List of proposals for FY 1999 Review Cycle

Click IDs to see full proposals

9001 Monitor Water Quality and Quantity in Eastern Klickitat County Eastern Klickitat CD Lower Mid-Columbia Klickitat
9002 Monitor Water Quality and Quantity in L. Klickitat R. and Its Tributaries Central Klickitat CD Lower Mid-Columbia Klickitat
9003 Restore/Enhance Trout Creek @ Ashwood Phase II Jefferson SWCD Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9004 Restore/Enhance Trout Creek @ Ashwood Phase I Jefferson SWCD Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9005 Irrigation System Replacement Trout Cr. @ Willowdale II 1999 Funds Jefferson SWCD Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9006 Restore/Enhance Trout Creek @ Willowdale Jefferson SWCD Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9007 Jefferson Co./Middle Deschutes Watershed Coordinator/Council Support 1999 Jefferson SWCD Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9008 Eval. of Fall Chinook Production & Habitat Conditions in Lw.Tucannon River WDFW Lower Snake Tucannon
9009 Restore Salmon River (Challis, ID) Area to Healthy Condition Custer County Watershed Group Lower Snake Salmon
9010 Assess Fish Habitat & Salmonids in Walla Walla Watershed in Washington WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Walla Walla
9011 Characterize & Quantify Residual Steelhead in Clearwater River, Idaho U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Snake Clearwater
9012 Mitigate Effects of Runoff & Erosion on Salmonid Habitat in Pine Hollow Pine Hollow Watershed Council Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
9013 Hellsgate Big Game Winter Range Continuing Acquisition Tribe: Colville Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
9014 Restore Habitat within Dredge Tailings on the Yankee Fork Salmon River Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Lower Snake Salmon
9015 Enhance and Protect Fisheries in the Wolf Creek Watershed Wolf Creek RD Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9016 Research/Evaluate Restoration of NE Ore Streams and Develop Mgmt Guidelines Oregon State U Lower Snake Grande Ronde, John Day, Umatilla
9017 Improve Anadromous Fish Habitat and Passage in Omak Creek Tribe: Colville Upper Mid-Columbia Okanogan
9018 Assess Habitat for Anadromous Fish Upriver of Chief Joseph Dam Tribe: Colville Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
9019 Monitor Reproductive Physiology of Columbia River White Sturgeon Oregon State U Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem
9020 Genetic Analysis of Native Fish on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation Tribe: Shoshone-Paiute Duck Valley Upper Snake Owyhee
9021 Mitigate Wildlife Losses on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation Tribe: Shoshone-Paiute Duck Valley Upper Snake Owyhee
9022 Reintroduction of Salmon & Steelhead - Mary's Cr. & Owyhee R. Tribe: Shoshone-Paiute Duck Valley Upper Snake Owyhee
9023 Enforcement of ESA Laws on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation Tribe: Shoshone-Paiute Duck Valley Upper Snake Owyhee
9024 Methow Tributaries Fish Passage U.S. DA USFS Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9025 Prevent Mortality in Methow Endangered and Proposed Fish U.S. DA USFS Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9026 Expand Respect the River U.S. DA USFS Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9027 Prevent Pollution of Methow River U.S. DA USFS Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9028 Reduce Sediment in Frazer Creek, Beaver Creek, Methow River U.S. DA USFS Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9029 Monitoring Water Quality With Data Collection Platforms Clouston ER Lower Snake Grande Ronde
9030 Etiology of Headburns in Returning Adult Salmonids AquaTechnics Lower Snake Snake
9031 Implement Entiat Model Watershed Plan Chelan CD Upper Mid-Columbia Entiat
9032 Teach Adults to Become Holistic Master Watershed Stewards State of Washington Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9033 Document Native Trout Populations Washington Trout Lower Mid-Columbia Wind, Little White Salmon, Klickitat
9034 Reduce Sediment Delivery From Kline Mountain Road to the S.F. Salmon River. U.S. DA USFS Lower Snake Salmon
9035 Evaluate Estuarine & Nearshore-ocean Migratory Behavior of Juvenile Salmon U.S. DOC NMFS Systemwide Ocean/estuary
9036 McKenzie Watershed Habitat Assessment and Project Prioritization McKenzie WC Lower Columbia Willamette
9037 Acquire Fish and Wildlife Habitat in the McKenzie Watershed McKenzie WC Lower Columbia Willamette
9038 Evaluate Spring Chinook Life History-habitat Relationships in the McKenzie McKenzie WC Lower Columbia Willamette
9039 Increase Stream Flow in the Methow River and Provide Trail-Based Recreation Chewuch Canal Company Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9040 Central Oregon Watershed Enhancement and Outreach Oregon State U Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9041 Enhance/Protect Imperiled Native Fish Species Through Improved Education... MFWP Upper Columbia Kootenai, Flathead
9042 Critical Ecosystem Reclamation, Recovery and Recharge Project Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Upper Snake Upper Snake
9043 Introducing Systems Science to Planning and Implementing F&W Recovery Ducks Unlimited Lower Snake Grande Ronde
9044 Replace Chumstick Creek Culvert WDFW Upper Mid-Columbia Wenatchee
9045 Eliminate Gravel Push-Up Dams on Lower North Fork John Day NF John Day WC Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
9046 Identify Res Fish & Macroinvertebrate Taxa & Function in Anad Fish Habitat Methow Biodiversity Project Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9047 Use Unsteady Flow to Aid Mainstem Passage of Junenile Salmonids U.S. DOE ORNL Systemwide Mainstem
9048 Transfer Attributes From 1:100,000 to 1:24,000-Scale Hydrography IDWR Lower Snake Snake, Salmon, Clearwater, Coeur d’Alene, Selway
9049 Feasibility Study for a State-Wide Water Quality Data Sharing Mechanism Rachel Stein, Consultant Systemwide Systemwide
9050 Remove 23 Migrational Barriers and Restore Riparian Vegetation on Chumstick U.S. DOI USFWS Upper Mid-Columbia Wenatchee
9051 Stabilize Blowout Creek (South Fork of Meadow Creek) U.S. DA USFS Lower Snake Salmon
9052 Demonstrate that a Translucent Pipeline Feels Normal to Fish Fish Passage, Inc. Upper Snake Mid Snake
9053 Kirby (Atlanta) Dam Fish Ladder U.S. DA USFS Upper Snake Mid Snake
9054 Reduce Erosion, Identify Access and Improve... at Bonn. Power Line Corridor U.S. DA USFS Upper Mid-Columbia Wenatchee
9055 Evaluate Movement Patterns of Bull Trout in Dworshak Reservoir. IDFG Lower Snake Clearwater
9056 Evaluate Status of White Sturgeon in the Hells Canyon Reach Snake River, ID IDFG Lower Snake Snake River Drainage, Idaho
9057 Evaluate Status of Pacific Lamprey in the Clearwater River Drainage, Idaho IDFG Lower Snake Clearwater
9058 Restore Chinook Passage into Woodard Creek & Enhance Habitat U.S. DA USFS Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem
9059 Restore Anadromous Fish Habitat in the Little Canyon Creek Subwatershed Idaho SCC Lower Snake Clearwater
9060 Restore Anadromous Fish Habitat in the Nichols Canyon Subwatershed Idaho SCC Lower Snake Clearwater
9061 River Wetlands Restoration and Evaluation Program U.S. DA USFS Lower Columbia Sandy
9062 Sandy River Delta Riparian Reforestation U.S. DA USFS Lower Columbia Sandy
9063 Ocean Survival of Salmonids Relative to Migrational Timing, Fish Health… U.S. DOC NMFS Mainstem Ocean/estuary
9064 Analyze the Persistence and Spatial Dynamics of Snake River Chinook Salmon U.S. DA USFS Lower Snake Salmon
9065 Little Naches Streambank Restoration U.S. DA USFS Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9066 Protect Klickitat River and Wind River Salmonids WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Klickitat
9067 Coordinate/Facilitate Watershed Project Planning/Implementation Yakima River WC Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9068 Improve Stream Habitat Through Reduction in Farm Runoff Benton CD Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9069 Enhance Upper Yakima River Basin Fish Habitat Kittitas CD Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9070 Improve Water Quality Through Sedimentation and Nutrient Reduction South Yakima CD Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9071 Improve Yakima River Water Quality Roza-Sunnyside Board of Joint Control Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9072 Improve Return Flow Water Quality Roza-Sunnyside Board of Joint Control Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9073 Improve Water Quality Monitoring Program Roza-Sunnyside Board of Joint Control Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9074 Construct Sediment Settling Basins Roza-Sunnyside Board of Joint Control Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9075 Construct Wetlands Roza-Sunnyside Board of Joint Control Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9076 Evaluate Return Flow Recovery Roza-Sunnyside Board of Joint Control Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9077 Evaluation of Interactions between American Shad and Salmon in Columbia R U.S. DOI USGS Systemwide Mainstem
9078 Water Temperature Effects on Fall Chinook Salmon in the Snake & Columbia R U.S. DOI USGS Systemwide Mainstem
9079 Inventory Resident Fish Populations in Bonneville, Dalles, John Day Res. U.S. DOI USGS Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem
9080 Incidence and Effects of Gas Bubble Trauma on Salmonid & Resident Fish U.S. DOI USGS Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
9081 Impact of Exotic Fishes and Macrophytes on Juvenile Salmonids U.S. DOI USGS Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
9082 Evaluate Feed Strategies to Reduce Residualism & Promote Smolting in Stlhd U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Snake Clearwater
9083 Develop Tools to Evaluate the Effects of Selective Fisheries on Chinook U.S. DOC NMFS Systemwide Systemwide
9084 Assessing Genetic Variation Among Columbia Basin White Sturgeon Populations U Idaho Systemwide Systemwide
9085 Propagate Native Plant Species for Revegetation & Riparian Restoration Proj U.S. DA USFS Lower Snake Grande Ronde
9086 Coordinate Assessment and Prioritization of Key Habitats in Methow Basin Pacific Watershed Institute Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9087 Acquire 1860 Fifteenmile Cr irrigation water right and convert to instream Oregon Water Trust Lower Mid-Columbia Fifteenmile
9088 Implement Best Management Practices Cowlitz CD Lower Columbia Cowlitz
9089 Classify Riparian and Wetland Vegetation in the Columbia Basin of Wash. Washington DNR Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
9090 Recondition Wild Steelhead Kelts For Repeat Spawning Tribe: CRITFC Lower Snake Lower Snake Mainstem
9091 South Tower Fire Recovery Projects U.S. DA USFS Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
9092 Umatilla Tribal Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
9093 Consumptive Sturgeon Fishery-Hells Canyon and Oxbow Reservoirs Tribe: Nez Perce Upper Snake Snake
9094 Produce Kokanee Salmon in Net Pens for Release into Lake Roosevelt Tribe: Spokane Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
9095 Bull Trout Population Assessment in the Columbia River Gorge, WA WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Wind, Little White Salmon, Klickitat
9096 Northeast Oregon Wildlife Mitigation O&M Trust Fund Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Grande Ronde
9097 Methow Basin Side Channel Habitat Construction Tribe: Yakama Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9098 Technical Support For PATH - James J. Anderson Anderson Consulting Systemwide Systemwide
9099 Educate Landowners and Agencies on Salmon Stream Restoration Methods Oregon State U Systemwide Systemwide
9100 Reestablish Safe Access into Tributaries of the Yakima Subbasin Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9101 Restore Upper Toppenish Creek Watershed Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9102 Ahtanum Creek Watershed Assessment Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9103 Upper Deschutes Basin Watershed Coordinator/Council Support Deschutes County Watershed Council Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9104 Conduct Baseline Habitat and Pop. Dynamics Studies on Lampreys in Cedar Cr. U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Lewis
9105 Determine if Salmon are Successfully Spawning Below Lower Columbia MS Dams WDFW Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem
9106 Aquisition of Malheur Wildlife Mitigation Site Tribe: Burns Paiute Upper Snake Malheur
9107 North Fork Malheur River Bull Trout and Redband Trout Life History Study Tribe: Burns Paiute Upper Snake Malheur
9108 Evaluate Strobe Lights as a Juvenile Salmonid Guidance Behavioral Tool WDFW Systemwide Mainstem
9109 Acquisition of Water and Floodplain Fisheries Habitat in the Yakima Basin Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9110 Assess Resident Fish Within Toppenish Creek and Satus Creek Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9111 Evaluate Effects of Food Web Changes on Native Fish Restoration Strategies U Montana Upper Columbia Flathead
9112 Numerical Evaluation of Flow Modification on Salmonid Migration U Michigan Systemwide Mainstem
9113 Evaluate Effects of Hydraulic Turbulence on Survival of Migratory Fishes U.S. DOE ORNL Systemwide Systemwide
9114 Stabilizing Stream Channels in the Cabin Creek Watershed U.S. DA USFS Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9115 Develop TDG Abatement Plan of Action Using Wheels Pools and Falls Approach Sun Mountain Reflections Systemwide Snake, Willamette and Rogue
9116 Rasor Ranch Acquisition/Crab Creek Watershed Restoration Project U.S. DOI USFWS Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
9117 Facilitation Services for the Regional Forum U.S. DOC NMFS Mainstem Mainstem
9118 Restore West Fork Little Bear Creek For Steelhead Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute Lower Snake Clearwater
9119 Public-Private Cooperative Resource Mgmt in Lower Joseph Cr Watershed Wallowa Resources, Inc. Lower Snake Grande Ronde
9120 Protecting and Restoring Big Canyon Creek Watershed Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
9121 Assesment Salmon River Subbasin Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Salmon
9122 Rehabilitate Lapwai Creek Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
9123 Restore Chinook Watershed Sea Resources Lower Columbia Chinook
9124 Purchase Conservation Easement from Plum Creek Timber MFWP Upper Columbia Kootenai
9125 Columbia River Basin Fish Key Eastern Washington University Systemwide Systemwide
9126 Hood River Fish Habitat Project Tribe: Warm Springs Lower Mid-Columbia Hood
9127 Development of a Cowlitz Watershed Management Plan Sustainable Fisheries Foundation Lower Columbia Cowlitz
9130 Burns Paiute Mitigation Coordinator Tribe: Burns Paiute Upper Snake Malheur
9131 Evaluate Fall Chinook & Chum Spawning, Production & Habitat Use in Col R WDFW Systemwide Systemwide
9132 Implement Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit Watershed Restoration Plan Now Tribe: CRITFC Systemwide Systemwide
9133 Bakeoven Riparian Assessment Wasco SWCD Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9134 Effects of Catch & Release Angling and Exhaustive Stress on White Sturgeon U.S. DOI USGS Systemwide Systemwide
9135 Assess Impacts of Hydro Operations on Mainstem Habitats for Fish U.S. DOI USGS Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem, Lower Snake
9136 Influence of Marine-Derived Nutrient Influx on CRB Salmonid Production U.S. DOI USGS Systemwide Systemwide
9137 John Day Watershed Restoration Tribe: Warm Springs Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
9138 Warm Springs Reservation 1999 Watershed Enhancement Project Tribe: Warm Springs Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9139 Acquisition of Pine Creek Ranch Tribe: Warm Springs Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
9140 Acquisition of Pine Creek Ranch Tribe: Warm Springs Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
9141 Strategies For Riparian Recovery: Plant Succession & Salmon Oregon State U Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
9142 Produce Watershed Analysis Procedure for Salmon Habitat Restoration Tribe: CRITFC Systemwide Systemwide
9143 Evaluate Disease Interactions Between Wild and Hatchery Salmonids Oregon State U Systemwide Systemwide
9144 Monitor Natural Escapement & Productivity of John Day Basin Spring Chinook ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
9145 Evaluate the Status of Columbia River Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Hood, Wind
9146 Evaluate Effects of Habitat Work Conducted in Fifteenmile Creek ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Fifteenmile
9147 Prioritize Research and Restoration Needs for Pacific Lamprey ODFW Systemwide Systemwide
9148 Develop Open Formula Diets to Yield Quality Smolts U.S. DOI USFWS Systemwide Systemwide
9149 Evaluate and Monitor Bacterial Cold Water Disease impacting salmonids U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem
9150 Nutritional Status of Columbia River White Sturgeon Oregon State U Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem, Lower Mid-Columbia Mainst
9151 Assess Adult Steelhead Escapement in the Secesh River System Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Salmon
9152 Feasibility of Sockeye Reintroduction to Wallowa and Warm Lakes Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Salmon
9153 Preserve Cryogenically the Gametes of selected Mid-Columbia Salmonid stocks Tribe: CRITFC Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
9154 Wind River Ecosystem Restoration Underwood CD Lower Mid-Columbia Wind
9155 Establish the Methow Watershed Council Methow Valley Citizens Council Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
9156 White Salmon River Watershed Enhancement Project Underwood CD Lower Columbia Little White Salmon
9157 Effects of Ocean Conditions on the Growth and Survival of Salmonids Tribe: CRITFC Systemwide Ocean/estuary
9158 Little Naches River Riparian and In-Channel Habitat Enhancement Project Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9159 Rock Creek Watershed Assessment and Restoration Project Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Rock Creek
9160 Construct Sediment Settling Basin Kittitas Reclamation District Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9161 Improve Return Flow Water Quality From Farms Kittitas Reclamation District Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9162 Improve Water Quality Monitoring Program Kittitas Reclamation District Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
9163 West Fork Squaw Creek Fish Passage Project U.S. DA USFS Lower Snake Clearwater
9164 Analyze Ahtanum Creek Storage Project Ahtanum ID Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
198201300 Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Program PSMFC Systemwide Systemwide
198331900 New Fish-Tagging System U.S. DOC NMFS Systemwide Systemwide
198332300 Monitor Smolts at the Head of Lower Granite Reservoir and Lower Granite Dam IDFG Mainstem Mainstem
198335000 Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
198343500 Operate and Maintain Umatilla Hatchery Satellite Facilities Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Walla Walla
198343600 Umatilla Passage O&M U.S. DOI BOR Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
198346500 Libby and Hungry Horse Modeling Technical Analysis MFWP Upper Columbia Kootenai, Flathead
198346700 Mitigation for the Construction and Operation of Libby Dam MFWP Upper Columbia Kootenai
198400800 North Fork John Day Habitat Improvement U.S. DA USFS Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
198401400 Smolt Monitoring at Federal Dams U.S. DOC NMFS Systemwide Systemwide
198402100 Protect and Enhance John Day River Fish Habitat ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
198402500 Protect and Enhance Fish Habitat in Grande Ronde Basin Streams ODFW Lower Snake Grande Ronde
198503800 Colville Hatchery Tribe: Colville Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
198506200 Evaluate the Effectiveness of Fish Screens U.S. DOE PNNL Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
198605000 White Sturgeon Mitigation and Restoration in the Columbia and Snake Rivers ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
198612400 Inspection Service For Little Fall Creek Passage ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
198709900 Dworshak Dam Impacts Assessment and Fisheries Investigation IDFG Lower Snake Clearwater
198710001 Enhance Umatilla River Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
198710002 Protect & Enhance Coldwater Fish Habitat in the Umatilla River Basin ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
198712700 Smolt Monitoring By Non-Federal Agencies PSMFC Mainstem Mainstem
198712702 Comparative Survival Rate Study (CSS) of Hatchery Pit Tagged Chinook PSMFC Mainstem Mainstem
198712703 Imnaha River Smolt Monitoring Program Project Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Imnaha
198740100 Assess Smolt Condition for Travel Time Analysis: Physiology,Health Survival U.S. DOI USGS Mainstem Mainstem
198740700 Dworshak Impacts/M&E & Biological-Integrated Rule Curves Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
198802200 Trap and Haul in the Umatilla and Walla Walla Basins Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
198805301 Northeast Oregon Hatchery Master Plan Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Grande Ronde
198805302 Plan, Site, Design & Construct NEOH Hatchery-Umatilla/Walla Walla Component Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Walla Walla
198805303 Hood River Production Program (HRPP) Tribe: Warm Springs Lower Mid-Columbia Hood
198805304 Monitor Actions Implemented Under the Hood River Production Program. ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Hood
198805305 NE Oregon Hatchery Master Plan and Facilities - ODFW ODFW Lower Snake Grande Ronde
198806400 Kootenai River White Sturgeon Studies and Conservation Aquaculture Tribe: Kootenai Upper Columbia Kootenai
198806500 Kootenai River Fisheries Investigations IDFG Upper Columbia Kootenai
198810804 Streamnet: The Northwest Aquatic Information Network PSMFC Systemwide Systemwide
198811500 Yakima Hatchery Construction Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
198812001 Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Management Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
198812005 Video Fish Monitoring Project Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
198812008 Fisheries Technician Field Activities Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
198815600 Stocking Fish in Lakes and Streams on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation Tribe: Shoshone-Paiute Duck Valley Upper Snake Owyhee
198816000 Willamette Hatchery Oxygen Supplementation ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
198902401 Evaluate Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival in the Lower Umatilla ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
198902700 Power/Repay O&M For USBR CPR Pumping Project PPL/UECA Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
198902900 Hood River Production Program - Pelton Ladder - Hatchery ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Hood
198903500 Umatilla Hatchery Operation and Maintenance ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
198906200 Prepare Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan CBFWA Systemwide Systemwide
198906500 Annual Fish Marking - Missing Hatchery Production Groups U.S. DOI USFWS Systemwide Systemwide
198906600 Annual Coded Wire Tag Program-Missing Production WA HTCH (WDF) WDFW Systemwide Systemwide
198906900 Annual Coded Wire Tag Program - Missing Production OR Htc (ODFW) ODFW Systemwide Systemwide
198907201 Independent Scientific Advisory Board Support U.S. DOE ORNL Systemwide Systemwide
198909600 Monitor, Evaluate Genetic Characteristics of Supplemented Salmon & Steelhea U.S. DOC NMFS Lower Snake Grande Ronde
198909800 Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Snake Salmon, Clearwater
198909801 Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Snake Salmon, Clearwater
198909802 Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Salmon, Clearwater
198909803 Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Lower Snake Salmon, Clearwater
198910700 Statistical Support for Salmonid Survival Studies U Washington Mainstem Mainstem
198910800 Monitor and Evaluate Modeling Support U Washington Systemwide Mainstem
199000500 Umatilla Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
199000501 Umatilla and Walla Walla Basin Natural Production M&E Project Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
199001800 Evaluate Rainbow Trout Habitat/Passage Improvements of Tribs. to L. Roosev Tribe: Colville Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199004400 Implement Fisheries Enhancement Opportunities :Coeur d’Alene Reservation Tribe: Coeur d'Alene Upper Columbia Coeur d'Alene
199004401 Lake Creek Land Acquisition and Enhancement Tribe: Coeur d'Alene Upper Columbia Coeur d'Alene
199005200 Performance/Stock Productivity Impacts of Hatchery Supplementation U.S. DOI USGS Systemwide Systemwide
199005500 Steelhead Supplementation Studies in Idaho Rivers IDFG Lower Snake Salmon, Clearwater
199007700 Northern Squawfish Management Program PSMFC Mainstem Mainstem
199007800 Evaluate Predator Control and Provide Technical Support For PATH U.S. DOI USGS Systemwide Systemwide
199008000 Columbia Basin Pit-Tag Information System PSMFC Mainstem Mainstem
199009200 Wanaket Wildlife Mitigation Project Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
199009300 Life History and Genetic Analysis of Oncorhynchus nerka U Idaho Mainstem Mainstem
199101901 Hungry Horse Fisheries Mitigation Plan Flathead Lake Tribe: Salish & Kootenai Upper Columbia Flathead
199101903 Hungry Horse Dam Mitigation - Watershed Restoration and Monitoring MFWP Upper Columbia Flathead
199101904 Hungry Horse Mitigation - Hatchery-Based Impl. of Native Fish Recovery U.S. DOI USFWS Upper Columbia Flathead
199102800 Monitoring Smolt Migration of Wild Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook U.S. DOC NMFS Lower Snake Lower Snake Mainstem
199102900 Life History and Survival of Fall Chinook Salmon in Columbia River Basin U.S. DOI USGS Mainstem Mainstem
199104600 Spokane Tribal (Galbraith Springs) Hatchery O&M Tribe: Spokane Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199104700 Sherman Creek Hatchery O&M WDFW Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199105100 Monitoring and Evaluation Statistical Support U Washington Systemwide Mainstem
199105500 Supplementation Fish Quality (Yakima) U.S. DOC NMFS Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199105700 Yakima Phase 2 Screen Fabrication WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199106000 Kalispel Pend Oreille Wetlands Wildlife Mitigation Project Tribe: Kalispel Upper Columbia Pend Oreille
199106100 WDFW Projects WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199106700 Idaho Water Rental: Resident Fish and Wildlife Impacts Phase III IDFG Upper Snake Upper Snake, Boise, Payette
199107100 Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Research Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Lower Snake Salmon
199107200 Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Program IDFG Lower Snake Salmon
199107300 Idaho Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Program (INPMEP) IDFG Lower Snake Salmon, Clearwater
199107500 Yakima Phase II Screens - Construction U.S. DOI BOR Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199107800 Burlington Bottoms Wildlife Mitigation Project ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199200900 Yakima Screens - Phase II - O & M WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199201000 Habitat Restoration/Enhancement Fort Hall Reservation Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Upper Snake Upper Snake
199202200 Physiological Assessment of Wild and Hatchery Juvenile Salmonids U.S. DOC NMFS Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
199202401 Enhanced Harvest & Habitat Law Enforcement for Anadromous Salmonids & Resid Tribe: CRITFC Mainstem Mainstem
199202406 Public Fisheries Education/Enhanced Protection of Resident/ESA Species MFWP Upper Columbia Flathead, Kootenai
199202408 Protect Critical Salmonid Habitat and Habitat Restoration Investments Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Lower Snake Salmon
199202409 Enhance Law Enforcement for Fish & Wildlife and Watersheds of the Nez Perce Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199202601 Grande Ronde Model Watershed - Project Planning Support Grande Ronde MWP Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199202602 Implement Eastern Washington Model Watershed Plans State of Washington Lower Snake Tucannon
199202603 Idaho Model Watersheds Admin./Impl. Support ISCC Lower Snake Salmon
199202604 Spring Chinook Salmon Early Life History ODFW Systemwide Systemwide
199203200 Life-Cycle Model Development and Application to System Planning U.S. DA USFS Systemwide Systemwide
199204000 Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Rearing and Research U.S. DOC NMFS Lower Snake Salmon
199204101 Evaluate Adult Migration in Lwr Col. River and Tributaries U.S. Army COE Mainstem Mainstem
199204800 Hellsgate Big Game Winter Range Tribe: Colville Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199205900 Amazon Basin/Eugene Wetlands Phase II Nature Conservancy Lower Columbia Willamette
199206100 Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Project IDFG Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199206200 Yakama Nation - Riparian/Wetlands Restoration Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199206800 Implementation of Willamette Basin Mitigation Program--Wildlife ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199206801 Implementation of Willamette Basin Mitigation Program--Watershed ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199300802 Symptoms of GBT Induced in Salmon by TDGS of the Columbia and Snake Rivers Tribe: CRITFC Mainstem Mainstem
199301900 Hood River Production Program - Oak Springs, Powerdale, Parkdale O&M Tribe: Warm Springs Lower Mid-Columbia Hood
199302900 Survival Estimates for Passage of Juvenile Salmonids Through Dams & Res. U.S. DOC NMFS Mainstem Mainstem
199303000 Buck Hollow Watershed Enhancement Wasco SWCD Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
199303501 Enhance Fish, Riparian and Wildlife Habitat within the Red River Watershed Idaho SWCD Lower Snake Clearwater
199303701 Technical Assitance With Life Cycle Modeling Paulsen Environmental Systemwide Systemwide
199303800 North Fork John Day Area Riparian Fencing U.S. DA USFS Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
199304000 Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration Project ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Fifteenmile
199305600 Assessment of Captive Broodstock Technology U.S. DOC NMFS Systemwide Systemwide
199306000 Evaluate Columbia River Select Area Fisheries ODFW Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem
199306200 Salmon River Anadromous Fish Passage Enhancement Lemhi SWCD Lower Snake Salmon
199306600 Oregon Fish Screening Project FY99 Proposal ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
199401001 Mitigation for Excessive Drawdowns at Hungry Horse & Libby Reservoirs - Lib MFWP Upper Columbia Kootenai
199401002 Mitigation for Excessive Drawdowns: Hungry Horse Component MFWP Upper Columbia Flathead
199401200 Kootenai River Fisheries Investigation M&E Supplemental Budget IDFG Upper Columbia Kootenai
199401500 Idaho Fish Screening Improvement - O&M IDFG Lower Snake Salmon
199401700 Idaho Model Watershed Habitat Projects Lemhi SWCD Lower Snake Salmon
199401805 Enhance Habitat For Spring Chinook, Summer Steelhead, and Bulltrout Asotin CD Lower Snake Asotin
199401806 Enhance Habitat For Spring & Fall Chinook, Summer Steelhead and Bulltrout Columbia CD Lower Snake Tucannon
199401807 Enhance Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead and Bulltrout Pomeroy CD Lower Snake Tucannon
199402600 Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Tribe: Umatilla Systemwide Systemwide
199402700 Grande Ronde Model Watershed Habitat Projects Grande Ronde MWP Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199403300 The Fish Passage Center PSMFC Systemwide Systemwide
199403400 Assessing Summer & Fall Chinook Salmon Restoration in Snake River Basin Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199403900 Wallowa Basin Project Planning Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199404200 Trout Creek Habitat Restoration Project ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
199404300 Monitor, Evaluate, and Research the Lake Roosevelt Fishery Tribe: Spokane Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199404700 Lake Pend Oreille Fishery Recovery Project IDFG Upper Columbia Pend Oreille
199404900 Improve the Kootenai River Ecosytem Tribe: Kootenai Upper Columbia Kootenai
199405000 Salmon River Habitat Enhancement Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Lower Snake Salmon
199405300 Bull Trout Assessment - Willamette/Mckenzie ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199405400 Bull Trout Genetics, Habitat Needs, L.H. Etc. in Central and N.E. Oregon ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes, John Day, Grande Ronde, Umatilla...
199405900 Yakima Basin Environmental Education State of Washington Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199406900 A Spawning Habitat Model to Aid Recovery Plans for Snake River Fall Chinook U.S. DOE PNNL Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
199500100 Kalispel Tribe Resident Fish Tribe: Kalispel Upper Columbia Pend Oreille
199500600 Shoshone-Bannock/Shoshone-Paiute Joint Culture Facility Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Upper Snake Upper Snake
199500700 Hood River Production Program - PGE: O&M PGE Lower Mid-Columbia Hood
199500900 Volunteers Rear 500,000 Net Pen Rainbow Trout Above Grand Coulee Dam Lake Roosevent DA Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199501100 Chief Joseph Kokanee Enhancement Project Tribe: Colville Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199501300 Nez Perce Trout Ponds Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199501500 Billy Shaw Wetlands catch and release fishery O&M Tribe: Shoshone-Paiute Duck Valley Upper Snake Owyhee
199501600 Genetic Inventory of Westslope Cutthroat Trout, North Fork Clearwater Basin Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199502500 Flathead River Instream Flow Project MFWP Upper Columbia Flathead
199502700 Assess Limiting Factors of the Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Population Tribe: Spokane Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199502800 Restore Moses Lake Recreational Fishery WDFW Upper Mid-Columbia Crab
199503300 O&M of Yakima Fish Protection, Mitigation & Enhancement Facilities U.S. DOI BOR Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199505700 Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation IDFG Upper Snake Upper Snake
199506001 Enhance Squaw Creek Watershed for Anadromous Fish & Wildlife Habitat Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Umatilla
199506300 Yakima/Klickitat Monitoring and Evaluation Program Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199506402 Upper Yakima Species Interactions Studies WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199506404 Policy/Technical Involvement & Planning for YKFP WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199506406 Monitor Supplementation Response Variable For the YKFP WDFW Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199506700 Colville Confederated Tribes Performance Contract (Credits For Habitat) Tribe: Colville Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199506800 Klickitat Passage/Habitat Improvement M&E Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Klickitat
199600500 Operate Independent Scientific Advisory Board CBFWF Systemwide Systemwide
199600600 Path-Facilitation, Technical Assistance, and Peer Review ESSA Systemwide Systemwide
199600700 Irrigation Diversion Consolidations & Water Conservation, Up. Salmon R., ID Custer SWCD Lower Snake Salmon
199600800 PATH-Participation by State and Tribal Agencies ODFW Systemwide Systemwide
199600801 Provide Scientific Input to the PATH Process U.S. DOC NMFS Systemwide Systemwide
199601100 Screens and Traps on the Walla Walla and Touchet Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Walla Walla
199601200 Adult Fish Passage Improvement - Walla Walla River Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Walla Walla
199601700 Provide Technical Support in the Plan For Analyzing and Testing Hypotheses BioAnalysts Systemwide Systemwide
199601900 Second-Tier Database For Ecosystem Focus U.S. DOE BPA Systemwide Systemwide
199602100 Gas Bubble Disease Research & Monitoring of Juvenile Salmonids U.S. DOI USGS Mainstem Mainstem
199603201 Begin Implementation of Year 1 of the K Pool Master Plan Program Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
199603301 Supplement and Enhance the Two Existing Stocks of Yakima R. Fall Chinook Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199603302 Evaluate the Feasibillity and Potential Risks of Restoring Yakima R. Coho Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199603501 Satus Watershed Restoration Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199604000 Evaluate the Feasibility and Risks of Coho Reintroduction in Mid-Columbia Tribe: Yakama Upper Mid-Columbia Methow
199604200 Restore and Enhance Anadromous Fisheries and Habitat in Salmon Creek Tribe: Colville Upper Mid-Columbia Okanogan
199604300 Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement - O&M and M&E Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Salmon
199604601 Walla Walla Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Walla Walla
199605300 North Fork John Day River Dredge Tailings Restoration U.S. DA USFS Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
199606700 Manchester Spring Chinook Broodstock Project U.S. DOC NMFS Lower Snake Salmon
199607000 McKenzie River Focus Watershed Coordination McKenzie WC Lower Columbia Willamette
199607702 Protecting and Restoring the Lolo Creek Watershed Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199607703 Protecting and Restoring the Squaw and Papoose Creek Watersheds Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199607704 Final Design for Fish Passage Improvements at Lower Eldorado Falls Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199607705 Restore Mccomas Meadows Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199607706 Restore Lolo Watershed U.S. DA USFS Lower Snake Clearwater
199607707 Restore Squaw and Papoose Watersheds U.S. DA USFS Lower Snake Clearwater
199608000 Northeast Oregon Wildlife Mitigation Project Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199608300 Upper Grande Ronde Habitat Enhancement Tribe: Umatilla Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199608600 Clearwater Subbasin Focus Watershed Program ISCC Lower Snake Clearwater
199608701 Focus Watershed Coordination-Flathead River Watershed Tribe: Salish & Kootenai Upper Columbia Flathead
199608720 Focus Watershed Coordination-Kootenai River Watershed MFWP Upper Columbia Kootenai
199609400 Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Habitat Units Acquisition WDFW Systemwide Systemwide
199700100 Captive Rearing Initiative for Salmon River Chinook Salmon IDFG Lower Snake Salmon
199700200 PATH-UW Technical Support U Washington Systemwide Systemwide
199700300 Box Canyon Watershed Project Tribe: Kalispel Upper Columbia Pend Oreille
199700400 Resident Fish Stock Status Above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams Tribe: Kalispel Upper Columbia Pend Oreille, Spokane, Upper Columbia Mainstem
199700900 Evaluate Means of Rebuilding White Sturgeon Populations in Lower Snake R Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Lower Snake Mainstem
199701000 PIT Tag System Transition U.S. DOE BPA Mainstem Mainstem
199701100 Enhance and Protect Habitat and Riparian Areas on Duck Valley Reservation Tribe: Shoshone-Paiute Duck Valley Upper Snake Owyhee
199701300 Operation & Maintenance For Upper Yakima River Supplementation Facility Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199701400 Evaluation of Juvenile Fall Chinook Stranding on the Hanford Reach WDFW Mainstem Mainstem
199701900 Stinkingwater Salmonid Project Tribe: Burns Paiute Upper Snake Malheur
199702400 Avian Predation on Juvenile Salmonids in the Lower Columbia R: Phase II M&E Oregon State U Mainstem Mainstem
199702500 Implement the Wallowa County/Nez Perce Tribe Salmon Recovery Plan Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199702600 Identify Marine Fish Predators of Salmon and Estimate Predation Rates U.S. DOC NMFS Mainstem Ocean/estuary
199703000 Monitor Listed Stock Adult Chinook Salmon Escapement Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Salmon
199703400 Monitor Fine Sediment and Overwinter Sedimentation in John Day & Gr Ronde Tribe: CRITFC Lower Mid-Columbia John Day
199703800 Listed Stock Chinook Salmon Gamete Preservation Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Salmon
199704900 Teanaway River Instream Flow Restoration Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199705100 Yakima Basin Side Channels Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199705200 Enhancement Between Selah and Union Gaps Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199705300 Toppenish-Simcoe Instream Flow Restoration Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199705600 Lower Klickitat River Riparian & In-Channel Habitat Enhancement Project Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Klickitat
199705700 Salmon River Production Program Tribe: Shoshone-Bannock Lower Snake Salmon
199705900 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites - Oregon ODFW Systemwide Systemwide
199705904 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, Horn Butte ODFW Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem
199705905 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, Ladd Marsh WMA Additions ODFW Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199705906 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, McKenzie River Islands ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199705907 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, E.E. Wilson WMA Additions ODFW Lower Columbia Willamette
199705908 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, Multnomah Channel Metro Lower Columbia Willamette
199705909 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, Mitchell Point ODFW Lower Columbia Lower Columbia Mainstem
199705910 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, Trout Creek Canyon ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
199705911 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, Irrigon WMA Additions ODFW Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199705912 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, Wenaha WMA Additions ODFW Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199705913 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites-Oregon, South Fork Crooked River ODFW Lower Mid-Columbia Deschutes
199705915 Juniper Canyon and Columbia Gorge Wildlife Mitigation Project Tribe: Umatilla Lower Mid-Columbia Lower Mid-Columbia Mainstem
199705916 Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Additions U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Columbia Willamette
199706000 Clearwater Subbasin Focus Watershed Program Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Clearwater
199706200 Development /Refinement of Natural Production Objectives & Strategies Tribe: Yakama Lower Mid-Columbia Yakima
199800100 Analytical Support-PATH and ESA Biological Assessments Hinrichsen ES Systemwide Systemwide
199800200 Snake River Native Salmonid Assessment IDFG Upper Snake Upper Snake, Boise, Payette, Weiser, Owyhee, Mid S
199800300 O & M Funding of Wildlife Habitat on STOI Reservation for Grand Coulee Dam Tribe: Spokane Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Mainstem
199800702 Grande Ronde Supplementation - O&M/M&E - Nez Perce Tribe Lostine Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199800703 Conduct Satellite Facility O&M and Program M&E for Grande Ronde Spr Chinook Tribe: Umatilla Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199801001 Grande Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program ODFW Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199801002 Captive Rearing Initiative for Salmon River Chinook Salmon - M & E IDFG Lower Snake Salmon
199801003 Monitor and Evaluate the Spawning Distribution of Snake River Fall Chinook U.S. DOI USFWS Lower Snake Lower Snake Mainstem
199801004 Monitor and Evaluate Yearling Snake R Fall Chinook Upstream of Lwr Granite Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Lower Snake Mainstem
199801005 Pittsburg Landing, Capt. John Rapids, Big Canyon Fall Chinook Acclim. Fac. Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Lower Snake Mainstem
199801006 Captive Broodstock Artificial Propagation Tribe: Nez Perce Lower Snake Grande Ronde
199808001 PIT Tag Purchase and Distribution PSMFC Systemwide Systemwide