BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal

Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget

see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations

Section 1. Administrative

Title of project
Colville Tribal Fish Hatchery

BPA project number   8503800

Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Colville Confederated Tribes

Sponsor type   WA-Tribe

Proposal contact person or principal investigator
 NameKirk Truscott
 Mailing addressColville Confederated Tribes
P.O. Box 150
Nespelem, WA 99155

BPA technical contact   Marcella Lafayette, EWP 503/230-3781

Biological opinion ID   Long term O&M agreement

NWPPC Program number   10.8B.2

Short description
The Colville Tribal Fish Hatchery is located in the blocked area above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dam and is a resident fish substitution measure as partial mitigation for anadromous fish losses due to the Federal hydropower system. The program goal is to produce 22,679 kg (50,000 lbs.) of resident fish that include brook trout, rainbow trout and lahontan cutthroat trout. All the fish will be released into reservation waters, including boundary waters in as effort to provide a successful subsistence/recreational fishery for Colville Tribal members as well as a successful non-member sport fishery. The majority of the fish distributed are intended to provide a �carry-over� fishery. Fish from this program are intended to be capable of contributing to the natural production component of the reservation fish populations. Contribution to the natural production component will be achieved by producing and releasing fish of sufficient quality and quantity to survive to spawning maturity, to spawn in existing and future available habitat while meeting other program objectives. Hatchery stocking efforts and operational procedures will help enhance broodstock sources for all three species reared at the hatchery by stocking high quality fish and allowing natural selection to influence the population over time. The broodstock sources will be of natural lake origin (i.e. not on-station captive brood).

Project start year   1989    End year   2039

Start of operation and/or maintenance   1989

Project development phase   Maintenance

Section 2. Narrative

Related projects

Project history
This project is a long-term O&M project (25 year agreement between BPA and Colville Tribe) and was previously funded under O&M agreement # DE-MS79-88BP92434.

Biological results achieved
This program has met the production goal (22,679 kg) for every year of operation.
The stocking efforts from the hatchery have maintained at least maintained the CPUE and condition factor of fish caught in the sport and subsistence fishery since the termination of the USFWS stocking efforts (Winthrop National Fish Hatchery). The brook trout fishery in Twin Lakes and Owhi Lake have improved substantially since the first stocking from the Colville Tribal Fish Hatchery as has the lahontan cutthroat trout fishery in Omak Lake.

The development of the rainbow trout broodstock program has yet to be realized partly due to our cautious approach to utilizing the SanPoil River stock ( genetic and disease precautions). The Tribe is however gaining knowledge of current broodstock potential from other reservation sources as well as the SanPoil River stock (i.e. adult spawning escapement and stocking efforts.

Annual reports and technical papers
An Annual Operating Plan is developed for each year of operation detailing goals and objectives, production and outplanting plans, broodstock development activities, monitoring activities, projected hatchery operations, annual operating budget and water quality and quantity criteria to be supplied at the hatchery.

An annual production/operations report is completed each year detailing the past years operation and the progress towards the goal. This reporting was not required until FY-96, however the Tribe believed it should be part of the program requirements to evaluate the programs progress towards the goal and objectives.

In addition to the above reporting requirements the Tribe will now begin to submit quarterly reports as to the programs progress and activities.

Management implications
Artificial stocking efforts can and do contribute to creel catches of resident fish, particularly in closed lake systems subject to substantial fishing pressure and limited natural production capabilities.

Monitoring and evaluation should be a part of all hatchery production programs.

The goal of hatchery programs should not be to produce only a given amount for fish, but to provide a fish that will satisfy specific management objectives, such as CPUE�s, high quality fish in the creel, low mortality during hatchery rearing, good conversion to creel, contribution to the natural production component ( in some circumstances)

Specific measureable objectives
(1) Produce 22,679 kg of resident fish
(2) CPUE 1.0 fish/Hr. of greater (subsistence fishery)
(3) CPUE .8-1.0 fish/Hr. or greater (sport fishery)
(4) Rainbow trout C values greater than 5,500 X 10-7
(5) Brook trout C values greater than 5,500 X 10-7
(6) lahontan cutthroat trout C values greater than 4,500 X 10-7
(7) Increase natural production for rainbow trout by 15% by the year 2010
(8) Increase natural production of brook trout by 10% by the year 2010
(9) Obtain 130,000 rainbow trout eggs from reservation brood source by 2000
(10) continue the experimental otolith marking program (M&E)
(11) Perform otolith recovery efforts (M&E)
(12) Develop and utilize a pre-release fish condition index (M&E)
(13) Provide rearing conditions that lessen the occurrence of bacterial, viral and parasitic infestations.
(14) Monitor and enumerate adult adfluvial rainbow trout in selected tributaries as well as other spring spawning stocks within the reservation.

Testable hypothesis
The successful completion of actions associated with the aforementioned objectives. Asuccessful subsistence and sport fishery must utilize both hatchery and natural production components to achieve long-term viability.

Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
Adequate funding will continue to be made available to successfully operate the facility.
Current creel census provided by the tribe will continue and used to help monitor the fishery.
Thermal otolith marking becomes viable method of mark - recovery to access the hatchery contribution to the fishery as well as natural production.
Anglers (subsistence and sport) exhibit similar tendencies in future years as they have in past years.
Reservation waters and watersheds remain in current condition of improve in the future.

Culture techniques standard for the profession with the water source being single pass. Contribution to the hatchery will be analyzed using standard angler creel surveys. Otoliths will be collected during the creel surveys and with standard horizontal gillnet surveys. Statistical analysis will be used to determine significance of contribution to the fishery of various groups of fish (statistical method undetermined at this time). All fish will be resident salmonids (brook trout, lahontan cutthroat trout and rainbow trout). For more detail on hatchery operations, otolith marking, creel census and species number/distribution refer to the Colville Tribal Hatchery Annual Operating Plan # 88BI92434.

Brief schedule of activities
Distribution of fingerling brook trout, rainbow trout and lahontan cutthroat trout (March - May 1997)
Lahontan cutthroat trout spawning (April - May 1997)
Monitor adult rainbow trout escapement (March - June 1997)
Distribution of legal size rainbow trout (April 1997)
Distribution of sub-catchable brook trout and rainbow trout (October - December 1997)
Brook trout spawning (November 1997)
Otolith marking of brook and rainbow trout (December - January 1997)
Creel census surveys (April - October 1997)
Gillnet surveys (June 1997)
Development/negotiation of AOP and budget ( March - June 1997)
Annual production/operations report ( December 1997 )
Quarterly progress reports

Biological need
The Colville Tribe was and still is a fishing culture and relied heavily upon the salmon resources of the Columbia River. The Construction of Grand Coulee Dam completely blocked the historic migrations of anadromous fish the this area. This project partially mitigates for the loss of anadromous fish in the blocked area. The freshwater environment that remains can not supply the demand for fish and fishing opportunities or the biomass to compensate for the loss of anadromous fish via natural production. Artificial production and increased natural production (supplementation) can provide substantial numbers of fish and fishing opportunities while partially mitigating for anadromous fish losses.

Critical uncertainties
What size hatchery fish contributes to the fishery ( both creel and natural supplementation ) to the individual lakes and streams of the reservation?

What are the acceptable maximum stocking rates for individual water bodies on the reservation?

Will the hatchery program successfully trap sufficient numbers of spring spawning rainbow trout ( adfluvial stock) to supply the rainbow trout egg requirement?

Summary of expected outcome
(1) Produce 22,679 kg of resident fish
(2) CPUE 1.0 fish/Hr. of greater (subsistence fishery)
(3) CPUE .8-1.0 fish/Hr. or greater (sport fishery)
(4) Rainbow trout C values greater than 5,500 X 10-7
(5) Brook trout C values greater than 5,500 X 10-7
(6) lahontan cutthroat trout C values greater than 4,500 X 10-7
(7) Increase natural production for rainbow trout by 15% by the year 2010
(8) Increase natural production of brook trout by 10% by the year 2010
(9) Obtain 130,000 rainbow trout eggs from reservation brood source by 2000

Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
AOP development/negotiation
Prioritization process
Unforeseen/emergency maintenance at the facility


Monitoring activity
Creel census activities and gillnet surveys will be the basis to monitor and evaluate the success of the hatchery contribution to the fishery. Adult enumeration, spawning ground and juvenile production surveys will provide the basis for broodstock development and natural production component of the program. Fish health monitoring and fish health index will be utilized to monitor the relative health of the fish prior to distribution. Otolith mark and recovery efforts through creel and gillnrt surveys will be utilized to determine the most appropriate size of fish to stock for maximum potential in the fishery (creel) and to meet natural production (supplementation) objectives.

Section 3. Budget

Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.

Historic costsFY 1996 budget data*Current and future funding needs
1985: 94,777
1986: 340,492
1987: 49,571
1988: 3,499,437
1989: 390,072
1990: 278,926
1991: 303,668
1992: 293,382
1993: 311,972
1994: 286,477
1995: 289,491
1996: 333,961
Obligation: 0
Authorized: 335,000
Planned: 335,000
1997: 350,000
1998: 355,000
1999: 360,000
2000: 365,000
2001: 370,000

* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.

Funding recommendations

CBFWA funding review group   Resident Fish

Recommendation    Tier 1 - fund

Recommended funding level   $350,000

BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget)   $350,000