BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal
Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget
see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Title of project
Billy Shaw Res Development
BPA project number 9501500
Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes
Sponsor type NV-Tribe
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Name | Guy Dodson | |
Mailing address | Shoshone-Paiute Tribe
P.O. Box 219 Owyhee, NV 89832 | |
Phone | 702/757-3211 |
BPA technical contact Phil Havens, EWP 503/230-3543
Biological opinion ID None
NWPPC Program number 10.8C.4, 2.A.4
Short description
Construct a reservoir with a surface area of 430 acres for a trophy fishery on the Duck Valley Reservation.
Project start year 1995 End year 2001
Start of operation and/or maintenance 1998
Project development phase Implementation
Section 2. Narrative
Related projects
Project history
1) Pursuant to Amendment Section 9.4A Resident Fish Substitution Project.
2) A preliminary feasibility study was conducted by B.O.R. in 1987 (Two sites were studied and were both positive, further studies were suggested).
3) In 1995 a in-depth Feasibility Study was conducted by KLEINFELDERS, INC. which will be complete in April of 1996 - A Biological assessment will be completed in May by B.P.A.
4) Final design and contract specification has been recommended by CBFWA and will be contingent upon Councils approval tor EY-96
5) The actual construction phase will begin in Spring of 1997.
Biological results achieved
Increased fish stocking for economic and subsistence purposes.
Development of a Fish Management Plan.
With matching revenues from the Tribes place streamside incubators for hatchery enhancement.
Maintain reservoir pool depths for trout protection.
Annual reports and technical papers
1. Preliminary Feasibility Study - Bureau of Reclamation - 1987
2. Lake Billy Shaw Feasibility Study - Kleinfelders - April 1996
3. Environmentai Assessment - BPA - May 199F -
4. Fisheries Management Plan(s) USFW 1990, 1991, 1992.
5. Natural Resource Management Plar December, 1991
6. Draft final Ethnographic Report: Duck Valley - D. Walker.
7. NAGPRA in Southern Idaho - D. Walker.
8. Economic Development Plan.
Management implications
1) Water Control
2) Inflow and outflow screens and structures
3) Non-game fish control
4) Sport Fishery Management
Specific measureable objectives
Build a reservoir of 430 surface area with trophy size fish of 20"+ and 5-9 lbs. Stocked trout will have a density of 275 trout per surface acre. This reservoir will increase the wetlands and riparian habitat for wildlife in addition to the fishery for a total of 3,300 acre feet with a depth of 27.5 feet.
Testable hypothesis
During the six months of relatively warm weather the fish grow a minimum of .75" per month. Within three years we will have trophy trout of 20"+ and an average weight of 5-9 lbs. (According to our past records on growth and weight of the fish from the Tribes' other reservoirs, this will happen.)
Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
Each year the tribes will stock 355,000 lbs of catchables (7" trout) for three years with no fishing allowed so that the stock will grow into 20"+ in three years and have a density of 275 trout per surface acre. The new reservoir will have new aquatic plants for habitat and food so that the fish will be able to grow 4.3 inches per year to reach a minimum growth of 13 inches within three years.
The Feasibility Study - April, 1996 (Kleinfelders) is based on the best available science and demonstrates all reasonable precautions have been taken.
Brief schedule of activities
10/1/96 - 4/30/97 - Engineering design
5/97 - Begin construction process
7/97 - Construction starts
1/98 - Construction finished
1/98 - 1/99 - Fill reservoir
3/98 - Stock reservoir with first 355,000 of 7" trout
3/2001 - Open reservoir for trophy fishing
Biological need
The habitat will ultimately increase the decreasing number of red band trout in the Upper Columbia River drainage, enhance the Native Wildlife populations by an increase of a riparian area, enlarge migratory water fowl areas for resting, nesting and living increase of feeding areas for raptors - Provision of additional habitat for resident upland game birds - As well as provide a unique trophy fishery that will enhance the quality of every living being for years to come.
Critical uncertainties
Delayal of funding.
Dependent upon hatchery for Shoshone-Paiute and Shoshone-Bannock fishery need.
Summary of expected outcome
Increase numbers of native red band trout. Improvement of riparian habitat
Increase of nesting/habitat for game/non-game species of birds.
Enhance local economics, increase wetland area, provide extended water catchment for big game animals and/or all living species.
Provision of a trophy fishery unique to anywhere in the world for red band trout.
Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
Approval of Kleinfelders' Feasibility Study/FONSI - (The new criteria established by CBFWA Resident Fish Committee).
Joint hatchery production facility between Shoshone-Paiutes & Shoshone-Bannock.
Eventual MOA between ducks unlimited, fly fishing, trophy fisheries, pheasants, unlimited, birdwatchers, cooperation with Idaho State Fish & Game - Oregon Department and Wildlife and Burns Paiute Tribes.
Monitoring activity
Creel surveys - Fishing/hunting surveys - Wildlife counts
Gill netting (for health, growth and number analysis)
Tagging for individual monitoring/future brood stock methods.
Section 3. Budget
Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.Historic costs | FY 1996 budget data* | Current and future funding needs |
1995: 224,766 |
Obligation: 0 Authorized: 485,000 Planned: 485,000 |
1997: 3,360,340 1998: 100,000 1999: 100,000 2000: 100,000 2001: 100,000 |
* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.
Funding recommendations
CBFWA funding review group Resident Fish
Recommendation Tier 1 - fund
Recommended funding level $3,360,340
BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget) $3,796,015