BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal
Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget
see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Title of project
Yakima/Klickitat Monitoring and Evaluation Program
BPA project number 9506300
Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Sponsor type Placeholder
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Name | ||
Mailing address | ||
Phone |
BPA technical contact Jeff Gislason, EWN 503/230-3594
Biological opinion ID None
NWPPC Program number 7.4K.1
Short description
Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Cle Elum spring chinook hatchery and other aspects of the Yakima Fisheries Project in enhancing the fishery for the Yakama Indian Nation and other harvesters through supplementation.
Project start year 1997 End year 2005
Start of operation and/or maintenance
Project development phase Planning
Section 2. Narrative
Related projects
90-69 (hatchery design), 88-115 (hatchery construction), 88-120, 95-62, and 95-64 (project planning, coordination, managment, and research)
Project history
This new project incorporates the work contemplated under Project 90-74 (Yakima Monitoring and Evaluation Program), 90-64 (Klickitat River Monitoring), 90-67 (Lower Yakima River Smolt Trap Development), 90-71(Yakima River Smolt Loss Evaluation), and 90-5 (Evaluation of Yakima Hatchery). Therefore, these planning-level projects have been deleted from the database and replaced with Project 95-63.
Biological results achieved
This is a new project.
Annual reports and technical papers
None at this time
Management implications
The goal of the YFP is to provide knowledge about how resource managers can use the strategy of supplementation in their efforts to protect and mitigate for impacts on stocks of fish in the Yakima River Basin. Project 95-63, YKFP Monitoring and Evaluation, will provide this information.
Specific measureable objectives
Research monitoring of the Yakima Fisheries Project experimental supplementaion program will include measurements of performance in four main areas:
- post-release survival of spring chinook produced by the Cle Elum Hatchery (survival from time of release until the fish return to spawn),
- reproductive success (number of offspring produced per spawner),
- long-term fitness (genetic diversity and long-term stock productivity, and
- ecological interactions with con-specifics and non-target species (population abundance and distribution, growth rates, carrying capacity, survival rates, transfer of disease, and gene flow.
The following product specification attributes will also be monitored at the Cle Elum Hatchery, the acclimation ponds, and the juvenile monitoring facilities ti deternine whether the fish produced by the project meet certain goals:
- fish health:
- morphology;
- behavior; and
- survival.
Testable hypothesis
Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
Detailed monitoring and evaluation plan, to include desription of equipment, techniques, materials, and statistical analysis, is under developement.
Brief schedule of activities
Completion of a detailed monitoring and evaluation plan.is expected in FY 1997.
Biological need
This project is needed to monitor and evaluate the Yakima Hatchery experimental supplementation program
Critical uncertainties
Summary of expected outcome
Evaluation of the Yakima Fisheries Project experimental supplementation program.
Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
There aren't any risks associated with implementing this project, other than the risk that funding will not be continued long enough to adequately evaluate the Yakima Hatchery experimental supplementation program.
Monitoring activity
This project will measure the effectiveness of the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project.
Section 3. Budget
Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.Historic costs | FY 1996 budget data* | Current and future funding needs |
(none) | Obligation: 0 Authorized: 1,449,250 Planned: 773,274 |
1997: 1,550,000 1998: 1,550,000 1999: 1,550,000 2000: 1,550,000 2001: 1,500,000 |
* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.
Funding recommendations
CBFWA funding review group Bonneville Dam - Priest Rapids Dam
Recommendation Tier 1 - fund
Recommended funding level $1,550,000
BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget) $1,736,886