Project review cycle: FY 1999

FY 1999 Work Plan Review (annual cycle)

Project proposals

See proposals considered under this review cycle


Reviews and Decision Documents
ISRP Review of FY99 Columbia River Basin Fish & Wildlife Proposals6/18/1998
ISRP Review of FY99 Columbia River Basin Fish & Wildlife Proposals, Appendix A: ISRP Comments on Proposals6/18/1998
FY 1999 Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan, Volume I5/13/1998
FY 1999 Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan, Volume II5/13/1998
FY 1999 Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan, Volume III5/13/1998
FY 1999 Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan: Volume I5/13/1998
FY 1999 Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan: Volume II, Project Descriptions5/13/1998
FY 1999 Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan: Volume III, Appendices5/13/1998