Project ID | Title | Description |
199801006 |
Captive Broodstock Artificial Propagation (NPT) - monitoring and evaluation of captive broodstock project. |
Progeny of captive broodstock are acclimated and released in Lostine River acclimation facility, returning adults collected at adult weir and monitoring and evaluation program evaluates success of supplementation activities in the Lostine River. |
199703800 |
Listed Stock Gamete Preservation (NPT) - funds the collection, cryopreservation, and storage of male chinook and steelhead semen collected from Imnaha and Grande Ronde fish both on the spawning grounds and in the hatchery. |
Collects semen from adult chinook in the Lostine River and stores it in the regional gene repository located at the University of Idaho. |
199604400 |
Grand Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program - funds rearing of captive broodstock adults in freshwater for Grande Ronde program. |
rogeny of captive broodstock are acclimated and released in Lostine River acclimation facility, returning adults collected at adult weir and monitoring and evaluation program evaluates success of supplementation activities in the Lostine River. |
199801001 |
Grande Ronde Basin Captive Broodstock - ODFW - O&M and M&E of rearing captive brood adults in freshwater for Grande Ronde program at Lookingglass and Bonneville hatcheries. |
Progeny of captive broodstock are acclimated and released in Lostine River acclimation facility, returning adults collected |
199800703 |
Grande Ronde Supplementation - CTUIR |
Sister project to 199800702 - operated by the CTUIR in the Upper Grande Ronde River and Catherine Creek. |
198805301 |
Northeast Oregon Hatchery - NPT - funds planning for new hatchery facilities and modifications to Lookingglass Hatchery necessary to fully implement the conservation program developed by co-managers for Grande Ronde sprin |
Facilities proposed through project 198805301 will alleviate the burden at Lookingglass Hatchery allowing full production of the Grande Ronde stocks. Facilities on the Lostine River will act as satellites to the proposed facilities. |
198805305 |
Northeast Oregon Hatcheries Planning and Implementation - funds ODFW participation in the facility planning process and operation of Lookingglass Hatchery for captive and conventional chinook salmon produced in the Grande Ronde program. |
Facilities proposed will alleviate the burden at Lookingglass Hatchery allowing full production of the Grande Ronde stocks. Facilities on the Lostine River act as satellites to Lookingglass Hatchery. |
199606700 |
Manchester Captive Broodstock - funds rearing of captive brood adults in saltwater for the Grande Ronde program. |
Progeny of captive broodstock are acclimated and released in Lostine River acclimation facility, returning adults collected at adult weir and monitoring and evaluation program evaluates success of supplementation activities in the Lostine River. |
198712700 |
Grande Ronde Smolt Monitoring by non federal entities - funded to monitor smolt migration timing. |
Depends on project 198712700 for smolt emigration information on the Grande Ronde |
199202604 |
Life History of Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead - ODFW - funded to establish baseline history information and M&E of Grande Ronde spring chinook salmon and steelhead. |
Depends on project 199202604 for smolt trapping assistance on the Lostine River. |
198909600 |
Genetic Monitoring and Evaluation of Snake River Salmon and Steelhead - funds the collecion, analysis, and establishes a database of genetic data from salmon and steelhead stocks in the Snake River. |
Juvenile hatchery and natural salmon produced as a result of the Lostine Supplementation project provide information for this database. |
200001900 |
Tucannon River Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program |
Provide expertise and advice in captive broodstock rearing, and assist in overall recovery of Snake River spring chinook salmon. Sister project in Tucannon River subbasin. |
Lower Snake River Compensation Plan |
Depends on LSRCP for parr-to-smolt rearing at Lookingglass Hatchery |
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.