BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal
Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget
see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Title of project
Conforth Ranch - O&M and Enhancements
BPA project number 9009200
Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Sponsor type OR-Tribe
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Name | Carl Scheeler | |
Mailing address | Confederated Tribes of the
Umatilla Indian Reservation P.O. Box 638 Pendleton, OR 97801 | |
Phone | 541/278-5268 |
BPA technical contact Phil Havens, EWP 503/230-3543
Biological opinion ID None
NWPPC Program number 11.3F.1
Short description
Develop and implement a long-term management plan for the Wanaket Wildlife Area and conduct custodial management and enhancement activities consistent with the plan.
Project start year 1993 End year
Start of operation and/or maintenance 1998
Project development phase Implementation
Section 2. Narrative
Related projects
Umatilla Tribe Wildlife Coordination (9500800), Umatilla Riparian Corridor Coordination (9500800).
The CTUIR�s wildlife mitigation planning and coordination throughout the ceded territory and the Umatilla Indian Reservation references and integrates the Wanaket Wildlife Area. Additions to the Wanaket Wildlife Area are proposed in the plan and the relationship of this project to other projects and priority mitigation areas is discussed.
Project history
The Agreement began in 1993, and will continue until title is passed to the CTUIR, when a long-term maintenance agreement will be negotiated. This project supports tens of thousands of migrating and resident waterfowl and shore birds annually. State and Federal sensitive, threatened and endangered species and species of special concern use the project. The wetland complexes found on the project are extremely rare in Umatilla County and their on-site location provides benefits to the populations impacted by the Columbia Basin hydropower projects.
Biological results achieved
Increase diversity of wildlife species and enhance native wetland, open water, and shrub/steppe wildlife habitats on 2800 acres adjacent to the McNary project. Wetland habitats previously heavily grazed have been protected with a resulting net improvement of habitat for resident and migratory wildlife populations.
Annual reports and technical papers
Quarterly reports of progress are written by the CTUIR.
Management implications
Monitoring and evaluation of the species and habitat responses will be used to direct future management actions within the framework of the Management Plan/NEPA document prepared by the CTUIR and BPA to assure benefits from efforts expended.
Specific measureable objectives
Provide an estimated 2,334 Habitat Units of protection credit and 2,495 Habitat Units of enhancement credit against Bonneville Power Administration�s Hydro related debt.
Testable hypothesis
Enhancement and protection of wildlife habitats will have a corresponding benefit to wildlife populations.
Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
On-going funding will be provided to maintain the benefits of this project in perpetuity.
For applicable information on specific implementation of this project please refer to the Conforth Ranch (Wanaket) Wildlife Mitigation Project, Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, 1996.
Brief schedule of activities
FY 1997 Restoration/expansion of irrigation ditch system.
FY 1998-2001 O & M, M&E and continued vegetation restorations and enhancements.
Estimated annual O&M costs: $150,000.00
Biological need
Restore/mitigate for wildlife habitats impacted by the construction and subsequent reservoir inundation of the McNary Hydro Facility as documented in the NPPC Wildlife Program�s Losses Assessments.
Critical uncertainties
Security of long-term funding for operations and maintenance of the project.
Summary of expected outcome
Permanent protection and enhancement of approximately 2800 acres of wetland, open water, and shrub/steppe habitats and increased productivity of wetland wildlife species.
Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
Opportunities exist for cooperative efforts with private conservation and hunting organizations to enhance and maintain habitats and public use facilities associated with the project.
None identified
Monitoring activity
Habitat Evaluation Procedure or HEP based habitat monitoring plan. Population monitoring (Breeding Pair and Brood Surveys) and presence/absence surveys for T&E species.
Section 3. Budget
Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.Historic costs | FY 1996 budget data* | Current and future funding needs |
1990: 18,777 1993: 158,185 1994: 77,442 1995: 218,772 1996: 200,000 |
Obligation: 200,000 Authorized: 200,000 Planned: 200,000 |
1997: 200,000 1998: 150,000 1999: 150,000 2000: 150,000 |
* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.
Funding recommendations
CBFWA funding review group Wildlife
Recommendation Tier 1 - fund
Recommended funding level $200,000
BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget) $200,000