BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal

Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget

see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations

Section 1. Administrative

Title of project
Spokane Tribal (Galbr Sprgs) Hatchery - O&M

BPA project number   9104600

Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Spokane Tribe

Sponsor type   WA-Tribe

Proposal contact person or principal investigator

 NameTim Peone, Hatchery Manager
 Mailing addressSpokane Tribe
P.O. Box 100
Wellpinit, WA 99040

BPA technical contact   Marcella Lafayette, EWP 503/230-3781

Biological opinion ID   Long term O&M agreement

NWPPC Program number   10.8B.5

Short description
Operate and maintain kokanee hatchery to provide a recreational fishery in Lake Roosevelt and Banks Lake. Operates in conjunction with Sherman Creek Hatchery.

Project start year   1990    End year   2015, via lease agreement and intergovernmental

Start of operation and/or maintenance   1990

Project development phase   Maintenance

Section 2. Narrative

Related projects
Project # 91-47, Sherman Creek Hatchery. Managed by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Serves as kokanee salmon egg collection site and yearling acclimation facility. Also rears rainbow trout for Lake Roosevelt Net Pen Rearing Operations. #94-043, Lake Roosevelt Monitoring Project to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Lake Roosevelt Hatcheries. Managed by Spokane Tribe in cooperation with Colville Confederated Tribes and State of Washington, serves as management program for Spokane Tribal and Sherman Creek Hatcheries.

Project history
This restoration and enhancement project for Grand Coulee Reservoir (Upper Columbia River - Lake Roosevelt and Banks Lake) fisheries is the result of cooperative efforts between the BPA, Spokane and Colville Confederated Tribes, Upper Columbia United Tribes, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife and National Park Service. Proposed in 1986 to restore and enhance kokanee salmon populations in Lake Roosevelt and Banks Lake by large-scale hatchery plants and restoring spawning runs in tributaries by outplanting reared fish for imprinting. Called for construction of two hatcheries: Spokane Tribal and Sherman Creek hatcheries. Sherman Creek used as egg collection & fry imprinting site. Spokane hatchery used as egg incubation, fingerling and yearling rearing and outplanting facility. Approved by NPPC and amended in 1987 Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Program. 1988 - Formation of Lake Roosevelt Hatcheries coordination Team comprised of BPA engineers, Tribal & State fisheries biologists and hatchery personnel from cooperative agencies to assist in design/operation of the two hatcheries. June 1990 - 25 year O&M Agreement signed between the BPA and Spokane Tribe for construction and O&M of the Spokane Tribal Hatchery. Construction completed in April 1991 and Spokane Tribal Hatchery officially opened June 7, 1991. Results from LRMP data collection 1989 to 1995 used for determining management strategies of each facility.

Biological results achieved
Fish Production: 1991- 1,708,087 kokanee, 326,510 rainbow trout; 1992 - 2,121,058 kokanee, 508,195 rainbow trout; 1993 - 1,783,638 Kokanee, 603,798 rainbow trout; 1994 - 1,747,373 kokanee, 454,124 rainbow trout, and; 1995 - 951,817 kokanee, 409,064 rainbow trout. Overall products and milestones include the invariable increase in angling pressure and harvested kokanee and rainbow trout throughout the reservoir. The increasing pressure in turn is generating millions of dollars annually to the local economy as well as exhibiting the results of this on site mitigation program. Also, strong kokanee salmon runs have been established at 3 different sites throughout the reservoir.

Annual reports and technical papers
Monthly Progress Reports, 1990 to 1995. Annual Report for 1994 and 1995.

Management implications
Its clear from this program that restoration and enhancement via large scale hatchery production is an effective mitigation measure for resident fish. However, implications associated with the success of hatchery produced fish includes predation and entrainment through the reservoir. These implications are manageable by releasing fish as yearlings (as opposed to fingerlings) after seasonal reservoir drawdowns to reduce predation and entrainment.

Specific measureable objectives
Production of 1 million yearling size kokanee salmon and 500,000 rainbow trout fingerlings. This in turn will allow us to meet our biological objective of 300,000 harvestable adult kokanee and 190,000 harvestable adult rainbow trout for harvest (assuming an estimated 30% survival of kokanee and 38% survival of rainbow trout planted). In order to accomplish the kokanee production goal, an additional well will be needed to provide an extra 3 cfs of water required. Under current conditions, the maximum capacity for the hatchery is 400,000 kokanee and 500,000 rainbow trout.

Testable hypothesis
Restore and enhance kokanee salmon and rainbow trout populations in Grand Coulee Reservoir by large scale hatchery plants and restoring runs in tributaries by outplanting reared fish at appropriate times for imprinting.

Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
It is factual, rater than assumed, that kokanee and rainbow trout populations in Grand Coulee Reservoir are limited by reservoir operations and suitable habitat for natural production (Nigro et al. 1983, Jagielo 1985, Beckman et al. 1985, Scholz et al. 1986, Peone et al. 1990). In order for this project to meet its biological objective of 300,000 harvestable adult kokanee, a new well will be needed to increase production.

Experimental Design - Non-experimental (on the ground mitigation project), See LRMP Data Entry Form for description of evaluating hatchery production. Hatchery design consists of 44 concrete raceways, water supplied two ways: 1) 2.5cfs supplied from a production well, and; 2) approx. (variable) 4 cfs withdrawn from surface water. Water aerated by packed colum areation towers and direct oxygen injection in 34 raceways. Other various modern aquaculture equipment associated with the facility.
Statistical Analysis - See LRMP Data Entry Form. Hatchery personnel currently responsible for marking 500,000 kokanee fingerlings annual with binary coded wire tags. Data used for determining survival rates and best outplanting times/sites.
Types and number of fish - FY� 1996, 400,000 kokanee salmon yearlings and 625,000 rainbow trout fingerlings. FY�97, 400,000 kokanee salmon fingerlings and 500,000 rainbow trout.

Brief schedule of activities
Increase kokanee salmon production to 1 million yearlings released annually. In order to do this the hatchery will require an additional 3 cfs of water. With the addition of a new well the hatchery would be near full capacity and therefore annual activities would become stable.

Biological need
Grand Coulee reservoir kokanee salmon and rainbow trout populations are limited by suitable natural spawning habitat and entrainment losses associated with hydropower operations. Primary and secondary productivity of the reservoir, as determined from past studies (see underlying assumptions section above for citations) is sufficient to support the number of hatchery planted fish as well as natural populations of the other fish species.

Critical uncertainties
Adverse effects from reservoir operations on hatchery planted fish as well as general productivity of the system.

Summary of expected outcome
Increase reservoir populations of kokanee salmon and rainbow trout which in turn will increase angling pressure, number harvested and generate millions of dollars annually for the local economy. Also, increase kokanee salmon runs in tributaries throughout the reservoir.

Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
The Spokane Tribe has provided $200,000.00 dollars for building an adult kokanee salmon collection facility on the southeastern boundary of the reservoir (Little Falls Dam). The facility will be constructed by the fall of 1996 and will enable the Tribe to collect kokanee salmon eggs from migrating adults. This in conjunction with the Sherman Creek Hatchery should provide enough kokanee salmon eggs to meet the biological objectives of the cooperative programs on Grand Coulee Reservoir.

On the ground mitigation project, no risks determined.

Monitoring activity
BPA funded LRMP. See Project #�s 88-063 and #94-043.

Section 3. Budget

Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.

Historic costsFY 1996 budget data*Current and future funding needs
1991: 202,517
1992: 326,189
1993: 412,851
1994: 480,059
1995: 456,830
1996: 418,839
Obligation: 418,839
Authorized: 420,000
Planned: 420,000
1997: 420,000
1998: 441,000
1999: 463,000
2000: 486,000
2001: 511,000

* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.

Funding recommendations

CBFWA funding review group   Resident Fish

Recommendation    Tier 1 - fund

Recommended funding level   $420,000

BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget)   $420,000