List of proposals for FY 2003 Lower Columbia Review Cycle

Click IDs to see full proposals

31001 Artificial production facilities improvements to support Lower Columbia chum salmon reintroduction into the Chinook River Sea Resources Lower Columbia Columbia Estuary
31002 Wildlife Habitat Protection, Lower McKenzie Watershed (Jaqua) Nature Conservancy Lower Columbia Willamette
31003 Distribution and life history characteristics of lampreys in tributaries of the lower Columbia River Basin U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
31004 Salmon Carcass Enrichment -- Willamette (Clackamas) & Sandy Subbasins U.S. DA USFS Lower Columbia Willamette
31005 Incorporating Pit Tag Technology to Evaluate and Monitor the Reintroduction Effort for Anadromous Salmonids in the Upper Cowlitz Watershed WDFW Lower Columbia Cowlitz
31006 Protect Wood's Landing Chum Spawning Site City of Vancouver, WA Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
31007 Distribution and seasonal habitat use of ESA-listed salmonid species in City of Portland tributary streams City of Portland, OR Lower Columbia Willamette
31010 Re-open Off-channel Habitat for Lower Columbia ESU City of Portland, OR Lower Columbia Willamette
31011 Renaturalize Functional Floodplain Habitat within the Portland Reach of the Lower Willamette River Zidell Lower Columbia Willamette
31012 Leveraging Conservation Easements for Fish and Wildlife in the Willamette Basin Cascade Pacific RC&D Lower Columbia Willamette
31013 Investigate Re-establishing Anadromous Fish Populations Above man-made Barriers ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
31014 Evaluate juvenile salmonid use of restored floodplain wetlands in the Lower Columbia River Estuary Ducks Unlimited Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
31015 Sturgeon Lake/Dairy Creek Restoration West Multnomah SWCD Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
31016 Calapooia River Flow Acquisition and Fish Passage Assessment ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
31017 Monitor and evaluate the success of hatchery salmonid reproduction for reintroduction of anadromous salmonids to the upper Cowlitz Basin WDFW Lower Columbia Cowlitz
31018 Willamette Basin Riparian Project Marion SWCD Lower Columbia Willamette
31019 Fish Passage Assessment and Prioritization Program Washington County LU&T Lower Columbia Willamette
31021 Reduction of gravel road sediment production & interruption of sediment delivery to streams Washington County LU&T Lower Columbia Willamette
31022 Establish a Water Cleanup Plan (temperature TMDL) for the East Fork of the Lewis subbasin Washington Dept Ecology Lower Columbia Lewis
31023 Stream Gaging Installation and Operations in the Lewis, Salmon/Washougal, and Gray/Elochoman Subbasins Washington Dept Ecology Lower Columbia Cowlitz
31025 Construct Fish Screen and Fish Passage Improvements at Lebanon Diversion Dam on South Santiam River City of Albany, OR Lower Columbia Willamette
31027 Movements and Survival of Juvenile and Adult Bull Trout U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Lewis
31028 Replace Upper and Lower Bennett Dam Fish Ladders in the North Santiam River at Geren Island (Stayton Island) City of Salem, OR Lower Columbia Willamette
31029 Clark County ESA Outreach Program Clark County, WA Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
31030 Santiam Water Control District Fish Screen and Passage Project Santiam WCD Lower Columbia Willamette
31031 Clatsop County Fisheries Restoration Project Clatsop County, OR Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
31032 Develop a Well Water Supply System for the Hardy Creek Chum Salmon Spawning Channel U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
31033 Restoration of Columbia River Floodplain Functions to Steigerwald Lake U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
31034 Salmonid Population and Habitat Monitoring in the Oregon Portion of the Lower Columbia Province ODFW Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
199107800 Burlington Bottoms Wildlife Mitigation Project ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199205900 Amazon Basin/Eugene Wetlands Phase Two Nature Conservancy Lower Columbia Willamette
199206800 Implement Willamette Basin Mitigation Program ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199306000 Select Area Fishery Evaluation Project WDFW Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
199405300 Middle Fork Willamette River Bull Trout Re-introduction and Basinwide Monitoring ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199607000 McKenzie River Focus Watershed Program Coordination and Habitat Restoration McKenzie WC Lower Columbia Willamette
199902500 Sandy River Delta Riparian Forest, Wetlands, and Anadromous Estuary Restoration U.S. DA USFS Lower Columbia Sandy
200001200 Evaluate factors limiting Columbia River gorge chum salmon populations. U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
200001400 Evaluate habitat use and population dynamics of lampreys in Cedar Creek U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Lewis
200001600 Protect and Enhance Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Additions U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Willamette
200105300 Re-introduction of Lower Columbia River Chum Salmon into Duncan Creek PSMFC Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
200301200 Protect, Enhance and Maintain Wetland, Riparian and Upland Habitat on the Shillapoo Wildlife Area WDFW Lower Columbia Columbia Lower
200304600 Monitor Coweeman River Salmonid Populations WDFW Lower Columbia Cowlitz