Year | Accomplishment |
1997 |
Completed Quarterly Reports for BPA |
1997 |
Collected baseline information on environmental conditions on Johnson Creek. |
1998 |
Collected baseline information on environmental conditions on Johnson Creek. |
1998 |
Determined abundance and selected life history characteristics/patterns of juvenile summer chinook salmon (PIT-tagged 4,268 fish) |
1998 |
Determined abundance and spawning distribution/success of upstream migrant adult summer chinook salmon. |
1998 |
Completed Quarterly Reports for BPA |
1998 |
Secured Section 10 Permit from NMFS for Broodstock Collection |
1998 |
Collected First Broodstock from Johnson Creek (54 adult fish taken for supplementation) |
1998 |
Began Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation Program |
1998 |
Monitored and evaluated operation of adult collection and holding facility for adverse impacts to summer chinook salmon. |
1998 |
Collected samples to initiate genetic monitoring plan, samples currently being analyzed |
1999 |
Collected baseline information on environmental conditions on Johnson Creek. |
1999 |
Collected samples to initiate genetic monitoring plan, samples currently being analyzed. |
1999 |
Determined abundance and selected life history characteristics/patterns of juvenile summer chinook salmon (PIT-tagged 8,482 fish) |
1999 |
Completed Quarterly Reports for BPA |
1999 |
Prepared draft annual (1998) report for BPA |
1999 |
Completed and Submitted NMFS Annual Section 10 Report |
1999 |
Initiated Preliminary Design of proposed facilities |
1999 |
Began NEPA analysis of project |
1999 |
Completed Working Draft of Broodstock Management Plan |
2000 |
Collected baseline information on environmental conditions on Johnson Creek. |
2000 |
Completed Quarterly Reports for BPA |
2000 |
Completed Hatchery Genetic Management Plan |
2000 |
Completed Benefit Risk Assessment |
2000 |
Completed Working Draft of the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan |
2000 |
Submitted modification for NMFS Section 10 permit |
2000 |
Released 80,000 smolts from Broodyear 1998 back into Johnson Creek, 100% marked with coded wire and visual elastomer tags and 10% PIT-tagged |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
Objective 1. Determine abundance and spawning distribution/success of upstream migrant jack and adult anadromous summer chinook salmon pre-, during, and post-supplementation of indigenous summer chinook salmon in the Johnson Creek system. |
a. Evaluate the portable weir/trap facility during spawning migration for enumeration of upstream migrant summer chinook salmon. |
1/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$12,000 |
b. Collect run timing information from adults trapped. |
1/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$8,000 |
c. Collect length, sex, physical characteristics, tissue for genetic analysis, spawning maturation, scales, otoliths, percent spawned, snouts from CWT tagged fish, and record marks on all carcasses, and mark all adults released upstream of the weir. |
1/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$10,000 |
d. Estimate efficiency and total escapement above the weir, utilizing a mark-recapture study comparing marked to unmarked carcasses and determine hatchery to wild fish ratios and fish per redd ratio. |
1/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$15,000 |
e. Conduct intensive multiple count spawning ground surveys to enumerate redds, live fish, and carcasses and determine relative abundance of spawners. |
Trend area, conducted since 1957, will continue indefinitely. |
$11,000 |
Objective 2. Determine abundance, selected life history characteristics/patterns, and spatial distribution of juvenile summer chinook salmon pre-, during, and post-supplementation of indigenous summer chinook salmon. |
a. Operate juvenile chinook salmon emigration trapping trap to obtain timing, estimate abundance, and life history characteristics. |
1/1998 to 2/2029; 30 years, possibly continue monitoring for unknown amount of time |
$53,901 |
b. PIT tag natural parr, pre-smolts and smolts for estimating survival, emigration timing, and travel times to Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and McNary dams ($24,000 of the cost are PIT-tags).. |
1/1998 to 2/2029; 30 years, possibly continue monitoring for unknown amount of time |
$54,000 |
c. Conduct juvenile summer parr PIT tagging (PIT tag at least 700 juvenile summer parr)with IDFG to obtain summer parr survival estimates and movement patterns. |
1/1998 to 2/2029; 30 years, possibly continue monitoring for unknown amount of time |
$7,500 |
d. Assist IDFG snorkel, general parr monitoring sites (GPM), for presence/absence and general trend information. |
1/1998 to 2/2029; 30 years, possibly continue monitoring for unknown amount of time |
$2,000 |
Objective 3. Determine and monitor genetic characteristics/patterns, of supplementation vs. natural summer chinook salmon pre-, during, and post-supplementation of indigenous summer chinook salmon. |
a. Conduct genetic analysis of Johnson Creek summer chinook population in order to determine within-population genetic variability. |
1/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$32,000 |
Yes |
Objective 4. Evaluate operation of adult collection and holding facility for adverse impacts to resident and/or anadromous fish populations in Johnson Creek. |
a. Monitor upstream and downstream of the weir in regular intervals with multiple ground counts and snorkeling to enumerate redds, live fish, and carcasses of salmon that may be impeded by the presence of the adult weir. |
12/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$7,500 |
Objective 5. Monitor smolt production in the hatchery to evaluate health status, growth rates, and condition factors to compare supplementation fish with natural fish. |
a. Perform standard health and pathological tests coordinated with ongoing evaluations conducted by Idaho Fish & Game and U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service. |
12/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$5,000 |
Objective 6. Determine effectiveness of acclimation of hatchery summer chinook salmon to increase the overall population of Johnson Creek summer chinook salmon. |
a. Implement marking program (CWT and VIE tagging) of hatchery chinook juveniles to have a definitive internal and external mark to compare survival estimates between hatchery and wild chinook in the Johnson Creek system. |
10/1999 to 10/2029; 30 years |
$5,000 |
b. PIT tag a portion of Johnson Creek hatchery pre-smolts per brood year for estimating survival, emigration timing, and travel times to Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and McNary dams ($20,640 for PIT tags). |
10/1999 to 10/2029; 30 years |
$37,500 |
c. Compare timing, estimated numbers, and life history characteristics of hatchery juvenile summer chinook salmon compared to wild summer chinook salmon captured in emigrant traps (objective 2, task a). |
10/1999 to 10/2029; 30 years |
$12,000 |
Objective 7. Collect baseline information on environmental conditions in Johnson Creek, with special attention to smolt emigration and adult spawning migration periods. |
a. Monitor a constant recording thermograph and stage gauge to collect water temperature information near the adult trapping, emigrant trapping, smolt acclimation, and release facility and permanent gauging station. |
1/1998 to 12/2024; 25 years |
$6,000 |
Objective 8. Technology transfer |
a. Data analysis, preparation of quarterly and annual reports, publications |
6/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$65,000 |
b. Presentation of results and major findings to professional staff and meetings/conferences |
6/1998 to 12/2029; 30 years |
$8,500 |
Nez Perce Tribe indirect costs increased from 22.9% to 26.61%. Additional Administrative support personnel have been added, increasing salary and fringe costs. As fish production increases, additional rearing and tagging costs were added. Delays in completion and approval of final design have pushed construction of production facilities to FY2001 or FY2002.
There has not been a change in scope of the overall project. Delays in completing the design and construction of production facilities has resulted in budget changes only.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
Additional administrative support personnel have been added, increasing salary and fringe costs. As fish production increases, additional rearing and tagging costs were added. Delays in completion and approval of final design have pushed construction of production facilities to FY2001 or FY2002.
There has not been a change in the scope of the overall project. Delays in completing the design and construction of production facilities have resulted in budget changes only.