Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Decrease both surface and subsurface streambed sediment in Bear Valley Creek (BVC) (MF Salmon River) to less than 25% surface fines in low gradient reaches and less than 30% subsurface fines by volume. |
a. Work with the USFS and others to eliminate all human activities which result in extraordinary amounts of sediment input into BVC. |
ongoing |
$3,000 |
1. |
b. Sponsor new enhancement efforts as necessary to reduce sediment recruitment into the Bear Valley watershed. |
ongoing |
$1,530 |
2. Increase streambank cover and stability in BVC to bank stability greater than 80% with 75% of banks undercut. |
a. Work with the Forest Service and others to reduce the impact of livestock grazing on streambanks in the Bear Valley watershed. |
ongoing |
$1,530 |
3. Increase rearing area for anadromous fish in the Yankee Fork Salmon River (YFSR). |
a. Continue to pursue enhancement efforts that will result in increased rearing area for fish on the YFSR. |
ongoing |
$1,000 |
4. Incorporate the off-channel rearing area into a low-tech, bioenhancement facility for chinook salmon in the YFSR |
a. In cooperation with the Tribes' Salmon River Production Program, continue to explore building a low-tech bioenhancement facility. |
2 |
$1,000 |
5. Decrease both surface and subsurface streambed sediment in Herd Creek (HC) and Big Boulder Creek (BBC) (EF Salmon River) to less than 25% surface fines in low gradient reaches and less than 30% subsurface fines by volume. |
a. Continue to pursue options to expand the amount of streambank currently protected with fencing (goal of total riparian exclosure fencing on Bennetts' Ranch on Herd Creek). |
2 |
$1,000 |
b. Work with the USFS, BLM, and others to eliminate all human activities which result in extraordinary amounts of sediment into the East Fork Salmon River. |
ongoing |
$1,530 |
c. Sponsor new enhancement efforts as necessary to reduce sediment recruitment into the East Fork watershed. |
ongoing |
$1,660 |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Improve communications and information sharing among entities working in the Salmon River Basin on fisheries related issues. |
a. Participate in regional committees, work groups, etc., to ensure the exchange of Tribal information and perspective on the group's mission (e.g., natural production, supplementation, survival and mortality, habitat enhancement). |
ongoing |
$15,000 |
2. Monitor human activities in the Salmon River Basin which have the potential to affect anadromous fish and their habitat. |
a. Monitor activities (e.g., mining, road construction, logging, grazing) on federal lands which have the potential to affect anadromous fish directly or indirectly through degradation of habitat or water quality or quantity. |
ongoing |
$2,500 |
2. |
b. Monitor activities (as in Task a) on state and private lands. |
ongoing |
$2,500 |
2. |
c. Work with appropriate government agencies, interest groups, and private individuals to ensure all human activity in the Salmon River Basin has no detrimental impact to anadromous fish and the affected parts comply with all laws. |
ongoing |
$5,000 |
3. Assist other entities in monitoring overall populations of anadromous fish in the Salmon River Basin. |
a. Work with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game on monitoring parr densities and thus health of anadromous fish populations in the Salmon River Basin. |
ongoing |
$5,000 |
3. |
b. Monitor stocking success, where appropriate, of anadromous fish outplanted in the Salmon River Basin at the request of the Tribes. |
ongoing |
$5,000 |
4. Decrease both surface and subsurface streambed sediment in Bear Valley Creek (BVC) (MF Salmon River) to less than 25% surface fines in low gradient reaches and less than 30% subsurface fines by volume. |
a. Eliminate the dredge-mined area as an extraordinary source of sediment into BVC. |
$0 |
4. |
b. Monitor the floodplain in the project area for percent cover to determine revegetation success (goal of 80% vegetative cover on floodplain). |
5 |
$2,500 |
4. |
c. Monitor sediment levels in BVC to document changes. |
ongoing |
$15,000 |
5. Increase streambank cover and stability in BVC to bank stability greater than 80% with 75% of banks undercut. |
a. Revegetate the newly created floodplain and streambank in the site area. |
$0 |
5. |
b. Monitor streambank cover and stability within the project area and below. |
ongoing |
$5,000 |
6. Increase stream habitat diversity in BVC. |
a. Allow natural hydrograph, including floodplain and riparian function, to allow BVC to reach a dynamic equilibrium in the affected area. |
ongoing |
$0 |
6. |
b. Monitor changes in pools and riffles in the site area and downstream (goal of large pools (> 3 ft deep) average 56 pools/mile in the project site and two miles below). |
ongoing |
$15,000 |
6. |
c. Monitor changes in sinuosity in the site area (goal of 1.7 based on sinuosity of BVC prior to mining). |
ongoing |
$1,500 |
6. |
d. Monitor changes in width-to-depth ratios in the project area and below (goal of less than 10). |
ongoing |
$5,000 |
7.Improve egg-to-parr survival of all fish but primarily anadromous fish in BVC to levels similar to other less impacted Middle Fork and upper Salmon River streams. |
a. Reduce sediment inputs into BVC. |
ongoing |
$0 |
7. |
b. Monitor chinook salmon redds in the fall and steelhead redds in the spring. |
ongoing |
$15,000 |
7. |
c. Monitor numbers of adult and juvenile salmonids, primarily chinook salmon and steelhead. |
ongoing |
$25,000 |
8. Increase rearing area for anadromous fish in the Yankee Fork Salmon River (YFSR). |
a. Connect off-channel dredge ponds to the mainstem YFSR. |
$0 |
8. |
b. Monitor anadromous fish use of the off-channel rearing area (goal of 22,000 smolts). |
ongoing |
$2,500 |
8. |
c. Compare differences in numbers and growth between the off-channel rearing area and the adjacent mainstem YFSR. |
ongoing |
$6,000 |
9. Monitor use of the off-channel rearing area by anadromous fish to find ways to increase use. |
a. Study the use of off-channel rearing area by chinook salmon and steelhead taking into account habitat use, flow, temperature, invertebrate densities, dissolved oxygen, and cover. |
ongoing |
$3,750 |
10. Decrease both surface and subsurface streambed sediment in Herd Creek (HC) and Big Boulder Creek (BBC) (EF Salmon River) to less than 25% surface fines in low gradient reaches and less than 30% subsurface fines by volume. |
a. Eliminate the section of HC in the Bennetts Ranch area as an extraordinary source of sediment input into HC. |
$0 |
10. |
b. Eliminate the affected reach of BBC near the trailhead as an extraordinary source of sediment into the stream (goal of 80% vegetative cover on floodplain). |
$0 |
10. |
c. Monitor sediment levels in HC and BBC. |
ongoing |
$12,500 |
11. Increase streambank cover and stability in HC and BBC to bank stability greater than 80% with 75% of banks undercut. |
a. Monitor streambank cover and stability in HC and BBC. |
ongoing |
$3,500 |
12. Increase stream habitat diversity in HC and BBC. |
a. Allow natural hydrograph, including floodplain and riparian function, to allow HC and BBC to reach a dynamic equilibrium in the affected area. |
ongoing |
$0 |
12. |
b. Monitor changes in pools and riffles in HC project area, above, and below (goal of at least 47 large pools (> 3 ft deep)/mile). |
ongoing |
$6,000 |
12. |
c. Monitor changes in pools and riffles in BBC project site (goal of at least 47 large pools (> 3 ft deep)/mile). |
ongoing |
$3,500 |
12. |
d. Monitor changes in width-to-depth ratios in HC and BBC (goal of < 10). |
ongoing |
$3,000 |
12. |
e. Monitor longitudinal profile within the BBC enhancement site. |
ongoing |
$1,000 |
13. Improve egg-to-parr survival of all fish but primarily anadromous fish in HC and BBC to levels similar to other upper Salmon River streams. |
a. Reduce sediment inputs into HC and BBC. |
ongoing |
$0 |
13. |
b. Monitor chinook salmon redds in the fall and steelhead redds in the spring in HC and BBC. |
ongoing |
$10,000 |
13. |
c. Monitor numbers of adult and juvenile salmonids, primarily chinook salmon and steelhead in HC and BBC. |
ongoing |
$15,000 |
14. Increase spawning and rearing area for anadromous fish in BBC. |
a. Monitor use by anadromous fish of newly accessible spawning and rearing habitat upstream of breached dam on BBC. |
ongoing |
$2,000 |
Item | Note | FY 2001 cost |
Personnel |
FTE: 0.15 * Project Manager time |
$6,190 |
Fringe |
34% of salary |
$2,105 |
Travel |
Vehicle lease, per diem, motels |
$1,800 |
Indirect |
26% of salary and fringe |
$2,155 |
Personnel |
FTE: 0.1 * Project Manager, 0.2 * Sr. Technician, 0.2 * Technician |
$14,240 |
Fringe |
34% of salary |
$4,850 |
Supplies |
Loppers, augers, misc. planting supplies |
$1,000 |
Travel |
Vehicle lease, per diem |
$5,000 |
Indirect |
26% of salary and fringe |
$4,910 |
Personnel |
FTE: 0.03 * Sr. Technician, 0.05 * Technician |
$2,000 |
Fringe |
34% of salary |
$680 |
Supplies |
Fencing materials, misc. tools |
$1,000 |
Travel |
Vehicle lease, per diem |
$620 |
Indirect |
26% of salary and fringe |
$700 |
Subcontractor |
MOA with USFS to maintain Big Boulder Creek enhancement site. USFS provides heavy equipment if nec. |
$5,000 |
Personnel |
FTE: 0.75 * Project Manager, 0.77 * Sr. Technician, 0.75 * Technician, 1.0 * Clerk |
$95,000 |
Fringe |
34% of salary |
$32,300 |
Supplies |
Wet gear, habitat monitoring equipment, misc. field supplies, misc. office supplies |
$5,350 |
Travel |
Vehicle lease, per diem |
$22,000 |
Indirect |
26% of salary and fringe |
$33,100 |
| $240,000 |
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.