List of proposals for FY 2003 Lower Columbia Review Cycle
Click IDs to see full proposals
ID | Title | Sponsor | Province | Subbasin |
31001 | Artificial production facilities improvements to support Lower Columbia chum salmon reintroduction into the Chinook River | Sea Resources | Lower Columbia | Columbia Estuary |
31002 | Wildlife Habitat Protection, Lower McKenzie Watershed (Jaqua) | Nature Conservancy | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31003 | Distribution and life history characteristics of lampreys in tributaries of the lower Columbia River Basin | U.S. DOI USFWS | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
31004 | Salmon Carcass Enrichment -- Willamette (Clackamas) & Sandy Subbasins | U.S. DA USFS | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31005 | Incorporating Pit Tag Technology to Evaluate and Monitor the Reintroduction Effort for Anadromous Salmonids in the Upper Cowlitz Watershed | WDFW | Lower Columbia | Cowlitz |
31006 | Protect Wood's Landing Chum Spawning Site | City of Vancouver, WA | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
31007 | Distribution and seasonal habitat use of ESA-listed salmonid species in City of Portland tributary streams | City of Portland, OR | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31010 | Re-open Off-channel Habitat for Lower Columbia ESU | City of Portland, OR | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31011 | Renaturalize Functional Floodplain Habitat within the Portland Reach of the Lower Willamette River | Zidell | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31012 | Leveraging Conservation Easements for Fish and Wildlife in the Willamette Basin | Cascade Pacific RC&D | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31013 | Investigate Re-establishing Anadromous Fish Populations Above man-made Barriers | ODFW | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31014 | Evaluate juvenile salmonid use of restored floodplain wetlands in the Lower Columbia River Estuary | Ducks Unlimited | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
31015 | Sturgeon Lake/Dairy Creek Restoration | West Multnomah SWCD | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
31016 | Calapooia River Flow Acquisition and Fish Passage Assessment | ODFW | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31017 | Monitor and evaluate the success of hatchery salmonid reproduction for reintroduction of anadromous salmonids to the upper Cowlitz Basin | WDFW | Lower Columbia | Cowlitz |
31018 | Willamette Basin Riparian Project | Marion SWCD | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31019 | Fish Passage Assessment and Prioritization Program | Washington County LU&T | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31021 | Reduction of gravel road sediment production & interruption of sediment delivery to streams | Washington County LU&T | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31022 | Establish a Water Cleanup Plan (temperature TMDL) for the East Fork of the Lewis subbasin | Washington Dept Ecology | Lower Columbia | Lewis |
31023 | Stream Gaging Installation and Operations in the Lewis, Salmon/Washougal, and Gray/Elochoman Subbasins | Washington Dept Ecology | Lower Columbia | Cowlitz |
31025 | Construct Fish Screen and Fish Passage Improvements at Lebanon Diversion Dam on South Santiam River | City of Albany, OR | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31027 | Movements and Survival of Juvenile and Adult Bull Trout | U.S. DOI USFWS | Lower Columbia | Lewis |
31028 | Replace Upper and Lower Bennett Dam Fish Ladders in the North Santiam River at Geren Island (Stayton Island) | City of Salem, OR | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31029 | Clark County ESA Outreach Program | Clark County, WA | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
31030 | Santiam Water Control District Fish Screen and Passage Project | Santiam WCD | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
31031 | Clatsop County Fisheries Restoration Project | Clatsop County, OR | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
31032 | Develop a Well Water Supply System for the Hardy Creek Chum Salmon Spawning Channel | U.S. DOI USFWS | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
31033 | Restoration of Columbia River Floodplain Functions to Steigerwald Lake | U.S. DOI USFWS | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
31034 | Salmonid Population and Habitat Monitoring in the Oregon Portion of the Lower Columbia Province | ODFW | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
199107800 | Burlington Bottoms Wildlife Mitigation Project | ODFW | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
199205900 | Amazon Basin/Eugene Wetlands Phase Two | Nature Conservancy | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
199206800 | Implement Willamette Basin Mitigation Program | ODFW | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
199306000 | Select Area Fishery Evaluation Project | WDFW | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
199405300 | Middle Fork Willamette River Bull Trout Re-introduction and Basinwide Monitoring | ODFW | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
199607000 | McKenzie River Focus Watershed Program Coordination and Habitat Restoration | McKenzie WC | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
199902500 | Sandy River Delta Riparian Forest, Wetlands, and Anadromous Estuary Restoration | U.S. DA USFS | Lower Columbia | Sandy |
200001200 | Evaluate factors limiting Columbia River gorge chum salmon populations. | U.S. DOI USFWS | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
200001400 | Evaluate habitat use and population dynamics of lampreys in Cedar Creek | U.S. DOI USFWS | Lower Columbia | Lewis |
200001600 | Protect and Enhance Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Additions | U.S. DOI USFWS | Lower Columbia | Willamette |
200105300 | Re-introduction of Lower Columbia River Chum Salmon into Duncan Creek | PSMFC | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
200301200 | Protect, Enhance and Maintain Wetland, Riparian and Upland Habitat on the Shillapoo Wildlife Area | WDFW | Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower |
200304600 | Monitor Coweeman River Salmonid Populations | WDFW | Lower Columbia | Cowlitz |