FY 2002 Mountain Snake proposal 199202603

Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleUpper Salmon Basin Watershed Project Administration/Implementation Support
Proposal ID199202603
OrganizationIdaho Soil Conservation Commission and Idaho Office of Species Conservation (ISCC/IOSC)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameKatie Slavin
Mailing address206 Van Dreff, Ste. A Salmon, ID 83467
Phone / email2087566322 / [email protected]
Manager authorizing this projectJerry Nicolescu
Review cycleMountain Snake
Province / SubbasinMountain Snake / Salmon
Short descriptionProvide local coordination and guidance for implementation of on-the-ground projects that improve and enhance anadromous and resident fish habitat.
Target speciesSnake River Spring/Summer Chinook, Snake River Steelhead, Bull Trout, Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Redband Rainbow Trout, and other aquatic and riparian-associated species native to the watershed
Project location
45.1 -113.73 Lemhi Watershed HUC No. 17060204
44.6923 -114.0485 Pahsimeroi Watershed HUC No. 17060202
44.2682 -114.3265 East Fork of the Salmon River Watershed HUC No. 17060201
44.26 -114.37 Upper Salmon Watershed HUC No. 17060201
45.3157 -114.4047 Middle Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds HUC No. 17060203
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)


Habitat RPA Action 149
Habitat RPA Action 150
Habitat RPA Action 151
Habitat RPA Action 153

Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription
NMFS Action 154 NMFS BPA shall work with the NWPPC to ensure development and updating of subbasin assessments and plans; match state and local funding for coordinated development of watershed assessments and plans; and help fund technical support for subbasin and watershed plan implementation from 2001 to 2006. Planning for priority subbasins should be completed by the 2003 check-in. The action agencies will work with other Federal agencies to ensure that subbasin and watershed assessments and plans are coordinated across non-Federal and Federal land ownerships and programs.
NMFS Action 152 NMFS The Action Agencies shall coordinate their efforts and support offsite habitat enhancement measures undertaken by other Federal agencies, states, Tribes, and local governments by the following:

Section 2. Past accomplishments

2000 Change name from Model Watershed to Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP)
Define Model Watershed boundaries to encompass Upper Salmon Basin from the Middle Fork to the headwaters.
Held monthly Technical Team meetings to review, prioritize, and implement projects.
Convened quarterly Advisory Committee meetings to review, and approve projects for submittal to NPPC.
Provide input to Pahsimeroi Watershed interagency review.
Worked with NMFS, USFWS, IOSC, IDWR, LID, Water Dist. 4, and IDFG to complete Conservation Agreement in the Lemhi River Basin.
Participate with LID, W.D. 74, IDWR and Idaho Legislators to establish Water Bank to ensure adequate flows for fish passage in the Lemhi River.
Presentation to Idaho Cattle Association on watershed protection and enhancement.
Presentation to Lemhi SWCD on watershed protection and enhancement.
School presentations and workshops on watershed issues.
Provide input and review on Lemhi River TMDL.
Assist Custer and Lemhi SWCD's to transfer information and gain support for projects on private land.
Provide information and assistance to Salmon Basin Advisory Group.
Provide input to Custer Stewardship Group
1999 Gained Advisory Committee and Technical Team local acceptance for defining Model Watershed boundaries as including the Salmon Sub-basin from the mouth of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River to its headwaters in the Upper Stanley Basin.
Initiated Salmon Sub-basin Aquatic Ecosystem Review
Reported and assisted Custer and Lemhi SWCD's to transfer information and gain support for projects on private land.
Collaborated with Grande Ronde Model Watershed in developing a database to track Model Watershed projects.
Presented Model Watershed process to fisheries biologists and watershed groups in Jackson, Wyoming and locally to US Forest Service biologists, hydrologists, and scientists.
Provided fish habitat input at two meetings of Salmon Basin Advisory Group.
Convened five meetings of Advisory Committee to review and prioritize projects for submission to NPPC.
Coordinated with IDFG screening program.
Developed and implemented long term agreements with owners and operators of private lands for fish habitat improvement projects.
Supported the Shoshone Bannock Tribes, Trout Unlimited, and private cooperators with placement of 360,000 fish eggs through the hatch box program.
Proposed support and coordination to the East Fork Watershed Group.
Brought together NRCS, BoR, IDFG, and multiple private landowners and irrigators to consolidate four major irrigation diversions on the Salmon River.
Developed historical GIS layer of Lemhi River Geomorphology from 1939 and 1992 data.
Coordinate the Lower Lemhi River Geomorphology study with NRCS and Lemhi SWCD.
Provide interpretative display and staffed booth and Lemhi County Fair.
Participated in Statehouse display for legislature members and the public at Idaho Capitol building.
Assisted students with preparation for Idaho Envirothon.
Made school presentations at Natural Resources Day and Poster Contests in Salmon and Challis.
Presented poster display at Federal Caucus meeting in Idaho Falls.
Interviewed by Capitol Press and featured in September 3 issue.
Provided input to Lemhi River TMDL implementation plan.
1998 In conjunction with Custer SWCD, completed Gini Canal consolidation of three irrigation diversions
Conducted tour of proposed habitat projects for USFWS, NMFS, IDWR, and Army Corps of Engineers.
Provided on-site review of projects to BPA COTR.
Inspected projects in all watersheds with CBFWA representative.
Identified needs and coordinated sources of technical assistance for on-the-ground projects with NRCS, BLM, BoR, and IDFG.
Assisted with selection of TMDL-Water Quality specialist for SCC to address Lemhi River TMDL.
Coordinate with DEQ and Blackbird Mine with mitigation funding to protect fish habitat on 8 miles of Lemhi River.
Met with Challis 12 Mile Group and Upper Salmon WAG to offer support and technical assistance.
Presented watershed information at Natural Resources Day at Challis Elementary.
Contacted Sawtooth National Recreation Area to explore expansion possibilities.
Obtained riparian, rangeland, and Arc View training to SWCD habitat planner through NRCS and University of Idaho.
Obtained agreement with BoR to cost share on L-31 & L-32 siphons with grant to Lemhi SWCD.
Participated in bridge mitigation discussions with Idaho Dept. of Transportation, NMFS, and USFWS.
Worked with Yankee Fork Watershed Group to solicit funds for dredge tailing restoration.
Assisted with review of subregional (Salmon & Clearwater) projects for NPPC Fish and Wildlife Program.
Guided Lemhi County Riparian Habitat Conservation Agreement Watershed Group in streamlining 404 permitting process.
Worked with landowners, SNRA, IDFG, Sawtooth Wildlife Council, and Idaho Conservation League to identify needs and opportunities to enhance fisheries in upper Salmon subbasin.
Coordinate Monitoring activities and efforts among USFS, BLM, IDFG, and Sho-Ban Tribes.
Assisted USFS, IDFG, and private landowners with placement of 12 hatch boxes with steelhead eggs on private lands. Boxes contained 490,000 eggs and achieved hatch out rate of 75%.
Completed NEPA documentation and biological assessments for al projects.
Assisted Custer and Lemhi SWCD's with completion of BPA funding proposals for habitat and fish passage enhancement projects.
Assisted SWCD's in pursuing funding opportunities for habitat improvement through BPA, BoR, IDFG, USFWS, USFS, and NRCS.
Coordinated with Custer and Lemhi SWCD's each month to transfer information and gain support to projects on private lands.
1997 Provided information and assistance with data review to NRCS for Lemhi Cooperative River Basin Study.
Assisted Custer and Lemhi SWCD's with hiring habitat planning and implementation specialist.
In conjunction with BoR, completed canal diversion consolidation demo.
Assisted NMFS, BLM, and DEQ with establishment of key areas and techniques for riparian vegetation monitoring.
Completed planning with Idaho Dept. of Transportation for fish habitat improvement on Lemhi River.
Assisted BPA staff with Columbia Basin Watershed Projects Environmental Statement public scoping meeting and participated in meetings and planning efforts with DEQ relevant to bull trout and 303(d) streams.
Assisted Hannah Slough and Custer SWCD with completion of streambank stabilization actions to protect spawning and rearing habitat.
Pursued conservation easement alternatives for long term management on the East Fork with landowners, IDFG, and Nature Conservancy.
Coordinated, consulted, and assisted NRCS geomorphologist and engineer to design plan for bank stabilization and irrigation efficiency improvement opportunities with East Fork landowners. Implemented initial phase of plan.
Serve as lead to project implementation for Lemhi County Riparian Habitat Conservation Agreement.
Assisted with permitting process for streambank stabilization and project planning on Hannah Slough near Challis.
Participated in community building speaker series sponsored by Sawtooth Wildlife Council.
Assisted CoE with NMFS consultation for projects on East Fork, Main Salmon, and Lemhi Rivers and developed streamlined prototype for future consultations.
Coordinated hatchbox instalation among 8 landowners and 4 agencies on 20 sites. Placed one million eggs, obtaining a hatchout rate of 76%.
Assisted SWCD's in pursuing funding opportunities for habitat improvement through BPA, BoR, IDFG, USFWS, USFS, and NRCS.
Completed NEPA documentation and biological assessments for all projects.
Assisted Custer and Lemhi SWCD's to complete proposals to BPA for habitat and fish passage enhancement projects.
Provided information on fish habitat status and enhancement projects to Salmon BAG and Challis WAG.
Wrote and edited "Model Watershed Plan" with assistance of Tech Team, Advisory Committee, SWCD's, and others to identify and prioritize fish habitat projects on Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, and East Fork Rivers.
Consulted monthly with Custer and Lemhi SWCD's to transfer information and gain support for projects on private lands.
1996 Assisted SWCD's in pursuing funding opportunities for habitat improvement through BPA, BoR, IDFG, USFWS, USFS, and NRCS.
Published and distributed 500 "Model Watershed Plans" to landowners and interested parties.
Provided information on fish habitat status and enhancement projects to Salmon BAG and Challis WAG.
Consulted monthly with Custer and Lemhi SWCD's to transfer information and gain support for projects on private lands.
Published 4 newsletters for public information.
1995 Consulted monthly with Custer and Lemhi SWCD's to transfer information and gain support for projects on private lands.
Provided information on fish habitat status and enhancement projects to Salmon BAG and Challis WAG.
Obtained recommendations from Advisory Committee and Tech Team on actions for fisheries/watershed projects.
Model Watershed featured in PBS production of "Incredible Idaho."
Played major role in "A Place to Come Home To", a video produced by NRCS and SWCD's about efforts to improve fish habitat.
Developed and implemented BoR irrigation plan.
Assisted SWCD's in pursuing funding opportunities for habitat improvement through BPA, BoR, IDFG, USFWS, USFS, and NRCS.
1994 Held 2 day Salmon Symposium in Salmon to provide information on salmon and ESA issues to the public with over 100 people attending .
Obtained recommendations from Advisory Committee and Tech Team on actions for fisheries/watershed projects.
Implemented fish flow agreement with Lemhi irrigators.
Conducted voluntary "fish flush" on Lemhi River to provide water for stranded fish.
Coordinate effort to inventory 110 miles of habitat on private land for occupied spring chinook on Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, and East Fork Rivers.
Obtained permission from hundreds of private landowners to allow interagency teams to conduct habitat inventory mentioned above.
Enter information gathered in habitat inventory into data base for future reference.
Hosted NMFS and BPA for tour of project watersheds.
Recommend strategy for identification of procedures to develop a prioritized water conservation plan.
1993 Sponsored meeting for irrigators, SCC, SWCD's, and agencies to initiate Model Watershed efforts.
Formed Model Watershed Advisory Committee and Technical Team with representatives from SWCD, landowners, Tribes, local, state, city and federal agencies, and environmental interests.
Issued 4 newsletters to keep public informed of fishery issues.
Obtained recommendations from Advisory Commitee and Tech Team on actions for fisheries/watershed projects.

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription
199401700 Idaho Model Watershed Habitat Project RPA Action # 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 - Habitat protection, restoration, and complexity on Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, and East Fork Watersheds.
199306200 Upper Salmon River Anadromous Fish Passage Enhancement RPA Action # 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 - Improve Passage on Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, and East Fork Watersheds.
199600700 Upper Salmon River Diversion Consolidation Project RPA Action # 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 - Consolidate irrigation diversions on Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, and Upper Salmon Watersheds.
199401500 Idaho Fish Screening Improvment (Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game) RPA Action # 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 - Construction and installation of fish screens and diversions on Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork and Upper Salmon Watersheds.
199901900 Restore Salmon River Challis, Idaho Area RPA Action # 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 - Restore natural river morphology and function in Upper Salmon River Watershed.
200105200 Hawley Creek RPA Action # 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 - Increase tributary flows to the Lemhi River Watershed.
200105100 Little Morgan Creek RPA Action # 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 - Increase tributary flows to the Pahsimeroi River Watershed.
East Fork Easement RPA Action # 149, 150, 151, 152, 153 - Restore natural function of flood plain in East Fork Salmon River Watershed.
199405000 Salmon River Habitat O&M RPA Action # 149, 150, 152 - Monitoring and evaluation

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2002 costSubcontractor
1. Guide Subbasin Assessment on Upper Salmon River Basin which includes the Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. a. Provide communication link between USBWP Advisory Committee, USBWP Technical Team consisting of tribal, federal and state fish biologists and environmental engineers, U of I, and Soil and Water Conservation Districts. 2 $8,650
1. b. Through USBWP Technical Team, provide local technical input and review to ensure accurate site-specific information 2 $8,650
2. Initiate actions to develop subbasin plan which includes the Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. a. Provide communication link between USBWP Advisory Committee, USBWP Technical Team consisting of tribal, federal and state fish biologists and environmental engineers, U of I, and Soil and Water Conservation Districts. 3 $8,650
2. b. Through USBWP Technical Team, provide local technical input and review to ensure accurate site-specific information 3 $8,650
3. Prioritize habitat actions (projects) based on subbasin assessment and plan for Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. a. USBWP Technical Team will use EDT and other appropriate models to identify priority reaches and projects within Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. Ongoing $8,650
3. b. USBWP Advisory Committee reviews proposals and recommendations for projects from Technical Team and provides local input. These recommendations are submitted to NPPC and BPA for funding. Ongoing $8,650
4. Work with NMFS in development of the recovery plan to establish population and ESU goals for abundance, productivity, distribution, and diversity of ESA listed fish. a. Provide technical information to assist NMFS in development of recovery plan. 3 $10,700
4. b. Liaison between NMFS and private landowners. 3 $10,700
5. Coordination of watershed issues in relation to ESA listed fish species across jurisdictional responsibilities. a. Coordinate among jurisdictions including NMFS, Tribes, BoR, BLM, USFWS, USFS, IDFG, NRCS, DEQ, IDWR, Lemhi & Custer SWCD's, local irrigation districts, private landowners, local governments and stakeholders. Ongoing $8,650
5. b. Coordination with the NPPC, BPA and Idaho Office of Species Conservation (IOSC) to implement the Basin wide Salmon Recovery Strategy. Ongoing $8,650
6. Coordinate consistency of implementation among subbasins. a. Exercise USBWP policy to ensure uniformity of project application. Ongoing $10,700
7. Prepare projects for protection, restoration and complexity of fish habitat in Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. a. Secure public input on projects Ongoing $8,650
7. b. Prepare biological assessments. Ongoing $10,700
7. c. Meet environmental compliance through NEPA and HAZMAT processes. Ongoing $9,400 Yes
7. d. Meet cultural resource compliance. Ongoing $9,400 Yes
7. e. Obtain appropriate permits Ongoing $8,650
7. f. Environmental compliance specialist assists biologist with contract preparation and administration for construction Ongoing $8,650
7. g. Procure appraisals for acquisition of fee titles or easements. Ongoing $8,650
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Guide Subbasin Assessment on Upper Salmon River Basin which includes the Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. 2003 2003 $20,000
2. Initiate actions to develop subbasin plan which includes the Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. 2003 2004 $42,000
3. Prioritize habitat actions (projects) based on subbasin assessment and plan for Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. 2003 2006 $100,000
4. Work with NMFS in development of the recovery plan to establish population and ESU goals for abundance, productivity, distribution, and diversity of ESA listed fish. 2003 2004 $45,000
5. Coordination of watershed issues in relation to ESA listed fish species across jurisdictional responsibilities. 2003 2006 $100,000
6. Coordinate consistency of implementation among subbasins. 2003 2006 $65,000
7. Prepare projects for protection, restoration and complexity of fish habitat in Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Upper Salmon and Mid-Salmon/Panther Creek Watersheds. 2003 2006 $290,000
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase
FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2002 costSubcontractor
1. Conduct outreach program to disseminate information on watershed activities and gain public and landowner support. a. Lead landowner/operator tours of projects. Ongoing $8,700
1. b. Consult and negotiate with landowners or other interested parties to implement habitat protection and enhancement practices through long term agreements. Ongoing $23,350
1. c. Conduct public meetings and presentations, publish newsletters, and submit news releases concerning watershed activities. Ongoing $23,350
2. Integrate funding from all sources to meet habitat goals. a. Seek funding and in-kind services from private landowners, IOSC, NMFS, BPA, BoR, IDFG, DOT, NRCS, BLM, FSA, USFS, USFWS, ISCC, EPA, DEQ, Tribes, and environmental entities. Ongoing $8,700
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Conduct outreach program to disseminate information on watershed activities and gain public and landowner support. 2003 2006 $216,000
2. Integrate funding from all sources to meet habitat goals. 2003 2006 $55,000
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2002 costSubcontractor
1. Operation and Maintenance coordination and oversight. a. Actual O&M funding for projects will be associated with projects related to Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Middle Salmon/Panther, Upper Salmon proposals. Ongoing $6,820
2. Maintain investment in project protection and enhancement actions. a. Work with project biologists and engineers to ensure consistency in implementation of operation and maintenance of habitat improvement contracts according to design. Ongoing $6,820
2. b. Modify contracts as needed to address specific habitat needs. Ongoing $6,820
2. c. Conduct annual status reviews of long term agreements to ensure contract compliance. Ongoing $6,820
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Operation and Maintenance 2003 2006 $30,000
2. Maintain investment and project actions. 2003 2006 $90,000
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2002 costSubcontractor
1. Coordination and oversite to monitoring of on-the-ground projects in the Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Mid-Salmon/Panther and Upper Salmon Basins. a. Actual M&E funding for monitoring specialist and project biologists will be associated with Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Middle Salmon/Panther, Upper Salmon project proposals. Ongoing $4,764
1. b. Coordinate USBWP Technical Team input to monitoring procedure design developed by monitoring specialist. Ongoing $4,764
1. c. Provide oversight and assistance to monitoring specialist and biologist's collection of monitoring data Ongoing $4,764
1. d. Through USBWP Technical Team, conduct review of monitoring report developed by monitoring specialist for the Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Middle Salmon/Panther, and Upper Salmon projects. Ongoing $4,764
1. e. Distribute annual report to interested parties. Ongoing $4,764
2. Utilize monitoring data as a feedback loop to evaluate effectiveness of projects and to utilize adaptive management approach to guide future habitat protection and enhancement practices. a. Coordinate USBWP Technical Team review of monitoring information on an on-going basis to guide the protection and enhancement practices. Ongoing $4,764
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
1. Coordination and oversite of monitoring of on-the-ground projects in the Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork, Mid-Salmon/Panther and Upper Salmon Basins. 2003 2006 $95,000
2.Utilize monitoring data as a feedback loop to evaluate effectiveness of projects and to utilize adaptive management approach to guide future habitat proteciton and enhancement practices 2003 2006 $27,000
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2002 cost
Personnel FTE: 2.67 plus part time support staff $124,496
Fringe 26.2% salary plus approx. $4,600 med/FTE $47,336
Supplies $59,670
Travel $13,690
Indirect 8.97% budget excluding capital items $22,848
Subcontractor NEPA, HAZMAT $17,324
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2002 cost$285,364
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 2002 budget request$285,364
FY 2002 forecast from 2001$280,500
% change from forecast1.7%
Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind
ISCC Technical Assistance $20,000 in-kind
ISCC Water Quality Program cost-share $150,000 cash
USDA-NRCS Technical and engineering assistance $5,000 in-kind
USDA-NRCS EQIP cost-share $75,000 cash
IDFG, USFS, BLM,BoR Technical Assistance $20,000 in-kind
FSA CRP Continuous Signup $100,000 cash
Private Landowners and Operators Matching Funds, Labor and Equipment $250,000 in-kind

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Fundable only if response is adequate
Sep 28, 2001


A response is needed for this collection of 6 numbered projects. The fencing projects, screening projects, and some additional actions in the watershed appear warranted and will likely benefit fish. The past actions on fencing the creeks and letting the streams restore themselves without planting or channel modification are justified for those sites. However, the set of proposals goes beyond "flat-tire" fixes. Consequently, the program needs a well-defined watershed assessment and project prioritization effort with a protocol for sampling projects for effectiveness monitoring. Evidence, including data, should be provided that monitoring conducted by other projects is sufficient to evaluate overall trends in numbers of adult and juvenile anadromous species in these subbasins and watersheds. These points are alluded to in the proposal and presentation, but the response should provide more detail.

In terms of working with EDT, the sponsors should consider conferring with Bruce Watson of the Yakama Nation fish and wildlife department.

The presentation was broken into a series of sub-presentations based on geography. Most listed the usual list of limiting factors, but did not provide much insight into proposed future actions. The list of opportunities for actions was fairly comprehensive, but did not provide a sense of prioritized actions. Many different agencies are doing many different kinds of monitoring. There seems to be opportunity for improvement and coordination.

The Lemhi has laudatory involvement from local stakeholders, as well as a functioning technical committee in place.

There seems to be a disconnect between the "fix the flat-tire" approach and the prioritization effort described in the presentation. Although some problems are obvious, what is the strategy? Should they start at the bottom or top of watershed? Start fixing the portion with best spawning or rearing habitat?

The ISRP does not expect a research level monitoring and evaluation scientific study in this project. Tier I trend monitoring for effectiveness of the project, as described in the introduction to this report, should be sufficient. It may be sufficient to have a regular schedule for checking effectiveness of previous projects, monitoring of water temperatures and cover habitat, etc., e.g., a small systematic sample of projects might be monitored for effectiveness each year so that over a 5 year period, all are surveyed for basic measures.

It does not appear that any of the current monitoring is sufficient to make statistical inferences to these subbasins and watersheds.

The proponents should clarify if or when data from these projects will be available in StreamNet with metadata (methods).

The review group suggests that future terrestrial monitoring efforts be made compatible with one of the national terrestrial survey efforts. Perhaps an intensification of the National Resources Inventory survey sites and data collection protocols would serve the region well. See the Proposals #200002300 and #200020116 and ISRP reviews in the Columbia Plateau.

High Priority
Nov 30, 2001


This project addresses RPAs 152 and 154. The reviewers are curious how the administrative costs in this proposal tie in with the significant administrative costs included in project numbers 28036, 28037, 28038, 28039, and 28040. Watershed assessments have been requested for the past several years. Are those assessments being completed?
Dec 21, 2001


This collection of numbered proposals are fundable in part for support of the administrative objectives under 199202603. The other objectives and five new proposals are too premature to be reviewed from a scientific point of view at this point in time. Necessary funds and direction should be provided for project 199202603 so that over the next 3 years prioritization of projects and planning, including watershed assessments, are completed.

An analysis of the amount of water and bank protection that realistically can be restored should be made. Specialists, such as those presently being consulted, could use this information and attempt to predict what channel characteristics and dynamics might be expected from the expected water and bank restoration. Such an analysis can also show where actions are needed to facilitate development of more favorable fish habitat, and provide a basis for prioritizing projects. Responses to reviewer comments indicated that the proponents are working with channel specialists from the University of Idaho to complete the first steps described above. Successful demonstration that these initial steps have been completed and incorporated into the program should be prerequisite to continued funding.

The ISRP appreciates the commitment to develop a more unified monitoring and evaluation program. These attempts should be coordinated among other projects with aquatic and terrestrial monitoring responsibilities. See the ISRP reviews and proponent's responses to ISRP initial concerns on project proposal #28018. The proponents are referred to the programmatic section of this report on Monitoring, the specific comments on Aquatic Monitoring and Evaluation, and the specific comments on Terrestrial Monitoring and Evaluation.

The Lemhi has laudatory involvement from local stakeholders, as well as a functioning technical committee in place.

In the review of project 28019, the ISRP recommends that projects dealing with animal feeding operations in the Upper Salmon basin be considered for funding as part of Project #199202603 and related proposals submitted by the Custer and Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Those projects either have or are developing criteria for effective prioritization of projects for benefit of fish in the subbasin. The ISRP recommends that the Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project give priority to identifying key feeding operations and to coordinating remediation with their owners and with the ISDA and IOSC and other funding sources.

Feb 1, 2002


Statement of Potential Biological Benefit to ESU
Benefits are indirect. The intent of the project is to plan, coordinate, and prioritize restoration actions and projects in the Upper Salmon Basin.

Many of the projects that might fit under this umbrella have merit, but it is hard to see the focus. This project intends to coordinate and administer the six projects, each of which already has a large budget component for administration and communication.

Already ESA Req? No

Biop? Yes

Feb 11, 2002


Recommend funding consistent with Council's subbasin planning and as implementation of RPAs 152 and 154. This is the administrative function of the Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project, which covers proposals 28036, 28037, 28038, 28039, 28040. We are recommending funding of limited habitat improvements for BiOp RPA purposes in these projects. This project is needed for planning and implementation support of those projects.

152, 154

154, 152

Apr 19, 2002


Council recommendation: The ISRP reviewed project 199202603 and the five proposals with new project numbers [28036, 28037, 28038, 28039, 28040] as a package (these are not new projects, they represent ongoing activities that had been restructured with new project numbers -- this is discussed further below). The ISRP found the administrative and implementation support objectives of project 199202603 fundable. The objective of this project is to maintain, enhance, and restore anadromous and resident fish habitat while achieving and maintaining a balance between resource protection and resource use on a holistic watershed management basis. This project serves as the coordinating entity for fish habitat maintenance and enhancement priorities established in the Upper Salmon model watershed plan. The project is coordinated through the Idaho Soil Conservation Commission with the Custer and Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation Districts. The program utilizes a local advisory committee representing private, state, and local land managers and other interests, with a technical advisory team assisting with prioritizing on-the-ground projects.

The five "sub-projects" within this package received a "not fundable" recommendation. This collection of proposals contemplated a significant expansion of scope, intensity, and type of activities beyond what had been ongoing in past years. The proposed program would have expanded to over $12 million dollars for Fiscal Year 2002 alone. The ISRP's comments clearly show that it was not comfortable with the significant expansion contemplated for the Upper Salmon River subbasin SWCD program. The ISRP comments reveal that such a substantial expansion could not be scientifically justified without further assessment and planning.

Council staff met with the sponsors, Bonneville staff, and other interests associated with the proposals to evaluate the ISRP comments as well as the Council's general funding considerations. During those discussions the group noted that the ISRP's preliminary report was actually quite supportive of the scope, intensity level, and type of work that had been conducted in the Upper Salmon in past years. The ISRP's preliminary report stated:

The fencing projects, screening projects, and some additional actions in the watershed appear warranted and will likely benefit fish. The past actions on fencing the creeks and letting the streams restore themselves without planting or channel modification are justified for those sites. However, the set of proposals goes beyond "flat-tire" fixes. Consequently, the program needs a well-defined watershed assessment and project prioritization effort with a protocol for sampling projects for effectiveness monitoring.

The sponsors suggested that its Upper Salmon habitat program be scaled back to its previous scope, and to focus on the passive habitat restoration activities that the ISRP determined to be warranted and a benefit to fish. The Council staff agreed that this would be advisable in light of the ISRP recommendations, and staff supports the projects that have been reconfigured in that light. This work continues to be an extremely high priority for the state, managers, and interested parties in the subbasin, and within the province as a whole.

Bonneville comments provided an "A" rating for the administrative project and for each of the five sub-proposals. Bonneville's "A" ranking for the five sub-proposals was conditioned on limiting the scope and nature of the activities to essentially those supported by the ISRP's Preliminary Report recommendations, including riparian easements, riparian exclusion fencing, irrigation diversion consolidation or elimination, and fish passage barrier removal.

In previous funding cycles the Custer and Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation Districts implemented their habitat restoration projects under the following four projects (Administrative #199202603, Habitat #199401700, Passage #199306200, Upper Salmon #199600700). In response to Bonneville staff suggestions, as part of the Mountain Snake project proposal solicitation, the sponsor realigned these projects into one ongoing project (Administrative 199202603) and divided the implementation related work into five separate proposals with new project numbers (Lemhi 28037, Middle Salmon - Panther 28039, Pahsimeroi 28036, East Fork 28038, Upper Salmon 28040). One of the main reasons for this reconfiguration was to better accommodate the proposed substantial expansion in the scope, intensity, and nature of the work. After discussions with the sponsor and scaling back the scope of work in light of ISRP and Bonneville comments, it was agreed that the ongoing work would be better managed with two contracts.

The Council recommends that this work be accomplished through two contracts. The first is ongoing administrative contract #199202603. It should be used to administer funds for the Watershed office. The previously existing habitat project contract #199401700 should be used to administer funds between the Custer and Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation Districts for the on-the-ground project implementation elements that are described in projects # 28036, #28037, #28038, #28039, , and #28040. That contract funding level for 199401700 is the total of the funding recommendations for each of the sub-projects as presented in Table 1. The apportionment of the funds to the various watershed areas can also be determined from the Table 1. funding summary.

Jun 13, 2002


Fund to implement RPA's 152 and 154. This is the administrative function of the Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project, which covers proposals 28036, 28037, 28038, 28039, 28040. This project is needed for planning and implementation support of those projects.
Sep 20, 2003


Still waiting on contract - should be in the works. 3.4% increase. On track - coordinator to be hired soon. Need to align provincial decision to accurate project numbers.
Sep 20, 2003


NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$356,458 $356,458 $356,458

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website