BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal
Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget
see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Title of project
Strm Survey, Htchry, Hab Improv, Mntr Coeur D
BPA project number 9004400
Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Coeur d'Alene Tribe
Sponsor type ID-Tribe
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Name | Kelly Lillingreen | |
Mailing address | Couer d'Arlene Tribe
Tribal Headquarters Route 1 Plummer, ID 83851 | |
Phone | 208/686-5302 |
BPA technical contact Tom Morse, EWN 503/230-3694
Biological opinion ID None
NWPPC Program number 10.8B.4
Short description
Implement habitat restoration and other fishery enhancement measures on the Coeur d'Alene Reservation. These include: habitat restoration, purchase of critical watershed areas, educational outreach program, develop interim tribal harvest opportunities, construction/operation of hatchery and a five-year monitoring program to evaluate program effectiveness.
Project start year 1990 End year 2009
Start of operation and/or maintenance 2005
Project development phase Planning
Section 2. Narrative
Related projects
Project history
This project was started as a mitigation subsitution project. Resident fisheries improvements were to be subsituted for lost anadromous salmon resources.
Biological results achieved
Annual reports and technical papers
Draft baseline report.
Management implications
Specific measureable objectives
These can be found in Section 10.8.B of the NPPC's program. Section 10.8.B includes the following information:
1. Enhance and protect fish habitat on Alder, Benewah, Evans and Lake creeks to achieve interim 25%, 60% and final 75% habitat improvements targets. (see tables in NPPC's program)
2. Stock 25,000 rainbow trout in ponds developed or to be developed.
3. Achieve harvest and escapement targets as outlined in section 10.8.B of the NPPC Fish and Wildlife Program for westslope cutthroat trout over a twelve year period.
4. Achieve minimum viable populations of bull trout within reservation waters.
Testable hypothesis
1. Restoration will provide increases in usable fish habitat and increase population levels of westslope cutthroat and bull trout.
2. Habitat recovery alone will not be sufficient to rebuild westslope cutthroat and bull trout populations to sustainable harvest levels.
3. Supplementation will achieve harvest and escapement tarets within specified time frames (as outlined in Council's program).
4. Trout ponds will reduce pressure on wild stocks of adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout, and provide interim harvest opportunities.
Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
1. Land-owner participation is adequate to achieve restoration goals.
2. Extinction is preventable.
3. Habitat restoration will promote species recovery.
4. Sustainable harvest can be achieved and maintained.
5. Suitable pond locations and quantities exist for stocking.
6. Land-owners are willing to sell critical watershed areas.
Brief schedule of activities
1997: Complete hatchery planning process. Continue habitat restoration projects on Lake and Benewah creeks. Continue implementing an educational outreach program. Continue implementation of the trout pond stocking program.
1998-1999: Construct hatchery/begin supplementation efforts. Same as above.
1999-2005: Complete restoration activities. Continue supplementation efforts (as well as monitor effectiveness of the supplementation efforts). If trout stocks have rebuilt to allow escapement and harvest targets in 2001, discountinue trout pond stocking program.
2002-2006: Five year monitoring program.
Biological need
Critical uncertainties
Summary of expected outcome
Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
Monitoring activity
A habitat and fish population monitoring program is planned for this program. It will be initiated at the time when approximately 70 percent of the habitat work in a stream is completed. Baseline monitoring of the fish that move between Lake Coeur d'Alene and the target streams will be continued.
Section 3. Budget
Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.Historic costs | FY 1996 budget data* | Current and future funding needs |
1990: 172,831 1991: 0 1992: 92,857 1993: 156,840 1994: 517,690 1995: 7,118 1996: 501,868 |
Obligation: 501,868 Authorized: 500,000 Planned: 505,151 |
1997: 764,800 1998: 1,512,000 1999: 918,000 2000: 726,000 2001: 417,000 |
* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.
Funding recommendations
CBFWA funding review group Resident Fish
Recommendation Tier 1 - fund
Recommended funding level $764,800
BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget) $764,800