Proposal title | Watershed Restoration Planner |
Proposal ID | 199403900 |
Organization | Nez Perce Tribe (NPT) |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Name | Don Bryson |
Mailing address | 612 S.W. 2nd Enterprise, OR 97828 |
Phone / email | 5414260119 / [email protected] |
Manager authorizing this project | Silas Whitman |
Review cycle | FY 2001 Ongoing |
Province / Subbasin | Blue Mountain / Grande Ronde |
Short description | Act as the liaison between the Nez Perce Tribe and Wallowa County. Help coordinate watershed restoration efforts in Wallowa County between the Tribe, County, Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program, local landowners, and state and federal agencies. |
Target species | |
Year | Accomplishment |
1994 |
Bear Creek Action Plan |
1994 |
Seven flow gages installed at irrigation diversions in Bear Creek, Wallowa River tributary. |
1995 |
Lostine Habitat Assessment |
1995 |
Combined three irrigation diversion structures into one structure with built in fish passage. This eliminated three annual push-up dams in the mainstem Wallowa River. |
1995 |
Twenty-nine flow gages installed at irrigation diversions in the Lostine and Wallowa rivers. Five additional gages installed on the mainstems of Bear Creek and the Lostine and Wallowa rivers and two abandoned USGS gages were reinstalled. |
1995 |
Fifty-five habitat projects (GRMWP/BPA, OWHP, GWEB) implemented in Wallowa County in 1994-1995. |
1996 |
Converted annual push-up dam into a permanent structure with built-in fish passage on the Lower Lostine River. |
1996 |
Twenty habitat projects (GRMWP/BPA, OWHP, GWEB) implemented in Wallowa County. |
1997 |
Converted three annual push-up dams into permanent structures with built-in fish passage on the lower Lostine River. |
1997 |
Constructed a low flow channel in the lower three miles of Bear Creek to facilitate late season passage of spring chinook onto the spawning grounds. |
1997 |
Thirteen habitat projects (GRMWP/BPA, GWEB) implemented in Wallowa County. |
1998 |
Revised the hatchery/natural production model to accommodate the Imnaha sliding scale developed by the co-managers to manage spring chinook. |
1998 |
Twenty-one habitat projects (GRMWP/BPA, GWEB) implemented in Wallowa County. |
1999 |
Coordinated an effort between the Wallowa SWCD, OWRD, and USGS to continue operating the mainstem flow gages on the Lostine River and Bear Creek and procured the funding. |
1999 |
Worked with Wallowa County NRAC's Standing Committee and contractor to update the County/Tribe Plan and add a terrestrial multi-species section based on habitat and cover types. |
1999 |
Twenty-one habitat projects (GRMWP/BPA, OWEB) implemented in 1999 or will be implemented in 2000 in Wallowa County. |
2000 |
Completed Chapter 6 for the Northeast Oregon Hatchery Master Plan. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Implement the Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program in Wallowa County. |
a. Participate as a member of the Board and Standing Committee representing the Nez Perce Tribe. |
ongoing |
$5,728 |
b. Act as the Wallowa Basin Project Planner counterpart to the Union County planner that works directly for the Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program. |
ongoing |
$3,580 |
2. Implement the Wallow County/Nez Perce Tribe Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan and Multi-Species Habitat Strategy (County/Tribe Plan). |
a. Participate as the Nez Perce Tribe's representative on Wallowa County's Natural Resource Advisory Committee and Standing Committee. |
ongoing |
$3,341 |
b. Participate in the development, monitoring, and updating of Comprehensive Resource Management Plans and Action Plans and developing individual Land Management Plans with parties active in Wallowa County, as called for in the County/Tribe Plan. |
ongoing |
$7,159 |
3. Facilitate coordination, cooperation, communication, and planning between Wallowa County and the Nez Perce Tribe and between Wallowa County and Union County. |
a. Coordinate with the Nez Perce Tribe on a technical and policy level. |
ongoing |
$4,773 |
b. Participate in ODA's Senate Bill 1010 and ODEQ's TMDL planning process. |
2 |
$5,250 |
c. Coordinate with the Wallowa County Commissioners and Public Works Department, GRMWP, Wallowa Resources, NRCS, SWCD, ODFW, ODEQ, ODF, USFS, BLM, BOR, BPA, USF&WS, NMFS, and others as needed. |
ongoing |
$2,864 |
4. Facilitate watershed restoration project planning and development. |
a. Develop habitat project proposals as needed, working with private landowners and appropriate agencies and entities. |
ongoing |
$7,637 |
b. Participate in the GRMW's, OWEB's, and Wallowa County NRAC's Technical Committee forums to review project proposals. |
ongoing |
$4,773 |
c. Provide coordination and technical input for the Tribe on USFS and BLM activities (e.g. timber sales, grazing allotments, recreation, land swaps, culturally important plants) and COE/State 404 permit applications. |
ongoing |
$2,864 |
5. Facilitate project implementation and monitoring. |
a. Write Biological Assessments and complete NEPA compliance checklists and COE/State 404 permit applications for habitat restoration projects proposed by the NRCS, SWCD, private landowners, and the Nez Perce Tribe. |
ongoing |
$5,728 |
b. Participate in developing a comprehensive watershed level monitoring plan for Wallowa County. |
2 |
$2,386 |
c. Participate in the annual spawning ground surveys with ODFW and USFS. |
ongoing |
$1,671 |
6. Provide technical help as needed for the development of the Northeast Oregon Hatchery Program (NEOH) in Wallowa County and the on-going operation of the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan hatchery program in the Grande Ronde and Imnaha subbasins. |
a. Provide written input and technical review of documents for NEOH. |
2 |
$2,386 |
b. Participate with ODFW, CTUIR, and WDFW on the development of the Annual Operating Plans for the LSRCP hatchery programs. |
ongoing |
$955 |
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.