List of proposals for FY 1997 review
Click IDs to see full proposals
ID | Title | Sponsor | Focus |
5500100 | Analysis of Smolt Migration Rate & Survival Based on Pit-Tag Recoveries | S.P. Cramer & Associates | A |
5500200 | Effects of Flow Pulses on the Migrations of Juvenile and Adult Salmonids | S.P. Cramer & Associates | A |
5500400 | Optical Detection of Gas Bubbles in Fish | U. S. Department of Energy | A |
5500500 | Individual - Based Approach to Analyzing Pit-Tag Data | U. S. Department of Energy | A |
5500600 | Hydraulics in Snake River Reservoirs | U.S. Department of Energy | A |
5500700 | Nutritional Status of Emigrating Salmon and Steelhead in the Columbia R. Basin Mainstem | U. S. Department of Energy | A |
5500900 | Salmon Smolt Survival During Linear Kinetic Power Generation | Schneider Engine Company | A |
5501000 | Diversion Screen Improvement to Effect a Reduced Visual Impact in Scenic Areas | Clouston Energy Research | A |
5501100 | Lake Pend Oreille Bull Trout Recovery | IDFG | R |
5501200 | Improving the Effectiveness of the Gas Bubble Disease Monitoring Program on the Columbia and Snake Rivers | Montgomery Watson | A |
5501300 | Cost-Effectiveness of Salmon Recovery Measures | Environmental Defense Fund | A |
5501400 | Black Canyon / Bruneau Wildlife Mitigation | IDFG | W |
5501600 | Effects of Climate Change on Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Activities | ICF Kaiser International, Inc. | A |
5501700 | Minidoka Wildlife Mitigation | IDFG | W |
5501800 | Pahsimeroi River Fish Loss and Irrigation Intake Assessment | IDFG | R |
5501900 | Genetic Analysis of Snake River Salmonids | IDFG | R |
5502000 | Snake River Native Salmonid Assessment | IDFG | R |
5502100 | Floating Fingerling Surface Collector | Clouston Energy Research | A |
5502300 | Economic Incentives for Stream-Side Habitat Improvements on Agricultural Lands Test Program | Northwest Economic Associates | A |
5502400 | Bioenergetics Model for Improving Survival of Adult Fall Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River Basin | Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories | A |
5502500 | Feasibility of Live Capture and Selective Harvest of Anadromous Salmonids in the Columbia Basin | S.P. Cramer & Associates | A |
5502600 | Monitoring and Evaluation of the Columbia Basin Law Enforcement Program | S.P. Cramer & Associates | A |
5502700 | Enhanced Tribal Tributary Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement-- Part 5. Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | A |
5502900 | Nutrition and Feeding Methods for Captive Reared Pacific Salmon | USFWS | A |
5503000 | Columbia River Basin Watershed Restoration Activities: 1996 and 1997 Funding | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | A |
5503100 | Project Management Training and Support | ICF Kaiser International, Inc. | A |
5503200 | Biodiversity Inventory and Analysis of the Hanford Site/Reach | The Nature Conservancy | W |
5503500 | Resident Fish Stock Status Above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams | Spokane Tribe | R |
5503600 | Yellow Perch Aquaculture Facility | Kalispel Tribe of Indians | R |
5503700 | Kalispel - Pend Oreille Wetlands 100 Acre Extension | Kalispel Tribe of Indians | W |
5503800 | 1996-97 Evaluation of Juvenile Fall Chinook Stranding on the Hanford Reach | WDFW | A |
5503900 | Computational Fluid Dynamics Application in Fish Screen Modeling | Clouston Energy Research | A |
5504000 | East Fork of the Hood River Habitat Project | USFS | A |
5504100 | Consumptive Sturgeon Fishery-Hells Canyon/Oxbow | Nez Perce Tribe | R |
5504200 | 1996 Pittsburg Landing O&M and M&E Funding | USFWS | A |
5504300 | Monitoring and Classification of Wild Steelhead Production on Mid-Columbia Basin Rivers | Clark-Skamania Flyfishers | A |
5504500 | Integrated Program Decision Model | ICF Kaiser International, Inc. | A |
5504600 | Communication and Program Information Sharing Tool | ICF Kaiser International, Inc. | A |
5504700 | Youth Labor Pool Development and Augmentation | Clouston Energy Research | A |
5504800 | Pine Hollow Watershed Enhancement Project | Sherman County Soil and Water Conservation District | A |
5504900 | Fish Medicine Field Studies | Western Regional INAD Project | A |
5505000 | Peavy Cabin Road | USFS | R |
5505100 | Tetra Alpha Mine Restoration | USFS | R |
5505200 | Sawmill Creek Inland Fish Habitat Restoration | USFS | R |
5505300 | Asotin County Conservation District/Public Power Council Asotin Creek Pool Enhancement Project | Asotin County Conservation Dist. & Public Power Council | A |
5505400 | Klaskanine Watershed Restoration Project | Clatsop Soil & Water Conservation District | A |
5505500 | CTUIR Tributary Enforcement | CTUIR | A |
5505600 | Habitat Enhancement & Protection - Shoshone-Paiute Reservation | Shoshone-Paiute Tribes | R |
5505700 | Clark County Fish Passage Enhancement Program | Clark County Department of Public Works | A |
5505900 | Predation by Fish-Eating Birds on Juvenile Salmonids in the Columbia River Basin | Oregon State University/CRITFC | A |
5506000 | Monitoring Fine Sediment Levels in Substrate and Overwinter Sedimentation in Cleaned Gravels in Portions of the Grande Ronde and John Day Rivers | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | A |
5506100 | Hydro Regulator Model Development | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | A |
5506200 | Effects of Ocean Conditions on the Growth of Salmonids As Estimated by Scales of Adult Salmonids Sampled at Bonneville Dam | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | A |
5506300 | Evaluation of Watershed and Habitat Response to Recent Storms: Effects on Salmon Listed Under the Esa | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | A |
5506400 | Development and Installation of a Video Fish Counting Station in the Klickitat River Basin | CRITFC, Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5506500 | Crooked Creek Channel Restoration | TBD | A |
5506700 | John Day Slope Stabilization Project | BPA | A |
5506800 | Resident Fish Habitat Enhancement Above Mckay Reservoir in the Umatilla Basin | CTUIR | R |
5506900 | Wind River Steelhead Project | USFWS | A |
5507000 | Grande Ronde Subbasin Watershed Restoration | CTUIR | A |
5507100 | Washington Interim Wildlife Mitigation Agreement | CTUIR | W |
5507200 | Conservation Genetics of Columbia Basin Bull Trout | University of Montana | R |
5507300 | Hardy Creek Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat Improvement Project | USFWS | A |
5507400 | Mobile Environmental Education Telecommunication Strategy "Meets" | C&C Sciences, P.C. | A |
5507500 | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)/Federal Tributary Project Coordination | CBFWF | A |
5507600 | Columbia River Basin Tributary Adult Fish Passage | CBFWF | A |
5507700 | Monitoring of Supplementation Response Variables for YKFP | WDFW | A |
5507800 | Crates Point | Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs | W |
5507900 | Natural Population Conservation Coordination Program | Bill M. Bakke | A |
5508000 | Coordinated Policy for Conservation of Wild and Naturally Spawning Populations | Bill M. Bakke | A |
5508100 | Grande Ronde Basin, Joseph Creek Subbasin, Wallowa Valley Ranger District Project Implementation | USFS | A |
5508200 | BPA Structure Maintenance | USFS | A |
5508300 | Sandy Watershed Restoration and Effectiveness Monitoring Program | Wolftree, Inc. | A |
5508400 | Hunter Creek | Burns Paiute Tribe | R |
5508500 | Island Ranch | Burns Paiute Tribe | W |
5508600 | Stinkingwater Salmonid Project | Burns Paiute Tribe | R |
5508700 | Marshall Ranch | Burns Paiute Tribe | W |
5508800 | Impact of Exotic Fishes and Macrophytes on Juvenile Salmonids Rearing in Littoral Areas of the John Day Reservoir | National Biological Service | A |
5508900 | Timing of the Development of White Sturgeon Embryos | National Biological Service | R |
5509000 | Ecology of the American Shad in the Impounded Lower Columbia River | National Biological Service | A |
5509200 | Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Individual Juvenile Steelhead Based on Radiotelemetry for Gas Monitoring | National Biological Service | A |
5509300 | Developing Techniques to Improve the Quality and Survival of Hatchery Reared Salmonids | National Biological Service | A |
5509400 | An Ecosystem-Based Strategy to Identify Critical Links Affecting Juvenile Salmon Growth and Survival in Columbia River Reservoirs | National Biological Service | A |
5509500 | Spokane Tribe Grand Coulee Mitigation | Spokane Tribe | W |
5509600 | Shad Removal in Zone 6 | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5509700 | Removal of Lost Fishing Nets | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5509900 | Methow Basin Side Channel Habitat Construction | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5510200 | Yakima River Basin Side Channel Survey and Rehabilitation | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5510300 | Large Woody Debris Collection and Placement | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5510500 | Cabin Creek Habitat Enhancement Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5510600 | Cle Elum Dam Fish Passage Facility | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5510700 | Yakima River Side-Channel Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5510800 | Upper Yakima Tributary Irrigation Improvement | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5510900 | Teanaway River Instream Flow Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511000 | Lower Dry Creek Riparian Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511200 | Wenas Creek Flow Augmentation and Riparian Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511300 | Little Naches River Riparian and In-Channel Habitat Enhancement Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511400 | Middle Naches River Side Channel Enhancement Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511500 | Naches River Irrigation Diversion Upgrade | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511600 | Yakima Basin Side Channels | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511700 | Yakima River Rearing Habitat Enhancement, Between Selah and Union Gaps | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511800 | Wide Hollow Creek Rearing Enhancement Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5511900 | Spring Creek Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5512000 | Toppenish/Simcoe Instream Flow Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5512200 | Conservation Easement Purchase, Lower Yakima River | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5512400 | Lower Yakima River Riparian Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5512500 | Rock Creek Riparian and In-Channel Habitat Enhancement Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5512600 | Upper Klickitat Meadows Riparian Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5512700 | Klickitat Basin Culvert Rehabilitation | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5512800 | Lower Klickitat River Riparian and In-Channel Habitat Enhancement Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5512900 | Big White Salmon River Riparian and In-Channel Habitat Enhancement Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5513000 | Wind River Riparian and In-Channel Habitat Enhancement Project | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5513100 | Kalama Wetland Preserve - Deep Water | Kalama Wetland Preserve | W |
5513200 | ESA Recovery Implementation Coordination | CBFWF | A |
5513300 | Phalon Lake Wild Rainbow Trout Trapping and Spawning Facility | WDFW | R |
5513400 | Vegetation Planting Feasibility Study - Lake Roosevelt | WDFW | R |
5513500 | Improve Water Supply in Order to Increase Trout Production at Ford Hatchery by 24,000 Pounds | WDFW | R |
5513600 | Study and Evaluate Bull Trout Populations in North Shore Tributaries of the Columbia River in the Bonneville Pool | WDFW / Yakama Indian Nation | R |
5513700 | Indian Creek Monitoring Project | Northwest Service Academy/AmeriCorps | A |
5513800 | Lower Snake River Naturalization | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | A |
5513900 | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes' Program Support | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes - Fort Hall | A |
5514000 | Salmon River Production Program | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | A |
5514100 | Essential M&E Infrastructure - Adult Sampling and Tag Interogation Facilities (CWT) | TBD | A |
5514200 | Marking All Hatchery Fish | TBD | A |
5514300 | Egg to Smolt Survival Relationships | TBD | A |
5514400 | Egg to Smolt Survial in Relationship to Habiatat Husbandry | TBD | A |
5514500 | Egg to Smolt Survival in Relationship to Cattle Grazing | TBD | A |
5514600 | Changes in Stream Productivity for Salmon Due to Inorganic Fertilization | TBD | A |
5514700 | Relationship of Riparian Buffer Zones to Salmon Egg/Smolt Survival | TBD | A |
5514800 | Effects of Replacement Rates on Smolt-To-Adult Returns | TBD | A |
5514900 | Relationship of Irrigation Ditch Segment to Juvenile Salmon Survival | TBD | A |
5515000 | Expanded Evaluation of In-River vs. Transported Smolt Survival | TBD | A |
5515100 | Delayed Mortality in Transported Smolts | TBD | A |
5515200 | Effectiveness of Alternate Estuary Release Sites for Transported Smolts | TBD | A |
5515300 | Effects of Transportation on the Homing Ability of Adult Salmonids | TBD | A |
5515400 | Effects of Fish Marking Protocols on Comparative Survivals of Transport and Control Groups of Migrating Juvenile Salmonids | TBD | A |
5515500 | Evaluation of Juvenile Salmonid Distribution in Relation to Dissolved Gas Supersaturation | TBD | A |
5515700 | Evaluation of Adult Salmonid Distribution in Relation to Dissolved Gas Supersaturation | TBD | A |
5515800 | Optimize Spill Patterns for Adult Salmon Passage | TBD | A |
5515900 | Evaluation of Spill Efficiency | TBD | A |
5516000 | Smolt Survival and Migration Rate | TBD | A |
5516100 | Pulsed River Flows | TBD | A |
5516200 | Lower Snake Spillway Crest Drawdown | TBD | A |
5516300 | Effects of 427 kaf Flow Augmentation on Survival | TBD | A |
5516400 | Surface Collection and Bypass | TBD | A |
5516500 | Bonneville Dam Ph1 Fge | TBD | A |
5516600 | Effectiveness of Squawfish Management | TBD | A |
5516700 | Significance of Avian Predation on Juvenile Fish Survival and Alternatives to Control Avian Predation | TBD | A |
5516800 | Estuary, Physical and Biological Condition | TBD | A |
5516900 | Estuary, Predator/Prey | TBD | A |
5517000 | Effects of Avian Predation in the Estuary | TBD | A |
5517100 | Marine Mammals in Lower Columbia River, Estuary and Nearshore Ocean | TBD | A |
5517200 | Estuary Physical and Biological Conditions | TBD | A |
5517300 | Estuary Smolt Condition | TBD | A |
5517400 | Relation of Plume/Nearshore Conditions to Smolt Distribution and Growth | TBD | A |
5517500 | Early Ocean Survival and Predator Abundance | TBD | A |
5517600 | Early Ocean Survival and Alternative Prey | TBD | A |
5517700 | Interannual Effects of Marine Conditions on Salmon Distribution, Growth and Abundance | TBD | A |
5517800 | Food Limitation and Density Dependent Growth of Salmon in the Open Ocean | TBD | A |
5517900 | Effects of Abundance of Hatchery Smolts on Growth, Distribution and Abundance | TBD | A |
5518000 | Examine Feasibility of Smolt Supplementation Programs | TBD | A |
5518100 | Examine Feasibility of Seeding Streams With Eggs, Fry, or Pre-Smolts | TBD | A |
5518200 | Evaluation of Improvements in Hatchery Practices | TBD | A |
5518300 | Evaluate the Merits of Captive Rearing | TBD | A |
5518400 | Effects of Non-Salmonid Species Management | TBD | A |
5518500 | Live-Catch Salmon Fisheries | TBD | A |
5518600 | Canadian and Alaskan Troll Fishery | TBD | A |
5518700 | Terminal Fisheries | TBD | A |
5518800 | Lower Snake Natural River Drawdown | TBD | A |
5519000 | Cowlitz Falls Screen Design | WDFW | A |
5519100 | Meadow Creek Instream Structure and Riparian Evaluation | USFS | A |
5519200 | Remaining Palisades Wildlife Mitigation | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | W |
5519400 | Securing Mitigation Sites for Wildlife in the Columbia Basin of Oregon | ODFW | W |
5519500 | Willamette River Confluence Mitigation Site | ODFW | W |
5519600 | Willamette Valley Mitigation Habitat Mapping | ODFW | W |
5519700 | John Day Slope Stabilization Project | USFS | A |
5519800 | Skipanon Tide Gate Retrofit | Skipanon Water Control District | A |
5519900 | Repair of Dam and Construction of Fish Passage Facilities on Bates Pond | Joann Vidondo | A |
5520000 | Sandy River Watershed and Fish Habitat Restoration | USFS | A |
5520100 | O’Hara Watershed Restoration | USFS | A |
5520200 | A History of Management Decisions and Court Actions Affecting Populations of Mainstem Spawning Snake River Fall Chinook | S.P. Cramer & Associates | A |
5520300 | Hood River Bull Trout Restoration | USFS | R |
5520400 | Upper Clackamas River Side Channel Project | USFS | A |
5520600 | Listed Stock Gamete Preservation | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5520800 | Listed Stock Adult Escapement Monitoring | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5520900 | Wallowa County/Nez Perce Tribe Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan Implementation | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5521000 | Feasibility of Sockeye Salmon Reintroduction to Wallowa and Warm Lakes | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5521100 | Selway River Captive Brood Supplementation Monitoring and Evaluation | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5521300 | Big Canyon Creek Portable Acclimation/Release Facility | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5521400 | Pittsburg Landing Portable Acclimation/Release Facility | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5521500 | Rogersburg (Above Mouth of Grande Ronde River) Portable Acclimation/Release Facility | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5521600 | Mann Lake Headgate, Adult Ladder, Juvenile Screen, Lapwai/Sweetwater Creek, Clearwater River Subbasin, Nez Perce Tribe | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5521800 | Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Net Pens | R | |
5521900 | Frenchman Creek Bridge | USFS | A |
5522000 | Development and Implementation of Remote Sensing Technologies for Stream Monitoring and Evaluation | USFS | A |
5522100 | Development and Refinement of Natural Production Objectives and Enhancement Strategies for Yakima Basin Anadromous Salmonids | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
5522300 | Box Canyon Watershed Project | Kalispel Tribe of Indians | R |
5522400 | Box Canyon Watershed Law Enforcement of Resident Fish | Kalispel Tribe of Indians | R |
5522500 | Relationship of Gas Supersaturation in Infectious Diseases of Fish | Oregon State University | A |
5522600 | Yakima River Basin Pilot Water Acquisition Project | A | |
5522700 | Enhanced Tribal Tributary Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement-- Part 1. Nez Perce Tribes | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
5522800 | John Day Basin Data Repository Project | Monument Soil and Water Conservation District | A |
5522900 | Wildlife Plan: Standardize M&E | NPPC | W |
8200300 | Selective Predation/Development of Prey Protection | National Biological Service | A |
8201300 | Coded-Wire Tag Recovery | PSMFC | A |
8331900 | New Fish Tag System | NMFS | A |
8332300 | Smolt Condition & Arrival Timing at Lwr Granite | IDFG | A |
8335000 | Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
8343500 | Umatilla Hatchery Satellite Facilities Operation and Maintenance | CTUIR | A |
8343600 | Umatilla Passage O&M | US BOR | A |
8346500 | Libby and Hungry Horse Modeling Technical Analysis | MDFWP | R |
8346700 | Libby Reservoir Levels/Kootenai IFIM | MDFWP | R |
8400800 | North Fork John Day Habitat Improvement | USFS | A |
8401400 | Smolt Monitoring at Federal Dams | PSMFC | A |
8402100 | Mainstem, Middle Fork, and N. Fork John Day River | ODFW | A |
8402400 | Middle Fork & Upper Salmon River | USFS | A |
8402500 | Grande Ronde Habitat Enhancement | ODFW | A |
8503800 | Colville Tribal Fish Hatchery | Colville Confederated Tribes | R |
8506200 | Passage Improvement Evaluation | U.S. Department of Energy | A |
8605000 | White Sturgeon Productivity Status and Habitat Requirements | ODFW | R |
8605001 | Evaluate Rebuilding Snake River Sturgeon (HCD-LGD) | Nez Perce Tribe | R |
8605002 | Evaluate Sturgeon Habitat Requirements | National Biological Service | R |
8607500 | Little Naches Passage | USFS | A |
8612400 | Insp Serv for Little Fall Creek Pass Re:86-090 | ODFW | A |
8709900 | Dworshak Dam Impacts Assessment | IDFG | R |
8710001 | Umatilla River Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement | CTUIR | A |
8710002 | Umatilla Habitat Improvement / ODFW | ODFW | A |
8712700 | Smolt Monitoring by Non-Federal Entities | PSMFC | A |
8740100 | Travel Time and Survival Smolt Physiology | National Biological Service | A |
8740700 | Dworshak Impacts/M&E & Bio-Int Rule Curves | Nez Perce Tribe | R |
8802200 | Umatilla River Basin Trap and Haul Program | CTUIR | A |
8805301 | Northeast Oregon Outplanting Facilities Master Plan - Nez Perce Tribe | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
8805302 | Ne Oregon Hatchery - Grand Ronde Satellite Facilities | CTUIR | A |
8805303 | Hood River Production Program - CTWS - M&E | Warm Springs Tribe | A |
8805304 | Hood River Production Program - ODFW - M&E | ODFW | A |
8806400 | Kootenai River White Sturgeon Study and Experimental Aquaculture | Kootenai Tribe | R |
8806500 | Kootenai River Fisheries Investigations | IDFG | R |
8810804 | Streamnet (formerly CIS and NED) | PSMFC | A |
8811500 | Yakima Hatchery - Construction | BPA | A |
8812001 | Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Management | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
8812004 | Hatchery Training and Education | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
8812005 | Fish Passage Video Monitoring | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
8812008 | Fisheries Technician Field Activities | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
8815600 | Duck Valley Fish Stocking Program | Shoshone-Paiute Tribes | R |
8816000 | Willamette Hatchery Oxygen Supplementation | ODFW | A |
8816300 | Effects of Coded Wire Tagging on the Survival of Spring Chinook | WDFW | A |
8902401 | Eval Umatilla Basin Prj - 3-Mile/Weid Canal Scr | ODFW | A |
8902700 | Power/Repay O&M for USBR CPR Pumping Proj | PPL/UECA | A |
8902900 | Hood River Production Program - Pelton Ladder - Hatchery | ODFW | A |
8903000 | Effects of Acclimation on the Survival of Spring Chinook Salmon aka: Eval of Pre-Rel Temp Acclimation at Klickitat Htch | WDFW | A |
8903500 | Umatilla Hatchery Operations and Maintenance | ODFW | A |
8906200 | Prepare Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan | CBFWF | A |
8906500 | Annual Fish Marking Program-Missing Hatchery Production Groups OR/WA/ID (USFWS) | USFWS | A |
8906600 | Ann Cd Wire Tag Prog-Missing Prod WA Htch (WDF) | WDFW | A |
8906900 | Ann Cd Wire Tag Prog-Missing Prod OR Htch (ODFW) | ODFW | A |
8907201 | Independent Scientific Group Support | U.S. Department of Energy | A |
8909600 | Genetic Monitoring and Evaluation of Snake River Salmon and Steelhead | NMFS | A |
8909800 | Idaho Supplementation Studies (ISS) | IDFG | A |
8909801 | Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers - USFWS | USFWS | A |
8909802 | Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers - Nez Perce Tribe | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
8909803 | Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | A |
8910700 | Epidemiological Survival Method | Univ/WA | A |
8910800 | Monitoring and Evaluation Modeling Support | Univ/WA | A |
9000500 | Umatilla Hatchery - Monitoring/Eval Projects | ODFW | A |
9000501 | Umatilla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation (UBNMPE) | CTUIR | A |
9001800 | Habitat Improvement - Lake Roosevelt | Colville Confederated Tribes | R |
9004400 | Strm Survey, Htchry, Hab Improv, Mntr Coeur D | Coeur d'Alene Tribe | R |
9004401 | Lake Creek Land Acquisition | Coeur d'Alene Tribe | W |
9005200 | Perf/Stock Prod Impacts of Hatchery Suppl | National Biological Service | A |
9005500 | Steelhead Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers | IDFG | A |
9006900 | Yakima Hatchery - Final Design | CH2M Hill | A |
9007700 | Northern Squawfish Management Program | PSMFC | A |
9007800 | System-Wide Significance of Predation on Juvenile Salmonids in Columbia and Snake River Reservoirs and Evaluation of Predation Control Measures | National Biological Service | A |
9008000 | Columbia Basin Pit-Tag Information System | PSMFC | A |
9009200 | Conforth Ranch - O&M and Enhancements | CTUIR | W |
9009300 | Genetic Analyses of Oncorhynchus Nerka (ESA) | Univ/ID, subcontractor WSU | A |
9101400 | Umatilla Hatchery Satellite Facilities - Planning, Siting, Design, and Construction | CTUIR | A |
9101901 | Hungry Horse Fisheries Mitigation - Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes | Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes | R |
9101903 | Hungry Horse Mitigation/Habitat Improvements | MDFWP | R |
9101904 | Hungry Horse Mitigation - Creston Fish Recovery | USFWS | R |
9102800 | Monitoring the Smolt Migrations of Wild Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon | NMFS | A |
9102900 | Life History of Fall Chin in Col River Basin | National Biological Service | A |
9104000 | Bonneville Dam Juvenile Fish Sampling Facility | COE | A |
9104600 | Spokane Tribal (Galbr Sprgs) Hatchery - O&M | Spokane Tribe | R |
9104700 | Sherman Creek Hatchery - O&M | WDFW | R |
9105100 | Run Timing Predictions for the Columbia River Basin Including Individual ESA Demes | Univ/WA | A |
9105500 | Supplementation Fish Quality (Yakima) | NMFS | A |
9105700 | Yakima Phase 2 Screen Fabrication | WDFW | A |
9106000 | Kalispel - Pend Oreille Wetlands | Kalispel Tribe of Indians | W |
9106700 | Idaho Water Rental - Resident F&W Impacts - Phase III | IDFG | R |
9107100 | Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | A |
9107200 | Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive | IDFG | A |
9107300 | Idaho Natural Prod. Monitoring/Eval 83-7 (ESA) | IDFG | A |
9107500 | Yakima Phase II Screens - Construction | US BOR | A |
9107800 | Burlington Bottoms Wildlife Mitigation Project | ODFW | W |
9200900 | Yakima Screens - Phase II - O & M | WDFW | A |
9201000 | Habitat Restoration/Enhancement Fort Hall Bottoms | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | R |
9202200 | Wild Smolt Behavior/Physiology (ESA) | NMFS | A |
9202400 | Columbia Basin Law Enforcement Program | USFWS | A |
9202601 | Grande Ronde Model Watershed - Admin/Impl./Research | USFS | A |
9202602 | Eastern WA Model Watershed Coordinators | Washington State Conservation Commission | A |
9202603 | Idaho Model Watersheds Admin/Impl. Support | ID Soil Conservation Commission | A |
9202604 | Spring Chinook Salmon Early Life History | ODFW | A |
9202800 | Fish Screen Oversight Committee (FSOC), Tributary Passage and Habitat Coordinator (TPHC) | CBFWF | A |
9203200 | Life-Cycle Model Development and Application to System and Subbasin Planning in Snake River | USFS | A |
9204000 | Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Rearing and Research | NMFS | A |
9204101 | Evaluation of Adult Salmon and Steelhead Migration Past Dams and Through Reservoirs in the Lower Columbia River and Into Tributaries | COE | A |
9204300 | Integrated Hatchery Operations Team | PSMFC | A |
9204800 | Hellsgate Big Game Winter Range | Colville Confederated Tribes | W |
9205900 | Amazon Basin/Eugene Wetlands - Phase II | The Nature Conservancy | W |
9206000 | Camas Prairie-Anderson Ranch Dam-Phase II | IDFG | W |
9206100 | Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Implementation (formerly Pend Oreille Wetlands [IDFG] - Phase I) | IDFG | W |
9206200 | Yakima Nation Riparian/Wetlands Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | W |
9206800 | Willamette Basin Mitigation - Phase II | ODFW | W |
9207100 | Assess Tech to Improve Measurement Capabilities & Passage Survival | U.S. Department of Energy | A |
9207101 | Applications of Sound to Modify the Behavior of Fish | Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories | A |
9207102 | Technical Assistance for Juvenile and Adult Migrant Monitoring Facilities | Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories | A |
9207103 | Technical Assistance to Establish Baseline Environmental Monitoring Capability in the Snake River Basin | Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories | A |
9207104 | Network-Based World-Wide Web Information Infrastructure | Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories | A |
9207300 | An Automated Fish Marking and Tagging System | WDFW | A |
9300800 | Allowable Gas Supersaturation at Dams | Montgomery Watson | A |
9300801 | Nondestructive Assessment of Gas Bubble Disease | Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories | A |
9300802 | Symptoms of Gas Bubble Trauma Induced in Salmon by Total Dissolved Gas Pressure Supersaturation in the Snake and Columbia Rivers | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | A |
9301100 | Regional Habitat Education Support | Multnomah Education Service District | A |
9301200 | Evaluation of Carrying Capacity | Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories | A |
9301300 | ESA Tech Assistance/Review | S.P. Cramer & Associates | A |
9301600 | Hungry Horse Resident Fish Hatcheries | TBD | R |
9301900 | Hood River Production Program (Parkdale Design & Construction) | ODFW | A |
9302900 | Survival Estimation for Dam/Reservoir Passage | NMFS | A |
9303000 | Buck Hollow Watershed Enhancement (SWCD) | Wasco Co SWCD | A |
9303100 | Sandy River Subbasin BPA Powerline Right of Way Rehabilitation | USFS-Mt. Hood | A |
9303501 | Lower Red River Meadow Restoration Project | Pocket Water Inc/River Master Engineering | A |
9303600 | Haysfork Glory Hole, Newsome Creek Placer Mine Silt Trap - Nez Perce Tribe | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
9303701 | Technical Assistance With the Life Cycle Model | Charlie Paulsen | A |
9303800 | North Fork John Day Area Riparian Fencing | USFS | A |
9304000 | Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Improvement | ODFW | A |
9304400 | Changing River Operations, Hydropower Production, & Air Pollution | Environmental Defense Fund | A |
9304500 | Buck Hollow Watershed Enhancement (ODFW) | ODFW | A |
9305600 | Assessment of Captive Broodstock Tech | NMFS | A |
9305800 | WDFW - Washington Wildlife Mitigation Agreement | WDFW | W |
9306000 | Columbia River Terminal Fisheries Research Project | ODFW | A |
9306200 | Salmon River Anadromous Fish Passage Enhancement, Idaho | Lemhi and Custer Soil and Water Conservation Districts | A |
9306300 | Washington Wildlife Coordination | WDFW | W |
9306600 | Oregon Fish Screens Project | ODFW | A |
9307000 | Grande Ronde, Imnaha, John Day Rivers Radio Telemetry | USFS | A |
9400400 | Cabinet Gorge Hatchery Improvements | IDFG | R |
9401004 | Monitoring and Evaluation of Lyons Ferry Hatchery Fall Chinook Above Lower Granite Dam | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
9401200 | Kootenai River White Sturgeon - M&E | IDFG/KTOI | R |
9401500 | Idaho Fish Screening Improvement (see new NPPC) | IDFG | A |
9401700 | Idaho Model Watershed Habitat Projects | Lemhi and Custer Soil and Water Conservation Districts | A |
9401800 | Washington Model Watershed Habitat Projects | Conservation Districts | A |
9402600 | Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project | CTUIR | A |
9402700 | Grande Ronde Model Watershed Habitat Projects | Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program (Blue Mtns.) | A |
9403300 | Fish Passage Center | PSMFC | A |
9403400 | Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Restoration in the Snake River Basin | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
9403500 | Kokanee Impacts Assessment & Monitoring on Lk Pend Oreille | IDFG | R |
9403900 | Wallowa Basin Project Planning - G. R. Model Watershed | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
9404200 | Trout Creek Operation & Maintenance | ODFW | A |
9404300 | Lake Roosevelt Monitoring / Data Collection Program | Spokane Tribe | R |
9404600 | Integrated Watershed Management | Mobrand Biometrics | A |
9404700 | Lake Pend Oreille Fishery Recovery | IDFG | R |
9404900 | Kootenai River Ecosystem Improvements Study | Kootenai Tribe | R |
9405000 | Salmon River Habitat O&M/Monitoring & Evaluation | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | A |
9405300 | Bull Trout Assessment - Willamette/Mckenzie | ODFW | R |
9405400 | Bull Trout Studies in Central and NE Oregon | ODFW | R |
9405900 | Yakima Basin Environmental Education | Yakima Education Service District | A |
9406900 | A Conceptual Spawning Habitat Model to Aid in ESA Recovery Plans for Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon | Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories | A |
9500100 | Kalispel Tribe Resident Fish | Kalispel Tribe of Indians | R |
9500400 | Libby Reservoir Mitigation Plan | MDFWP/CSKT | R |
9500600 | SBT/SPT Joint Culture Facility | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | R |
9500700 | Hood River Production Program - PGE O&M | PGE | A |
9500900 | Lake Roosevelt Rainbow Trout Net Pens | LRDA | R |
9501100 | Chief Joseph Kokanee Enhancement Project | Colville Confederated Tribes | R |
9501200 | Monitoring of Integrated Rule Curve Implementation Hungry Horse/Libby (formerly Biological Rule Curves) | MDFWP | R |
9501300 | Nez Perce Trout Ponds | Nez Perce Tribe | R |
9501400 | Idaho Loss Assessment | Shoshone-Bannock Tribe, IDFG, NPT | R |
9501500 | Billy Shaw Res Development | Shoshone-Paiute Tribes | R |
9501600 | Genetic Inventory Westslope Cutthroat Trout | Nez Perce Tribe | R |
9501900 | Burns-Paiute Mitigation Coordinator | Burns Paiute Tribe | W |
9502100 | Okanogan Watershed Planning | Colville Confederated Tribes | A |
9502500 | Flathead River Instream Flow Study | MDFWP/CSKT | R |
9502600 | Montana Model Watershed Program | MDFWP/CSKT | R |
9502700 | Lake Roosevelt Sturgeon | Spokane Tribe | R |
9502800 | Assessment of Fishery Impr. Moses Lake | WDFW | R |
9503300 | O&M of Yakima Fish Protection, Mitigation & Enhancement Facilities | US BOR | A |
9505700 | South Fork Snake/Sand Creek Wildlife Mitigation | IDFG | W |
9506000 | Umatilla River Riparian Corridors: Squaw Creek Watershed Project (Anadromous Portion) | CTUIR | A |
9506001 | Umatilla River Riparian Corridors: Squaw Creek Watershed Project (Wildlife Portion) | CTUIR | W |
9506002 | Umatilla River Riparian Corridors: Squaw Creek Watershed Project (Resident Fish Portion) | CTUIR | R |
9506200 | Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Proj Adaptive Mgmt | BPA | A |
9506300 | Yakima/Klickitat Monitoring and Evaluation Program | BPA | A |
9506400 | Yakima Fisheries Project Scientific and Management Services | WDFW | A |
9506401 | Refinement of Marking Methods for YKFP | WDFW | A |
9506402 | Upper Yakima Species Interaction Studies | WDFW | A |
9506404 | Policy/Technical Involvement and Planning for YKFP | WDFW | A |
9506500 | Assessing Oregon Trust Agreement Planning Project Priorities Using Gap Analysis | ODFW | W |
9506700 | Colville Confed. Tribes Performance Contract | Colville Confederated Tribes | W |
9506800 | Klickitat Passage/Habitat Preliminary Design | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
9507000 | An Evaluation of the Effectiveness in Delivering Upper Snake River Water for Salmon | Don Chapman Consultants, Inc. | A |
9600500 | Operation of the Independent Scientific Advisory Board | CBFWF | A |
9600600 | PATH - Facilitation, Tech Assistance & Peer Review | Essa Technologies Ltd. | A |
9600700 | Upper Salmon River Diversion Consolidation Program | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | A |
9600800 | PATH - Participation by State and Tribal Agencies | ODFW | A |
9601100 | Juvenile Fish Screens and Smolt Traps at Irrigation Diversion Dams on the Walla Walla and Touchet Rivers in Oregon and Washington | CTUIR | A |
9601200 | Adult Anadromous Fish Passage Improvement at Irrigation Diversion Dams on the Walla Walla River | CTUIR | A |
9601500 | Policy Access Network With NW Fishletter | Energy Newsdata | A |
9601600 | In-Season Operations Technical Management Team (TMT) Support | PSMFC | A |
9601900 | Second-Tier Database Support for Technical Management Team (TMT) | University of Washington | A |
9602000 | 1997 Hatchery Pit Tag Study | IDFG | A |
9602100 | Gas Bubble Disease Monitoring and Research of Juvenile Salmonids | National Biological Service | A |
9602200 | Evaluating Effects of Dissolved Gases on Resident Fish | NMFS | A |
9602400 | Changes in Gas Bubble Disease Signs and Survival of Migrating Juvenile Salmonids Experimentally Exposed to Supersaturated Gases | NMFS | A |
9603100 | Distribution of Juvenile Salmonid Populations and Total Dissolved Gas Supersaturation in Reservoirs | National Biological Service | A |
9603201 | Hanford K-Basin Fall Chinook Acclimation and Master Plan Development | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
9603301 | Yakima River Fall Chinook Supplementation | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
9603302 | Yakima River Coho Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
9603401 | Methow Valley Irrigation District Conversion | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
9603501 | Satus Watershed Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
9603502 | Lower Wilson Creek Riparian Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
9604000 | Wenatchee and Methow River Coho Restoration | Yakama Indian Nation | A |
9604300 | Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement | Nez Perce Tribe | A |
9604400 | Grande Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program | ODFW | A |
9604600 | Riparian and Fish Habitat Analysis, Protection and Enhancement to Increase Natural Production of Steelhead and Spring Chinook in the Walla Walla River Basin | CTUIR | A |
9605300 | North Fork John Day River Dredge Tailings Restoration Project | USFS | A |
9605800 | Asotin Creek Model Watershed - CRP | Asotin County Conservation District | A |
9606400 | Walla Walla County Cooperative Watershed Plan (Development and Implementation) | Walla Walla County Conservation District | A |
9607700 | Meadow Creek Restoration | USFS | A |
9608000 | Northeast Oregon Wildlife Mitigation Project | Nez Perce Tribe | W |
9608500 | Coordination of Watershed Projects in Umatilla River Basin | Umatilla Basin Watershed Council | A |
9608600 | Clearwater Subbasin Focus Watershed | ID Soil Conservation Commission | A |
9700100 | Captive Rearing Initiative for Salmon River Chinook Salmon | IDFG | A |
9701000 | Essential M&E Infrastructure - Pit Tag Monitor Procurement and Installation | NMFS | A |
9801006 | Captive Broodstock Artificial Propagation | Nez Perce Tribe | A |