FY 2003 Upper Snake proposal 199505700

Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleSouthern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation - Upper Snake
Proposal ID199505700
OrganizationIdaho Department of Fish and Game and Idaho Office of Species Conservation (IDFG/IOSC)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameGregg Servheen
Mailing address600 South Walnut Boise, Idaho 83707
Phone / email5417574186 / [email protected]
Manager authorizing this projectGregg Servheen
Review cycleUpper Snake
Province / SubbasinUpper Snake / Headwaters
Short descriptionProtect, enhance, restore and maintain wildlife habitats to mitigate for construction losses at Palisades and Minidoka dams.
Target speciesAll wildlife species affected hydropower development including Bald Eagle, Sage Grouse, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Ruffed Grouse, Trumpeter Swan, Canada Goose, Mallard, Black-capped Chickadee, Yellow Warbler, mule deer, elk, river otter, mink.
Project location
43.4 -110.65 Snake Headwaters subbasin
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)


Action 180

Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription

Section 2. Past accomplishments

1985 Wildlife impact assessment: Palisades Project (Sather-Blair and Preston 1985).
1986 Wildlife protection, mitigation and ehancement plan: Palisades Project (Martin and Hansen 1986).
1989 Minidoka dam wildlife impact assessment (Martin and Meuleman 1989).
1991 Wildlife protection, mitigation and enhancement plan: Minidoka Dam (Meuleman, Martin and Hansen 1991).
1995 Established interagency work groups to define and prioritize potential mitigation projects.
1996 IDFG and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes (SBT) signed an MOA to implement wildlife mitigation projects.
1997 Purchased conservation easement on 422 acres of upland and riparian habitat to prevent further anthropogenic disturbance/development. Easement provided 383 habitat units (HU's) credited to Palisades wildlife mitigation.
Purchased conservation easement on 800 acres of upland and riparian habitat to prevent further anthropogenic disturbance/development. Easement provided 813 HU's credited to Palisades wildlife mitigation.
Purchased fee-title to 140 acres of wetland habitat. Purchase provided 317 HU's credited to Palisades wildlife mititgation.
Purchased fee-title to 310 acres of wetland habitat. Purchase provided 900 HU's credited to Palisades wildlife mititgation.
Purchased fee-title to 2135 acres of wetland and upland habitat within the boundaries of IDFG's Tex Creek WMA. BPA funded one-third of purchase and received1254 HU's credited to Palisades wildlife mitigation.
Palisades biocontrol of noxious weeds project implemented on 10,000 acres. Project provided 499 HU's credited to Palisades wildlife mitigation.
1998 Purchased fee-title to 2563 acres of upland habitat within the boundaries of the BLM Soda Springs Hills Wildlife Habitat Area. Project provided 3896 HU's credited to Palisades wildlife mitigation.
Big Cottonwood Wildlife Management Area wildlife habitat enhancement project implememted. Project will provide 122 HU's credited to Minidoka wildlife mitigation by restoring shrub steppe and riparian habitat on the IDFG Big Cottonwood WMA.
1999 Purchased fee-title to 2556 acres of wetland and upland habitat. Purchase provided 6918 HU's credited to Palisades wildlife mitigation.
2000 Purchased fee-title to 2450 acres of upland habitat. Purchase provided 406 HU's credited to Palisades and 1596 HU's credited to Minidoka wildlife mitigation.
2001 Implemented wildlife habitat enhnacement actions (shrub plantings) on Quarter Circle/Tex Creek WMA property.
All Years Conducted operation and maintenance (O&M) and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) on all previously acquired properties.

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription
199206100 Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation IDFG is a member of the interagency work group supporting this project and there is close coordination by IDFG with both projects.

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
1. Conduct pre-acquisition activities associated with protection of 3000 HU's of wildife habitat. a. Identify priority areas and available properties using criteria developed by interagency work groups and information from GIS database. 10+ $22,129
b. Develop a GIS database to help prioritize potential projects which includes limiting factors, critical areas, ownership and other relevant parameters. 2 $89,805 Yes
c. Identify landowners willing to sell easements or fee-titles. 10+ $42,129
d. Complete environmental compliance and due diligence requirements (appriasal, title search, environmental survey, cultural survey). 10+ $70,332 Yes
e. Complete NEPA requirements. 10+ $5,593
f. Consult and coordinate throughout the process with NWPPC, BPA, CBFWA, Tribes, interagency work groups, local governments and the public. 10+ $87,675
2. Plan, design and coordinate enhancement activities to provide 1000 HU's of wildlife habitat. a. Plan and coordinate identification of priority areas/properties for enhancement using criteria developed by interagency work groups and information from GIS database. 10+ $38,450
b. Plan enhancement actions. 10+ $31,597
c. Complete environmental compliance requirements. 10+ $57,749 Yes
d. Complete NEPA requirements. 10+ $4,195
e. Determine cost-share partners' roles when appropriate and develop MOA among partners when necessary. 10+ $29,225
f. Consult and coordinate throughout the process with NWPPC, BPA, CBFWA, Tribes, interagency work groups, local governments and the public. 10+ $58,450
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Conduct pre-acquisition activities associated with protection of 3000 HU's of wildife habitat. 2003 2007 $1,411,902
2. Plan, design and coordinate enhancement activities to provide 1000 HU's of wildlife habitat. 2003 2007 $1,175,599
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
1. Protect 3000 HU's of wildlife habitat. a. Secure easement and/or fee title. 10+ $2,000,000
b. Complete baseline HEP report and site-specific management plan. 10+ $39,974
2. Implement planned enhancement actions to provide 1000 HU's of wildlife habitat. Enhancement actions may include but are not limited to the following tasks. a. Establish and/or restore native vegetation or other permanent wildlife habitat. 10+ $275,000 Yes
b. Enter into cooperative agreements to control undesirable and exotic vegetation using biological, mechanical and chemical methods. 10+ $410,000 Yes
c. Construct and maintain fences to prevent/control livestock grazing. 10+ $80,000 Yes
d. Construct water control structures and manage water levels to mimic natural hydrologic regimes. 10+ $120,000 Yes
e. Develop/control public access to minimize impacts to wildlife and habitat. 10+ $22,000 Yes
f. Develop facilities as appropriate. 10+ $25,000 Yes
3. Develop a plant materials center to provide a predictable and reliable supply of site-adapted native plants and seed for habitat restoration and rehabilitation projects. a. Negotiate an agreement among federal and state agencies, tribes and private entities to cooperatively manage and fund a plant materials center. 2 $58,450
b. Locate and develop the plant materials center on former agricultural cropland at the Deer Parks Wildlife Mitigation Unit. 3 $120,000 Yes
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Protect 3000 HU's of wildlife habitat. 2003 2007 $10,917,446
2. Implement planned enhancement actions to provide 1000 HU's of wildlife habitat. Enhancement actions may include but are not limited to the following tasks. 2003 2007 $4,987,838
3. Develop a plant materials center to provide a predictable and reliable supply of site-adapted native plants and seed for habitat restoration and rehabilitation projects. 2003 2005 $491,266
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
1. Maintain HU's on all protected and enhanced areas in accordance with site-specific management and enhancement plans. a. Maintain native vegetation or other permanent wildlife habitat improvements to provide optimal habitat for target species. 10+ $54,350
b. Control undesireable and exotic vegetation using biological, mechanical and chemical methods. 10+ $128,672 Yes
c. Maintain fences to prevent trespass livestock grazing. 10+ $38,990 Yes
d. Manage water control structures to mimic natural hydrologic regimes. 10+ $4,375
e.Manage public access to minimize impacts to wildlife and habitat. 10+ $15,675
f. Maintain facilities and infrastructure as appropriate. 10+ $42,400 Yes
g. Manage GIS database and update annually. 10+ $24,500
2. Operate and maintain a plant materials center to provide a predictable and reliable supply of site-adapted native plants and seeds. a. Coordinate operation of the plant materials center. 10+ $0
b. Produce site-adapted native plant materials for use throughout the province. 10+ $0
c. Maintain facilities and infrastructure. 10+ $0
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Maintain HU's on all protected and enhanced areas. 2003 2007 $3,101,906
2. Operate and maintain a plant materials center to provide a predictable and reliable supply of site-adapted native plants and seeds. 2003 2007 $472,929
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
1. Monitor wildlife and habitat response to protection, enhancement and maintenance activites annually. a. Develop and implement a Tier 2 level monitoring plan/program for the province. 1 $14,612
b. Develop and manage a GIS database to support the monitoring program. 10+ $14,613
c. Conduct HEP surveys as needed to document mitigation credit. 10+ $9,741
d. Conduct vegetation (habitat) and wildlife surveys as prescribed in monitoring plans. 10+ $9,742
e. Monitor public use. 10+ $3,247
2. Adaptively manage mitigation projects using information from the monitoring program. a. Evaluate monitoring data. 10+ $9,741
b. Review site-specific management plans and amend or update as needed based on evaluation of monitoring information. 10+ $9,742
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Monitor wildlife and habitat response to protection, enhancement and maintenance activites annually. 2003 2007 $214,463
2. Adaptively manage mitigation projects using information from the monitoring program. 2003 2007 $104,268
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2003 cost
Personnel FTE: 4.62 (2.5 biologists, 1.0 tech.., 0.92 temp., 0.2 supervision) $159,094
Fringe rate varies by position $54,188
Supplies $288,745
Travel $26,445
Indirect 20.9% $110,451
Capital $2,285,000
NEPA $9,788
Subcontractor $1,134,442
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2003 cost$4,068,153
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 2003 budget request$4,068,153
FY 2003 forecast from 2002$4,792,688
% change from forecast-15.1%
Reason for change in estimated budget

Project has been separated into two province-based components.

Reason for change in scope

Changes in NWPPC Fish and Wildlife Program to province based implementation.

Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind
Idaho Department of Fish and Game Personnel, equipment use, wildlife population surveys, public use monitoring $15,000 in-kind
Bureau of Land Management Appraisals, compliance surveys $10,000 in-kind
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Pesonnel, equipment use $6,000 in-kind

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Fundable only if response is adequate
Mar 1, 2002


A response is needed that describes the prioritization process and a modified M&E section that ensures consistency with recommendations developed by the Albeni Falls Workgroup and review recommendations by the ISRP in addendum to Report ISRP 2001-4 (see www.nwcouncil.org/library/isrp/isrp2001-4.htm).

This is one of four Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation proposals (199505700 though 03). All are more or less identical. Project history and some of the text are identical. Apparently the Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation (SIWM) project was split into Upper and Middle Snake with the IDFG/IOSC, submitting proposals in both places along with the Shoshone-Bannock and Shoshone-Paiute Tribes. The response should more clearly point out their continuing relationship to each other. The ISRP comments on each are mostly identical (except the proposal for a plant center under this proposal #199505700) and a coordinated response from the sponsors would be appropriate. The program has a good track record for acquisition of fee-title to project lands and should be supported. Council should consider the budgets carefully and evaluate the overall cost of the four projects.

The M&E program is underdeveloped. The proponent mentions that they are a member of the interagency work group supporting Proposal #199206100"Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation," but should have included and more completely developed the plans for monitoring and evaluation that were developed by the Albeni Falls Workgroup and reviewed by the ISRP in the addendum to report ISRP 2001-4"Review of Draft Albeni Falls M&E Plan." For monitoring and evaluation of aquatic resources, the proponents may wish to work with the sponsors of Project 199405400 from the ODFW for methods of selection of sampling sites for study of aquatic resources. The proponents should ensure that data collected in this project will be comparable to data collected in other Provinces using common sampling procedures for site selection and common data collection procedures. It is not adequate to simply state that a national monitoring program, such as EMAP or NRI sampling, will be used. The specific sample areas, methods, and sampling frequency and intensity (i.e., how many samples of what type where and when) need to be specified. The ISRP review for FY2000 funding commented that: "However the management plan and the monitoring and evaluation component are not well developed. A clear management plan needs to be developed"...."Data supporting the long-term benefits of particular plantings, weed control, etc., should be taken and presented."..." The monitoring and evaluation plans lack detail. What populations will be monitored? Will a survey design be used that could detect value of enhancements or other active management techniques versus passive restoration?" We note that these deficiencies continue to exist and should be addressed in the response.

This proposal suggests using a programmatic approach rather than identifying specific actions and specific land purchases. Given this approach, it is necessary for the sponsors to describe their prioritization protocol in detail. How will the Albeni Falls model be used? Will some or all of the components of the Albeni Falls prioritization process be used? Although the sponsors are familiar with the Albeni Falls plan, they should ensure that this Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation proposal is consistent with the habitat acquisition and restoration plans developed by the Albeni Falls Workgroup and reviewed by the ISRP in the addendum to the report ISRP 2001-4"Review of Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' Habitat Acquisition and Restoration Plan."

Objective 3 is to develop a plant materials center to provide a predictable and reliable supply of site adapted native plants and seed for habitat restoration and rehabilitation projects. This objective seems to opportunistic given availability of land and irrigation facilities at the Deer Parks Wildlife Mitigation Unit. The response should give specific evidence of the non-availability of native plant material, explain why the private growers (or other suppliers) in Idaho and the region cannot or will not contract to provide plant material, and evaluate the loss of wildlife habitat if this land remains in agricultural production.

High Priority
May 17, 2002


The proposed work provides for ongoing O&M activities. Project sponsors indicate credits will be applied to Palisades and Minidoka.
Jun 7, 2002


Fundable. This is one of four Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation proposals (199505700 though 03). All are more or less identical. Project history and some of the text are identical. Apparently the Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation (SIWM) project was split into Upper and Middle Snake with the IDFG/IOSC, submitting proposals in both places along with the Shoshone-Bannock and Shoshone-Paiute Tribes. The ISRP comments on each are mostly identical (except for the plant center in 199505702).

The proponents have adopted the Albeni Falls M&E Plan for use in southern Idaho in wetland cover types and are in the process of expanding that plan to include techniques for monitoring upland habitat and wildlife species. They anticipate having the draft Southern Idaho Monitoring and Evaluation Plan completed and ready for review by August 1, 2002. The plan should be reviewed by the ISRP before implementation. Also, the proponents should review the response provided by the sponsors of Proposal #32008. Their draft wildlife monitoring and evaluation plan constitutes a significant step toward development of wildlife monitoring protocols that might be recommended to Provinces in the Columbia Basin.

ISRP Final Review Comments for 32008:

The ISRP appreciates the proponents efforts in providing an excellent (but, understandably incomplete) draft wildlife inventory and monitoring plan. This draft provides a step toward development of a model plan for inventory, monitoring, and evaluation of wildlife that might be recommended by CBFWA to state and federal agencies and tribes in the Columbia Basin.

The draft plans for inventory, monitoring and evaluation of wildlife species is an excellent response and represents a good step toward methods that might be recommended throughout the Columbia Basin. The habitat evaluation section of the plan appears to be minimal, emphasizing the need for the region to develop common site selection protocols and data collection methods for monitoring of terrestrial habitat. The ISRP encourages the proponents to continue the association with the interagency work group to develop plans for monitoring and evaluation of wildlife and terrestrial habitat.

A w/ conditions
Jul 23, 2002


While these SIWMP projects are addressing FWP priority species, the funding of the projects needs to be coordinated with other SIWMP proposals. Implementation Phase funding for new habitat acquisitions should be maintained at the FY01 levels (plus inflation factor) pending adoption of Subbasin Plans. In addition, on-going O&M and M&E should be funded to maintain past investments.
Oct 30, 2002


Project Issue 1: Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation Project

Council Recommendation: Support funding this ongoing project. In addition to the carry forward balances on existing projects, fund IDFG in the amount of $287,500 in Fiscal Year 2003 and the Shoshone Paiute Tribe in the amount of $287,500 in Fiscal Year 2003 for operation and maintenance and monitoring and evaluation needs. Increase those amounts by 3.4% in each of the two subsequent fiscal years.

Apr 30, 2003


Fund as recommended
Sep 20, 2003


Total: 2 project in mid snake, 2 in up snake = $3.7million in carry forward from past years, project issue number 1 for mid and upper snake issue papers
Sep 20, 2003


Sponsor unfamiliar with the accrual number. Sponsor identifies: Need to account for O&M for properties acquired in 2002. These may not have been accounted for in provincial review. (04-additional $118,000 needed for Deer Parks - home, equipment storage
Sep 20, 2003


Sep 20, 2003


FY 2004: This requested increase includes $118,000 of O&M costs. During the provincial allocation, Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation (SIWM) Upper Snake funding was split 50:50 between IDFG and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, although the O&M costs of BPA-purchased properties that IDFG managed at the time of the allocation exceeded the costs of BPA properties the Sho-Bans manage. The Deer Parks complex has immediate needs for a manager's residence, an equipment storage building, and replacement of an old, deteriorating watering system. Also, IDFG’s allocation did not include provisions for O&M costs of the Horkley property (160 ac, purchased autumn 2002), Allen property (80 ac, purchased autumn 2002), or Rice property (1,361 ac, purchased spring 2002). Also, Quarter Circle O property O&M activities did not occur during 2002, and the contract expired. As with the other properties, weed control, maintenance of previous plantings, etc. are needed. Activities for which we request funding are necessary to protect BPA’s previous investments in wildlife mitigation. The requested increases for FY 2004 and 2005 are $________ per year for land acquisition. The proposal is for this capital to be cooperatively shared between IDFG and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes.
NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$4,300,000 $4,300,000 $4,300,000

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website