Year | Accomplishment |
1984-2001 |
Annually monitored salmon/steelhead produced for release into the basin |
1984-1997 |
Assessed multiple brood years of fall chinook yearling and subyearling releases and the effects of transportation on survival |
1984-2001 |
Annually documented LSRCP origin fall chinook and steelhead returns to the basin |
1990-1997 |
Cryopreserved fall chinook semen to provide stock and genetic integrity under critical (VSP) population conditions. |
1990-2000 |
Removed identifiable stray non-Snake River fall chinook from the population at LGD |
1986-2000 |
Conducted sport fishery surveys in the Snake River and documented returns and harvest of LSRCP origin hatchery fish. |
1985-1990 |
Documented and reported fall chinook harvest in the Columbia Basin and its effect on Snake River escapements. |
1996-2001 |
Coordinated with NPT and USFWS researchers on evaluation of yearling and subyearling, direct and acclimated, releases into the Snake River. |
2001 |
Adjusted production protocol to improve survival: barged subyearlings from LFH to below Bonneville Dam during drought |
1991-1997 |
Completed radio telemetry study of fall chinook migration behavior, including fall back rates at Snake River dams. |
1987-1989 |
Conducted a steelhead radio telemetry study jointly with ODFW to document steelhead fallback behavior at LGD and migration into tributary rivers during winter and spring, and determine the availability of those fish to sport fisheries. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2002 cost | Subcontractor |
1) Monitor and evaluate the quality of releases of hatchery fall chinook salmon produced from LFC. |
a. Evaluate mark/tag quality and retention [adipose/ventral fin clip, Coded-Wire tag (CWT), freeze brand, and Visual Implant elastomer tag (VI)] before release, including subyearlings for above LGR. |
indefinite |
$3,000 |
b. Document and report release size, general condition, degree of smoltification, sexual precocity, and blood hematocrit levels prior to release. |
indefinite |
$1,000 |
c. Summarize hatchery records for each brood year to document and report egg-to-fry, fry-to-smolt, and egg-to-smolt sur-vival rates at LFC. |
indefinite |
$2,500 |
2) Evaluate hatchery release strategies from all release sites (downstream survival rates). |
a. Recommend marks (Ad/CWT/VI) for all yearlings for release at LFH and upstream acclimation sites above LGD. Recommend marks (AD/CWT) for a portion of sub-yearlings for release at LFH (200,000). Each release group will receive a unique CWT code. |
indefinite |
$550 |
] |
b. Continue to coordinate and participate in cooperative study plans with the USFWS Fisheries Resource Office, National Marine Fisheries Service, Idaho Power, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and the NPT for evaluating off-station releases in 2002/2003 |
2 yrs |
$1,000 |
c. PIT tag yearlings and subyearlings at LFH before release. Document migration timing and relative survivals. |
indefinite |
$4,000 |
3) Estimate adult returns and return rates, collect life history and genetic characteristics, and document distribution of salmon and steelhead to SE Washington streams and facilities. Provide lower River fishery contributions by LSRCP produced fish. |
Sub-objective 3.1: Estimate adult returns and return rates, collect life history and genetic characteristics, and document distribution of adult fall chinook to southeast Washington streams and facilities. |
$0 |
a. Document the magnitude, return distribution, run timing, peak spawning, fish size, age, sex, and genetic information of the fall chinook returning to LFH. Document the same data for fish hauled from Lower Granite Dam (LGD) to LFH for spawning. |
indefinite |
$10,000 |
b. Recover and process CWTs from hatchery fall chinook returning to LFH and hauled from LGD. |
indefinite |
$8,000 |
c. Obtain estimates of down-river harvest of LFH origin fall chinook. |
indefinite |
$550 |
d. Participate with USFWS and NPT in a cooperative radio telemetry study of fall chinook returning from hatchery releases upstream of LGD. |
1 yr |
$500 |
e. Utilize age composition data and adult escapement estimates to calculate smolt-to-adult survival rates on hatchery fall chinook from LFH. |
indefinite |
$2,500 |
Sub-objective 3.2: Estimate adult returns and return rates, collect life history and genetic characteristics, and document distribution of adult summer steelhead to southeast Washington streams and to LSRCP facilities |
$0 |
a. Document hatchery returns to Lower Granite Dam. |
indefinite |
$1,000 |
b. Conduct creel surveys on the Snake River to collect information (length, CWT, scales and sex) on harvested untagged and CWT tagged LFH origin adult steelhead. |
3-4 years |
$30,500 |
c. Process recovered CWTs and scales for age composition. |
indefinite |
$4,000 |
d. Use catch record card estimates and CWT codes collected during creel surveys to estimate the return and sport harvest of all groups of released LFH origin steelhead within the LSRCP area of Washington. Obtain harvest estimates of LFH origin steelhead |
indefinite |
$1,800 |
e. Utilize age composition data, adult escapement estimates, and creel data to calculate smolt-to-adult survival rates on hatchery steelhead produced from LFC. |
indefinite |
$2,000 |
f. Assess the nature and extent of straying of LFH origin steelhead within the Snake River basin and provide recommendations to minimize straying. |
indefinite |
$2,500 |
4) Maintain phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of salmon and steelhead stocks used at Lyons Ferry Complex. |
a. Scan all fish for tag wire and examine fish for marks. Extract and read all CWTs of fall chinook . Collect scales on fish which are untagged and unmarked to determine origin after spawning. (see 3. b. above) |
indefinite |
$4,500 |
5) Assess LSRCP hatchery evaluation actions to determine potential effects on species listed under the Endangered Species Act. Develop Section 7 LSRCP Biological Assessments and submit Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans for stocks produced at LFC. |
a. Obtain quantitative data necessary to evaluate LSRCP funded programs. |
indefinite |
$1,300 |
b. Coordinate and assist WDFW and USFWS-LSRCP research staff with quantitative analysis for the development or modifications of Biological Assessments and HGMPs. |
indefinite |
$6,000 |
c. Assess effects of all proposed actions and estimate direct and indirect takes of listed species using tasks and results listed in proposal and any relevant literature. |
indefinite |
$2,750 |
d. Develop and recommend alternatives to reduce deleterious effects on all listed species within the program. |
indefinite |
$2,500 |
e. Act as the liaison between the USFWS and WDFW during the formal consultation period to fulfill the cooperator's role in the process |
indefinite |
$650 |
f. Provide additional documentation, as requested, for the LSRCP Section 7 formal consultation between NMFS and the USFWS-LSRCP Office. |
indefinite |
$1,200 |
g. Recommend changes in Washington’s fish management and research plans to ensure compliance with decisions made during consultations between NMFS and FWS. |
indefinite |
$2,500 |
h. Review special conditions of Section 10 permits, special conditions of Section 7 consultations, and coordinate with WDFW personnel who will implement the actions to ensure that all actions are permitted and consistent with permit requirements. |
indefinite |
$2,000 |
i. Where appropriate, provide input to WDFW responses to the NMFS Biological Assessments, Opinions, and Recovery Plans. |
indefinite |
$3,000 |
6) Complete annual reports to summarize results of all LSRCP funded work conducted during the contract period. Disseminate to interested parties in Columbia Basin. |
a. Summarize results from objective tasks, assemble into species specific reports |
indefinite |
$15,000 |
b. Submit a draft report on Lyons Ferry fall chinook research and activities to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service within 60 days after contract is completed (due 1 June). After formal review, submit a final report within 120 days of contract completion. |
indefinite |
$0 |
The LSRCP Program is a direct reimbursable cost to BPA as directed by Congress. Budget figures do not represent a request, but are provided here for informational purposes.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
Although they have taken considerable action to prevent their program from causing further jeopardy for wild stocks, and will continue to do so, they inform the ISRP that they will not stop mitigation actions authorized under the LSRCP. They blame NMFS in one instance, for not providing guidance on the amount of reduction needed to preclude deleterious effects in wild fish, but WDFW should take responsibility in determining what steps to take to avoid potential harm caused by the fish they release. The intent of this program is to use LSRCP authorization to produce fish for harvest, but a primary intent of other basin programs is to conserve native species and increase abundance to useful and persistent levels. These differing views of "basin management" may have several incompatibilities.
If hatchery production (Project 200114) was reduced by 7,000 lb annually to redirect some money into habitat structure construction (p 4), does that habitat structure work continue today?