BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal
Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget
see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Title of project
Mainstem, Middle Fork, and N. Fork John Day River
BPA project number 8402100
Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Sponsor type OR-State/Local Agency
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Name | William Noll | |
Mailing address | Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
107 20th Street La Grnade, OR 97850 | |
Phone | 541/963-2138 |
BPA technical contact Phil Havens, EWP 503/230-3543
Biological opinion ID None
NWPPC Program number 3.1D.1, 7.6B.5
Short description
This project improves habitat access, and the quantity and quality of spawning and rearing habitat available for salmon and steelhead.
Project start year 1984 End year
Start of operation and/or maintenance
Project development phase Implementation
Section 2. Narrative
Related projects
Grande Ronde Habitat Enhancement project (Project No. 84-25)
Umatilla Habitat Enhancement project (Project No. 87-100-02).
All of these projects focus on riparian and instream habitat enhancement as a means of improving the quantity and quality of salmonid spawning and/or rearing habitats.
Project history
This project is comprised of numerous smaller projects throughout the John Day River subbasin. These projects will restore degraded instream and riparian habitats.
Prior to FY 1995 the program was 100% funded by BPA. In FY 1995 ODFW supplemented BPA funds with about $71,000 of outside funds (i.e. Restoration and Enhancement, and Acid Spill funds).
Biological results achieved
Habitat achievements to date include: 83.6 miles of riparian fencing, 131 livestock water gaps, 47.2 miles of stream with varying quantities of instream structures, construction of two fish passage structures and 1,442 acres of fenced riparian areas that are inspected and treated for noxious weeds as needed.
Annual reports and technical papers
Monthly activity reports and annual progress reports.
Management implications
Since there is no hatchery stocking of salmonids in the John Day subbasin the system is totally dependent on natural production to sustain fish runs. The enhanced instream and riparian habitat will result in improved water quality and quantity and therefore an increase in the natural production carrying capacity of the system. Modification/removal of artificial fish passage barriers will allow adult and juvenile salmonids better access to preferred habitat at critical times of the year.
Specific measureable objectives
The program OBJECTIVE is to increase salmonid production by reducing sediment loading and water temperatures, improving riparian habitat, instream habitat diversity, and salmonid access to preferred habitats.
To achieve this objective we will continue fencing riparian areas, planting grasses, forbs, shrubs and trees, adding off-site watering developments and improving instream habitat diversity. We will also inspect, maintain, monitor and evaluate existing projects.
In FY 1996 we will complete a minimum of 2.5 miles of fencing along the upper Middle Fork John Day River. We will also perform routine maintenance on existing projects, provide additional maintenance following any catastrophic natural events (e.g. floods, wind storms, ice flows etc.), and monitor effectiveness of completed projects.
Testable hypothesis
Restoring and/or enhancing riparian habitat and instream habitat diversity will result in improved quantity and quality of salmonid spawning and rearing habitat and the fish's access to it.
Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
Encouraging recovery of riparian vegetation, improving streambank stability and instream habitat diversity will result in overall increase in water quality and quantity within the John Day subbasin. These habitat improvements will result in an increase in salmonid natural production carrying capacity within the system. Removal or modification of fish passage barriers will also improve adult and juvenile salmonid access to preferred habitats.
- Control livestock utilization of riparian area by: a) fencing riparian areas to exclude grazing and b) developing off-site water sources to attract livestock away from riparian areas.
- Revegetate riparian area by: a) planting shrubs and trees, b) seeding grasses into riparian areas and c) controlling noxious weeds within riparian areas.
- Improve streambank stability and instream habitat diversity by: a) using bioengineering techniques to stabilize streambanks and provide grade control and b) installing large wood and/or boulders inchannel to increase habitat diversity.
- Improve fish access to preferred habitat by modifying or removing fish passage barriers.
Brief schedule of activities
For FY 1997 we will implement new projects as opportunities arise and continue all maintenance and monitoring activities.
For FY 1998 through FY 2001 we will continue to implement new projects as opportunities arise and perform all scheduled maintenance and monitoring activities.
Biological need
Low summer stream flows and the associated high water temperatures adversely affect salmonids throughout much of the John Day subbasin. Degradation of riparian areas and their effective hydrologic function has contributed significantly to these flow/temperature problems. In 1984, 542 miles of degraded stream habitat on private lands within the John Day subbasin were identified as in need of habitat restoration . After eleven years of intensive efforts by ODFW 47 miles have been treated.
Critical uncertainties
We have no way of knowing whether or not out of basin variables which affect salmonid production within the John Day subbasin will be adequately addressed so as to maximize our habitat enhancement efforts. FOR EXAMPLE: we have no idea whether mainstem passage problems, consumptive fisheries or any number of other variables will be addressed thereby assuring maximum returns of adult salmonids back to the John Day subbasin so that they and their progeny can take full advantage of the enhanced habitat.
Summary of expected outcome
Improvement of the quantity and quality of spawning and rearing habitat for spring chinook and summer steelhead will result from implementation of planned habitat enhancement activities.
Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
a) Compliance with regulations from state and federal agencies (e.g. COE, DEQ, DSL, WRD, etc.) and their respective permitting/waiver processes.
b) Timeliness of procuring funds from outside sources.
a) Potential for reduced benefits from completed projects due to catastrophic natural events (e.g. floods, wind storms etc.).
b) Change of landownership and the level of commitment to the project by the new landowner.
Monitoring activity
Thermographs: Ten thermographs have been installed on selected project sites. These thermographs record temperatures on an hourly basis, 24 hours/day, all year long. These data are summarized annually and included in the annual progress report submitted to BPA.
Habitat Monitoring Transects: Thirty habitat monitoring transects have been established within the project area. These transects are designed to measure long term changes in the riparian vegetation and stream channel morphology. Following the establishment of these transects and the initial data collection, measurements are retaken at 3 to 5 year intervals. Data collected from each transect includes numerable physical measurements of riparian and stream channel characteristics (e.g. channel substrate, channel width, bank height, flow features, ground cover type, stream shading etc.).
Photopoints: Two hundred seven photopoints have been established on project sites. The purpose of these photopoints is to photographically document changes in riparian vegetation and stream channel morphology. Several photopoints are established on each project site prior to project implementation. Pictures are then retaken from most of these sites on an annual basis. Photographs are catalogued, used for presentations, as educa-tional tools, provided to the respective landowners and included in annual reports to BPA.
Section 3. Budget
Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.Historic costs | FY 1996 budget data* | Current and future funding needs |
1984: 149,656 1985: 527,940 1986: 467,898 1987: 475,994 1988: 371,483 1989: 224,890 1990: 248,014 1991: 359,281 1992: 279,449 1993: 238,352 1994: 207,122 1995: 289,963 |
Obligation: 295,106 Authorized: 297,000 Planned: 297,000 |
1997: 350,000 1998: 365,000 1999: 380,000 2000: 395,000 2001: 410,000 |
* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.
Funding recommendations
CBFWA funding review group Bonneville Dam - Priest Rapids Dam
Recommendation Tier 1 - fund
Recommended funding level $350,000
BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget) $315,000