funding for upland and riparian restoration projects appropriated by legislature. Due to limiting factors identified in "Plan," initiated upland sediment reduction and riparian cost-share programs to off-set costs for habitat projects
1995 Tree planting efforts with local schools, boy and girl scouts, and volunteers. Successful education/outreach to local groups for project support and local buy-in of riparian projects
1996 Continued water quality and temperature monitoring throughout watershed. Completed second year of ISCO and HOBO information for analysis and monitoring of upland and riparian projects, in cooperation with BPA and WCC
1996 Initiated Bonneville Early Action In-Stream Habitat Projects. Installed structures to encourage pool and floodplain function throughout watershed
1996 Implemented Headgate Park Pre- and Post-Monitoring of Habitat Projects funded by WCC. Evaluated pre-habitat conditions and effectiveness and benefits of in-stream structures
1996 Tree planting efforts with local schools and volunteers, approximately 10,000 trees and shrubs planted
1997 Completed technical report for Headgate Park Pre- and Post-Habitat and Resulting Changes in Pool Habitat Availability and Abundance of Juvenile Steelhead. Provided overview of pool habitat and number of juveniles using pools
1997 Initiated NRCS and ACCD Meander Reconstruction Monitoring. Provided information regarding lateral channel migration and streambank changes through scour chains, physical description of pools, pebble counts and photo documentation monitoring. BPA funding
1997 Bonneville funding utilized for upland, riparian and in-stream habitat projects to address limiting factors identified in the "Plan." On-going sediment reduction practices, riparian fencing, tree planting and in-stream pool structures
1997 WCC funding for upland sediment reduction practices. On-going upland sediment practices to reduce fine sediment intrusion
1997 Supplied four aquariums to local schools for "Salmon in the Classroom" Program. Each class was given 200 eyed trout eggs so the students could study the life-cycle of trout
1998 Continued Headgate Park Post-Monitoring. Monitoring in-stream structures for utilization and effectiveness
1998 BPA funding for upland sediment reduction, riparian/floodplain management and in-stream habitat projects. Installed 25,000 ft of fence, 50,000 trees and shrubs and 283 pools over last 3 years
1998 Initiated water quality and storm event sampling with WSU, which helps identify priority areas. Sampled for sediment, temperature, ammonia, nitrate, total nitrogen, discharge and fecals
1998 Intensive tree planting efforts using mechanical means to plant willow and cottonwood whips. Students and volunteers planted rooted stock such as ponderosa pine and blue elderberry, approximately 40,000 trees and shrubs planted
1998 Consulted WDFW to conduct Pre- and Post- In-Stream Habitat Project Monitoring. Monitoring 50% of pre-construction in-stream habitat projects to evaluate habitat and utilization by salmonids. Funded by BPA
1998 Continued NRCS and ACCD Meander Reconstruction Monitoring
1998 Aerial survey of upland and riparian habitat projects and photo documentation. Provided insight to expected restoration benefits and also priority areas not recognized from the ground
1998 Initiated NRCS and ACCD Sediment Basin Monitoring through WCC. Determining sediment basin effectiveness in reducing fine sediment delivery to streams
1998 Completed 1997 Bonneville Habitat Restoration Projects, including photo documentation, expected benefits, descriptions and costs. Provided general information on Upland Sediment Basin Cleanouts, Riparian Fencing, Tree Planting and In-Stream Projects
1998 Held an Envirothon Competition for local schools in the watershed. 13 teams participated
1998 Released 600 trout fry into a pond through "Salmon in the Classroom" Program and each class was given another 200 eyed trout eggs for the next year's class
1999 Continued WDFW Pre- and Post- In-Stream Habitat Monitoring
1999 Hosted Model Watersheds Coordinators Meeting and held a tour of watershed projects
1999 Provided watershed tours for WSU students, WCC, Governor's Salmon Team, and WA St. Cattlemen's Association.
1999 Intensive spring rooted tree planting projects using mechanical means to plant willow, cottonwood and conifer material. Previous year's plantings were showing greater than 80% survival rates. Approximately 30,000 trees and shrubs planted
1999 Held 2nd Annual Envirothon Competition. Numerous landowner, local and federal agency and private industry volunteers attended to run stations and judge presentations. 8 teams participated
1999 Released 450 trout fry into pond from "Salmon in the Classroom" Program and received 200 eyed trout eggs for each aquarium. Students and teachers alike are proud to be a part of this program and it brings awareness of ESA issues in watershed
1999 On-going Upland, Riparian and In-Stream Habitat Projects identified and completed according to "Model Watershed Plan." Receiving technical direction from agencies, landowners, and from watershed residents
1999 Planted 5,550 trees in fall on the north fork of Asotin Creek utilizing native ponderosa pine and cottonwoods.
1999 Consulted WDFW to conduct wintertime snorkeling for in-stream structures for over-winter juvenile use
1999 Initiated an upland 5-Yr Direct Seed Program to reduce sediment delivery from conventionally tilled soil. Partnered Gov's Salmon funds with BPA to get 19 participants in the program with 2,420 ac. Direct seeding has been proven to reduce erosion by 95 %
2000 Completed spring plantings of 19,100 rooted native ponderosa pine and cottonwood material, 21,000 willow and cottonwood whips and various bare-root material for a total of 60,000 trees and shrubs
2000 Continuing "Salmon in the Classroom", have third annual Envirothon competition scheduled and tree planting with local schools and volunteers
2000 Planning a re-assessment of the "Plan" to determine current and future in-stream and riparian habitat needs, determine effectiveness of habitat projects completed since 1996 and if goals are still valid for current conditions. NRCS, WDFW and Nez Perce
2000 Holistic Resource Management workshops for local citizens and landowners and interested agency personnel
2000 WDFW final report for Asotin Creek In-Stream Habitat Alteration Projects, 1999 Habitat Evaluation Surveys
2000 Received WSU Asotin Creek Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Final Report. Shows that Asotin Creek is making a measurable recovery since the 1993 Water Quality Study was completed

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
1. Coordinate Asotin Creek Model Watershed Project Prioritization and Planning. a. Administer, coordinate, and communicate watershed activies to residents and agency representatives 5 $3,415
b. Coordinate citizen / agency task groups to prioritize and rank projects 5 $4,000
c. Develop project proposals and prepare for submittal 5 $1,300
d. Submit B.A. to NMFS and USFWS for concurrence of in-stream habitat projects 5 $869
e. Produce final report of accomplishments for habitat projects and report M&E analysis and validation 5 $2,000
2. Secure Additional Funding and cooperative partnerships a. Match funds with local, state and federal agencies 5 $1,000
b. Initiate cost-share programs in priority areas outside the Asotin Creek watershed 5 $416
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2002FY 2003

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
1. Reduce in-stream summer water temperatures to 18 c a. Riparian fencing and alternative water development projects to reduce direct animal pressure on prioritized stream reaches 5 $20,000 Yes
(Lower Snake Co-Managers Obj.) (Reduce Pre-Spawner Mortality) b. Riparian planting projects in prioritized areas for long-term LWD recruitment for shade and cover 5 $37,000 Yes
c. Jump-start LWD component by incorporatating it into complex habitat projects and streambanks for cover 5 $5,000 Yes
d. Increase # of pools and decrease stream width-to-depth ratios by installing geomorphic restoration projects in prioritized stream reaches to reduce stream temperatures 5 $5,000 Yes
2. Increase quantity and quality of pools w/LWD to nine per mile a. Install in-stream habitat projects according to geomorphic stream classifications in priority areas 5 $5,000 Yes
(Lower Snake Co-Managers Obj.) (Increase Juvenile Survival) b. Continue increasing # of pools w/LWD to improve over-winter survival of juveniles 5 $5,000 Yes
c. Decrease width and increase stream depth 5 $5,000 Yes
d. Identify cool water refugia and protect in-stream and riparian habitat (passive) 5 $3,500
e. Develop and/or protect spring-fed, off-channel rearing areas for juvenile salmonids, jump-start LWD component by incorporating into project design 5 $3,500
3. Reduce sediment deposition in spawning gravels by maintaining or reducing cropland erosion and stabilizing eroding streambanks a. Continue upland cost-share for sediment reduction practices (direct seeding, pasture/hayland planting, sediment basins, terraces, grass waterways and noxious weed control) 5 $20,000
(Lower Snake Co-Managers Obj.) (Increase Incubation Success) b. In-stream structures geomorphically designed to scour and sort spawning gravels and re-establish floodplains for depositional features. 5 $10,000 Yes
c. Riparian fencing and plantings to stabilize and recruit LWD on streambanks 5 $20,000 Yes
d. Riparian management plans for alternative water developments and fencing projects for buffer strips along stream to filter sediment and nutrients 5 $10,000
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2002FY 2003

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
1. Continue wise management of habitat funds and assess habitat projects for effectiveness a. Landowners, agency and engineers assess habitat projects to make sure they are functioning as designed 5 $1,500
b. Determine if desired function is being met and if not, recommendations for project 5 $1,500
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2002FY 2003

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
1. Planning, coordinating and implementing project assessments and monitoring a. Coordinate citizen / technical committees to prioritize monitoring projects 5 $2,500
b. Fund priority monitoring projects 5 $38,265 Yes
c. Continue NRCS Sediment Basin Monitoring (In-Kind) 5 $735
d. Continue NRCS Meander Reconstruction M&E (in-Kind) 5 $500
e. Continue WDFW pre- and post-habitat assessments on in-stream structures 5 $10,000 Yes
f. Continue WDFW wintertime snorkeling for over-winter use of in-stream habitat projects 5 $5,000 Yes
g. Continue WDFW steelhead spawner utilization of in-stream habitat projects 5 $5,000 Yes
h. Continue cold water refugia identification and assessment 5 $500
i. Further define reference site conditions 5 $1,000
j. Continue working with Salmon Corps and Nez Perce Tribe to identify projects and alternative funding 5 $2,000
k. Begin planning assessments & limiting factors on streams outside watershed with spawning & rearing steelhead 5 $1,500
l. Complete and submit reports describing assessments and monitoring results 5 $3,000
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2002FY 2003

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2001 cost
Personnel FTE: 15 % $5,594
Fringe on 314.5 HRS $2,368
Supplies office supplies and copier lease $1,169
Travel meetings and overnight travel $3,000
NEPA & Biological Assessment to NMFS & USFWS $869
Personnel FTE: 55 % $21,955
Fringe on 1,068.4 HRS $8,045
Subcontractor In-stream, Planting, and Fencing Projects $89,000
Other Cost-Share Projects in Riparian and Uplands $30,000
Personnel FTE: 3 % $1,503
Fringe on 73.1 HRS $550
Other Unidentified repairs that could be needed $947
Personnel FTE: 12 % $5,313
Fringe on 312 HRS $2,091
Supplies office supplies and copier lease $331
Travel meetings and overnight travel $4,000
Subcontractor WDFW, Nez Perce Tribe, Private Consultant $58,265
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2001 cost$235,000
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 2001 budget request$235,000
FY 2001 forecast from 2000$235,000
% change from forecast0.0%
Reason for change in estimated budget

Staying with our FY 2000 Budget. We reduce out-year costs, but our budget gets cut each year without an explanation.

Reason for change in scope

Adaptive management changes from monitoring projects, agency perspectives, landowner cooperation and partnered funding sources.

Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Ongoing Funding: yes; New Funding: no
Jul 14, 2000


There is no change in budget. The slight change in scope is to accommodate adaptive management changes from monitoring projects, agency perspectives, landowner cooperation, and partnered funding sources.
Sep 13, 2000


NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$280,214 $280,214 $280,214

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website