FY 2002 Blue Mountain proposal 199800703

Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleFacility O&M And Program M&E For Grande Ronde Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead
Proposal ID199800703
OrganizationConfederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameSteve Boe
Mailing address211 Inlow Hall, One University Boulevard La Grande, OR 97850
Phone / email5419623043 / [email protected]
Manager authorizing this projectGary James
Review cycleBlue Mountain
Province / SubbasinBlue Mountain / Grande Ronde
Short descriptionDevelop, implement, and evaluate integrated conventional and captive brood hatchery projects to prevent extinction and stabilize populations of threatened spring chinook salmon and summer steelhead populations in the Grande Ronde River.
Target speciesSnake River spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) summer steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Project location
45.1 -117.7 Catherine Creek Juvenile Acclimation Facility
45.1 -118.3 upper Grande Ronde River Juvenile Acclimation Facility
45.2 -117.8 Catherine Creek Adult Collection Facility
45.1 -118.4 upper Grande Ronde River Adult Collection Facility
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)


RM&E RPA Action 182
RM&E RPA Action 184
RM&E RPA Action 189

Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription
NMFS/BPA Action 177 NMFS In 2002, BPA shall begin to implement and sustain NMFS-approved, safety-net projects.

Section 2. Past accomplishments

1997 Preliminary NEPA evaluation completed.
Completed designs for adult collection and juvenile acclimation facilities at all three stream locations.
Installed and operated temporary weirs, collected 9 spring chinook from upper Grande Ronde River and 2 from Catherine Creek. Assisted in captive broodstock parr collections from both streams.
1998 Final NEPA evaluation completed.
Completed ESA Section 10 permit application with comanagers.
Completed comprehensive management plan for the Grande Ronde River basin with comanagers integrating conventional and captive brood. Consulted on construction of acclimation and adult collection facilities.
Installed and operated adult broodstock collection facilities. Collected 33 spring chinook from Catherine Creek and 28 from the upper Grande Ronde River. Marked enough fish to provide a population estimate.
Cooperated in collection of 1997 brood year juveniles from Catherine Creek, upper Grande Ronde River, and Lostine River. Met targets (500) in all three streams.
Cooperated in preservation of gametes and spawning fish at Bonneville and Manchester.
1999 Installed and operated adult broodstock collection facilities. Collected one spring chinook at the upper Grande Ronde River and 16 at Catherine Creek. Marked enough fish to provide a population estimate at Catherine Creek.
Cooperated in collection of 1998 brood year juveniles from Catherine Creek, upper Grande Ronde River, and Lostine River. Met targets (500) in all three streams.
Cooperated in completing construction of acclimation facilities at Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River.
Cooperated in spawning 1994 and 1995 brood year captive brood chinook. Cryopreserved semen from all males. Consulted on construction of acclimation and adult collection facilities.
2000 Acclimated and released ~ 1,500 smolts at the upper Grande Ronde River facility and ~ 36,000 smolts at the Catherine Creek facility. Evaluated volitional release of smolts from the Catherine Creek facility.
Cooperated in collection of 1999 brood year juveniles from Catherine Creek, upper Grande Ronde River, and Lostine River. Met targets (500) in two streams.
Cooperated in spawning captive brood chinook. Assisted in cryopreserving semen from all males.
Installed and operated adult broodstock collection facilities. Captured 23 adult spring chinook at Catherine Creek and 17 at the upper Grande Ronde River. Captured 25 adult steelhead at Catherine Creek and 19 at the upper Grande Ronde River.
Completed and submitted 1997-1998 annual report. Consulted on construction of adult collection facilities.
2001 Acclimated and released ~ 2,500 smolts at the upper Grande Ronde River facility and ~ 135,000 smolts at the Catherine Creek facility. Evaluated volitional release of smolts from the Catherine Creek facility.
Consulted on construction of adult collection facilities.
Installed and operated adult broodstock collection facilities. Captured 133 adult spring chinook at Catherine Creek and 44 at the upper Grande Ronde River. Captured 204 adult steelhead at Catherine Creek and 19 at the upper Grande Ronde River.

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription
198402500 Protect and Enhance Anadromous Fish Habitat in Grande Ronde Basin Streams Habitat improvement increases likelihood of Program success.
198805301 Northeast Oregon Hatchery Master Plan Plan and develop production facilities in Grande Ronde Basin for recovery of ESA-listed salmon.
198805305 Northeast Oregon Hatcheries Planning and Implementation Operation, maintenance, monitoring and evaluation for ODFW; includes transportation and hatchery operations.
198909600 Monitor and Evaluate Genetic Characteristics of Supplemented Salmon and Steelhead This Project will monitor genetics of chinook salmon in the targeted tributaries.
199202604 Investigate Early Life History of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the Grande Ronde River Basin Life history and trapping data from this project will be used to evaluate Program success.
199403300 The Fish Passage Center (FPC) Juvenile hatchery and natural salmon resulting from the Program will provide release and migration data.
199405400 Bull Trout Life History, Genetics, Habitat Needs, and Limiting Factors in Central and Northeast Oregon Bull trout are indicentally caught at broodstock collection weirs and provide fish for tagging and collection of demographic and recapture data.
199606700 Manchester Spring Chinook Broodstock Project Rears captive broodstock to maturity.
199608300 CTUIR Grande Ronde Basin Watershed Restoration Habitat improvement increases likelihood of Program success.
199703800 Preserve Salmonid Gametes Cryopreserve semen from chinook salmon for use in Grande Ronde Spring Chinook Salmon Program
199800702 Grande Ronde Supplementation: Lostine River O&M and M&E Operation, maintenance, monitoring and evaluation for conventional component of the Program for the Nez Perce Tribe.
199801001 Grande Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program Captive brood component of Program. Embryos from the project become the responsibility of the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan and are acclimated at the tributary of origin.
199801006 Captive Broodstock Artificial Propagation NPT participation in 199801001.
199803100 Implement Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan Now Habitat improvement increases likelihood of Program success.
200001700 Recondition Wild Steelhead Kelts Wild steelhead kelts will be collected for this project.

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2002 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2002 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2002 costSubcontractor
Objective 1. Plan for, administer, and coordinate Project activities. Task 1.1. Review and revise Program components as necessary with comanagers. ongoing $5,063
Task 1.2. Participate in Annual Operations Plan meetings for Program and Lower Snake River Compensation Plan (LSRCP). ongoing $5,063
Task 1.3. Participate in monthly Technical Oversight Team meetings for Program. ongoing $5,063
Task 1.4. Meet annual requirements for permits and other authorizations to implement Project. ongoing $2,531
Task 1.5. Develop and submit annual planning documents. ongoing $25,314
Task 1.6. Plan with comanagers for management of summer steelhead in response to ESA-listing and NMFS recommendation to phase out use of non-endemic stocks for harvest augmentation. ongoing $7,594
Objective 2. Operate two juvenile spring chinook salmon acclimation facilities on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. Task 2.1. Receive fish and begin operations on about February 27. ongoing $57,716
Task 2.2. Staff facilities 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week. ongoing $84,651
Task 2.3. Acclimate fish using standard fish culture practices. ongoing $21,163
Task 2.4. Use NATURES rearing practices whenever possible. ongoing $13,467
Task 2.5. Volitionally release fish for at least 2 weeks prior to force-out. ongoing $1,924
Task 2.6. Monitor volitionally-released fish using PIT tag readers. ongoing $3,848
Task 2.7. Shut down facilties about April 20. ongoing $9,619
Objective 3. Operate two or more adult anadromous salmonid collection facilities on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. Task 3.1. Setup facilties and begin trapping in March/April. ongoing $52,400
Task 3.2. Staff facilities 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week. ongoing $91,131
Task 3.3. Conduct trap and weir checks at least daily. ongoing $11,391
Task 3.4. Anesthetize summer steelhead and spring chinook salmon and collect biological data. ongoing $11,391
Task 3.5. Pass wild steelhead upstream and remove hatchery (marked) steelhead. ongoing $2,278
Task 3.6. Prepare and transport selected spring chinook salmon for broodstock., and pass others upstream to spawn. ongoing $2,278
Task 3.7. Take down, inventory, repair/maintain, and store equipment at the end of the trapping season (about September). ongoing $56,957
Objective 4. Provide comanagers assistance in Program operations. Task 4.1. Assist comanagers (ODFW) in field activities for the captive (Project #199801001) and conventional broodstock (Project # 19885305, LSRCP) Program components. ongoing $10,126
Objective 5. Communicate results to the scientific community. Task 5.1. Compile and disseminate Project information, data, and findings. on going $25,317
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Objective 1. Plan for, administer, and coordinate Project activities. 2003 2006 $240,523
Objective 2. Operate two juvenile spring chinook salmon acclimation facilities on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. 2003 2006 $913,987
Objective 3. Operate two or more adult anadromous salmonid collection facilities on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. 2003 2006 $1,082,353
Objective 4. Provide comanagers assistance in Program operations. 2003 2006 $48,105
Objective 5. Communicate results to the scientific community. 2003 2006 $120,261
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2002 costSubcontractor
Objective 6. Evaluate acclimated juvenile spring chinook salmon performance. Table 6.1. Compare mean length and weight of hatchery-origin smolts acclimated and released (e.g. volitional, forced release; captive, conventional F1) to wild smolts. ongoing $10,927
Table 6.2. Compare mean length and survival of volitionally-released smolts to all hatchery-origin smolts. ongoing $10,285
Task 6.3. Compare arrival timing of different groups of PIT-tagged juveniles (e.g. volitional v. forced release, conventional hatchery origin v. captive broodstock, hatchery v. wild) to Lower Granite Dam. ongoing $21,212
Task 6.4. Compare survival of different groups of PIT-tagged juveniles (e.g. volitional v. forced release, conventional hatchery origin v. captive broodstock, hatchery v. wild) to Lower Granite Dam. ongoing $21,855
Objective 7. Evaluate life history differences between wild and hatchery-origin (F1) adult spring chinook salmon. Task 7.1. Contract for VIE (visual implant elastomer) tagging of conventional hatchery origin smolts. ongoing $18,000 Yes
Task 7.2. Compare life history characteristics (run timing, length frequencies, sex ratios, age distributions, and smolt-to-adult ratios of wild and marked (hatchery F1) adult spring chinook captured at weirs and on spawning ground surveys. ongoing $59,290
Task 7.3. Estimate abundance of wild and hatchery-origin adults above the weirs. ongoing $2,700
Task 7.4. Contract for genetic analysis of unmarked fish. ongoing $10,000 Yes
Objective 8. Describe life history characteristics and genetics of adult summer steelhead collected at weirs. Task 8.1. Describe run timing, length frequency, sex and age composition, general condition, and migration status (pre- or postspawn) for wild and hatchery-origin (marked) summer steelhead. ongoing $62,134
Task 8.2. Contract for analysis of genetics samples. ongoing $15,000 Yes
Objective 9. Evaluate environmental factors affecting migration or survival of anadromous salmonids. Task 9.1. Compare streamflows to movement of juvenile spring chinook at acclimation facilities and adult spring chinook and summer steelhead at weirs/traps. ongoing $6,428
Task 9.2. Compare water temperatures to movement of juvenile spring chinook at acclimation facilities and adult spring chinook and summer steelhead at weirs/traps. ongoing $6,428
Objective 10. Evaluate weir effects on fish migration or behavior. Task 10.1. Document behavior and presence of spring chinook and other species near the weirs. ongoing $7,713
Objective 11. Provide Program assistance for monitoring and evaluation activities. Task 11.1. Assist ODFW in monitoring and evaluation activities for conventional and captive broodstock components of the Program. ongoing $5,141
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Objective 6. Evaluate acclimated juvenile spring chinook salmon performance. 2003 2006 $305,369
Objective 7. Evaluate life history differences between wild and hatchery-origin (F1) adult spring chinook salmon. 2003 2006 $427,517
Objective 8. Describe life history characteristics and genetics of adult summer steelhead collected at weirs. 2003 2006 $366,443
Objective 9. Evaluate environmental factors affecting migration or survival of anadromous salmonids. 2003 2006 $61,074
Objective 10. Evaluate weir effects on fish migration or behavior. 2003 2006 $36,644
Objective 11. Provide Program assistance for monitoring and evaluation activities. 2003 2006 $24,430
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2002 cost
Personnel FTE: Admin 0.33, Biol 1.83, Tech 4.92 $261,484
Fringe 0.19 Seasonal, 0.35 Fulltime $79,967
Supplies Incl. 4 replacement pond liners $94,560
Travel Incl. assistance with spawning at Bonneville Hatchery $28,465
Indirect 0.34 $157,922
Capital Storage, 24/7 generator for upper Grande Ronde River acclimation site $42,000
NEPA Possible move of one adult trap site downstream $20,000
Subcontractor ODFW, Genetics, Facility installation/Main, VIE tags $79,000
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2002 cost$763,398
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$80,000
Total FY 2002 budget request$683,398
FY 2002 forecast from 2001$700,348
% change from forecast-2.4%
Reason for change in scope

Steelhead population information CTUIR, NPT and ODFW agree we need a better understanding of the demographics and genetics of steelhead to facilitate management planning for summer steelhead in the basin. CTUIR will operate weirs to provide minimum counts, basic life history information, and collect tissues for genetics analysis.

Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind
USFWS - LSRCP Steelhead genetics sample processing $7,500 in-kind

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Fundable only if response is adequate
Sep 28, 2001


Response required. This CTUIR proposal coupled with the matching NPT proposal (#199800702) provides the core activities for the GRESCP. The CTUIR is responsible for implementation, coordination, and facilitation of the Catherine Creek and upper Grande Ronde component of the GRESCP, plus this proposal involves some steelhead activities. Tasks included in the proposal include projection coordination with the co-managers (ODFW, NPT, USFWS), operation and maintenance of the two acclimation sites, operation and maintenance of the adult weir and trapping sites, extensive M&E programs, and reporting. In general the historical information and relations between projects are well described and informative. Unfortunately, this proposal lacks the detailed information and tasks that were presented in proposal #199800702 even though the proposals essentially for the same program activities. The goals are certainly implied in the proposal but the objectives are stated as operations, not as measurable outcomes and some task merely re-state the objective. Objective 2 requests over $100,000 for meeting and communications with no further details or justification. Objective 5 concerns monitoring success (increasing returns and maintaining genetic diversity) but provides no insight into activities and methods. Further, objective 4 and 5 include statements of assumptions but the assumptions stated are essential aspects of the investigation and must be evaluated, not assumed. The proposal includes a section on Adaptive Management but the paragraph describes how new information will be incorporated into procedures. This is not the intent of adaptive management. Adaptive management involves designed experimental treatments, assessments, and responses that are pre-described ... not just responding to a trial and error process. The level of detailed provided concerning M&E does not merit the budget requested.

These comments are unfortunately quite similar to the ISRP comments from the last review. After responses had been received in the last review, the ISRP concluded "Delay funding until the sponsor provides an adequate detailed study design to BPA such as that the sponsors identify as being in their companion project 9801001. The response focused on justifying the program, but that was not the ISRP's primary concern." Following the ISRP tour (Sept. 2001) and discussion with those involved, plus given the quality of the associated proposal (#199800702), it seems apparent to this review panel that a proposal with appropriate technical standards can be developed, but it has not been received. We suggest the principal investigators use this "response loop" process to address these concerns and complete this proposal.

High Priority
Nov 30, 2001


This project is considered BASE by NMFS. Some reviewers expressed concerns regarding handling and weir effects and suggested the steelhead trapping aspect of the proposal is not urgent work. A new budget has been submitted that does not include additional weirs. The new budget numbers have not been entered into this table.
Dec 21, 2001


Fundable, adequate response and, as requested, the proposal has been substantially improved through reorganization and the provision of greater detail. This CTUIR proposal coupled with the matching NPT proposal (#199800702) provides the core activities for the GRESCP. The CTUIR is responsible for implementation, coordination, and facilitation of the Catherine Creek and upper Grande Ronde component of the GRESCP, plus this proposal involves some steelhead activities. Tasks included in the proposal include projection coordination with the co-managers (ODFW, NPT, USFWS), operation and maintenance of the two acclimation sites, operation and maintenance of the adult weir and trapping sites, extensive M&E programs, and reporting. In general the historical information and relations between projects are well described and informative. This proposal initially lacked the detailed information and tasks that were presented in proposal #199800702, but the revisions adequately addressed this concern.
Feb 1, 2002


Statement of Potential Biological Benefit to ESU
Reduce short-term extinction or extirpation risks for the Catherine Creek and Upper Grande Ronde River spring chinook.

Continuing program. Opportunity should be taken to assess monitoring aspects and their relationship to FCRPS Biop. Should benefit from RPA 176.

Already ESA Req? No

Biop? No

Feb 11, 2002





Apr 19, 2002


Jun 13, 2002


Sep 20, 2003


Project on track and accruing. No rescheduling needs.
Sep 20, 2003


For FY 04 CTUIR is seeking an increase of $33,082 to cover previous years of unfunded increases in Indirect rates. Previous year budgets were submitted with a 34% Indirect Rate because the Department of Interior hadn't officially issued a new approved rate for BPA to consider. Unfunded 2002 Indirect Increase @ 37.2% = 9,945. Unfunded 2003 Indirect Increase @ 39.64% = 23,040. This project was split into two contracts at BPA; O&M Contract #6509 and M&E Contract #12785.
NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$684,454 $684,454 $684,454

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website