FY 2003 Columbia Cascade proposal 200302100
Section 1. General administrative information
Section 2. Past accomplishments
Section 3. Relationships to other projects
Section 4. Budgets for planning/design phase
Section 5. Budgets for construction/implementation phase
Section 6. Budgets for operations/maintenance phase
Section 7. Budgets for monitoring/evaluation phase
Section 8. Budget summary
Reviews and Recommendations
Additional documents
Title | Type |
29027 Narrative | Narrative |
29027 Sponsor Response to ISRP | Response |
29027 Powerpoint Presentation | Powerpoint Presentation |
Columbia Cascade: Wenatchee Subbasin Map with BPA Fish & Wildlife Projects | Subbasin Map |
Columbia Cascade: Wenatchee Subbasin Map with BPA Fish & Wildlife Projects | Subbasin Map |
Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Comprehensive Inventory and Prioritization of Fish Passage and Screening Problems in the Wenatchee and Entiat Subbasins |
Proposal ID | 200302100 |
Organization | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Yakima Screen Shop (WDFW/YSS) |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator | |
Name | Patrick C. Schille |
Mailing address | 3705 West Washington Avenue Yakima, WA 98903-1137 |
Phone / email | 5095752735 / [email protected] |
Manager authorizing this project | Eric B. Egbers |
Review cycle | Columbia Cascade |
Province / Subbasin | Columbia Cascade / Wenatchee |
Short description | Locate and evaluate all culverts, dams, fishways, water diversions, and other human-made features in the Wenatchee and Entiat subbasins, conduct habitat assessments, and prioritize all barriers and unnscreened or inadequately screened water diversions. |
Target species | All anadromous and resident salmonids, including ESA listed spring chinook, steelhead, and bull trout. |
Project location
Latitude | Longitude | Description |
47.7 | -120.77 | Wenatchee subbasin |
47.85 | -120.44 | Entiat subbasin |
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)
RPA Action 149 |
Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:
Reviewing agency | Action # | BiOp Agency | Description |
NMFS | Action 149 | NMFS | BOR shall initiate programs in three priority subbasins (identified in the Basinwide Recovery Strategy) per year over 5 years, in coordination with NMFS, FWS, the states and others, to address all flow, passage, and screening problems in each subbasin over 10 years. The Corps shall implement demonstration projects to improve habitat in subbasins where water-diversion-related problems could cause take of listed species. Under the NWPPC program, BPA addresses passage, screening, and flow problems, where they are not the responsibility of others. BPA expects to expand on these measures in coordination with the NWPPC process to complement BOR actions described in the action above. |
BPA | Action 149 | NMFS | BOR shall initiate programs in three priority subbasins (identified in the Basinwide Recovery Strategy) per year over 5 years, in coordination with NMFS, FWS, the states and others, to address all flow, passage, and screening problems in each subbasin over 10 years. The Corps shall implement demonstration projects to improve habitat in subbasins where water-diversion-related problems could cause take of listed species. Under the NWPPC program, BPA addresses passage, screening, and flow problems, where they are not the responsibility of others. BPA expects to expand on these measures in coordination with the NWPPC process to complement BOR actions described in the action above. |
BPA | Action 154 | NMFS | BPA shall work with the NWPPC to ensure development and updating of subbasin assessments and plans; match state and local funding for coordinated development of watershed assessments and plans; and help fund technical support for subbasin and watershed plan implementation from 2001 to 2006. Planning for priority subbasins should be completed by the 2003 check-in. The action agencies will work with other Federal agencies to ensure that subbasin and watershed assessments and plans are coordinated across non-Federal and Federal land ownerships and programs. |
Section 2. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishment |
1985 | Conducted an inventory of barrier culverts on Whatcom County roads. |
1988 | Conducted an inventory and prioritization of barrier culverts on Kitsap County roads. |
1993 | Conducted an inventory and prioritization of barrier culverts on Skagit County roads. |
1997 | Completed an inventory and prioritization of barrier culverts on Thurston County roads. |
1997 | Completed an inventory of fish passage barriers at WDFW hatcheries. |
1998 | Developed the fish passage barrier assessment protocol for culverts and produced the "Fish Passage Barrier Assessment and Prioritization Manual". |
1998 | Developed SSHEARbase, a statewide fish passage and screening database. |
1998 | Completed a comprehensive inventory and prioritization of fish passage barriers and unscreened or inadequately screened water diversions in the Beaver Creek Watershed (Methow Basin). |
1999 | Completed an inventory and prioritization of barrier culverts on Jefferson County roads. |
2000 | Updated the inventory and prioritization manual to include assessments for dams and water diversions and renamed it the "Fish Passage Barrier and Surface Water Diversion Screening Assessment and Prioritization Manual". |
2001 | Provided training for Okanogan Conservation District crews to conduct an inventory and prioritization of fish passage barriers and unscreened or inadequately screened water diversions in the Methow Basin. |
On-going | Conducting an inventory and prioritization of barrier culverts under state highways. Methow and Wenatchee inventory completed in 2000. Habitat surveys need to be conducted so that the barriers can be prioritized. |
On-going | Conducting a comprehensive inventory and prioritization of fish passage barriers and unscreened or inadequately screened water diversions on WDFW lands. Methow Wildlife Area was completed in 1999. |
On-going | Provide training and technical assistance to entities in fish passage barrier and screening assessment and prioritization. |
Section 3. Relationships to other projects
Project ID | Title | Description |
Columbia Cascade Province Pump Screening | This inventory will provide current information to the existing pump screen inventory. |
Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase
Task-based budget
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2003 cost | Subcontractor |
Outyear objectives-based budget
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase
Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase
Task-based budget
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2003 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Conduct comprehensive inventory of fish passage and screening problems in the Entiat subbasin | Find, assess, prioritize by habitat, and record the data in a database for each human-made feature encountered. | 1 | $361,585 | |
2. Conduct comprehensive inventory of fish passage and screening problems in the Wenatchee subbasin | Find, assess, prioritize by habitat, and record the data in a database for each human-made feature encountered. | 2 | $0 |
Outyear objectives-based budget
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
2. Conduct comprehensive inventory of fish passage and screening problems in the Wenatchee subbasin. | 2004 | 2007 | $977,007 |
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
FY 2004 | FY 2005 | FY 2006 | FY 2007 |
$277,436 | $277,436 | $277,436 | $145,059 |
Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase
Task-based budget
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2003 cost | Subcontractor |
Outyear objectives-based budget
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
Task-based budget
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2003 cost | Subcontractor |
Outyear objectives-based budget
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
Section 8. Estimated budget summary
Itemized budget
Item | Note | FY 2003 cost |
Personnel | FTE: 3.1, crews + admin. | $133,111 |
Fringe | Employee benefits @ 31% of salaries | $41,537 |
Supplies | Laser level, GPS, stadia rod, clinometer, computer, etc. | $28,576 |
Travel | Includes mileage charges and subsistence | $45,660 |
Indirect | Includes administrative overhead @ 25.2% | $62,701 |
Capital | 2-4X4 Vehicles | $50,000 |
$361,585 |
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2003 cost | $361,585 |
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds | $0 |
Total FY 2003 budget request | $361,585 |
FY 2003 forecast from 2002 | $0 |
% change from forecast | 0.0% |
Cost sharing
Organization | Item or service provided | Amount | Cash or in-kind |
WDFW, SSHEAR | Training, Technical Assistance @ 0.1 FTE/Year | $18,000 | in-kind |
WDFW, SSHEAR | Database Management @ 0.1 FTE/Year | $18,000 | in-kind |
WDFW, SSHEAR | Project Planning - Review existing data, map generation, coordination, etc. @ 0.2 FTE/Year | $22,000 | in-kind |
Reviews and recommendations
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
Fundable only if response is adequate
Mar 1, 2002
A response is needed. The need for more inventory work is given persuasively, suggesting that only about 40% of the stream area has been surveyed. Other survey efforts are summarized. The big difference seems to be that this inventory would be fully stream based, not road based (i.e. cover all stream length where fish would be expected if there were not barriers). Justification by SS, limiting factors analysis, etc. is good. The relationship to other projects is well described both in that section and in the background. Objectives are clear, as are the tasks. The methods rely on standard procedures for both surveys and prioritization developed by the WDFW.What is needed in the response is provision of a monitoring and evaluation component. How will one know that the project was a success and that results are accurate? (e.g. compare road and stream surveys - what value is added, or conduct independent spot checking of the stream walker's findings.) Some sampling for fish should be included in the proposal to demonstrate project effectiveness. That is, demonstrate whether fish are present below the culverts and barriers but do or do not pass. These observations could be compared to project evaluations based on the criteria in the manual or other instructions given to the stream walkers.
Assure work is coordinated with Chelan County. The reviewers recommend reducing the staff proposed by 1 FTE and find other sources for the 2 4x4 pickup trucks in 2003. The budget has been reduced to reflect these changes. NMFS has identified this project as a BiOp project.Comment:
Fundable. The need for more inventory work is given persuasively, suggesting that only about 40% of the stream area has been surveyed. Other survey efforts are summarized. The big difference seems to be that this inventory would be fully stream based, not road based (i.e. cover all stream length where fish would be expected if there were not barriers). Justification by SS, limiting factors analysis, etc. is good. The relationship to other projects is well described both in that section and in the background. Objectives are clear, as are the tasks. The methods rely on standard procedures for both surveys and prioritization developed by the WDFW.The response adequately addresses preliminary ISRP concerns with monitoring and evaluation, fish presence, etc.
Statement of Potential Biological Benefit to ESUIndirect Benefit. Conduct a watershed based inventory of all fish passage barriers and unscreened or inadequately screened water passage barriers in the Entiat and Wenatchee subbasins.
This would be a fully stream based, not road based, survey and would cover a much broader area (over double the area) than has already been surveyed.
Already ESA Req? No
Biop? Yes
Recommend funding for planning for fish passage improvements. Passage and screening proposals should be a coordinated program package for prioritization.Comment:
Project Issue 3: New proposals prioritized by the Columbia Cascade fish and wildlife managers to fit within the province allocation
After working with existing projects, additional funds remained within the province allocation. The prioritization group sought to add projects that advance their most pressing management objectives and also had broad support from the ISRP, CBFWA, Bonneville, and NOAA Fisheries for ESA needs. Three of the four projects proposed have across the board support from the entities that reviewed the proposals:
(a) Project 29040 OK-11 Develop and Propagate Local Okanogan River Summer/Fall Chinook (supported by ISRP, CBFWA, Bonneville; no ESA applicability),
(b) Project 29026 Hanan-Detwiler Passage Improvements (supported by ISRP, CBFWA, Bonneville, NOAA - RPA 149), and
(c) Project 29027 Comprehensive Inventory and Prioritization of Fish Passage and Screening Problems in the Wenatchee and Entiat (supported by ISRP, CBFWA, Bonneville, NOAA - RPA 149, 154).
The fourth project is 29033 Design and Conduct Monitoring and Evaluation Associated with the Reestablishment of Okanogan Basin Natural Production. (supported by ISRP, CBFWA and NOAA-RPAs 182, 184). Bonneville was the long dissenter, rating the project as a "C" and suggesting that this be deferred until after subbasin planning. The sponsor reports that recent discussions with Bonneville may yield a more favorable rating for this project. In any event, the Confederated Colville Tribes states that this project is critical for meeting its overall management objectives for the Okanogan subbasin.
Council Recommendation: The Council recommends funding for these four new projects at the levels identified in the attached projects table. These projects represent the highest priorities of the group working in the Columbia Cascade province. The ISRP supports each project, and two of the projects add ESA applicability as determined by NOAA Fisheries. The Council does not believe that deferring projects pending completion of a regional RM&E plan is appropriate given what appears to be the difficulty and delay the region, and particularly the federal agencies leading the effort, are having in making progress in that area.
BPA Funding Decision
Fund when Funds available. Not critical.
Apr 30, 2003
Phase 3 will be initiated upon resolution of identified issues. This proposal would likely implement RPA 149 and 154. BPA has determined in coordination with NOAA Fisheries that this project is not critical for the FY03 - 05 check-ins. Projects may be funded when sufficient funds are available.Comment:
No contract in place yet. Phase III. Sponsor proposes linking projects 200302000, 29025 and 29028 and this project into one comprehensive project, and capitalizing, costs would roll together.Comment:
lost cost share as a result of delay, 2 vehicles and equipment, 2006 need would be $277,436NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year: | FY06 NPCC staff preliminary: | FY06 NPCC July draft start of year: |
$277,436 | $0 | $0 |
Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website